744 research outputs found

    Sustainable Evolution of Business Models: Cases from Scandinavian Internet Portal Market

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    Portals exist for a large number of topics and they have become quite common on the Internet. So far, researchers have not extensively studied the evolution of portals and only a few portal business models have been reported in the literature. We wonder if Internet portals are following the same evolution path, and what kinds of similarities and differences can be observed. The theoretical references, we drew on for the design of a field study, were derived from a number of theories considering portals, online communities, and network economics. We chose to research six portals, comprising Danish, Finnish and Swedish portals, of which three represent healthcare and three mobile services. We learned that the portals are quite similar in their scope of operation. Furthermore, we noticed that there is a difference between portals hosted by large organizations and portals that existing independently. All six portals are national in their geographical sphere of attention. This stresses that the local language capabilities are important when launching a portal. Finally, existing theories seem to provide an adequate theoretical vehicle for explaining the evolution of these portals. The practical contribution of this paper lays in the set of guidelines that can be applied by portal managers to identify their focus areas. It also provides some guidance about in which direction Internet portals currently develop

    Applying theory-building techniques to the design of modelling languages

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    In their 2004 paper Hevner et. al proposed a set of guidelines for conducting design science research projects in the IS discipline. While useful, these guidelines have a relatively high level of abstraction. However, various IT artifacts such as models, methods, techniques and implementations require IS researchers to apply differing methods in order to construct and evaluate purposeful artifacts respectively. In this paper we discuss a particular class of IT artifacts: conceptual modeling languages. As constituent parts of software development methods, a multitude of such languages has been proposed and discussed. Yet, in the related literature on method design only little guidance is provided on how to derive appropriate conceptual modeling languages from empirical data. We believe that “good methods” need to be rigorously grounded in empirical findings. Taking a look at the related literature on inductive theory building reveals that at there are prominent similarities between the elements that constitute theories and those that constitute conceptual modeling languages: whereas theories comprise of constructs and relationships between these, conceptual modeling languages comprise of language constructs and relationships among these. We draw from the body of literature on grounded theory building and propose a new approach to designing conceptual modeling languages

    Factores que afectan el éxito de las agallas de Aditrochus coihuensis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)

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    Galls of Aditrochus coihuensis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) were collected from their host tree, the southern beech Nothofagus dombeyi, near San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, during the spring of 2007. Galls were carefully examined and classifi ed as successful or unsuccessful based on insect remains and emergence-hole diameter. Gall properties (diameter, wall thickness, chamber diameter, wall toughness) were measured and compared between successful galls and unsuccessful (parasitized) galls. Gall diameter and wall thickness were strongly correlated and thick walls seem to function as a protection against parasitoids. Parasitoids (Torymidae) that were found within some galls had an ovipositor length shorter than wall thickness of fully developed galls. Most likely, parasitoids attack galls only during a limited time when the wall is thin enough. Wall toughness did not seem to infl uence gall success. In total 67% of the galls suffered from parasitoids. Inquilines (Curculionidae) were found within some gall walls, with preference for larger galls and for those with thicker walls. Traces of potential bird or wasp predation were also found in a few specimens. Our present fi ndings contribute original descriptive information on these galls. Overall, our results lend further support on the potential importance of natural enemies on gall evolution.Agallas provocadas por Aditrochus coihuensis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) sobre su hospedero, Nothofagus dombeyi, fueron colectadas en la vecindad de San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, durante la primavera de 2007. Las mismas fueron examinadas y clasificadas como exitosas o no, sobre la base de restos de insectos dentro de ellas y el diámetro del agujero de emergencia. Distintas propiedades de las agallas (diámetro, grosor y dureza de la pared y diámetro de la cámara) fueron medidas y comparadas como exitosas y no exitosas (parasitadas). El diámetro de las agallas tuvo una fuerte correlación con el grosor de la pared, variable que se asocia con la protección contra los parasitoides. Los parasitoides (Torymidae), que fueron hallados dentro de las agallas, poseen un ovipositor más corto que el grosor de las paredes en aquellas plenamente desarrolladas. Sin embargo, es posible que los parasitoides ataquen las agallas por una ventana temporal, cuando las paredes son aún delgadas. La dureza de las mismas, por su parte, no influyó sobre el éxito de las agallas. También, se hallaron inquilinos (Curculionidae) dentro de ellas, en mayor frecuencia en las de mayor tamaño y con paredes más gruesas. Finalmente, se observaron evidencias de depredación, posiblemente por aves o avispas.Fil: Nilsson, Michael . Lund University; SueciaFil: Corley, Juan Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro Reg.patagonia Norte. Estacion Exptal.agrop.s.c.de Bariloche. Laboratorio de Ecologia de Insectos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Anderbrant, Olle . Lund University; Sueci

