7 research outputs found

    The Development of Leadership Style of Chief Village Based on Local Wisdom "Asta Brata" in Buleleng Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the leadership of Asta Brata of the Chief Village and Leader Member Exchange was able to influence the performance of village apparatus in Buleleng Regency. This study used an associative quantitative method. The data analysis technique used in this study is a variance-based structural equation modelling (SEM) or component based SEM, which is known as Partial Least Square (PLS) Visual version 3.0. All the relationships studied showed positive and significant results. In its realization, Asta Brata's leadership is able to improve the performance of village apparatus. Likewise, the Leader Member Exchange is able to increase the Performance of Village apparatus. The indicators that show the highest score are Kwera Brata and Loyalty, the combination of these indicators is a strong benchmark in improving the performance of village apparatus in Buleleng Regency

    Building Quality of Human Resources Through Job Skill Based on Local Wisdom of "Pageh, Puguh, Lan Jengah" at Village Credit Institutions (LPD) of Buleleng Regency

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    The purpose of the research was to determine how to build quality of human resources through job skill based on “Pageh, Puguh, lan Jengah” at the Village Credit Institute (LPD) in Buleleng Regency. Through testing several relationships to determine the improvement in the quality of human resources in the LPD.This research used a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling-SEM) variance-based or component based SEM, called Partial Least Square (PLS) Visual version 3.0. The sample used 60 people with a t-table value for a significant level of α=0.05 of 1.96. All of the relationships showed positive and significant results. From the results of this research it is known that through the implementation of job skill based on “Pageh, Puguh, lan Jengah” is able to improve the quality of human resources that impacts on improving the performance of the employee in LPD of Buleleng Regency

    The Influence of Teacher Teaching and Guidance of Parents on Student Achievement with Mediation of Learning Motivation in Santo Yoseph Denpasar

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    The study aims to determine the influence of teacher teaching methods on student achievement, the influence of teacher teaching methods on the motivation of Learning, the influence of parental guidance on the motivation of Learning, the influence of parental guidance on student achievement, the influence of motivation to learn to students ' achievements, how the motivation to learn to influence teacher teaching methods on student achievement. This study was conducted on the SMAK of Santo Yoseph Denpasar. In this research student achievement is influenced by teacher teaching methods, parental guidance and motivational learning. The respondent in this study was 120 students of SMAK Santo Yoseph Denpasar. Data analysis is done using PLS (partial least square). The results showed that teacher teaching methods are positively and significantly impactful to student achievement. Then, teacher teaching methods have positive and significant influence on student achievement, proven. Furthermore, parental guidance positively and insignificant towards learning motivation, on student achievement, not proven. Learning motivation positive and significant impact on student achievement. The motivation to learn to process the relationship between teacher teaching methods to student achievement, is not proven. The motivation to learn to publish the relationship between parents ' guidance on student achievement, proven

    Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Mahasiswa Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    COVID-19 menjadi wabah yang telah menyebar luas di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat atau PHBS adalah upaya untuk memperkuat budaya seseorang, kelompok maupun masyarakat agar peduli dan mengutamakan kesehatan untuk mewujudkan kehidupan yang lebih berkualitas. Mahasiswa di fakultas kesehatan memiliki akses yang lebih banyak terhadap informasi kesehatan dibandingkan fakultas non kesehatan. Penerapan PHBS dengan baik dapat membantu pencegahan COVID-19.  Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat antara mahasiswa fakultas kesehatan dan mahasiswa fakultas nonkesehatan di Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan 96 orang responden yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Responden dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 48 orang mahasiswa fakultas kesehatan dan 48 orang mahasiswa fakultas non kesehatan. Hasil uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan mengenai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat antara mahasiswa fakultas kesehatan dan fakultas nonkesehatan (P=0,403). Dengan demikian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa latar belakang pendidikan tinggi tidak mempengaruhi perilaku PHBS mahasiswa di Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar.   &nbsp


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    This report on Indonesia is one of a series of evaluation reports, consisting of ten reports in total, reflecting the results of the jointly-organised MFS II evaluation: - eight country reports (India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Uganda, Indonesia, DR Congo, Liberia, Pakistan); - a synthesis report (covering the eight country studies); and - a report with the results of the international lobbying and advocacy programmes. This series of reports assessed the 2011-2015 contribution of the Dutch Co-Financing System (MFS II) towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, strengthening international civil society, setting the international agenda and changing decision-makers’ policy and practice, with the ultimate goal of reducing structural poverty. On July 2nd, 2015, the reports were approved by the independent steering committee (see below), which concluded that they meet the quality standards of validity, reliability and usefulness set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs