90 research outputs found

    On Factors Affecting the Usage and Adoption of a Nation-wide TV Streaming Service

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    Using nine months of access logs comprising 1.9 Billion sessions to BBC iPlayer, we survey the UK ISP ecosystem to understand the factors affecting adoption and usage of a high bandwidth TV streaming application across different providers. We find evidence that connection speeds are important and that external events can have a huge impact for live TV usage. Then, through a temporal analysis of the access logs, we demonstrate that data usage caps imposed by mobile ISPs significantly affect usage patterns, and look for solutions. We show that product bundle discounts with a related fixed-line ISP, a strategy already employed by some mobile providers, can better support user needs and capture a bigger share of accesses. We observe that users regularly split their sessions between mobile and fixed-line connections, suggesting a straightforward strategy for offloading by speculatively pre-fetching content from a fixed-line ISP before access on mobile devices.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 201

    Illuminating an Ecosystem of Partisan Websites

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    This paper aims to shed light on alternative news media ecosystems that are believed to have influenced opinions and beliefs by false and/or biased news reporting during the 2016 US Presidential Elections. We examine a large, professionally curated list of 668 hyper-partisan websites and their corresponding Facebook pages, and identify key characteristics that mediate the traffic flow within this ecosystem. We uncover a pattern of new websites being established in the run up to the elections, and abandoned after. Such websites form an ecosystem, creating links from one website to another, and by `liking' each others' Facebook pages. These practices are highly effective in directing user traffic internally within the ecosystem in a highly partisan manner, with right-leaning sites linking to and liking other right-leaning sites and similarly left-leaning sites linking to other sites on the left, thus forming a filter bubble amongst news producers similar to the filter bubble which has been widely observed among consumers of partisan news. Whereas there is activity along both left- and right-leaning sites, right-leaning sites are more evolved, accounting for a disproportionate number of abandoned websites and partisan internal links. We also examine demographic characteristics of consumers of hyper-partisan news and find that some of the more populous demographic groups in the US tend to be consumers of more right-leaning sites.Comment: Published at The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018). Please cite the WWW versio

    ISP-friendly Peer-assisted On-demand Streaming of Long Duration Content in BBC iPlayer

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    In search of scalable solutions, CDNs are exploring P2P support. However, the benefits of peer assistance can be limited by various obstacle factors such as ISP friendliness - requiring peers to be within the same ISP, bitrate stratification - the need to match peers with others needing similar bitrate, and partial participation - some peers choosing not to redistribute content. This work relates potential gains from peer assistance to the average number of users in a swarm, its capacity, and empirically studies the effects of these obstacle factors at scale, using a month-long trace of over 2 million users in London accessing BBC shows online. Results indicate that even when P2P swarms are localised within ISPs, up to 88% of traffic can be saved. Surprisingly, bitrate stratification results in 2 large sub-swarms and does not significantly affect savings. However, partial participation, and the need for a minimum swarm size do affect gains. We investigate improvements to gain from increasing content availability through two well-studied techniques: content bundling - combining multiple items to increase availability, and historical caching of previously watched items. Bundling proves ineffective as increased server traffic from larger bundles outweighs benefits of availability, but simple caching can considerably boost traffic gains from peer assistance.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 201

    Wearing Many (Social) Hats: How Different are Your Different Social Network Personae?

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    This paper investigates when users create profiles in different social networks, whether they are redundant expressions of the same persona, or they are adapted to each platform. Using the personal webpages of 116,998 users on About.me, we identify and extract matched user profiles on several major social networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We find evidence for distinct site-specific norms, such as differences in the language used in the text of the profile self-description, and the kind of picture used as profile image. By learning a model that robustly identifies the platform given a user's profile image (0.657--0.829 AUC) or self-description (0.608--0.847 AUC), we confirm that users do adapt their behaviour to individual platforms in an identifiable and learnable manner. However, different genders and age groups adapt their behaviour differently from each other, and these differences are, in general, consistent across different platforms. We show that differences in social profile construction correspond to differences in how formal or informal the platform is.Comment: Accepted at the 11th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM17

    HateRephrase: Zero- and Few-Shot Reduction of Hate Intensity in Online Posts using Large Language Models

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    Hate speech has become pervasive in today's digital age. Although there has been considerable research to detect hate speech or generate counter speech to combat hateful views, these approaches still cannot completely eliminate the potential harmful societal consequences of hate speech -- hate speech, even when detected, can often not be taken down or is often not taken down enough; and hate speech unfortunately spreads quickly, often much faster than any generated counter speech. This paper investigates a relatively new yet simple and effective approach of suggesting a rephrasing of potential hate speech content even before the post is made. We show that Large Language Models (LLMs) perform well on this task, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines such as BART-Detox. We develop 4 different prompts based on task description, hate definition, few-shot demonstrations and chain-of-thoughts for comprehensive experiments and conduct experiments on open-source LLMs such as LLaMA-1, LLaMA-2 chat, Vicuna as well as OpenAI's GPT-3.5. We propose various evaluation metrics to measure the efficacy of the generated text and ensure the generated text has reduced hate intensity without drastically changing the semantic meaning of the original text. We find that LLMs with a few-shot demonstrations prompt work the best in generating acceptable hate-rephrased text with semantic meaning similar to the original text. Overall, we find that GPT-3.5 outperforms the baseline and open-source models for all the different kinds of prompts. We also perform human evaluations and interestingly, find that the rephrasings generated by GPT-3.5 outperform even the human-generated ground-truth rephrasings in the dataset. We also conduct detailed ablation studies to investigate why LLMs work satisfactorily on this task and conduct a failure analysis to understand the gaps
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