595 research outputs found

    Jenis-jenis Vegetasi Riparian Sungai Ranoyapo, Minahasa Selatan

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    Ekosistem riparian terletak di tepian sungai yang terkena banjir. Ekosistem riparian memiliki fungsi ekologis sebagai penyanggah bagi ekosistem teresterial dan akuatik. Pencemar yang masuk ke Sungai Ranoyapo, Minahasa Selatan dapat menurunkan kualitas air Sungai Ranoyapo. Pentingnya fungsi vegetasi riparian dalam mempertahankan kualitas air Sungai Ranoyapo membutuhkan penelitian tentang vegetasi riparian. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis jenis-jenis vegetasi riparian Sungai Ranoyapo, Minahasa Selatan. Hasil penelitian akan sangat bermanfaat sebagai data base dalam penelitian selanjutnya yang terkait dengan DAS Ranoyapo dan kualitas sungai Ranoyapo. Penelitian dilakukan di bagian hulu dan tengah pada Mei-Oktober 2013. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu survei dan analisis data secara deskriptif. Pola penggunaan lahan di sepanjang Sungai Ranoyapo dari hulu hingga tengah bervariasi namun umumnya pertanian tanaman pangan dan perkebunan. Jenis-jenis tanaman di zona riparia misalnya padi (Oryza sativa), jagung (Zea mays), kelapa (Cocos nucifera), ubi (Manihot utilissima), coklat (Theobroma cacao) dan cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum). Vegetasi riparian alami termasuk anggota dari berbagai suku antara lain suku Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Campanulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Commelinaceae, Mimosaceae, Fabaceae, Dryopteridaceae, dan Urticaceae. Jenis vegetasi riparian alami tumbuhan bawah antara lain Wedelia trilobata, Digitaria, Eupatorium odoratum, Ageratum conyzoides dan Mikania micrantha. Tumbuhan berupa pohon yaitu Ficus sp., Macaranga sp., dan Terminalia catappa

    Konsentrasi Klorofil Pada Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Puring (Codiaeum Varigatum L.)

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    Tanaman puring memiliki varietas yang sangat banyak dan terdapat sekitar 260 varietas puring yang ada di Indonesia. Puring merupakan tanaman yang memiliki warna dan bentuk daun yang beragam seperti kuning, hijau, merah dan coklat sehingga tanaman puring dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman hias warna-warni tersebut disebabkan karena adanya bermacam-macam pigmen warna didalam daun. Dalam proses fotosintesis klorofil atau pigmen hijau daun sangat diperlukan sehingga setiap daun sangat membutuhkan klorofil. Belum ada data yang menunjukkan apakah perbedaan dominansi warna pigmen daun juga mengandung perbedaan kandungan klorofilnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan warna daun pada 9 varietas dan perbedaan umur tanaman terhadap kandungan klorofil tanaman puring (puring cobra, puring spageti lokal, puring bor merah, puring jengkol, puring jempol, puring jet merah, puring kura-kura moncolor, puring bor cristata, puring lele) dan perbedaan umur daun tanaman terhadap kandungan klorofilnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun pada umur 3 bulan kandungan klorofilnya sama pada semua varietas baik kandungan konsentrasi klorofil total, klorofil a maupun klorofil b. Pada 3 varietas (puring cobra, puring spageti lokal dan puring bor merah) daun yang telah berumur 8 bulan mengandung konsentrasi klorofil total dan klorofil a yang berbeda antara daun muda dan daun tua sedangkan konsentrasi korofil b tidak berbeda pada semua varietas.Croton plants has so many varieties. Around 260 varieties of Croton plants are found in Indonesia. Croton plant is a plant with various color leaves such as yellow, green, red and brown which make Croton plant is used to be a house-plant. Those colors exist because of many color pigment in leaf. Every leaf needs chlorophyll or green pigment in photosynthesis process. There is no data that shows different color leaves contain different amount of chlorophyll. This research is done in order to find out the effects of difference in color leaves and plants age towards chlorophyll contents in Croton plants (puring cobra, puring spageti lokal, puring bor merah, puring jengkol, puring jempol, puring jet merah, puring kura-kura moncolor, puring bor cristata, puring lele) and different leaves age towards chlorophyll contents. The results showed that the leaf at the age of 3 months has the same chlorophyll contents whether in total chlorophyll, a chlorophyll ad b chlorophyll with the other varieties. The leaf in the age of 8 months in 3 varieties (puring cobra, puring spageti lokal dan puring bor merah) contains different consentration of total chlorophyll and a chlorophyll between young leaves and older leaves while the concentration of b chlorophyll does not differ at all varieties

    Jumlah Akar Adventif Pada Padi Lokal Sulawesi Utara Yang Mengalami Genangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon morfologi padi lokal Sulawesi Utara (varietas Ombong, Temo, TB, Sultan),yang mengalami genangan selama 20 hari pada fase vegetatif berdasarkan jumlah akar adventif. Pot yang berisi tanaman padi berumur 42 hari dimasukkan ke dalam ember yang telah terisi air dan tanaman terendam setinggi 27 cm di atas permukaan media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor varietas, faktor waktu, dan interaksi antara faktor varietas dan faktor waktu menyebabkan perbedaan jumlah akar adventif yang nyata

