12 research outputs found

    Branching pattern of marginal mandibular nerve-an anatomical study

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    Background: Marginal Mandibular nerve, a branch of facial nerve, emerges at the lower part of the anterior border of parotid gland. It supplies risorius, muscles of lower lip and chin and joins mental nerve. This nerve has an important relationship with the lower border of mandible and is likely to be damaged during procedures in or around the submandibular area and can lead to certain morbid conditions like deviation of angle of mouth, drooling of saliva and difficulty in phonation.Methods: Sixty formalin preserved specimens of head and neck were used for studying the branching pattern of marginal mandibular nerve. The present study was conducted in the department of Anatomy Govt Medical College Srinagar over a period of two and a half years from 2015 to 2017. Cadaveric dissection was also used in the study during the routine teaching of undergraduate MBBS and BDS students in the department. The photographs of the variations seen during the study were taken.Results: In Forty-seven specimens (78.33%) there was a single branch of marginal mandibular nerve, in 10 specimens (16.6%) there were two branches of marginal mandibular nerve and in three specimens (5.0%) the marginal mandibular nerve was having three branches.Conclusions: From the above study it was concluded that marginal mandibular nerve can have two or three branches. Therefore, it is advisable to take due care during surgical procedures in the lower part of face and upper part of neck to preserve marginal mandibular nerve and to ensure cosmesis and prevent morbidity

    Xenia studies in exotic and indigenous almond (Prunus amygdalus L.) varieties of Kashmir, India

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    Pollination is very important to obtain an economic yield, and the selection of pollinizer with suitable quality and quantity of pollen is an essential practice in different fruit plants. The effects of pollen parent on kernel and nut characters are known to occur in several nut crops and to determine the best pollinizer and effect of pollen source on the nut and kernel quality of almond (Prunus amygdalus L.). The present investigation was carried out at the experiment farm of Dryland Agriculture Research Station (DARS), SKUAST-Kashmir for two consecutive years, i.e. 2008 and 2009. Various cross combinations were made among nine almond (three exotic and six indigenous) varieties/selections which are compatible with each other. Their nut and kernel characteristics were determined and observed maximum nut weight (2.21 g), nut length (39.78 mm) and nut breadth (20.33 mm), kernel weight (1.28 g), kernel length (28.63 mm) and kernel breadth (12.61 mm) and shelling percentage (57.99 %). In the present study it has been observed that the parent with big nut and kernel size and weight influenced the nut and kernel size; nut and kernel weight of the recipient parent significantly (p?0.05)

    The multiple-specificity landscape of modular peptide recognition domains

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    Using large scale experimental datasets, the authors show how modular protein interaction domains such as PDZ, SH3 or WW domains, frequently display unexpected multiple binding specificity. The observed multiple specificity leads to new structural insights and accurately predicts new protein interactions

    Analysis of Site Frequency Spectra from Arabidopsis with Context-Dependent Corrections for Ancestral Misinference

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    Previous studies have shown that the pattern of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) deviates from the distribution expected under a neutral model. Here, we test whether or not ancestral misinference could explain this deviation. We start by showing that there are significant and complex influences of context on mutation dynamics as inferred from SNP frequency, in Arabidopsis, and compare the results to observations about context dependency that have been made on a previous analysis of a maize (Zea mays) SNP dataset. The data concerning heterogeneity across sites are then used to make corrections for ancestral misinference in a context-dependent manner. Using Arabidopsis lyrata to infer the ancestral state for SNPs, we show that the resulting unfolded site frequency spectrum (SFS) in Arabidopsis is skewed toward sites with high frequency derived nucleotides. Sites are also partitioned into two general functional classes, second codon position and 4-fold degenerate sites. These two classes show different SFS; although both show an overrepresentation of high frequency derived sites, low frequency derived sites are vastly overrepresented at the second codon position, but significantly underrepresented at 4-fold degenerate sites. We find that these results are robust to corrections for ancestral misinference, even when context-dependent variation in mutation properties is taken into consideration. The data suggest that, in addition to purifying selection, complex demographic events and/or linked positive selection need to be invoked to explain the SFS, and they highlight the importance of sequence context in analyses of genome-wide variation

    Some Properties of Entropy for an Extended Exponential Distribution(EED) Based on Order Statistics

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    Residual and past residual entropy functions concatenated with uncertainty measurements are predominant factors in information theory. Many existing comparative analysis procedures are already asserted for determining the aging process of associated components like life testing problems and survival function. This paper focuses on proposing functions that are based upon the extended exponential distribution (EED). Existing past residual entropy function is examined on upper bounds of different order statistics and the results are analyzed for proposed Shannon’s entropy and residual entropy functions

    Some Properties of Entropy for an Extended Exponential Distribution(EED) Based on Order Statistics

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    Residual and past residual entropy functions concatenated with uncertainty measurements are predominant factors in information theory. Many existing comparative analysis procedures are already asserted for determining the aging process of associated components like life testing problems and survival function. This paper focuses on proposing functions that are based upon the extended exponential distribution (EED). Existing past residual entropy function is examined on upper bounds of different order statistics and the results are analyzed for proposed Shannon’s entropy and residual entropy functions

    Monitoring Studies of Arthropod Complex Fauna Associated with Rapeseed- Mustard Crop Grown in Kashmir Himalayas

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    Kashmir has quietly undergone a yellow revolution as thousands of hectares of land have been brought under mustard cultivation to double the farmers' income. Earlier, most of the land in Kashmir was used only for growing a single crop -- paddy in most areas but now farmers are rotating crops in Kharif and Rabi seasons just like in other parts of the country. There is still many challlanges which are hurdle in high production goal. Insect biodiversity is associated with the quantity and type of host plants available, environmental factors, and their physiological state. Arthropod complex of mustard was studied and about eight species of insects-pests at Mountain Research centre for field crops (MRCFC) during Rabi 2020 -21 was recorded. It has been observed that the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi Kalt., persists constantly in a sizable population and causes substantial crop damage from the blossoming to the maturity stage. Phyllotreta cruciferae Goeze (flea beetle) occurred at the seedling stage, and Carpocoris sp. (shield bug) caused little harm to the crop from the seedling to the maturity stage. Leaves have been only infested by cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.), and mustard leaf miner, Chromatomyia horticola, and they been detected in sporadic, low-population occurrences. Among them, Brevicoryne brassicae is found at flowering stage. Pieris brassicae, the cabbage butterfly, occurs sporadically and with high abundance. The status of all eight insect-pests on Brassica species was observed as minor with irregular occurrence while L. erysimi as a regular key pest.six Insect pollinators were recorded during the bloom period of the crop