234 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Hospital-based Trauma Surveillance Registry in a Resource-Poor Setting: A Cost Analysis Study

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    Introduction: Trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, with a disproportionate burden affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Rapid urbanization and differences in transportation patterns result in unique injury patterns in LMIC. Trauma registries are essential to determine the impact of trauma and the nature of injuries in LMIC to enable hospitals and healthcare systems to optimize care and to allocate resources. Methods: A retrospective database analysis of prospectively collected data in the Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) Trauma Registry from 2018 – 2019 was performed. Activity-based costing, a bottom-up cost analysis method to determine the cost per patient registered, was completed after systematically analyzing the standard operating procedures of the KCH trauma registry. Results: During the study period, 12,616 patients were included in the KCH Trauma Registry. Startup costs for the trauma registry are estimated at 3,196.24.Thissumincludes3,196.24. This sum includes 1815.84 for personnel cost, 200fordatabaseinitiation(REDCapdatabase),200 for database initiation (REDCap database), 342.50 for initial data clerk training, and 787.90forregistryandofficesupplies.Recurrentcostsoccurringin2018,includedpersonnel,technology,supply,andfacilitycosts.Fivedataclerks,onedataclerkmanager,andaregistrymanagerarerequiredfor24/7datacollection,dataintegrity,anddatabasemaintenance,withanestimatedcostof787.90 for registry and office supplies. Recurrent costs occurring in 2018, included personnel, technology, supply, and facility costs. Five data clerks, one data clerk manager, and a registry manager are required for 24/7 data collection, data integrity, and database maintenance, with an estimated cost of 29,697.24 per year. Yearly recurrent data clerk training costs are 137.00.Internetandfacilitycostsforadataclerkofficeandsecurerecordstorageare137.00. Internet and facility costs for a data clerk office and secure record storage are 1632.60 per year. Supplies for the completion of trauma intake forms (binders, paper, pens) are 1431.80peryear.ThetotalannualcostofthetraumaregistryatatertiaryhospitalinMalawiis1431.80 per year. The total annual cost of the trauma registry at a tertiary hospital in Malawi is 33,361.64, which costs $2.64 per patient registered in the registry in 2018. Conclusion: Trauma registries are necessary for the assessment of the local trauma burden and injury pattern, but require significant financial commitment and time. To fully capture the local burden of trauma in resource-limited settings, acquiring, validating, and analyzing accurate data is crucial. Anticipating the financial burden of a trauma surveillance registry ahead of time is imperative

    A UK survey of current ENT practice in the assessment of nasal patency

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    Nasal obstruction is a common ENT complaint; however, decisions on its management are challenging, with high rates of dissatisfaction following surgery. This study investigated the practice of UK clinicians in the evaluation of nasal patency. Seventy-eight UK-based rhinologists were surveyed at the 2015 British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology. Clinical history and examination are almost universally used to evaluate nasal blockage. The most commonly used test was the nasal misting pattern (73 per cent), followed by peak nasal inspiratory flow (19 per cent). The Sino-Nasal Outcome Test 22 or 23 was utilised by 29 per cent of respondents. Sixty-three per cent of respondents reported that a lack of equipment was the principle reason for not using objective measures, followed by time constraints and a lack of correlation with symptom scores. British clinicians rely on clinical skills to evaluate nasal blockage. There is a desire for a simple, non-invasive device that objectively measures airflow for nasal breathing during physiological resting and correlates with subjective symptom scores

    Clinical Disorders in a Post War British Cohort Reaching Retirement: Evidence from the First National Birth Cohort Study

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    Abstract Background: The medical needs of older people are growing because the proportion of the older population is increasing and disease boundaries are widening. This study describes the distribution and clustering of 15 common clinical disorders requiring medical treatment or supervision in a representative British cohort approaching retirement, and how health tracked across adulthood

    Physical activity, sedentary time and physical capability in early old age: British birth cohort study.

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the associations of time spent sedentary, in moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) with physical capability measures at age 60-64 years. METHODS: Time spent sedentary and in MVPA and, PAEE were assessed using individually calibrated combined heart rate and movement sensing among 1727 participants from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development in England, Scotland and Wales as part of a detailed clinical assessment undertaken in 2006-2010. Multivariable linear regression models were used to examine the cross-sectional associations between standardised measures of each of these behavioural variables with grip strength, chair rise and timed up-&-go (TUG) speed and standing balance time. RESULTS: Greater time spent in MVPA was associated with higher levels of physical capability; adjusted mean differences in each capability measure per 1 standard deviation increase in MVPA time were: grip strength (0.477 kg, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.015 to 0.939), chair rise speed (0.429 stands/min, 95% CI: 0.093 to 0.764), standing balance time (0.028 s, 95% CI: 0.003 to 0.053) and TUG speed (0.019 m/s, 95% CI: 0.011 to 0.026). In contrast, time spent sedentary was associated with lower grip strength (-0.540 kg, 95% CI: -1.013 to -0.066) and TUG speed (-0.011 m/s, 95% CI: -0.019 to -0.004). Associations for PAEE were similar to those for MVPA. CONCLUSION: Higher levels of MVPA and overall physical activity (PAEE) are associated with greater levels of physical capability whereas time spent sedentary is associated with lower levels of capability. Future intervention studies in older adults should focus on both the promotion of physical activity and reduction in time spent sedentary.This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council (U120063239, U123092720, MC_UU_12019/1, MC_UU_12019/4, MC_UU_12015/3, and MC_UU_12015/4).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0126465

