48 research outputs found

    Cohort profile: cholangiocarcinoma screening and care program (CASCAP)

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    Background: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is an extremely aggressive cancer that is usually fatal. Although globally morbidity and mortality are increasing, knowledge of the disease remains limited. The Mekong region of Southeast Asia, and particularly the northeast of Thailand, has by far the highest incidence of CCA worldwide with 135.4 per 100,000 among males and 43.0 per 100,000 among females being reported in Khon Kaen Province. Most patients are first seen during late stage disease with 5-year survival being less than 10 %. Starting in 1984, control and prevention strategies have been focused on health education. Although early detection can substantially increase 5-year survival, there are currently no strategies to increase early diagnosis. Methods/design: The Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program (CASCAP) is a prospective cohort study comprising two cohorts- the screening and the patient cohorts. For the screening cohort, ultrasound examination will be carried out regularly at least annually to determine whether there is current bile duct and/or liver pathology so that the optimal screening program for early diagnosis can be established. This cohort is expected to include at least 150,000 individuals coming from high-risk areas for CCA. For the patient cohort, it is estimated that about 25,000 CCA patients will be included during the 5-year recruitment period. All CCA patients will be treated according to routine clinical care and followed so that effective surgical treatment can be formulated. This cohort is indeed a conventional cancer registry. Thus, CASCAP is an ongoing project in which the number of participants changes dynamically. Discussions: This is the first project on CCA that involves screening the at risk population at the community level. At the time of preparing this report, a total of 85,927 individuals have been enrolled in the screening cohort, 55.0 % of whom have already undergone ultrasound screening, and 2661 CCA cases have been enrolled in the patient cohort. Among the participants of the screening, whose mean age was 53.8 ± 9.8 years, 55.6 % were female, 77.5 % attained primary school as the highest level of education, 79.9 % were farmers, 29.9 %, reported having relatives with CCA, 89.1 % had eaten uncooked fish, and 42.2 % of those who had been tested for liver fluke were found to be infected

    Apoptotic activity of caged xanthones from Garcinia hanburyi in cholangiocarcinoma cell lines

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    AIM: To investigate the growth inhibitory mechanism of four caged xanthones from Garcinia hanburyi in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) KKU-100 and KKU-M156 cells

    Evaluation of anticancer potential of Thai medicinal herb extracts against cholangiocarcinoma cell lines.

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    Although cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) has a low incidence globally, this is extremely high in Northeast Thailand. The lack of both early detection measures and effective therapeutic drugs is the major problem for the poor prognosis of CCA patients. Based on regional knowledge, it would be advantageous to search for effective natural phyto-products for the treatment of CCA. Cardiospermum halicacabum L., Gomphrena celosioides Mart. and Scoparia dulcis L., very well-known medicinal herbs in Asian countries, were selected for the investigation of inhibitory effects on CCA cells. Of the three different ethanolic extracts, S. dulcis L extract showed most inhibitory effects on cell growth of CCA cell lines KKU-100 and KKU-213, at percentages of 56.06 and 74.76, respectively, compared to the untreated group after treatment with 250 μg/mL of extracts for 72 hrs. At 400 and 500 μg/mL of the extracts, the inhibitory effect of KKU-213 was indicated by a significant increase in the BAX/Bcl-2 ratio and cell membrane permeability. Moreover, metabolic profiling-based screening employed in the current study revealed a significant positive association between the lignin compound and a decrease in CCA cell viability. Our study suggests, for the first time, that ESD has the ability to inhibit CCA cell growth through the induction of apoptosis

    Resveratrol interrupts the pro-invasive communication between cancer associated fibroblasts and cholangiocarcinoma cells

