115 research outputs found

    Analysing ordered nanostructures in epoxy thermosets using small angle X-ray scattering techniques

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    Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is essential for the morphological investigation of nanostructured systems as it is a bulk sampling technique and provides information about the overall distribution of the components in the system. In our study we have used SAXS to identify various ordered and disordered morphologies in block copolymer modified epoxy thermosets. We have used a reactive block copolymer and hydrogen bonding block copolymer to modify epoxy resin (ER) to see the effect of various blocks on the morphological changes


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah elevator di gedung Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Jakarta Kementerian Dalam Negeri, daya elevator, dan anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk pemeliharaan elevator. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengamati secara langsung data utama yang diperoleh dari pengguna elevator pada jam sibuk. Data pelengkap diperoleh dari wawancara dan dokumen. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis jumlah penghuni gedung, analisis beban puncak, analisis waktu tunggu, analisis waktu pulang pergi, analisis jumlah elevator, dan metode preventif untuk pemeliharaan elevator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan elevator paling banyak 4, konsumsi listrik dalam waktu 10 jam adalah 34 kWh, dan metode perawatan preventif akan mempengaruhi kinerja mesin elevator. Kata Kunci: jumlah elevator, perawatan, dayalistrik  Abstract This study aims to determine the number of needs for elevators, elevator electric power, and the budget needed for elevator maintenance at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Jakarta Human Resources Development Agency Building. The data collection method used in this research is primary data obtained from direct observation of elevator users during busy hours. Secondary data obtained from interviews and documentation. The data analysis method uses analysis of the number of building occupants, peak load analysis, waiting time analysis, round trip time analysis, number of elevators analysis, and preventive methods for elevator maintenance. The results showed that the need for elevators as many as 4 units with electricity needs of 34 kwh in 10 hours and preventive maintenance methods can affect the performance of the machine in the elevator. Keywords: number of elevators, maintenance, electric power

    Securing Edge Computing: A Hierarchical IoT Service Framework

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    Title: Securing Edge Computing: A Hierarchical IoT Service Framework Authors: Nishar Miya, Sajan Poudel, Faculty Advisor: Rasib Khan, Ph.D. Department: School of Computing and Analytics, College of Informatics, Northern Kentucky University Abstract: Edge computing, a paradigm shift in data processing, faces a critical challenge: ensuring security in a landscape marked by decentralization, distributed nodes, and a myriad of devices. These factors make traditional security measures inadequate, as they cannot effectively address the unique vulnerabilities of edge environments. Our research introduces a hierarchical framework that excels in securing IoT-based edge services against these inherent risks. Our secure by design approach prioritizes the establishment of a robust security infrastructure from the outset. By incorporating an Intrusion Detection System and leveraging blockchain for immutable data storage, we create a formidable barrier against security threats. The feasibility of the proposed model for the secure hierarchical architecture is justified by integrating the design with the open-source platform EdgeX Foundry, streamlining device management and data flow among interconnected nodes. A central monitoring device orchestrates system operations, while an acclaimed threat detection model within the server scrutinizes network activities for anomalies. When suspicious actions are detected, the system swiftly alerts other clusters, facilitating a prompt and unified response. The use of blockchain technology not only enhances the intrusion detection capabilities but also guarantees secure and verifiable data storage. Our findings confirm that the framework delivers secure, optimized IoT services with robust intrusion detection and effective data management. The secure-by-design strategy is both advantageous and practical, offering a superior solution to the pressing security challenges in edge computing

    Evaluation of Channel Coding in OFDM Systems

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    Channel coding plays a very important role in OFDM systems performance. The structure of OFDM systems makes channel coding more effective in confronting fading channels. Sometimes Coded OFDM is known as COFDM. The role of channel coding in conjunction with frequency and time interleaving is to provide a link between bits transmitted on separated carriers of the signal spectrum, in such a way that the information conveyed by faded carriers can be reconstructed in the receiver. Frequency selectivity, currently known to be a disadvantage, is then turned into an advantage that can be called frequency diversity. Using Channel State Information (CSI), channel coding can yield some additional gain. Channel state information is frequency response of the channel or signal to noise ratio in each carrier. This thesis analyzes OFDM system and the effect of channel coding in reducing BER. Along with this soft decoding and decoding with CSI is also studied. Besides, performance of convolutional codes Turbo codes in OFDM systems is compared and compared. Besides, we compare the performance of convolution and turbo codes in OFDM systems. The results have been validated through simulations. This thesis also presents Space-Frequency Coded OFDM system consisting of two transmitters and a single receiver. Simple Alamouti space time code is used. An Mary PSK modulation is used to modulate the symbols across an OFDM channel. We also proposed a variation of the scheme which tries to spread additional symbols across timefrequency attempting to increase the rate of transmission without changing the type of modulation employed or increasing the bandwidth. A Rayleigh frequency selective slow fading channel is assumed through out the analysis. SER performance of the above systems is carried out with emphasis on the modulation scheme and number of carriers