    Cyr61/CCN1 Displays High-Affinity Binding to the Somatomedin B 1–44 Domain of Vitronectin

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    OV) family of extracellular-associated (matricellular) proteins that present four distinct functional modules, namely insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP), von Willebrand factor type C (vWF), thrombospondin type 1 (TSP), and C-terminal growth factor cysteine knot (CT) domain. While heparin sulphate proteoglycans reportedly mediate the interaction of Cyr61 with the matrix and cell surface, the role of other extracellular associated proteins has not been revealed. at high concentrations attenuate Cyr61 binding to immobilized VTNC, while monomeric VTNC was ineffective. Therefore, immobilization of VTNC exposes cryptic epitopes that recognize Cyr61 with high affinity, as reported for a number of antibodies, β-endorphin, and other molecules. domain suggests that VTNC represent a point of anchorage for CCN family members to the matrix. Results are discussed in the context of the role of CCN and VTNC in matrix biology and angiogenesis

    Synthetic lethality: a framework for the development of wiser cancer therapeutics

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    The challenge in medical oncology has always been to identify compounds that will kill, or at least tame, cancer cells while leaving normal cells unscathed. Most chemotherapeutic agents in use today were selected primarily for their ability to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells grown in cell culture and in mice, with their selectivity determined empirically during subsequent animal and human testing. Unfortunately, most of the drugs developed in this way have relatively low therapeutic indices (low toxic dose relative to the therapeutic dose). Recent advances in genomics are leading to a more complete picture of the range of mutations, both driver and passenger, present in human cancers. Synthetic lethality provides a conceptual framework for using this information to arrive at drugs that will preferentially kill cancer cells relative to normal cells. It also provides a possible way to tackle 'undruggable' targets. Two genes are synthetically lethal if mutation of either gene alone is compatible with viability but simultaneous mutation of both genes leads to death. If one is a cancer-relevant gene, the task is to discover its synthetic lethal interactors, because targeting these would theoretically kill cancer cells mutant in the cancer-relevant gene while sparing cells with a normal copy of that gene. All cancer drugs in use today, including conventional cytotoxic agents and newer 'targeted' agents, target molecules that are present in both normal cells and cancer cells. Their therapeutic indices almost certainly relate to synthetic lethal interactions, even if those interactions are often poorly understood. Recent technical advances enable unbiased screens for synthetic lethal interactors to be undertaken in human cancer cells. These approaches will hopefully facilitate the discovery of safer, more efficacious anticancer drugs that exploit vulnerabilities that are unique to cancer cells by virtue of the mutations they have accrued during tumor progression

    Design of the sex hormones and physical exercise (SHAPE) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physical activity has been associated with a decreased risk for breast cancer. The biological mechanismn(s) underlying the association between physical activity and breast cancer is not clear. Most prominent hypothesis is that physical activity may protect against breast cancer through reduced lifetime exposure to endogenous hormones either direct, or indirect by preventing overweight and abdominal adiposity. In order to get more insight in the causal pathway between physical activity and breast cancer risk, we designed the <it>Sex Hormones and Physical Exercise (SHAPE) </it>study. Purpose of SHAPE study is to examine the effects of a 1-year moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise programme on endogenous hormone levels associated with breast cancer among sedentary postmenopausal women and whether the amount of total body fat or abdominal fat mediates the effects.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In the SHAPE study, 189 sedentary postmenopausal women, aged 50–69 years, are randomly allocated to an intervention or a control group. The intervention consists of an 1-year moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic and strenght training exercise programme. Partcipants allocated to the control group are requested to retain their habitual exercise pattern. Primary study parameters measured at baseline, at four months and at 12 months are: serum concentrations of endogenous estrogens, endogenous androgens, sex hormone binding globuline and insuline. Other study parameters include: amount of total and abdominal fat, weight, BMI, body fat distribution, physical fitness, blood pressure and lifestyle factors.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will contribute to the body of evidence relating physical activity and breast cancer risk and will provide insight into possible mechanisms through which physical activity might be associated with reduced risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NCT00359060</p

    Barcoding cells using cell-surface programmable DNA-binding domains

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    We report an approach to barcode cells through cell-surface expression of programmable zinc-finger DNA-binding domains (surface zinc fingers, sZFs). We show that sZFs enable sequence-specific labeling of living cells by dsDNA, and we develop a sequential labeling approach to image more than three cell types in mixed populations using three fluorophores. We demonstrate the versatility of sZFs through applications in which they serve as surrogate reporters, function as selective cell capture reagents and facilitate targeted cellular delivery of viruses

    Prosumers in a digital multiverse: An investigation of how WeChat is affecting Chinese citizen journalism

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    WeChat is China’s most popular multi-purpose messaging and social media application and has been gaining popularity globally since its first release in 2011. In this article, we examine how the use of WeChat is affecting digitally-enabled citizen journalism in China. To achieve that purpose, we gathered data from 3 focus-group interviews with Chinese WeChat users. The findings suggest that WeChat’s integration of multiple communicative networks renders it a multiversal space where citizen journalistic practice can transverse across public, semi-public, and private spheres. The diverse communicative affordances of WeChat could facilitate ‘metavoicing’ practice as a form of citizen journalism, and enable news production and consumption to converge. Consequently, users’ experiences of news and news story lifecycles have been affected. WeChat offers both opportunities and challenges to the practice of citizen journalism: it is a space where information exchange could be constantly monitored, where the tone of current affairs coverage is often sensationalized, and where the reliability of content can be difficult to discern
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