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), the cancer arising from the epithelial cells of bile ducts, is a prototype of inflammatory-driven cancer. Cytokines released by cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play a pivotal role in CCA progression, driving the epigenetic Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition and the growth and metastasization of CCA cells. Consistently, the conditioned medium from CCA-derived CAFs further stimulated the secretion of IL-6, and to a lesser extent of IL-8, by CCA cells. CCA has a poor prognosis, because of late diagnosis and of high resistance to radio- and chemo-therapy of CCA cells. Targeting the CAFs and their secretion could be an alternative option. We found that while IL-6 indeed promoted the cell migration of invasive CCA cells, the nutraceutical Resveratrol strongly counteracted this effect both in CCA cells and in immortalized cholangiocytes. More importantly, here we show that Resveratrol has the potential to abrogate the secretion of IL-6 by CAFs. While the conditioned medium from CAFs strongly induced IL-6 mediated motility of CCA cells, the conditioned medium from CAFs pre-treated with Resveratrol completely halted cancer cell motility and reverted the N-to E-cadherin switch in migrating cells. This effect was associated with stimulation of autophagy in the cancer cells. This is the first demonstration that CAFs secretory products directly affect the regulation of autophagy and consequently the behavior of CCA cells, and that a nutraceutical may revert the malignant phenotype of cancer cells by acting on CAFs metabolism and secretion

    Roles of Zinc Finger Protein 423 in Proliferation and Invasion of Cholangiocarcinoma through Oxidative Stress

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    Zinc finger protein 423 (ZNF423) is a transcriptional factor involved in the development and progression of cancers but has not yet been examined in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), an oxidative stress-driven cancer of biliary epithelium. In this study, we hypothesized that oxidative stress mediated ZNF423 expression regulates its downstream genes resulting in CCA genesis. ZNF423 protein expression patterns and 8-oxodG (an oxidative stress marker) formation in CCA tissues were investigated using immunohistochemical analysis. The results showed that ZNF423 was overexpressed in CCA cells compared to normal bile duct cells adjacent of the tumor. Notably, ZNF423 expression was positively correlated with 8-oxodG formation. Moreover, ZNF423 expression in an immortalized cholangiocyte cell line (MMNK1) was increased by hydrogen peroxide-treatment, suggesting that oxidative stress induces ZNF423 expression. To investigate the roles of ZNF423 in CCA progression, ZNF423 mRNA was silenced using specific siRNA in CCA cell lines, KKU-100 and KKU-213. Silencing of ZNF423 significantly inhibits cell proliferation and invasion of both CCA cell lines. Taking all these results together, the present study denoted that ZNF423 is an oxidative stress-responsive gene with an oncogenic property contributing to the regulation of CCA genesis

    Preclinical evidence for preventive and curative effects of resveratrol on xenograft cholangiocarcinogenesis

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), the malignant tumor of bile duct epithelial cells, is a relatively rare yet highly lethal cancer. In this work, we tested the ability of Resveratrol (RV) to prevent and cure CCA xenograft in nude mice and investigated molecular mechanisms underpinning such anticancer effect. Human CCA cells were xenografted in mice that were or not treated prior to or after to transplantation with RV. Tumor growth was monitored and analyzed for the markers of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and autophagy. TCGA was interrogated for the molecules possibly targeted by RV. RV could inhibit the growth of human CCA xenograft when administered after implantation and could reduce the growth or even impair the implantation of the tumors when administered prior the transplantation. RV inhibited CCA cell proliferation, induced apoptosis with autophagy, and strongly reduced the presence of CAFs and production of IL-6. Interrogation of CCA dataset in TCGA database revealed that the expression of IL-6 Receptor (IL-6R) inversely correlated with that of MAP-LC3 and BECLIN-1, and that low expression of IL-6R and of MIK67, two pathways downregulated by RV, associated with better survival of CCA patients. Our data demonstrate that RV elicits a strong preventive and curative anticancer effect in CCA by limiting the formation of CAFs and their release of IL-6, and this results in up-regulation of autophagy and apoptosis in the cancer cells. These findings support the clinical use of RV as a primary line of prevention in patients exposed at risk and as an adjuvant therapeutics in CCA patients

    Antifibrotic effect of xanthohumol in combination with praziquantel is associated with altered redox status and reduced iron accumulation during liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinogenesis

