13 research outputs found

    Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg (Guavira)

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    The essential oils from Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg leaves, collected in the reproductive (flowering and fruit-bearing) and vegetative stages, were characterized by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry). A total of 95 compounds of the essential oils were identified. In the reproductive stage (flowering) the major constituents were monoterpenes (limonene, α-pinene and β-pinene) while during the vegetative stage the major constituents were the sesquiterpenes (bicyclogermacrene and globulol). The essential oil of the reproductive stage shows high antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, and all show moderate activity against Escherichia coli. The essential oils were also evaluated for their radical-scavenging activity by DPPH. The chemogeographical variations of the oil composition from the four distinct localities studied all contained α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, linalool, β-caryophyllene, germacrene D and bicyclogermacrene, however the samples from Jardim city contained neither limonene nor linalool.Os óleos essenciais obtidos das folhas de Campomanesia adamantium foram caracterizados através da combinação de CG-EM e índice de retenção, sendo identificado um total de 95 compostos. Na floração as substâncias majoritárias foram monoterpenos (limoneno, α-pineno e β-pineno) e durante o estágio vegetativo as substâncias majoritárias foram sesquiterpenos (biciclogermacreno e globulol). Os óleos essenciais obtidos da floração e frutificação mostraram alta atividade contra Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans e moderada contra Escherichia coli em todos os estágios. Foi avaliada a atividade antioxidante dos óleos essenciais usando o método do DPPH. O óleo essencial das 4 cidades mostrou a presença de α-pineno, β-pineno, limoneno, linalol, β-cariofileno, germacreno D e biciclogermacreno, mas a amostra da cidade de Jardim não apresentou limoneno e linalol

    Hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos e outras substâncias orgânicas na combustão de madeira para produção de carvão e em particulado atmosférico da cidade de Campo Grande /MS

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    município de Campo Grande, MS, com uma população de aproximadamente 600 mil habitantes concentrados na área urbana, todos os anos, entre os meses de julho a novembro, período muito seco, fica encoberto pela fumaça proveniente da queima de biomassa, a qual tem sido apontada como responsável pelo aumento da incidência de casos de doenças respiratórias na população. Neste trabalho, é reportada a composição química de aerossóis, partículas inaláveis (1 μm ≤ dp≤ 15 μm), de emissões do forno utilizado para a produção de carvão vegetal e de 14 amostras de ar da cidade de Campo Grande / MS. O particulado atmosférico foi amostrado de junho a novembro de 1998 no campus da UFMS e as amostras de emissão direta foram coletadas a 1,5 m de um forno construído com tijolos e saibro, similar aos utilizados nas carvoarias da região. Nos dois tipos de amostra, o material particulado foi coletado sobre filtro de Fluorepore em PTFE com 37 mm de diâmetro e as substâncias semivoláteis em tubos do adsorvente XAD-2, utilizando-se amostrador de baixo volume (low-vol). As substâncias foram extraídas com diclorometano/metanol (4:1) em banho ultra-sônico. As análises foram realizadas por CG/EM nos modos SCAN e SIM. A concentração de HPAs na atmosfera próxima ao forno, proveniente da queima de madeira para produção de carvão, foi estimada em 23,6 μg.m-3 de ar para a soma de 15 HPAs, e em 310,1 ng.m-3 para o BaP. A concentração média dos 15 HPAs nas amostras ambientais foi de 21,05 ng.m-3 e a concentração média do BaP de 0,25 ng.m-3...Campo Grande City (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) has around 600,000 inhabitants, concentrated in the urban area. Every year, between July and November, the dry season, the city is covered with biomass burning smoke. The biomass burning is result of the vegetal carbon production, agricultural handling, or de-florestation operation into Brazilian Savannah (“cerrado”). The smoke has been indicated as main cause of respiratory disease increasing of the population. In this work it was reported the aerosol composition (1μm ≤ dp≤ 10 μm), from emission of vegetal carbon production and 14 air samples of Campo Grande city. The particulate material was sampled from June until November, 1998 at campus of Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) while the emission samples were collected at 1.5 m far from an oven made with brick and a mixture of clay and sand, similar to ones used by vegetal carbon producers of region. For both kind of samples, the particulate material was collected with Fuorepore/PTFE filters (37 mm diameter) while volatile fraction was sampled into adsorbent tubes (XAD-2), using low vol sampler. The extracts were obtained by ultrasonic bath using dichloromethane:methanol (4:1) and were analyzed by GC/MS, SCAn and SIM modes. The total HPAs emission of vegetal carbon oven was estimated in 23.6 μg.m-3 and 310 ng.m-3 for benzo(a)pyrene. On the other hand, the city air samples shown concentration (average) of 21,05 ng.m-3 for total HPAs, and 0.25 ng.m-3 for benzo(a) pyrene. HPAs, OXI-HPAs, phenols e Metoxy-phenols were identified...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below

    Análise de pesticidas organoclorados em água usando a microextração em fase sólida por headspace com cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massas

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    A method based on headspace - solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry was validated for the quantitative determination of 18 organochlorine pesticides in water. For the extraction conditioning some parameters as the best type of coating fiber, time and temperature of extraction, pH and ionic strength were evaluated. The method HS-SPME/GC-MS/MS showed linear coefficient above 0.9948. The repeatability of the measurements were lower than 7.6%. Relative recoveries were between 88 and 110%. Limits of detection from 0.5 x 10-3 to 1.0 mg L-1 were obtained. A total of 31 samples were analyzed and 16 presented from 1 to 5 pesticides

    Avaliação da concentração de alguns íons metálicos em diferentes espécies de líquens do cerrado Sul-Mato-Grossense Evaluation of concentration of some metal ions in different lichen species of the Sul-Mato-Grossensse cerrado

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    Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Zn and Cu were determinated using flame atomic absorption spectrometry in nine lichen species of the Sul-Mato-Grossense cerrado. The average metal ion concentrations varied in the following ranges: Fe, 248.41-1568.01; Mn, 98.50-397.33; Co, 10.08-24.81; Cr, 18.24-44.26; Zn, 14.62-34.79 and Cu, 3.23-7.57 mg kg-1. Statistical analysis (Pearson and Cluster) applied to the metal ion concentrations indicated that the accumulation of these ions can be due to several anthropogenic sources including agricultural activities, mineral exploration, biomass burning, soil mineral composition and leather tanning processes by chromium

    Characterization of pyroligneous acid used in agriculture by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    In this study, two kinds of samples of pyrolysis liquid were analyzed, one produced at laboratory and other acquired from a company that supplies agricultural inputs. The analyses were carried out by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The profiles corresponding to the two samples are discussed. Syringol, 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene, 2-metoxy-4-methylphenol, o-guaiacol and 5-tert-butylpyrogalol were the most abundant substances in the acid extract (pyroligneous acid + soluble tar). The composition of the pyrolysis liquids was mainly characterized for methoxyphenols (guaiacol, syringol and their derivatives), phenols, carboxylic acids (C5-C17) and in a smaller amount for alcohol (C5-C9), ketones (C7-C8) and aldehydes (C5-C7). The results for the foliar fertilizer showed the presence of soluble tar and pyroligneous acid