110 research outputs found

    Volcanic settings and their reservoir potential : an outcrop analog study on the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation, Central Mexico

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    The reservoir potential of volcanic and associated sedimentary rocks is less documented in regard to groundwater resources, and oil and gas storage compared to siliciclastic and carbonate systems. Outcrop analog studies within a volcanic setting enable to identify spatio-temporal architectural elements and geometric features of different rock units and their petrophysical properties such as porosity and permeability, which are important information for reservoir characterization. Despite the wide distribution of volcanic rocks in Mexico, their reservoir potential has been little studied in the past. In the Valley of Mexico, situated 4000 m above the Neogene volcanic rocks, groundwater is a matter of major importance as more than 20 million people and 42% of the industrial capacity of the Mexican nation depend on it for most of their water supply. Here, we present porosity and permeability data of 108 rock samples representing five different lithofacies types of the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation. This 800 m thick formation mainly consists of pyroclastic rocks, mass flow and fluvial deposits and is part of the southern Transmexican Volcanic Belt, cropping out south of the Valley of Mexico and within the two states of Morelos and Mexico State. Porosities range from 1.4% to 56.7%; average porosity is 24.8%. Generally, permeabilities are low to median (0.2–933.3 mD) with an average permeability of 88.5 mD. The lavas are characterized by the highest porosity values followed by tuffs, conglomerates, sandstones and tuffaceous breccias. On the contrary, the highest permeabilities can be found in the conglomerates, followed by tuffs, tuffaceous breccias, sandstones and lavas. The knowledge of these petrophysical rock properties provides important information on the reservoir potential of volcanic settings to be integrated to 3D subsurface models.University of Pretoria and TU Darmstadt Energy Center.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jvolgeoresnf201

    Volcanism of the Palaeoproterozoic Bushveld Large Igneous Province : the Rooiberg Group, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

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    The volcanic rocks of the Rooiberg Group represent the uppermost unit in the Palaeoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroup and form one of the largest provinces of silicic volcanic rocks in the world. Although stratigraphically associated with the Transvaal basin-fill, the Rooiberg Group is petrogenetically linked with the larger Bushveld magmatic event for which emplacement was preceded by the extrusion of the vast Rooiberg lava flows in the northern part of the Kaapvaal Craton. Like many silicic-dominated Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), which are increasingly recognised in the rock record, the Rooiberg Group volcanics are intracontinental, subaerial, and are dominated by voluminous lava flows. Originally, the Rooiberg Group is inferred to have covered an area of more than 200,000 km2 of which, after erosion, an area of 50,000–67,000 km2 remains. The lava flows form a stratigraphic succession up to 6 km thick, and are divided into four formations in ascending order: Dullstroom, Damwal, Kwaggasnek and Schrikkloof. Due to a scarcity of reliable geochronological data, the temporal span of the Rooiberg Group is poorly understood. The Rooiberg Group consists of basaltic to rhyolitic lava erupted from fissural volcanism with estimated eruption temperatures of the rhyolitic lavas exceeding 1000 ◦C. Minor explosive eruptions are represented by pyroclastic rocks, and subordinate sedimentary interbeds originated from sandy fluvial and lacustrine processes. The rocks are essentially undeformed and have not been buried so that their original textures are well preserved. The Bushveld Complex and the associated Rooiberg Group lava flows are proposed to have formed as a result of partial melting of subcontinental lithosphere and lower crust by a mantle plume. This thorough review of the geochronology, physical volcanology, and geochemistry of the Rooiberg Group enables construction of a geodynamic model.The University of Pretoria and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/precamre

    Palynomorph preservation in volcaniclastic rocks of the Miocene Tepoztlan formation (Central Mexico) and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction

