383 research outputs found

    Multiple resonance compensation for betatron coupling and its equivalence with matrix method

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    Analyses of betatron coupling can be broadly divided into two categories: the matrix approach that decouples the single-turn matrix to reveal the normal modes and the hamiltonian approach that evaluates the coupling in terms of the action of resonances in perturbation theory. The latter is often regarded as being less exact but good for physical insight. The common opinion is that the correction of the two closest sum and difference resonances to the working point is sufficient to reduce the off-axis terms in the 4X4 single-turn matrix, but this is only partially true. The reason for this is explained, and a method is developed that sums to infinity all coupling resonances and, in this way, obtains results equivalent to the matrix approach. The two approaches is discussed with reference to the dynamic aperture. Finally, the extension of the summation method to resonances of all orders is outlined and the relative importance of a single resonance compared to all resonances of a given order is analytically described as a function of the working point.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Interplay between electron-electron and electron-vibration interactions on the thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions

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    The linear thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions are theoretically studied close to room temperature within a model including electron-electron and electron-vibration interactions on the molecule. A nonequilibrium adiabatic approach is generalized to include large Coulomb repulsion through a self-consistent procedure and applied to the investigation of large molecules, such as fullerenes, within the Coulomb blockade regime. The focus is on the phonon thermal conductance which is quite sensitive to the effects of strong electron-electron interactions within the intermediate electron-vibration coupling regime. The electron-vibration interaction enhances the phonon and electron thermal conductance, and it reduces the charge conductance and the thermopower inducing a decrease of the thermoelectric figure of merit. For realistic values of junction parameters, the peak values of the thermoelectric figure of merit are still of the order of unity since the phonon thermal conductance can be even smaller than the electron counterpart.Comment: 8 pages, 1 Appendix, 12 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1406.377

    Electron-vibration effects on the thermoelectric efficiency of molecular junctions

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    The thermoelectric properties of a molecular junction model, appropriate for large molecules such as fullerenes, are studied within a non-equilibrium adiabatic approach in the linear regime at room temperature. A self-consistent calculation is implemented for electron and phonon thermal conductance showing that both increase with the inclusion of the electron-vibration coupling. Moreover, we show that the deviations from the Wiedemann-Franz law are progressively reduced upon increasing the interaction between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. Consequently, the junction thermoelectric efficiency is substantially reduced by the electron-vibration coupling. Even so, for realistic parameters values, the thermoelectric figure of merit can still have peaks of the order of unity. Finally, in the off-resonant electronic regime, our results are compared with those of an approach which is exact for low molecular electron densities. We give evidence that in this case additional quantum effects, not included in the first part of this work, do not affect significantly the junction thermoelectric properties in any temperature regime.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 2 Appendice

    Quantum box energies as a route to the ground state levels of self-assembled InAs pyramidal dots

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    A theoretical investigation of the ground state electronic structure of InAs/GaAs quantum confined structures is presented. Energy levels of cuboids and pyramidal shaped dots are calculated using a single-band, constant-confining-potential model that in former applications has proved to reproduce well both the predictions of very sophisticated treatments and several features of many experimental photoluminescence spectra. A connection rule between their ground state energies is found which allows the calculation of the energy levels of pyramidal dots using those of cuboids of suitably chosen dimensions, whose solution requires considerably less computational effort. The purpose of this work is to provide experimentalists with a versatile and simple method to analyze their spectra. As an example, this rule is then applied to successfully reproduce the position of the ground state transition peaks of some experimental photoluminescence spectra of self-assembled pyramidal dots. Furthermore the rule is used to predict the dimensions of a pyramidal dot, starting from the knowledge of the ground state transition energy and an estimate for the aspect ratio Q. © 2000 American Institute of Physics

    Chaotic dynamics in a storage-ring Free Electron Laser

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    The temporal dynamics of a storage-ring Free Electron Laser is here investigated with particular attention to the case in which an external modulation is applied to the laser-electron beam detuning. The system is shown to produce bifurcations, multi-furcations as well as chaotic regimes. The peculiarities of this phenomenon with respect to the analogous behavior displayed by conventional laser sources are pointed out. Theoretical results, obtained by means of a phenomenological model reproducing the evolution of the main statistical parameters of the system, are shown to be in a good agreement with experiments carried out on the Super-ACO Free Electron Laser.Comment: submitted to Europ Phys. Journ.