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) caused by infection of the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini, (Ov) is the major public health problem in northeast Thailand. Following Ov infection the subsequent molecular changes can be associated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced chronic inflammation, advanced periductal fibrosis, and cholangiocarcinogenesis. Notably, resistance to an activation of cell death in prolonged oxidative stress conditions can occur but some damaged/mutated cells could survive and enable clonal expansion. Our study used a natural product, xanthohumol (XN), which is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, to examine whether it could prevent Ov-associated CCA carcinogenesis. We measured the effect of XN with or without praziquantel (PZ), an anti-helminthic treatment, on DNA damage, redox status change including iron accumulation and periductal fibrosis during CCA genesis induced by administration of Ov and N-dinitrosomethylamine (NDMA) in hamsters. Animals were randomly divided into four groups: group I, Ov infection and NDMA administration (ON); group II, Ov infection and NDMA administration and PZ treatment (ONP); the latter 2 groups were similar to group I and II, but group III received additional XN (XON) and group IV received XN plus PZ (XONP). The results showed that high 8-oxodG (a marker of DNA damage) was observed throughout cholangiocarcinogenesis. Moreover, increased expression of CD44v8-10 (a cell surface in regulation of the ROS defense system), whereas decreased expression of phospho-p38MAPK (a major ROS target), was found during the progression of the bile duct cell transformation. In addition, high accumulation of iron and expression of transferrin receptor-1 (TfR-1) in both malignant bile ducts and inflammatory cells were detected. Furthermore, fibrosis also increased with the highest level being on day 180. On the other hand, the groups of XN with or without PZ supplementations showed an effective reduction in all the markers examined, including fibrosis when compared with the ON group. In particular, the XONP group, in which a significant reduction DNA damage occurred, was also found to have iron accumulation and fibrosis compared to the other groups. Our results show that XN administered in combination with PZ could efficiently prevent CCA development and hence provide potential chemopreventive benefits in Ov-induced cholangiocarcinogenesis

    Prolonged oxidative stress down-regulates Early B cell factor 1 with inhibition of its tumor suppressive function against cholangiocarcinoma genesis

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    Early B cell factor 1 (EBF1) is a transcription factor involved in the differentiation of several stem cell lineages and it is a negative regulator of estrogen receptors. EBF1 is down-regulated in many tumors, and is believed to play suppressive roles in cancer promotion and progression. However, the functional roles of EBF1 in carcinogenesis are unclear. Liver fluke-infection-associated cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is an oxidative stress-driven cancer of bile duct epithelium. In this study, we investigated EBF1 expression in tissues from CCA patients, CCA cell lines (KKU-213, KKU-214 and KKU-156), cholangiocyte (MMNK1) and its oxidative stress-resistant (ox-MMNK1-L) cell lines. The formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2â²-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) was used as an oxidative stress marker. Our results revealed that EBF1 expression was suppressed in cancer cells compared with the individual normal bile duct cells at tumor adjacent areas of CCA tissues. CCA patients with low EBF1 expression and high formation of 8-oxodG were shown to correlate with poor survival. Moreover, EBF1 was suppressed in the oxidative stress-resistant cell line and all of CCA cell lines compared to the cholangiocyte cell line. This suggests that prolonged oxidative stress suppressed EBF1 expression and the reduced EBF1 level may facilitate CCA genesis. To elucidate the significance of EBF1 suppression in CCA genesis, EBF1 expression of the MMNK1 cell line was down-regulated by siRNA technique, and its effects on stem cell properties (CD133 and Oct3/4 expressions), tumorigenic properties (cell proliferation, wound healing and cell migration), estrogen responsive gene (TFF1), estrogen-stimulated wound healing, and cell migration were examined. The results showed that CD133, Oct3/4 and TFF1 expression levels, wound healing, and cell migration of EBF1 knockdown-MMNK1 cells were significantly increased. Also, cell migration of EBF1-knockdown cells was significantly enhanced after 17β-estradiol treatment. Our findings suggest that EBF1 down-regulation via oxidative stress induces stem cell properties, tumorigenic properties and estrogen responses of cholangiocytes leading to CCA genesis with aggressive clinical outcomes. Keywords: Cholangiocarcinom, EBF1, Stem cells, Estrogen, Oxidative stres