45 research outputs found

    Recognizing Israel aligns with Indonesia's interests, ambitions, & constitution

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Niruban Balachandran and William Tuchrello explain that "Indonesia's reluctance to formally engage in diplomacy with Israel until the completion of a two-state solution is costly.

    Stabilisation of experimental bioretention basins during intermittent wetting and drying

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    Stormwater bioretention basins are subjected to spontaneous intermittent wetting and drying, unlike water treatment filter systems that are subjected to continuous feed. Drinking water filters when constructed new or after back-wash, are subjected to a phase of stabilization. Experiments show that bioretention basins are similarly impacted by intermittent wetting and drying. The common parameter monitored in the stabilisation of filters is the concentration of total solids in the outflow. Filter media in bioretention basins however, consists of a mix of particulate organic matter and fine sand. Organic carbon and solids are therefore needed to be monitored. Four Perspex bioretention filter columns of 94 mm (ID) were packed with a filter layer (800 mm), transition layer and a gravel layer and operated with synthetic stormwater in the laboratory. The filter layer contained 8% organic material by weight. A free board of 350 mm provided detention storage and head to facilitate infiltration. Synthetic stormwater was prepared by adding NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate) and C2H5NO2 (glycine) and a mixture of kaolinite and montmorillonite clay, to tapwater. The columns were fed with synthetic stormwater with different Antecedent Dry Days (ADD) (0 – 25 day) and constant inflow concentration (2 ppm: nitrate-nitrogen, 1.5 ppm: ammonium-nitrogen, 2.5 ppm: organic-nitrogen 100 ppm: total suspended solids and 7 ppm: organic carbon) at a feed rate of 100mL.min (85.7cm/h). Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals between 2 – 150 min from the start of outflow and were tested for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Both TSS and TOC concentrations in the outflow were observed to be much higher than the concentration of both the parameters in the inflow during the stabilisation period indicating a phase of wash-off (first flush) which lasted for approximately 30 min for both parameters at the beginning of each storm event. The wash-off of TSS and TOC were found to be highly variable depending on the age of the filter and the number of antecedent dry days. The duration of stabilisation phase in the experiments is significant compared with many of the stormwater events. A computational analysis on total mass of each pollutant further affirmed the significance of the first flush of an event on removal of these pollutants. Therefore, the kinetics of the first flush in the stabilisation phase needs to be considered in the performance analysis of the systems

    Neuroprotective Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Boerhaavia Diffusa Linn against MPTP Induced Neurodegenartion in Rats

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    The present study was undertaken to find out the potential activity of Boerhaavia diffusa against breast cancer and their effects on MPTP induced breast Neurodegenaration in rats. From time immemorial mankind's efforts and ultimate aim have been to seek eternal happiness. And his endeavour has been to overcome and seek appropriate remedies for things that stand in his way. Plants have played a weighty role in maintaining human health and improving the quality of human life for thousands of years and have several precious components of medicines, seasonings, beverages, cosmetics, and dyes. Herbal medicines are based on the premise that plants contain natural substance that can promote health and alleviate illness. In recent times focus on plant research has increased all over the world and large evidence has collected to show immense potential of medicinal plants used in various traditional systems. Today we are witnessing a great deal of public interest in the use of herbal remedies. Many western drugs had their origin in plant extract. There are many herbs, which are preponderantly used to treat cardiovascular problems, liver disorder, central nervous system, digestive system, metabolic disorders and for Neuroprotective effects. Given their potential to generate significant therapeutic effect, they can be useful as drug or supplement in the treatment in the management of many diseases. Herbal drug or medicinal plants, their extract and isolated compounds have demonstrated spectrum of biological activities. Such have been used and continued to be used as medicine in folk-fore or food supplement for various disorders. Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava) is one of the most famous medicinal plants in the treatment of a large number of human ailments is mentioned in Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, and Sushrita Samhita. This work explains the evidence-based information regarding the pharmacological activity of this plant. It has many ethnobotanical uses (the leaves are used as vegetable; the root juice is used to cure asthma, urinary disorders, leukorrhea, rheumatism, and encephalitis). The Boerhaavia diffusa plant contains a large number of such compounds as flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, triterpenoids, lipids, lignins, carbohydrates, proteins, and glycoproteins. Punarnavine, boeravinone, hypoxanthine 9-L-arabinofuranoside, ursolic acid, punarnavoside etc. Now this investigation was undertaken to study the effect of Boerhaavia diffusa on MPTP induced Neurodegenaration and also planned to study the changes occuring in the enzymic and non enzymic system such as super oxide dismutase, catalyase, glutathione peroxide and lipid peroxidation level present in the living body. CONCLUSION:In summary, findings of the present study provide evidence that HAEBD at the dose of 400mg/kg p.o alleviates behavioral deficits. It also reduced the oxidative parameter and enhances the brain antioxidants, significantly prevents the brain from neurotoxic effects. Therefore, Hydroalcoholic extract of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn contains flavanoids and polyphenols was considered as powerful neuroprotective agent could offer a useful support to the Parkinsonism therapy

    A clinico pathological study and management of necrotizing fasciitis cases in CMCH.