    Detection of EWS/FLI-1 by Immunostaining. An Adjunctive Tool in Diagnosis of Ewing's Sarcoma and Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumour on Cytological Samples and Paraffin-Embedded Archival Material

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    Purpose. Recently we showed that the 68-kDa fusion protein derived from the EWS/FLI1 hybrid gene can be specifically detected by Western blotting using a polyclonal antibody to the C-terminal of FLI1 on biopsy material from Ewing's sarcoma. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this antibody also could be used for immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry in diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma

    Multiple anthropometric measures in relation to incidence of diabetes: a Swedish population-based cohort study.

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    Obesity is the major modifiable risk factor for diabetes. This study investigated the incidence of diabetes in relation to multiple anthropometric measures

    Sialosyllactotetraosylceramide, a novel ganglioside antigen detected in human carcinomas by a monoclonal antibody

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    AbstractA novel ganglioside was detected in a small cell lung carcinoma by TLC-immunostaining of gangliosides with a monoclonal antibody, the C-50 MAb. Structural characterization showed this ganglioside to be IV3NeuAc-LcOse4Cer, a hitherto unknown ganglioside. This ganglioside has also been detected as a minor component in many different carcinomas using the C-50 MAb. The normally dominant CA-50 ganglioside antigen is IV3NeuAc. III4Fuc-LcOse4Cer. Based upon solid-phase binding to IV3NeuAc, III4-LcOse4Cer and IV3NeuAc-LcOse4Cer it is concluded that the C-50 MAb recognizes an epitope present in sialylated type I carbohydrate chains

    Effects of Pediococcus parvulus 2.6 and its exopolysaccharide on plasma cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers in mice

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    Intake of dietary fibres may reduce the prevalence of physiological risk factors of the metabolic syndrome, such as high plasma lipid levels and low-grade inflammatory state. Dietary fibres are usually of plant origin however microbial exopolysaccharides (EPSs) have analogue structures that could potentially exert similar physiological effects. Pediococcus parvulus 2.6 (Pd 2.6) excretes a ropy EPS and has previously shown probiotic potential. The aim of this work was to evaluate physiological effects of Pd 2.6 and its EPS in vivo. The live Pd 2.6 (both the ropy and non-ropy isogenic variant) and its purified EPS were fed to hypercholesterolemic LDL-receptor deficient mice for 6 weeks to investigate their effects on cholesterol levels and the inflammatory tone of the animals. Both variants of Pd 2.6 survived passage through the mouse gut fulfilling an important criterion of probiotics. The ability to produce EPS was conferring an advantage to survival (faecal recovery of 3.7 (1.9-8.7) vs. 0.21 (0.14-0.34) *108 CFU, P < 0.001, median and 25th and 75th percentiles). The ropy Pd 2.6 decreased the levels of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 compared to the EPS alone (591 ± 14 vs. 646 ± 13 ng/ml, P < 0.05). An increase in liver weight in mice fed the purified EPS was observed, but with no change in liver lipids. No changes in blood lipids were detected in any group. Further the EPS induced growth of the caecal tissue and increased the amount of caecal content showing bulking properties like that of a dietary fibre