8 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam al-Zarnuzi: Analisis Kritis Penghormatan Terhadap Ilmu dan Guru

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    A person's moral is reflected in morals. This can be obtained from education, especially Islamic education as al-Zarnuzi's thought is known for his moral messages in his Ta'lim al Muta'allim work, but so far many students have found failures in terms of moral competence, then this paper is discussed using library research that is by searching to collect, read and analyze the research problem in the books. The findings show that learning must intend and have a goal to seek the pleasure of Allah, written, repeated lessons that have been learned, deliberation, Taammul. In addition, al-Zarnuzi also explained some of the requirements in seeking knowledge in order to succeed. The students must be smart, have high curiosity, be patient, have money, listen to the instructions from the teacher, and have time to study. Furthermore, when viewed from the area of ​​time setting and the place where Shaykh al-Zarnuji lived, distance and time stretch between the past and the present. The problem that may occur today that it can be called weakness is that the instruments and tools used to develop education certainly cannot be applied just like that in the present. One example is the role and behavior of respecting teachers. If what al-Zarnuji says is explained exclusively, what ultimately happens is unconditional obedience. This is where future education will lose its significance. So a possible weakness arising from al-Zarnuzi's thought is a textual understanding of his work


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    The author examines the positive and negative effects of social media on the moral education of children in school SMPN 2 class VIII Banda Aceh, it is very interesting because of the many children who abuse social media. This work analyzes about the use of social media that have an impact on the moral education of children. The data collected in this study through the work of other literature, researchers also interviewed principals and students as many as 16 students as well as the observation at the school. Based on the analysis that has been done it can be seen the positive and negative impacts of the use of social media to the moral education of children. The positive impact on the social development of the media on moral education of children among children can adapt, socialize with the public and manage a network of friends, and make children easier to accomplish these tasks, while the negative impact of the development of social media to the moral education of children very much of them can make the omission in children so that children are less disciplined and be lazy, makes children easy to cheat the works of others, disrespectful both in dress and speech, often quarrel due to scenes that are as dangerous as scenes of pornography, violence, wars and so forth , as well as making children miss school because they feel more comfortable in the cafe of the study at the school, not only that social media also makes children spend pocket money a child so that the child took the money her parents secretly to access the internet cafe. Therefore, social media can lead education of children


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    The formation of behavior in accordance with the national culture is certainly not solely carried out in the family and at school, but also through a series of study activities such as habituation in life though religious behavior, honesty, discipline, tolerance, hard work, peace, and reponsibility. The problem in this paper is, how is the role of recite culture in forming santri behavior in the TPA Subulussalam Banda Aceh? and what are the obstacles encountered in recite culture in the formation the behavior of santri in the TPA Subulussalam Banda Aceh? To answer this problem, this study uses a qualitative approach with a total of 5 people consistinf of the director, 2 ustaz/ah, and 2 santri, data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation  techniques. The results of this study indicate that the culture of recite plays an important role forming the behavior of santri, this is because the culture of teaching is assosiated with attitude and norms that are in accordance with religious guidance. The recite culture is applied in TPA Subulussalam Banda Aceh in the form of the asar prayer in congregation, shaking hands with teacher, smiling, speaking politely, closing genitals, reading prayers before learning, tahfīdh, apologize to the teacher at the end of the teaching and learning process. The culture of recite is applied in order to shape the behavior to be better. The obstacles experienced in the application of the recite culture in forming the behavior of santri are influenced by the environment, social media, lack of time for students to recite, and lack of awareness of the santri themselves

    Pembelajaran PAI Menyenangkan dengan Penggunaan Strategi Teka-Teki Silang (Crossword Puzzle): Materi Iman Kepada Malaikat Allah untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Tulisan ini membahas mengenai penggunaan strategi Teka-Teki Silang (crossword puzzle):materi iman kepada Malaikat Allah untuk anak Sekolah Dasar, dimana melalui penggunaanstrategi ini pembelajaran PAI, materi Iman kepada malaikat akan lebih menyenangkan.Maka, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui maksud dari pengunaan strategi teka-tekisilang (crossword puzzle), langkah-langkah penggunaan strategi teka-teki silang (crosswordpuzzle), manfaat dari penggunaan strategi teka-teki silang (crossword puzzle),pembelajaran PAI menyenangkan dengan penggunaan strategi teka-teki silang (crosswordpuzzle) pada materi iman kepada malaikat Allah untuk anak Sekolah Dasar, kelebihan dankekurangan dari penggunaan strategi teka-teki silang. Metode yang digunakan dalamtulisan ini melalui pengumpulan data dari berbagai literatur yang relevan denganpermasalahan yang dibahas dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Oleh karena itu, untukmengatasi problema yang terjadi, penggunaan strategi ini sangat membantu anak ketikabelajar terutama anak Sekolah Dasar untuk menghilangkan rasa jenuh, rasa takut, danmenegangkan

    Optimalisasi Fungsi Masjid sebagai Sarana Pendidikan Islam dalam Menyelesaikan Krisis Spiritual Remaja di Banda Aceh

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    Optimization of the masjid's functions is one of the efforts to solve teenage spiritual crisis in Banda Aceh Municipality. This study aimed to investigate several concerns as the following: the position and functions of masjid, the conditions of the teenage spiritual crisis, and the optimization of masjid as an Islamic education facility in Banda Aceh.The study used the qualitative method. Data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study showed that masjid in Banda Aceh has become the center of Muslim community activities in terms of religious and educational affairs, among others (i.e., worship place). The teenagers in Banda Aceh have mostly faced spiritual crises such as ignoring adhan (calling for prayers), neglecting congregated payers, not performing any prayer at all, and being busy with activities. These issues were highly likely to be influenced by drugs, illegal racing, wasting time in coffee shops, and immoral behaviors (i.e., free sex). Therefore, masjid as an important Islamic education center has been optimized through several ways, two of which included regular Islamic learning groups and teenagers' activities under the coordination of the masjid

    Peningkatan Kualitas Lulusan Prodi Magister Ilmu Agama Islam Pascasarjana UIN Ar-Raniry dalam Perspektif Pengguna Lulusan (User) dan Alumni

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    The Department of Islamic Studies is the oldest master’s degree department in postgraduate program of Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It has several fields including Islamic Law, Islamic Education, Islamic Economics, Islamic Da’wa, Islamic History and Civilization, etc. In line with the new regulation published by the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia, particularly in relationship with the implementation of the national qualification framework and the national standard of higher education, this department must be driven to fit this regulation. This study took place in three Aceh Province districts including Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe and Aceh Tengah. The total number of research participants were 17 people consisted of alumni and users. The research found that most participants argued the curriculum of this department must be refined according to the demands of the industrial revolution era 4.0 which requires universities to apply the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework curriculum, particularly on aspects of strengthening foreign languages and the use of information and communication technology