    Role of local fields in the optical properties of silicon nanocrystals using the tight binding approach

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    The role of local fields in the optical response of silicon nanocrystals is analyzed using a tight binding approach. Our calculations show that, at variance with bulk silicon, local field effects dramatically modify the silicon nanocrystal optical response. An explanation is given in terms of surface electronic polarization and confirmed by the fair agreement between the tight binding results and that of a classical dielectric model. From such a comparison, it emerges that the classical model works not only for large but also for very small nanocrystals. Moreover, the dependence on size of the optical response is discussed, in particular treating the limit of large size nanocrystals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Resonance families and their action on betatron motion

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    The present paper takes one step beyond the single-resonance theory for betatron motion by summing all the members of a given resonance family and expressing the joint influence in a single driving term. As a demonstration and confirmation of this work, the family driving terms are used to derive the classic closed-orbit and betatron-modulation equations of Courant and Snyder. A more serious demonstration is made by applying the family driving terms to the compensation of linear coupling and showing how numerical matrix-based and resonance compensation schemes are related. In a final phase, the HĂ©non map is used to compare the efficiency of different coupling compensation schemes with respect to dynamic aperture

    Tight binding formulation of the dielectric response in semiconductor nanocrystals

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    We report on a theoretical derivation of the electronic dielectric response of semiconductor nanocrystals using a tight-binding framework. Extending to the nanoscale the Hanke and Sham approach [Phys. Rev. B 12, 4501 (1975)] developed for bulk semiconductors, we show how local field effects can be included in the study of confined systems. A great advantage of this scheme is that of being formulated in terms of localized orbitals and thus it requires very few computational resources and times. Applications to the optical and screening properties of semiconductor nanocrystals are presented here and discussed. Results concerning the absorption cross section, the static polarizability and the screening function of InAs (direct gap) and Si (indirect gap) nanocrystals compare well to both first principles results and experimental data. We also show that the present scheme allows us to easily go beyond the continuum dielectric model, based on the Clausius-Mossotti equation, which is frequently used to include the nanocrystal surface polarization. Our calculations indicate that the continuum dielectric model, used in conjunction with a size dependent dielectric constant, underestimates the nanocrystal polarizability, leading to exceedingly strong surface polarization fields.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; corrected typos, added reference

    Effect of ELF e.m. fields on metalloprotein redox-active sites

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    The peculiarity of the distribution and geometry of metallic ions in enzymes pushed us to set the hypothesis that metallic ions in active-site act like tiny antennas able to pick up very feeble e.m. signals. Enzymatic activity of Cu2+, Zn2+ Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) and Fe2+ Xanthine Oxidase (XO) has been studied, following in vitro generation and removal of free radicals. We observed that Superoxide radicals generation by XO is increased by a weak field having the Larmor frequency fL of Fe2+ while the SOD1 kinetics is sensibly reduced by exposure to a weak field having the frequency fL of Cu2+ ion.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Orbital-dependent electron dynamics in Fe-pnictide superconductors

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    We report on orbital-dependent quasiparticle dynamics in EuFe2_2As2_2, a parent compound of Fe-based superconductors and a novel way to experimentally identify this behavior, using time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy across the spin density wave transition. We observe two different relaxation time scales for photo-excited dx_xz_z/dy_yz_z and dx_xy_y electrons. While dx_xz_z/dy_yz_z electrons relax faster through the electron-electron scattering channel, showing an itinerant character, dx_xy_y electrons form a quasi-equilibrium state with the lattice due to their localized character, and the state decays slowly. Our findings suggest that electron correlation in Fe-pnictides is an important property, which should be taken into careful account when describing the electronic properties of both parent and electron-doped compounds, and therefore establish a strong connection with cuprates
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