109 research outputs found

    The effect of exercise on plasma soluble IL-6 receptor concentration: a dichotomous response

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    The aim of this article is to review current literature on the response of soluble interleukin-6 receptor to exercise and identify a potential role for sIL-6R in skeletal muscle function. We also provide novel data on the impact of eccentric exercise on circulating levels. The aim of the research study was to investigate changes in plasma concentration of soluble interleukin-6 receptor (sIL-6R) and soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) during recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) up to 72 h and their relationship with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and muscle function. 18 participants attended the laboratory on 4 consecutive days. On the first day, participants completed 6 sets of 10 repetitions of unilateral eccentric-concentric knee flexions at a test speed of 1.05 rad.s(-1) using a Cybex Isokentic dynamometer to induce muscle damage of the hamstrings. Prior to the eccentric exercise bout and each subsequent morning, following an overnight fast, participants had a venous blood sample taken which was centrifuged immediately and plasma frozen at -80 degrees C until later analysis. Plasma IL-6 and sgp130 were unchanged at any time point during recovery but sIL-6R was significantly reduced at 48 h and 72 h post-exercise (p < 0.05). Plasma sIL-6R was correlated with DOMS at 48 h post EIMD (r = 0.45, p < 0.05) and peak muscle torque at 24 h and 48 h following EIMD (r = -.42; p < 0.05; r = -.57; p < 0.01 respectively). Our novel finding that sIL-6R concentrations are decreased 2-3 days following a single bout of EIMD may reflect a regulatory mechanism controlling the influx of different leukocyte subpopulations into damaged tissue, although this needs to be confirmed by future studies. Our data suggests an association between sIL-6R, perception of pain and reduced peak muscle performance post-EIMD but further investigation is warranted to explore this relationship and implications for exercise performance

    The effect of an anabolic steroid and training on the skeletal muscle of the horse

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    1) Resting Study: Nandrolone phenylpropionats (therapeutic dose) was administered i.m. to 4 healthy, mature castrate horses at weekly intervals for 7 weeks. Measurement of body weight and nitrogen excretion failed to show a consistent anabolic effect. Examination of biopsies from the semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles showed no alteration in water content or glycogen concentration with treatment. Similarly no changes were found in the activities of the following enzymes: lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase, citrate synthase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and 3-hydroxyacy1 CoA dehydrogenase. However a significant increase in the proportion of fast twitch low oxidative fibres of the biceps femoris was observed. The occurrence of some components of stallion behaviour in geldings was taken to reflect a residual androgenic activity in the compound. 2) Exercise Study: The effect of nandrolone phenylpropionate was investigated in 6 Thoroughbred geldings which were involved in a training programme. The study was conducted on a crossover basis, each animal acting as its own control. 3) Acute Exercise Study: Ca) Electron microscopy study. The effect of strength and endurance exercise on skeletal muscle ultrastructure was investigated in 3 Thoroughbreds and 1 Heavy Hunter using various fixation procedures. The resting ultrastructure was similar to that of other species. After strength exercise disruption was noted in all samples. Disruption was also noted after endurance exercise but only in samples fixed in osmium tetroxide. (b) netabolites . The 6 Thoroughbred horses of the exercise study were galloped over various distances 506m, 1025m, 1600m and 3620m. Glycogen depletion was significantly greater in the 1025m and 1600m than in the 506m trial. Pyruvate concentrations did not alter significantly with exercise. Lactate production over the 3 shorter distances was significantly greater than the production over the 3620m trial. There was no difference at any stage, in any parameter measured, between control and anabolic group. In conclusion, these studies have shown that at a high therapeutic dose, nandrolone phenylpropionate had little effect on the skeletal musculature of both resting and exercising Thcroughbreo horses. The only notable effect was the alteration in histochemical profile of the biceps femoris muscle. The relevance of this change to the racing performenes of the whole animal is questionable, Both the electron microscopical study and the investigation into the utilisation of fuels over various distances provides some preliminary results which serve as a good basis on which to continue. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    An evaluation of low volume high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) for health risk reduction in overweight and obese men