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    Palynomorph preservation in sedimentary rocks is strongly affected by various taphonomic factors related to transport, deposition, diagenesis and preservation potential. The palynological record may contribute to distinguish different taphonomic factors and also displays changes in paleoenvironment, especially in volcanic settings where a very complex interaction of eruptive, gravitational and fluvial processes in time and space can be observed. Herein, we report on new palynological data from the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation. The 800 m thick formation mainly consists of pyroclastic rocks, mass flow units (lahars) and fluvial deposits. It is part of the southern Transmexican Volcanic Belt, cropping out south of the Valley of Mexico and within the two states of Morelos and Mexico State. The volcaniclastic succession records various stages of recovery of vegetation related to a wide variety of disturbance factors and mechanisms. During the entire period of deposition, mixed mesophytic forests appear to have been widespread in the lowlands along streams and midaltitude uplands surrounding the valley. Pollen assemblages were repeatedly reset by volcanic eruptions or their secondary effects (lahars) to more limited assemblages with gradual recoveries to the initial stages before the eruption. A clear distinction can be made between samples taken from different transport regimes (fluvial, lahar and pyroclastic flow transport). The highest percentages of well-preserved, amorphous, and crumpled palynomorphs can be found in fluvial sediments while the highest percentage of fragmented palynomorphs is characteristic of lahar deposits. In contrast, the highest percentage of corroded palynomorphs can be found in deposits originating from pyroclastic flows.http://palaios.sepmonline.orghb201

    The Ituwa Surge deposits of the Holocene Ngozi caldera, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

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    The Ituwa Surge deposits belong to the Holocene Ngozi volcano (volcano number 222164 of the Smithsonian Institute Global Volcanism Program; Siebert et al. 2010) of the Rungwe Volcanic Province (RVP; Harkin 1960; Lenhardt and Oppenheimer 2014). They are named after their type locality and place of best exposure, the village of Ituwa in the Mbeya Region of southwestern Tanzania. Volcanism within the RVP started approximately 9 Ma ago and can be divided into a Late Miocene (*9.2–5.4 Ma), a Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene (*3–1.6 Ma) and a Mid-Pleistocene-recent (\*0.6 Ma) phase (Ebinger et al. 1989, 1993; Ivanov et al. 1999).http://link.springer.com/journal/5312016-04-30hb201

    Paleocurrent direction measurements in a volcanic setting by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility : a case study from the lower Miocene Tepoztlán Formation (Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Central Mexico)

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    Sources of ancient volcanic rocks are often unknown if they are either eroded and/or covered by younger deposits. This problem, as well as the provenance of reworked volcaniclastic, fluvial and mass-flow deposits, can be partially solved by the application of anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS). For massive and poorly sorted volcaniclastic rocks in particular this may be the only way of finding reliable transport directions and therefore allowing for paleogeographic reconstructions. Here, we present a data set of 428 AMS measurements and 249 measurements of sedimentary paleocurrent indicators from the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation at the southern edge of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (Central Mexico). The highest degree of reliability of AMS measurements is gained for data from lava samples and the lowest from mass flows. Sedimentary structures in sandstones and conglomerates such as trough cross-stratification, asymmetric ripple marks, and the shape of scours and channels could be used to calibrate the results from AMS data and to prove their reliability. AMS data on fluvial deposits point to a drainage systemwith aW–E flow direction, indicating an outflow of the river system into the ancient Gulf of Mexico.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,project HI 643/5-1.Conacyt (grant 46213)http://www.elsevier.com/locate/sedgeohb201

    Lithostratigraphy of the Palaeoproterozoic Hekpoort formation (Pretoria Group, Transvaal Supergroup), South Africa

