49 research outputs found

    Konsep Pembaharuan Hukum Agraria Sesuai Amanat UUD 1945

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    The demand of land reform implementation increases recently. The imbalance of land athority and the demand of land acceas as well qs other productive resources of the poor are getting stronger in most of the third world country. Builds the law is not work which is easy and or simple like the one is imagined, because a good law and regulation must up to standard of justice, rule of law and utility in balance. and so in effort for agrarian law forming process which more accommodating all importances of all sides. Must be realized and confessed act No 5 the year 1960 still leaving various problems which must be broken

    The Dynamics Moleculer Of Water Molecule Absorption In Silicate Zeolite

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    The water molecule dynamics absorbed at silicalite zeolite was studied with molecule dynamics technique using the computer. This paper reports the effect of temperature on behavior of dynamic system. The result showed the improvement of diffusion coefficient and diffusion activation energy along with the improvement of temperature. Improvement of temperature cause the change of the contact distance of the water molecule in zeolite molecule

    Pelaksanaan Model Inquiry Sosial Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi dalam Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI IPS

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    : The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of a model of social inquiry on the subject of sociology in motivating student's learning. Result was used in the research study. Results of the research shows the implementation model of social inquiry in the sociology subject of XI IPS class have done well that teachers deliver learning topics, expressing the purpose of learning and teacher deliver the measures of implementing model of social inquiry. Teacher encourage students in the formulation of the problem, the formulation of hypotheses, assist students in gathering data and drawing conclusions. Student motivation is seen that students were active during the execution of the learning process with students respond positively to the teacher and students are encouraged to formulate the problems discussed. Can be seen that the enthusiasm of the students in searching, collecting and processing data in accordance with problems. Students dared to ask, issuing opinions and students are involved actively in the formulation of conclusions

    Analisis Perencanaan Persediaan Kacang Kedelai pada Unit USAha Primer Koperasi Produsen Tempe Tahu Indonesia di Palembang

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the soybean of raw material inventory planning that economical in Primkopti Palembang. After did the experiment, the writer found out a problem, such as Primkopti did not know of total the economist purchase that should they do. The problem is used from the first interviews. The writer use interviews to get the primary data and documentation to get the secondary data. Therefore, the writer purposed to give advice for company that there was a method which could use to determine the total of economist purchase, was economic order quantity (EOQ) method, that would count by the formula that wrote by Yamit (2011). And also to know the total inventory cost that counted by the formula wrote by Buffa and Rakesh (1996). The writer get the results of this research is that Primkopti doesn’t have surplus about soybean of raw materials inventory in 2009, 2010, and 2012. But in 2011, Primkopti has surplus the raw materials

    Peningkatan Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Flavonoid Klon Daun Dewa (Gynura Pseudochina (L.) DC) melalui Periode Pencahayaan

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    Lights are influential to increase plant flavonoids content. The bioactives is needed as medication for human cancer. The research objectives were to investigate the effect of lighting periods on the growth and flavonoid content of Gynura pseudochina clones. A split plot design was used with lighting periods as the main plots (100% light (full light) for 4 months; 25% shading for 1 month, full light 3 months; 25% shading for 2 months, full light for 2 months; 25% shading for 3 months, full light for 1 months; 25% shading for 4 months; 50% shading for 1 month, full light for 3 months; 50% shading for 2 months, full light for 2 months; 50% shading for 3 months, full light for 1 montht; 50% shading for 4 months) and sub plots were two clones (clone 9 from in vitro culture and clone 7 from shoot cuttings). The results showed that maximum LAI (Leaf Area Index) (2.72), RGR (Relative Growth Rate) (0.062 g/g/day), LAR (Leaf Area Ratio) (168.55 cm2/g) and NAR (Net Assimilation Rate) (0.00093 g/cm2/day) were obtained from plants grown under 50% shading for 4 months, full light for 4 months, 50% shading for 2 months and full light for 2 months, respectively. The maximum plant biomass (90.92g) was produced by plants grown under 50% shading for 1 month and full light for 3 months, while maximum total flavonoids content (11.92%) was obtained from plants under 50% shading for 3 months and full light for 1 month, whereas maximum anthocyanine content from those grown under 50% shading for 1 month and full light for 3 months. Clone 9 produced LAI, LAR, and anthocyanine content higher than clone 7, but RGR, NAR, total biomass, and total flavonoid content was lower than clone 7

    Studi Alternatif Pemilihan Trase Transportasi Massal Surabaya Timur Dengan Surabaya Barat

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    Sistem transportasi darat yang bergerak diatas rel berifat massal dan terbukti sangat efektif dan efisien dalam melaksanakan tugas menghadapi kebutuhan transportasi terutama pada saat jam puncak. Perkembangan ekonomi yang sangat tinggi di Surabaya menimbulkan dampak meningkatnya aktifitas transportasi manusia maupun barang di dalam kota Surabaya. Hal ini jika tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan sistem jaringan transportasi di dalam kota Surabaya akan menyebabkan permasalahan kemacetan di dalam kota Surabaya, karena jaringan jalan di kota Surabaya saat ini sudah sangat padat sehingga akan menghambat aktifitas transportasi di dalam kota Surabaya. Dan satu – satunya alternatif adalah menggunakan jaringan transportasi yang tidak membebani jaringan jalan di Surabaya yaitu sistem transportasi rel. Metode pengerjaan tugas akhir ini yaitu membandingkan beberapa alternatif pola jaringan trase. Kemudian membandingkan beberapa alternatif trase untuk mendapatkan alternatif trase yang baik dan diprioritaskan pembangunannya. Dari trase terpilih, dilakukan analisa konsep perpindahan moda dan moda penunjang lainnya. Dalam menentukan moda yang akan digunakan dan alternatif trase yang akan dipilih dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan multi kriteria analisis. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa trase yang diutamakan pembangunannya adalah trase di Surabaya bagian selatan. Moda yang digunakan adalah moda Monorail

    Pengaruh Harga terhadap Keputusan Siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang dalam Membeli Ponsel Blackberry Curve (Studi Kasus)

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    The Purpose of this research is to determine the effect of price against the decisions of consumers in purchasing BlackBerry Curve at Senior High School students at Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. The writer would like to know how prices affect students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. Data used is the purchase decision, which is the dependent variable (Y) and the influence of price is the independent variable (X). Quantitative method was used in this research, in taking the samples, the writer used the stratified random sampling technique. 95 samples were asked to complete the questionnaire. The obtained data were processed by using sloven\u27s formula as quoted by Husein (2001) then those data were analyzed by using the theoretical framework developed by private (2011). The writer found that there was price effect against students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. The result showed that the coefficient regression value was 0,611 it meant that there was a positive correlation between price affect against students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. Based on the value above, the writer can conclude that any value addition carried a price variable, then an increase in students purchasing decision to buy a BlackBerry Curve