    Kelainan Patologi pada Mencit dan Tikus Disebabkan Zat Warna Rhodamine B dan Metanil Yellow

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    PATHOLOGICAL LESIONS IN MICE AND RATS CAUSED BY DYESTUFFS RHODAMINE B AND METANIL YELLOW. Rhodamine B and Metanil Yellow are 2 non-edible dyestuffs which are widely used for coloring snacks and drinks in Jakarta. These substances are reportedly toxic for human beings, however no data on acute or chronic intoxications are available so far. Groups of mice and rats were fed with either Rhodamine B or Metanil Yellow. The doses of these dyestuffs varied from 0.5 mg to 1350 mg per kilogram body weight. These animals were dcvided into 3 different experimental groups, respectively acute, subacute and chronic toxicity tests. Clinical signs included discoloration of the skin and its intensity depended upon the concentration of the dyestuffs used. The body weight gain of the test animals were consistently lower than those of the controls. Some animals became agressive and cannibalism occurred. Pathological lesions consisted of unthriftiness, focal liver inflammation, hydronephrosis, hepatoma and lymphoma. Considering the results of the experiments, it is justified to warn that the wide use of Rhodamine B and Metanil Yellow for food coloring might be hazardous for human health

    Kandungan Air pada Segmen Daun Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Lokal Sulawesi Utara Saat Kekeringan yang Diinduksi dengan Polietilen Glikol 8000

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    KANDUNGAN AIR PADA SEGMEN DAUN TANAMAN PADI (Oryza sativa L.) LOKAL SULAWESI UTARA SAAT KEKERINGAN YANG DIINDUKSI DENGAN POLIETILEN GLIKOL 8000 ABSTRAKPenelitian ini telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji kandungan air sebagai respon fisiologi pada segmen daun tanaman padi lokal Sulut (varietas Temo, Ombong, Burungan, dan Superwin) terhadap kekeringan yang diinduksi dengan PEG 8000 secara in vitro. Segmen daun padi dipotong-potong 1 cm x 1 cm dan diberi tiga macam perlakuan PEG 8000 (dengan potensial air/PA medium 0; -0,25; dan -0,5 MPa), dan empat waktu pengambilan sampel (0, 4, 8 dan 12 jam) dalam tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa faktor varietas, faktor waktu perlakuan, faktor konsentrasi PEG 8000, dan interaksi antara ketiga faktor tersebut tidak menyebabkan perbedaan kandungan air segmen daun yang nyata.Kata kunci: Cekaman kekeringan, PEG 8000, Potensial air, Segmen daun LEAF WATER CONTENT IN LEAF SEGMENTS OF NORTH SULAWESI LOCAL RICE (Oryza sativa L.) UNDER POLYETHYLENE-GLYCOL- 8000-INDUCED DROUGHTED DROUGHTABSTRACTA study was conducted to evaluate leaf water content as one of physiological responses in leaf segments of North Sulawesi local rice (cv. Temo, Ombong, Burungan, and Superwin) under PEG 8000- induced-drought. The rice leaves were cut into 1 cm x 1 cm segments and treated withPEG 8000 solutions (medium water potential or PA of 0; -0.25; and -0.5 MPa),four sampling times (0, 4, 8 and 12 hours) and 3 replicates. The results indicated that factors of varieties, treatment period, concentration of PEG 8000, and interaction among these factors did not result in any differences in water content of rice leaf segments

    Ascorbic acid, carotenoid contents and antioxidant properties of Australian summer carrot with different irrigation amounts on a free-draining, sandy soil

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    It is important to reduce the use of water for agricultural production in response to water scarcity and environmental concerns. The nutritive value in fruits and vegetables including carrot (Daucus carota L.), can be influenced by various climatic conditions, such as light intensity, temperature, and irrigation. The effect of differential irrigation treatments on the contents of ascorbic acid and carotenoid as well as antioxidant properties (antioxidant content, antiradical power, and antioxidant capacity) were studied in carrot (cv. Stefano) roots grown on a free-draining, sandy soil (Grey Karrakatta Sand) in the summer period. This soil has water holding capacities as low as 10-13% and requires irrigation up to 150% of class A pan evaporation (Epan) to optimize growth and quality. The irrigation treatments applied in this study consisted of 100% Epan replacement, 150% Epan replacement and crop factor. The soil water stress index calculation showed the soil water tension ranged from -2.4 to -7.6 kPa that was within the range between saturation and field capacity for sandy soil. The reduction of irrigation amount from 150% to 100% Epan did not differentiate the contents of ascorbic acid and total carotenoid, but it slightly decreased antioxidant properties of carrot grown in the free draining sandy soil
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