7 research outputs found

    Study Layanan Air Minum Pdam Bagi Masyarakat Miskin Kota Palu

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    Water supply system provided by Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) plays an important role in fulfilling local citizen's needs, both upper-middle and low classes of the society. Basically, water supply system involves three stakeholders: the users (the customers), the management (the company), and local government as a regulator. As a user, customer's main concerns is the fulfillment of his/her needs with affordable price, whilst PDAM as the management aims to gain profit. In the other hand, local government aims to keep the balance between supply and demand while seeking growth in its income.Currently, water supply service in Palu is only accessible for those from upper-middle class whilst the poor cannot access the service due to its high tariff. The issue of the need of equal access to the standardized water supply system, that at the same time is affordable for every citizen, consequently has emerged. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study using Ability To Pay (ATP) and Willingness To Pay (WTP) approaches, taking into account the society's real expenses and water supply system's existing tariff. In subsequent, the subsidy for low-class society can be calculated.The population of this research consist of 408 households, spread into four districts. The primary data was collected by administering questionnaire using simple random sampling. Interviews were also conducted in order to gain more insight into the data. Secondary data was collected from PDAM Donggala and some other institutions. The data was analyzed using two techniques; first, ATP technique with household's expenses approach; and second, WTP technique by taking user's (customer) perception into consideration. The results showed that 75% of those who allocating 5% of their income to pay the PDAM's bills had the ability to pay more than the tariff, whilst only 40% of those who allocating 3% of their income had the ability to pay more than the tariff. It is also appeared that none of the respondents were willing to pay more than the tariff (which is Rp.1450/m3). Further analysis showed that 47,3% of PDAM's customers were able to subsidize to the poor, as their ability to pay (ATP) were mosre than Rp. 1500/m

    Estimating Project Completion Time with Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Risk and uncertainty are factors that construction project managers have been increasingly had to deal with. Project completion time is one of the areas where the expected time is often underestimated or shorter than the actual completion time. Monte Carlo simulation is a widely used simulation technique in modeling a process that is difficult to predict due to its random variables. This study provides a practical way to use Monte Carlo simulation to simulate a project using functions available in a spreadsheet application. A project with five activities was simulated 2000 times using minimum, maximum, and expected duration. The mean, mode, and median simulation results were then plugged into their respective precedence diagram networks to compare them. The precedence diagram computations found that mean, mode, and median project completion times were longer than the initially expected completion time. The mean, mode, and median were 50, 53, and 48 days, respectively, which were 8, 11, and 6 days longer, respectively, than the 42 days initially expected. The study showed that the Monte Carlo simulation could assist the project manager in planning a project schedule that deals with risk and uncertainty more realistically

    Hubungan Ekplosive Power Otot Lengan dan Bahu dengan Kemampuan Servis Bawah Permainan Bolavoli Siswa Putra Kelas VII SMP Negeri 023 Pekanbaru Eka

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    Based on the researcher\u27s observation of male students in class VII SMPN 023 Pekanbaru. Researcher discovered a weakness of volleyball under serviced. It seen when under served many balls still not over the net and the ball is not optimal, it influences phsycal fitness like arm-shoulder muscles. The purpose of this research is to see how much the correlation of arm-shoulder with ability of vollyball under service of male student in class VII SMPN 023 Pekanbaru City. Population in this research Population in this research amount 318 people, 150 male and 168 female. Based on population that is large and within the limits the researchers set the half population is used as a sample (purposive sampling). The study sample is all male students in class VII G as many as 16 people. Research instrument measure power arm muscles used two hand medicine ball put test and under serve test. Data were analyzed by product moment correlation. Based on research results, it can be concluded as follows : there is no correlation exsplosive power of arm-shoulder with ability of volleyball under service of male students in class VII SMPN 023 Pekanbaru