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    The Palaeoproterozoic Hekpoort Formation of the Pretoria Group is a lava-dominated unit that has a basin-wide extent throughout the Transvaal sub-basin of South Africa. Additional correlative units may be present in the Kanye sub-basin of Botswana. The key characteristic of the formation is its general geochemical uniformity. Volcaniclastic and other sedimentary rocks are relatively rare throughout the succession but may be dominant in some locations. Hekpoort Formation outcrops are sporadic throughout the basin and mostly occur in the form of gentle hills and valleys, mainly encircling Archaean domes and the Palaeoproterozoic Bushveld Complex (BC). The unit is exposed in the western Pretoria Group basin, sitting unconformably either on the Timeball Hill Formation or Boshoek Formation, which is lenticular there, and on top of the Boshoek Formation in the east of the basin. The unit is unconformably overlain by the Dwaalheuwel Formation. The type-locality for the Hekpoort Formation is the Hekpoort farm (504 IQ Hekpoort), ca. 60 km to the west-southwest of Pretoria. However, no stratotype has ever been proposed. A lectostratotype, i.e., the Mooikloof area in Pretoria East, that can be enhanced by two reference stratotypes are proposed herein. The Hekpoort Formation was deposited in a cratonic subaerial setting, forming a large igneous province (LIP) in which short-termed localised ponds and small braided river systems existed. It therefore forms one of the major Palaeoproterozoic magmatic events on the Kaapvaal Craton.http://sajg.geoscienceworld.orgam2021Geolog

    Nature of and controls on volcanims in the ca. 2.32-2.06 Ga Pretoria Group, Transvaal Supergroup, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

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    The time of deposition of the Pretoria Group between 2.32 and 2.06 Ga on South Africa’s Kaapvaal Craton was characterized by the first major increase in atmospheric oxygen. It was accompanied by the extrusion of significant thicknesses of volcanic deposits, namely the Bushy Bend lavas of the Timeball Hill Formation, the Hekpoort Formation and the Machadodorp Volcanic Member of the Silverton Formation, marking the three major volcanic events within the Transvaal Supergroup which are thought to be precursors to the succeeding Bushveld Complex magmatism. The Bushy Bend Lava Member of the Timeball Hill Formation is characterized by subaqueous basaltic-andesitic fissure eruptions with fumarolic activity and probably minor subaerial explosive eruptions in the hinterland of the Transvaal Supergroup basin. The subaerial volcanism of the Hekpoort Formation appears to have been dominated by fissure eruptions with a preponderance of lava flows and locally important pyroclastic material. Intermittent hiatuses in volcanism were marked by local lacustrine shale deposition. Finally, the Machadodorp Lava Member can be interpreted as the deposits of several seamounts aligned along a fissure, probably within an extensional environment. The geodynamic control inferred for the evolution of the Pretoria Group basin encompasses two cycles of prerift uplift, subsequent mechanical rifting and long lived thermal subsidence. The limited extent of the Bushy Bend lavas in the south of the Pretoria Group depository attest to the likelihood that volcanism accompanying the first rifting event was short-lived. In contrast, the second rifting cycle postulated for the Pretoria Group basin has a strong association with widespread and large scale volcanism of the Hekpoort-Ongeluk flood basalts, which may have been plume-related. The scale of the second cycle volcanism and its importance in influencing the upper part of the Pretoria Group basin-fill is underlined by the Machadodorp volcanism, probably related to hot spot volcanism as the Ongeluk-Hekpoort plume waned.University of Pretoriahttp://www.elsevier.com/locate/precamreshb201

    Late Neoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic supracrustal basin-fills of the Kaapvaal craton : relevance of the supercontinent cycle, the "Great Oxidation Event" and "Snowball Earth"?

