40 research outputs found

    Hand Gesture Recognition Using Backpropogation Algorithm Based on Neural Network

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    The proposed system is design for physically challenged people to communicate among common people without an intermediate human translator. The system based on hand gesture recognition using neural network. We used back propogation algorithm for the recognition of image. Some of the systems are used for the purpose of communication are costly and bulky that the common man can not afford but system we are going to used is affordable so it is possible to minimize the distance between hearing and speech impaired people with normal human being. The image is captured with the help of inbuilt camera of laptop comparing with the existing database using matlab and further it will process in neural network accordingly gives the output in the form of text along with the accuracy in percentage. Firstly the prepocessing steps are completed. The steps going to perfom are image aquisiton, image processing, feature extraction, gesture identification and finally output translated in text. We calculate the centroid of the hand image called as vectorization which will futher train our neural network and after processing we get output. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15076

    Semantic Analysis Based Text Summarization

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    Automatic summarization has become an important part in the study of natural language processing since the advent of the 21st century, since a majority of the data online is textual. Summarization of text will lead to a reduction of data while maintaining the context of it. Having such summarization activity being done automatically also helps in reducing human effort. Summarization is the process of generation of the summary of input text by extracting the representative sentences from it. In this project, we present a novel technique for generating the summarization of domain specific text by using Semantic Analysis for text summarization, which is a subset of Natural Language Processing

    RP-HPLC Analysis of 6-Gingerol and Assessment of Antioxidant Activities in EMS Treated Ginger

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    Present investigation deals with RP-HPLC analysis of 6- gingerol from rhizome of ginger treated with EMS at different concentrations. The concentration levels were 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25% for EMS 8 hour treatment and 0.30, 0.40, 0.50 and 0.60% for 4 hour treatment. The antioxidant activity of extracts were assessed by DPPH radical scavenging method and FRAP. Total phenolic content was determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu (F– C) method. The results showed that the 6- gingerol content increased with an increase in EMS dose initially (0.30%) and decreased at the higher dose (0.60%) in EMS 4 hrs treatments while there was no definite trend observed in EMS 8 hrs treatments. Antioxidant activity and the total phenolic content showed significant correlation with 6-gingerol content

    Heavy landing of needle fish, Ablennes hians (Valenciennes,1846) at Sassoon dock, Maharashtra

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    On 4th October, 2013 there was an unusual landing of needle fish, Ablennes hians (Valenciennes, 1846) by multiday purse seiners at Sassoon Dock (Fig.1). Approximately 8 tonnes of needle fish were landed by 16 purse seiners on the day. Such a heavy catch of needle fish is a rare phenomenon at Mumbai where these fish are landed only occasionally. These fishes are reef associated and highly pelagic. By observing the structural morphology of beak like jaws and teeth it appears that they are highly predaceous and feeds on smaller organisms

    RP-HPLC analysis of phenolic antioxidant compound 6-gingerol from in vitro cultures of Zingiber officinale Roscoe

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    Relation between 6-gingerol content and antioxidant activity in in vitro grown cultures of ginger was studied. Reverse phase HPLC analysis revealed that rhizome derived callus culture and micropropagated plants produced lowest amount of 6-gingerol compare to conventionally grown plants. The antioxidant activity of extracts was determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay and Ferric Reducing power assay (FRAP) and correlated with the content of total phenolics and total flavonoids in the extracts. Strong correlation was found between antioxidant activity, total phenolics and 6- gingerol content

    Revival of Rampani fishing for mackerel in Maharashtra

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    For the past few years, purse seiners from Goa were reported to be operating in coastal waters of southern Maharashtra and therefore Rampani fishery was defunct. From 2010 onwards, strict implementation of Monsoon Fishing Ban from June to August was observed in Maharashtra. The revival of the Rampani fishery was attributed by the fishermen to this ban. However, the extension of mackerel even to the northern districts of Maharashtra and further towards Gujarat coast could also be due to the high cyclic abundance of the species, as observed in the past

    An appraisal of peer-reviewed published literature on Influenza, 2000–2021 from countries in South-East Asia Region

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    BackgroundInfluenza poses a major public health challenge in South-East Asia Region (SEAR). To address the challenge, there is a need to generate contextual evidence that could inform policy makers and program managers for response preparedness and impact mitigation. The World Health Organization has identified priority areas across five streams for research evidence generation at a global level (WHO Public Health Research Agenda). Stream 1 focuses on research for reducing the risk of emergence, Stream 2 on limiting the spread, Stream 3 on minimizing the impact, Stream 4 on optimizing the treatment and Stream 5 on promoting public health tools and technologies for Influenza. However, evidence generation from SEAR has been arguably low and needs a relook for alignment with priorities. This study aimed to undertake a bibliometric analysis of medical literature on Influenza over the past 21 years to identify gaps in research evidence and for identifying major areas for focusing with a view to provide recommendations to member states and SEAR office for prioritizing avenues for future research.MethodsWe searched Scopus, PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases in August 2021. We identified studies on influenza published from the 11 countries in WHO SEAR in the date range of 1 January 2000–31 December 2021. Data was retrieved, tagged and analyzed based on the WHO priority streams for Influenza, member states, study design and type of research. Bibliometric analysis was done on Vosviewer.FindingsWe included a total of 1,641 articles (Stream 1: n = 307; Stream 2: n = 516; Stream 3: n = 470; Stream 4: n = 309; Stream 5: n = 227). Maximum number of publications were seen in Stream 2, i.e., limiting the spread of pandemic, zoonotic, and seasonal epidemic influenza which majorly included transmission, spread of virus at global and local levels and public health measures to limit the transmission. The highest number of publications was from India (n = 524) followed by Thailand (n = 407), Indonesia (n = 214) and Bangladesh (n = 158). Bhutan (n = 10), Maldives (n = 1), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (n = 1), and Timor-Leste (n = 3) had the least contribution in Influenza research. The top-most journal was PloS One which had the maximum number of influenza articles (n = 94) published from SEAR countries. Research that generated actionable evidence, i.e., implementation and intervention related topics were less common. Similarly, research on pharmaceutical interventions and on innovations was low. SEAR member states had inconsistent output across the five priority research streams, and there was a much higher scope and need for collaborative research. Basic science research showed declining trends and needed reprioritization.InterpretationWhile a priority research agenda has been set for influenza at the global level through the WHO Global Influenza Program since 2009, and subsequently revisited in 2011 and again in 2016–2017, a structured contextualized approach to guide actionable evidence generation activities in SEAR has been lacking. In the backset of the Global Influenza Strategy 2019–2030 and the COVID-19 pandemic, attuning research endeavors in SEAR could help in improved pandemic influenza preparedness planning. There is a need to prioritize contextually relevant research themes within priority streams. Member states must inculcate a culture of within and inter-country collaboration to produce evidence that has regional as well as global value

    Light fishing - conflicts and concerns in Maharashtra

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    Technological intervention in the Indian fishing industry are intended to increase marine fish production of the country. Crude light fishing methods practiced in Mandapam was reported for catching silverbellies (Sekharan 1955, Indian J. Fish., 1955; Anon., 1957, Indian J. Fish). Fishing experiments with light attraction for pelagic fishes using purseseines was conducted by Fishery Survey of India (Ninan and Sudarsan, 1988, Occasional papers of Fishery Survey of India No. 5) who reported that no aggregation was noticed in the areas where water turbidity was high and strong current (above 2 Knots) was present. Mohamed (2016) reviewed light fishing practices in India and suggested restrictions in power of lights used, area of operation, mesh size for exploitation etc (Marine Fisheries Policy Brief No. 4, 2016, ICAR- CMFRI)