931 research outputs found

    A van der Waals free energy in electrolytes revisited

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    A system of three electrolytes separated by two parallel planes is considered. Each region is described by a dielectric constant and a Coulomb fluid in the Debye-H\"uckel regime. In their book Dispersion Forces, Mahanty and Ninham have given the van der Waals free energy of this system. We rederive this free energy by a different method, using linear response theory and the electrostatic Maxwell stress tensor for obtaining the dispersion force.Comment: 7 pages. PACS numbers updated. References update

    Student Recital

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    Indigenous Representation in Cinema

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    Indigenous people are underrepresented offscreen on film-sets, and misrepresented onscreen. This has always been true in cinema and progress towards proper representation has been incredibly slow. This has effects both on Indigenous people, and how the rest of society views them. It limits career opportunities for Indigenous filmmakers, restricts Indigenous role models on film, and reinforces cultural misunderstandings in society.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/headandheartprogram_2019/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Resonance Interaction Induced by Metal Surfaces Catalyses Atom Pair Breakage

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    We present the theory for retarded resonance interaction between two identical atoms at arbitrary positions near a metal surface. The dipole-dipole resonance interaction force that binds isotropically excited atom pairs together in free space may turn repulsive close to an ideal (totally reflecting) metal surface. On the other hand, close to an infinitely permeable surface it may turn more attractive. We illustrate numerically how the dipole-dipole resonance interaction between two oxygen atoms near a metal surface may provide a repulsive energy of the same order of magnitude as the ground-state binding energy of an oxygen molecule. As a complement we also present results from density-functional theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Atomic resonance interaction in dielectric media

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    The retarded resonance interaction in dielectric media between a ground state atom and an excited atom were investigated. The whole system was represented by a superposition of states:symmetric and antisymmetric with respect to interchange of atoms. While the antisymmetric state can be long lived, the asymmetric state is likely to decay into two ground state atoms. The retarded limit large deviations were demonstrated

    Thermal radiation and near-field energy density of thin metallic films

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    We study the properties of thermal radiation emitted by a thin dielectric slab, employing the framework of macroscopic fluctuational electrodynamics. Particular emphasis is given to the analytical construction of the required dyadic Green's functions. Based on these, general expressions are derived for both the system's Poynting vector, describing the intensity of propagating radiation, and its energy density, containing contributions from non-propagating modes which dominate the near-field regime. An extensive discussion is then given for thin metal films. It is shown that the radiative intensity is maximized for a certain film thickness, due to Fabry-Perot-like multiple reflections inside the film. The dependence of the near-field energy density on the distance from the film's surface is governed by an interplay of several length scales, and characterized by different exponents in different regimes. In particular, this energy density remains finite even for arbitrarily thin films. This unexpected feature is associated with the film's low-frequency surface plasmon polariton. Our results also serve as reference for current near-field experiments which search for deviations from the macroscopic approach

    Retardation turns the van der Waals attraction into Casimir repulsion already at 3 nm

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    Casimir forces between surfaces immersed in bromobenzene have recently been measured by Munday et al. Attractive Casimir forces were found between gold surfaces. The forces were repulsive between gold and silica surfaces. We show the repulsion is due to retardation effects. The van der Waals interaction is attractive at all separations. The retardation driven repulsion sets in already at around 3 nm. To our knowledge retardation effects have never been found at such a small distance before. Retardation effects are usually associated with large distances
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