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    Abstract ᅟ Both sprint interval training (SIT) and high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) have been described as time-efficient strategies for inducing favourable metabolic and cardiorespiratory adaptations in healthy and diseased participants. Background To date, little attention has been given to profiling the potential health benefits of HIIT or modified HIIT training within overweight and obese cohorts with particular focus on inflammation. Within this pilot trial, we tested the hypothesis that 6 sessions of HIIT performed over 2 weeks with 1–2 days’ rest would improve aerobic capacity, glucose metabolism and inflammatory profile in an overweight and obese male cohort. Additionally, we profiled the potential health benefits of 4 HIIT sessions performed over the same period. Methods 18 overweight or obese males (BMI = 31.2 ± 3.6; V̇O2 = 30.3 ± 4.4 ml.kg.min-1) were studied before and 72 h after HIIT. Training sessions consisted of 10 x 1 min intervals at 90% HRpeak separated by 1 min recovery periods. Exercise was performed either 6 (group 1, n = 8) or 4 (group 2, n = 10) times over a 2 week period. Results After training no changes were detected from baseline for body composition, aerobic capacity, glucose metabolism or inflammatory profile (p > 0.05) in either group. Conclusion Both 6 and 4 sessions of HIIT performed over a 2-week period are ineffective in improving selected health markers within an overweight and obese cohort. Trial registration This trial reports data from human participants and was retrospectively registered on 22/02/2017 with the ISRCTN registry, trial number ISRCTN90672085

    Exercise and ghrelin. A narrative overview of research

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    Since its discovery in 1999, ghrelin has been implicated in a multiplicity of physiological activities. Most notably, ghrelin has an important influence on energy metabolism and after the identification of its potent appetite stimulating effects ghrelin has been termed the ‘hunger hormone.’ Exercise is a stimulus which has a significant impact on energy homeostasis and consequently a substantial body of research has investigated the interaction between exercise and ghrelin. This narrative review provides an overview of research relating to the acute and chronic effects of exercise on circulating ghrelin (acylated, unacylated and total). To enhance study comparability, the scope of this review is limited to research undertaken in adult humans and consequently studies involving children and animals are not discussed. Although there is significant ambiguity within much of the early research, our review suggests that acute exercise transiently interferes with the production of acylated ghrelin. Furthermore, the consensus of evidence indicates that exercise training does not influence circulating ghrelin independent of weight loss. Additional research is needed to verify and extend the available literature, particularly by uncovering the mechanisms governing acute exercise-related changes and characterising responses in other populations such as females, older adults, and the obese

    An evaluation of low volume high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) for health risk reduction in overweight and obese men

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    Both sprint interval training (SIT) and high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) have been described as time-efficient strategies for inducing favourable metabolic and cardiorespiratory adaptations in healthy and diseased participants. BACKGROUND: To date, little attention has been given to profiling the potential health benefits of HIIT or modified HIIT training within overweight and obese cohorts with particular focus on inflammation. Within this pilot trial, we tested the hypothesis that 6 sessions of HIIT performed over 2 weeks with 1-2 days’rest would improve aerobic capacity, glucose metabolism and inflammatory profile in an overweight and obese male cohort. Additionally, we profiled the potential health benefits of 4 HIIT sessions performed over the same period. METHODS: 18 overweight or obese males (BMI = 31.2 ± 3.6; V̇O2 = 30.3 ± 4.4 ml.kg.min-1) were studied before and 72 h after HIIT. Training sessions consisted of 10 x 1 min intervals at 90% HRpeak separated by 1 min recovery periods. Exercise was performed either 6 (group 1, n = 8) or 4 (group 2, n = 10)times over a 2 week period. RESULTS: After training no changes were detected from baseline for body composition, aerobic capacity, glucose metabolism or inflammatory profile(p > 0.05) in either group. CONCLUSION: Both 6 and 4 sessions of HIIT performed over a 2-week period are ineffective in improving selected health markers within an overweight and obese cohort