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    Necrotizing fasciitis is an infection occurring in the deep fascial layers. It is a progressive infection. The diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis is usually clinical and is important to find it early as it is a fast spreading infection. Necrotizing fasciitis occurs as a result of necrosis of skin and subcutaneous layer. NECROTIZING FASCIITIS more frequent in elderly age group >50 years of age ,but it can occur in almost all age group including children ,and healthy adult can also get affected. NECROTIZING FASCITIS is most commonly seen in the elderly males. source of the infection is identifiable in most of the cases. diabetic mellitus is the most common comorbid factor . The disease is most commonly polymicrobical. Most common bacterial includes gram positive cocci ( streptococci and staphylococcal species ). Gram negative (E.coli, actinobacter, pseudomonas ). Most common anaerobes is bacteroides

    A Novel Mining Approach for Automatic Disease Detection in Sugarcane Plant Using Thresholding Method

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    Disease infection of agricultural products affects the agriculturists and human health and also degrades the quality and quantity of products. The tradition approach for detecting a disease is time consuming and very costly. The plant diseases are detected by automatic detection techniques that reduce a large work of continuous monitoring and observation in big farms by farmers or experts. The proposed algorithms detect the variety of diseases infected in sugarcane plants. The images are captured by digital camera. The noises in digital image are removed by low pass filter. This paper presents image segmentation using thresholding method which is used for automatic disease detection of sugarcane plants. SIFT method is applied for detecting and describing the local features of the plant species. The features such as colors, size shape and texture of surface is extracted by using GLCM feature extractor. The abnormal images are classified by using SVM classifier. In sugarcane plant, the diseases are detected automatically and yields 99% accuracy rate than existing techniques

    A Population-Based Examination of Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist & Z-drug Dispensations in the Alberta Population: Prevalence of Use and Indicators of Potentially Inappropriate Use and Prescribing

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    Introduction Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the management of anxiety disorders and insomnia suggest that benzodiazepine receptor agonist and Z-drug (BZRA) treatment is appropriate for short term use in adults (aged 20-64); use of BZRA’s outside of these recommendations is considered “potentially inappropriate” given the increased potential for adverse effects. Objectives and Approach The objective of this study was to characterize the use of BZRA’s for all individuals 10 years of age or older in the province of Alberta in 2015 and to explore indicators of potentially inappropriate prescribing and use. Using data from Alberta’s Pharmaceutical Information Network (PIN) as well as Vital Statistics, prevalence of BZRA use was determined as were characteristics of BZRA dispensations according to prescriber type, days supply and number of defined daily doses. Patient-level indicators of potentially inappropriate BZRA prescribing or use (days of consecutive use, use of multiple ingredients etc.) were calculated by age category and sex. Results Overall, 372,870 individuals received 2,463,585 BZRA dispensations in 2015 (10% of Alberta population). The majority of users were female (63%), 28% were 65 years of age or older and 20% of individuals were dispensed both z-drugs and benzodiazepines. BZRA users received a median of 3 dispensations (IQR: 1-6), for a total of 91 days (IQR: 30-261) of use in the year, with a median period of consecutive use around 51 days (IQR: 21-128). 26\% of individuals utilized these medications for 121 consecutive days or more increasing to 40% in those 65 + years of age. 17% of individuals utilized more than one distinct BZRA ingredient concurrently while those in the 20-49 year age group were most likely to visit multiple prescribers. Conclusion/Implications Prevalence of BZRA use in Alberta is high, especially among females and the elderly. This study supports the need for patient and physician education, decision support for prescribers and continued monitoring of medication dispensing at the population level within the province of Albert

    The United States should join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Niruban Balachandran, Recent Graduate of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, explains that “[Absence from AIIB] hinders Washington’s ability to influence and shape Beijing’s development effectiveness in the region.

    Dynamics of nitrate-nitrogen removal in experimental stormwater biofilters under intermittent wetting and drying

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    High concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen degrade the quality of aquatic environments. The primary mechanism by which nitrate-nitrogen is removed (denitrification) requires anoxic conditions and electron donors. While removal of total and ammonium-nitrogen is often high in stormwater biofilters, poor removal or even the release of nitrate-nitrogen in the outflow has often been observed. Five Perspex biofilter columns (94 mm internal diameter) were fabricated with a filter layer that contained 8% organic material. Columns were operated at 875  mm/h 875  mm/h and fed with simulated stormwater with different antecedent dry days (ADDs) and concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen. Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals between 2 and 150 min and were tested for nitrate-nitrogen. The removal of nitrate-nitrogen varied during an event from a high removal percentage (60–90%) in the initial outflow that gradually decreased in the first 30 min and settled at 0–15% removal thereafter. This remained consistent during all simulated events independent of the number of ADDs or inflow concentrations. ADDs and previous event feed concentrations affected the outflow nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the first 30 min of the current event. Therefore, from this study it is concluded that denitrification within stormwater biofilters occurs mainly during drying periods rather than wetting periods