17 research outputs found

    Add and Go: FRET Acceptor for Live-Cell Measurements Modulated by Externally Provided Ligand

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    A substantial number of genetically encoded fluorescent sensors rely on the changes in FRET efficiency between fluorescent cores, measured in ratiometric mode, with acceptor photobleaching or by changes in fluorescence lifetime. We report on a modulated FRET acceptor allowing for simplified one-channel FRET measurement based on a previously reported fluorogen-activating protein, DiB1. Upon the addition of the cell-permeable chromophore, the fluorescence of the donor-fluorescent protein mNeonGreen decreases, allowing for a simplified one-channel FRET measurement. The reported chemically modulated FRET acceptor is compatible with live-cell experiments and allows for prolonged time-lapse experiments with dynamic energy transfer evaluation

    Add and Go: FRET Acceptor for Live-Cell Measurements Modulated by Externally Provided Ligand

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    A substantial number of genetically encoded fluorescent sensors rely on the changes in FRET efficiency between fluorescent cores, measured in ratiometric mode, with acceptor photobleaching or by changes in fluorescence lifetime. We report on a modulated FRET acceptor allowing for simplified one-channel FRET measurement based on a previously reported fluorogen-activating protein, DiB1. Upon the addition of the cell-permeable chromophore, the fluorescence of the donor-fluorescent protein mNeonGreen decreases, allowing for a simplified one-channel FRET measurement. The reported chemically modulated FRET acceptor is compatible with live-cell experiments and allows for prolonged time-lapse experiments with dynamic energy transfer evaluation

    Red-Shifted Aminated Derivatives of GFP Chromophore for Live-Cell Protein Labeling with Lipocalins

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    Fluorogens are an attractive type of dye for imaging applications, eliminating time-consuming washout steps from staining protocols. With just a handful of reported fluorogen-protein pairs, mostly in the green region of spectra, there is a need for the expansion of their spectral range. Still, the origins of solvatochromic and fluorogenic properties of the chromophores suitable for live-cell imaging are poorly understood. Here we report on the synthesis and labeling applications of novel red-shifted fluorogenic cell-permeable green fluorescent protein (GFP) chromophore analogs

    Yellow and Orange Fluorescent Proteins with Tryptophan-based Chromophores

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    Rapid development of new microscopy techniques exposed the need for genetically encoded fluorescent tags with special properties. Recent works demonstrated the potential of fluorescent proteins with tryptophan-based chromophores. We applied rational design and random mutagenesis to the monomeric red fluorescent protein FusionRed and found two groups of mutants carrying a tryptophan-based chromophore: with yellow (535 nm) or orange (565 nm) emission. On the basis of the properties of proteins, a model synthetic chromophore, and a computational modeling, we concluded that the presence of a ketone-containing chromophore in different isomeric forms can explain the observed yellow and orange phenotypes

    Heterogeneity of the GFP fitness landscape and data-driven protein design

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    Studies of protein fitness landscapes reveal biophysical constraints guiding protein evolution and empower prediction of functional proteins. However, generalisation of these findings is limited due to scarceness of systematic data on fitness landscapes of proteins with a defined evolutionary relationship. We characterized the fitness peaks of four orthologous fluorescent proteins with a broad range of sequence divergence. While two of the four studied fitness peaks were sharp, the other two were considerably flatter, being almost entirely free of epistatic interactions. Mutationally robust proteins, characterized by a flat fitness peak, were not optimal templates for machine-learning-driven protein design – instead, predictions were more accurate for fragile proteins with epistatic landscapes. Our work paves insights for practical application of fitness landscape heterogeneity in protein engineering

    KillerOrange, a Genetically Encoded Photosensitizer Activated by Blue and Green Light.

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    Genetically encoded photosensitizers, proteins that produce reactive oxygen species when illuminated with visible light, are increasingly used as optogenetic tools. Their applications range from ablation of specific cell populations to precise optical inactivation of cellular proteins. Here, we report an orange mutant of red fluorescent protein KillerRed that becomes toxic when illuminated with blue or green light. This new protein, KillerOrange, carries a tryptophan-based chromophore that is novel for photosensitizers. We show that KillerOrange can be used simultaneously and independently from KillerRed in both bacterial and mammalian cells offering chromatic orthogonality for light-activated toxicity

    Phototoxicity of KillerOrange and KillerRed in mammalian cells.

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    <p>KillerOrange, KillerRed and EGFP-expressing cells were mixed and illuminated with 477 nm or 590 nm light. Y-axis depicts changes in fractions of KillerOrange (yellow lines) or KillerRed-expressing (red lines) cells in the population. Cell fractions were normalized to the fractions in non-illuminated sample. Error bars represent SD, N = 3.</p