    A Study on the Effectiveness of Dermoneuromodulation on Neck Pain and Disability among Patients with Cervical Spondylosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Cervical Spondylosis is defined as a chronic degenerative process affects the intervertebral discs and facet joints, and may progress to disk herniation, osteophyte formation, vertebral body degeneration, compression of the spinal cord, or cervical spondylotic myelopathy. OBJECTIVES: 1. To find out the effectiveness of Dermoneuromodulation in the management of neck pain among patients with Cervical Spondylosis. 2. To find out the effectiveness of Dermoneuromodulation in the management of disability among patients with Cervical Spondylosis. METHODOLOGY: Study Setting: The study was conducted in R.V.S Physiotherapy Outpatient Department, Sulur and Ideal Physiotherapy Centre, Coimbatore. Selection of subjects: 10 patients were selected who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Study Design: The study design was a pre and post-test experimental study. Inclusion criteria: 1. Clinically diagnosed cervical spondylosis patients. 2. Age 55 to 65 years. 3. Symptoms for at least three months. 4. Both male and female. 5. Patient who are willing to participate. Exclusion criteria: 1. Patients having psychosocial problems. 2. Diabetes mellitus, Uncontrolled Hypertension, Rheumatoid arthritis. 3. Any surgeries in cervical region. 4. Thoracic kyphoscoliosis. 5. Skin infections in the neck region. 6. Pregnancy. 7. Acute Urticaria. 8. Congenital deformities of the nervous system. RESULTS: Total number of 10 clinically diagnosed cervical spondylosis patients were chosen and DNM was given for a period of four weeks. Pain and Disability were assessed by VAS and Neck disability index before and after Interventions. Both male and female were included. Analysis of Dependent Variable pain in the experiment: The Calculated Paired ‘t’ value for pain is 10.9 and the table ‘t’ value is 3.250 at 0.005 level of significance. Hence, the calculated ‘t’ value is greater than the table ‘t’ value there is significant difference in pain following DNM among cervical spondylosis patients. Analysis of Dependent Variable disability in the experiment: The Calculated Paired ‘t’ value for disability is 8.86 and the table ‘t’ value is 3.250 at 0.005 level of significance. Hence, the calculated ‘t’ value is greater than the table ‘t’ value there is significant difference in disability following DNM among cervical spondylosis patients. CONCLUSION: An experimental study was done to find out the effectiveness of DNM in pain and disability among patients with cervical spondylosis. 10 clinically diagnosed cervical spondylosis patients were included in this study and DNM was given for a period of four weeks, pain and disability were assessed by VAS and NDI before and after the interventions respectively. From the statistical results, it can be concluded that there is reduction in pain and disability. Therefore, Dermoneuromodulation is more effective in reducing pain and disability among patients with Cervical Spondylosis

    Control of partial coalescence of self-assembled metal nano-particles across lyotropic liquid crystals templates towards long range meso-porous metal frameworks design

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    The formation of purely metallic meso-porous metal thin films by partial interface coalescence of self-assembled metal nano-particles across aqueous solutions of Pluronics triblock lyotropic liquid crystals is demonstrated for the first time. Small angle X-ray scattering was used to study the influence of the thin film composition and processing conditions on the ordered structures. The structural characteristics of the meso-structures formed demonstrated to primarily rely on the lyotropic liquid crystal properties while the nature of the metal nano-particles used as well as the their diameters were found to affect the ordered structure formation. The impact of the annealing temperature on the nano-particle coalescence and efficiency at removing the templating lyotropic liquid crystals was also analysed. It is demonstrated that the lyotropic liquid crystal is rendered slightly less thermally stable, upon mixing with metal nano-particles and that low annealing temperatures are sufficient to form purely metallic frameworks with average pore size distributions smaller than 500 nm and porosity around 45% with potential application in sensing, catalysis, nanoscale heat exchange, and molecular separation

    Mechanical property and structure of covalent functionalised graphene / epoxy nanocomposites

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    Thermally reduced graphene nanoplatelets were covalently functionalised via Bingel reaction to improve their dispersion and interfacial bonding with an epoxy resin. Functionalised graphene were characterized by microscopic, thermal and spectroscopic techniques. Thermal analysis of functionalised graphene revealed a significantly higher thermal stability compared to graphene oxide. Inclusion of only 0.1 wt% of functionalised graphene in an epoxy resin showed 22% increase in flexural strength and 18% improvement in storage modulus. The improved mechanical properties of nanocomposites is due to the uniform dispersion of functionalised graphene and strong interfacial bonding between modified graphene and epoxy resin as confirmed by microscopy observations