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    The application of the onset of supercontinentality, the “Great Oxidation Event” (GOE) and the first global scale glaciation in the Neoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic as panacea-like events providing a framework or even chronological piercing points in Earth’s history at this time, is questioned. There is no solid evidence that the Kaapvaal craton was part of a larger amalgamation at this time, and its glacigenic record is dominated by deposits supporting the operation of an active hydrological cycle in parallel with glaciation, thereby arguing against the “Snowball Earth Hypothesis”. While the Palaeoproterozoic geological record of Kaapvaal does broadly support the GOE, this postulate itself is being questioned on the basis of isotopic data used as oxygen-proxies, and sedimentological data from extant river systems on the craton argue for a prolongation of the greenhouse palaeo-atmosphere (possibly in parallel with a relative elevation of oxygen levels) which presumably preceded the GOE. The possibility that these widespread events may have been diachronous at the global scale is debated.The National Research Foundation and University of Pretoria, South Africa.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/marpetgeonf201

    A case study of microbial mat-related features in coastal epeiric sandstones from the Paleoproterozoic Pretoria group (Transvaal supergroup, Kaapvaal craton, South Africa) : the effect of preservation (reflecting sequence stratigraphic models) on the relationship between mat features and inferred paleoenvironment

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    The Magaliesberg Formation sandstones within the upper part of the Pretoria Group are interpreted as a second-order highstand systems tract within an overall clastic epeiric marine setting, where episodic braided fluvial systems fed sediment directly into a tidally dominated coastline setting. Mat-related features are abundantly preserved within the inferred tidal flat and supratidal deposits. The Daspoort Formation sandstones at a lower stratigraphic level are ascribed to a closely analogous palaeoenvironmental setting, yet have hardly any preserved mat features at all; they are ascribed to a second-order transgressive systems tract in a sequence stratigraphic framework. During highstand the depositional systems are inferred to have aggraded, thus preserving the mat-related features formed in Magaliesberg intertidal-supratidal environments. During second-order transgression, the formation of the wave/tidal ravinement surface in the subtidal/intertidal environments largely obliterated the features of the Daspoort intertidal and supratidal environments, leading to a paucity of mat-related structures in the preserved Daspoort succession. This case study thus supports the application of mat-related features to integrated palaeoenvironmental and sequence stratigraphic analysis, while emphasizing the role of preservation.The National Research Foundation, South Africa, and the University of Pretoria.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/sedgeonf201

    Build-up and depositional dynamics of an arc front volcaniclastic complex : the Miocene Tepoztlán Formation (Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Central Mexico)

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    Volcanic terrains such as magmatic arcs are thought to display the most complex surface environments on Earth. Ancient volcaniclastics are notoriously difficult to interpret as they describe the interplay between a single or several volcanoes and the environment. The Early Miocene Tepoztla´n Formation at the southern edge of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt belongs to the few remnants of this ancestral magmatic arc, and therefore is thought to represent an example of the initial phase of evolution of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. Based on geological mapping, detailed logging of lithostratigraphic sections, palaeocurrent data of sedimentary features and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, mapping of two-dimensional panels from outcrop to field scale, and geochronological data in an area of ca 1000 km2, three periods in the evolution of the Tepoztla´n Formation were distinguished, which lasted around 4 Myr and are representative of a volcanic cycle (edifice growth phases followed by collapse) in a magmatic arc setting. The volcaniclastic sediments accumulated in proximal to medial distances on partly coalescing aprons, similar to volcanic ring plains, around at least three different stratovolcanoes. These volcanoes resulted from various eruptions separated by repose periods. During the first phase of the evolution of the Tepoztla´n Formation (22Æ8 to 22Æ2 Ma), deposition was dominated by fluvial sediments in a braided river setting. Pyroclastic material from small, andesitic–dacitic composite volcanoes in the near vicinity was mostly eroded and reworked by fluvial processes, resulting in sediments ranging from cross-bedded sand to an aggradational series of river gravels. The second phase (22Æ2 to 21Æ3 Ma) was characterized by periods of strong volcanic activity, resulting in voluminous accumulations of lava and tuff, which temporarily overloaded and buried the original fluvial system with its detritus. Continuous build-up of at least three major volcanic centres further accentuated the topography and, in the third phase (21Æ3 to 18Æ8 Ma), mass flow processes, represented by an increase of debris flow deposits, became dominant, marking a period of edifice destruction and flank failures
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