5 research outputs found

    Unravelling Nonlinear Spectral Evolution Using Nanoscale Photonic Near-Field Point-to-Point Measurements

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    We demonstrate nanoscale photonic point-to-point measurements characterizing a single component inside an all-optical signal-processing chip. We perform spectrally resolved near-field scanning optical microscopy on ultrashort pulses propagating inside a slow light photonic crystal waveguide, which is part of a composite sample. A power study reveals a reshaping of the pulse’s spectral density, which we model using the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. With the model, we are able to identify the various physical processes governing the nonlinear pulse propagation. Finally, we contrast the near-field measurements with transmission measurements of the complete composite sample to elucidate the importance of gaining local information about the evolution of the spectral density

    Harmonics Generation by Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Single Nanowires

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    We present experimental observations of visible wavelength second- and third-harmonic generation on single plasmonic nanowires of variable widths. We identify that near-infrared surface plasmon polaritons, which are guided along the nanowire, act as the source of the harmonics generation. We discuss the underlying mechanism of this nonlinear process, using a combination of spatially resolved measurements and numerical simulations to show that the visible harmonics are generated via a combination of both local and propagating plasmonic modes. Our results provide the first demonstration of nanoscale nonlinear optics with guided, propagating plasmonic modes on a lithographically defined chip, opening up new routes toward integrated optical circuits for information processing

    Core–Shell Plasmonic Nanohelices

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    We introduce core–shell plasmonic nanohelices, highly tunable structures that have a different response in the visible for circularly polarized light of opposite handedness. The glass core of the helices is fabricated using electron beam induced deposition and the pure gold shell is subsequently sputter coated. Optical measurements allow us to explore the chiral nature of the nanohelices, where differences in the response to circularly polarized light of opposite handedness result in a dissymmetry factor of 0.86, more than twice of what has been previously reported. Both experiments and subsequent numerical simulations demonstrate the extreme tunability of the core–shell structures, where nanometer changes to the geometry can lead to drastic changes of the optical responses. This tunability, combined with the large differential transmission, make core–shell plasmonic nanohelices a powerful nanophotonic tool for, for example, (bio)­sensing applications

    Chip-Based All-Optical Control of Single Molecules Coherently Coupled to a Nanoguide

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    The feasibility of many proposals in nanoquantum-optics depends on the efficient coupling of photons to individual quantum emitters, the possibility to control this interaction on demand, and the scalability of the experimental platform. To address these issues, we report on chip-based systems made of one-dimensional subwavelength dielectric waveguides (nanoguides) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules. We discuss the design and fabrication requirements, present data on extinction spectroscopy of single molecules coupled to a nanoguide mode, and show how an external optical beam can switch the propagation of light via a nonlinear optical process. The presented architecture paves the way for the investigation of many-body phenomena and polaritonic states and can be readily extended to more complex geometries for the realization of quantum integrated photonic circuits