    The impact of high intensity intermittent exercise on resting metabolic rate in healthy males

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    Introduction High-intensity intermittent exercise training (HIT) may favourably alter body composition despite low training volumes and predicted energy expenditure (EE). Purpose To characterise the acute impact of two common HIT protocols on EE and post-exercise oxygen consumption (11 h EPOC). Methods Oxygen consumption (l min−1), respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and EE were measured in nine healthy, lean males over 12 h under three conditions: control (CON), HIT1 (10 × 1 min high-intensity cycling bouts followed by 1 min rest) and HIT2 (10 × 4 min high-intensity cycling bouts followed by 2 min rest). Results Total exercise period EE during HIT1 (1,151 ± 205 kJ) (mean ± SD) was significantly lower than HIT2 (2,788 ± 322 kJ; p < 0.001). EE within the 60 min after exercise was significantly albeit marginally higher after HIT1 (388 ± 44 kJ; p = 0.02) and HIT2 (389 ± 39 kJ; p = 0.01) compared with CON (329 ± 39 kJ), with no difference between exercise conditions (p = 0.778). RER during this period was significantly lower in HIT1 (0.78 ± 0.06; p = 0.011) and HIT2 (0.76 ± 0.04; p = 0.004) compared with CON (0.87 ± 0.06). During the ‘slow phase’ of EPOC (1.25–9.75 h), there were no significant differences in EE (p = 0.07) or RER (p = 0.173) between trials

    Do overweight and obese individuals demonstrate impaired thermoregulatory adaptation to six weeks of studio cycling training: a pilot study

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    High intensity interval training (HIIT) is effective at improving health markers in groups at risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Studio cycling may offer a platform for HIIT in the community, however little is know about how increased adiposity influences thermal control during HIIT and the effect this may have on overweight patients who are new to exercise. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the thermal adaptation in response to studio based group HIIT in sedentary overweight adults

    The effect of a pedometer-based community walking intervention "Walking for Wellbeing in the West" on physical activity levels and health outcomes: a 12-week randomized controlled trial

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    Background Recent systematic reviews have suggested that pedometers may be effective motivational tools to promote walking. However, studies tend to be of a relatively short duration, with small clinical based samples. Further research is required to demonstrate their effectiveness in adequately powered, community based studies. Objective Using a randomized controlled trial design, this study assessed the impact of a 12-week graduated pedometer-based walking intervention on daily step-counts, self-reported physical activity and health outcomes in a Scottish community sample not meeting current physical activity recommendations. Method Sixty-three women and 16 men (49.2 years ± 8.8) were randomly assigned to either an intervention (physical activity consultation and 12-week pedometer-based walking program) or control (no action) group. Measures for step-counts, 7-day physical activity recall, affect, quality of life (n = 79), body mass, BMI, % body fat, waist and hip circumference (n = 76), systolic/diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol (n = 66) were taken at baseline and week 12. Analyses were performed on an intention to treat basis using 2-way mixed factorial analyses of variance for parametric data and Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon tests for non-parametric data. Results Significant increases were found in the intervention group for step-counts (p &#60; .001), time spent in leisure walking (p = .02) and positive affect (p = .027). Significant decreases were found in this group for time spent in weekday (p = .003), weekend (p = .001) and total sitting (p = .001) with no corresponding changes in the control group. No significant changes in any other health outcomes were found in either group. In comparison with the control group at week 12, the intervention group reported a significantly greater number of minutes spent in leisure time (p = .008), occupational (p = .045) and total walking (p = .03), and significantly fewer minutes in time spent in weekend (p = .003) and total sitting (p = .022). Conclusion A pedometer-based walking program, incorporating a physical activity consultation, is effective in promoting walking and improving positive affect over 12 weeks in community based individuals. The discussion examines possible explanations for the lack of significant changes in health outcomes. Continued follow-up of this study will examine adherence to the intervention and possible resulting effects on health outcomes
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