15 research outputs found

    The Context of Comprehension

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    We enter the teachers\u27 lounge at Woodmere School, where Mrs. Stephens and Ms. Kelly are asking Mrs. Forester, the reading teacher, for advice in developing an effective program in reading comprehension. Mrs. Stephens describes the comprehension ability of each of her students. She is confident that she accurately diagnosed her students as either good comprehenders or poor comprehenders. To do so she administered a test and interpreted the results. Ms. Kelly administered the same test but she is not as comfortable as her colleague in categorizing her readers\u27 abilities

    An Analysis of Published Informal Reading Inventories

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    Believing that IRIs have genuine value in a comprehensive diagnostic program if used properly, we decided it would be useful to examine a number of the commercially prepared IRIs currently available for the purpose of comparing them and describing their unique features for teachers

    Reconciling Differences in Test Results: Comprehension

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    In planning an instructional program for Brenda you have discovered that one of her tests indicates an instructional level of fourth grade for comprehension and another test shows comprehension at the high second grade level. How can both results be accurate? How do you decide about their accuracy? If both are true what does that indicate about her profile of abilities? How can you turn what appears to be a testing anomaly into useful diagnostic information

    Considerations on Genre and Gender Conventions in Translating from Old English

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    The Old English poem The Wife's Lament is an extremely conventional and, at the same time, original text. It portrays a female character suffering for the absence of her loved one, through the framework of the so-called 'elegiac' style and a mainly heroic vocabulary. The traditional exile theme is, thus, interwoven with the uncommon motif of love sickness. While this appraisal of the poem is the most widely accepted one, disagreement still remains about the translation of some keywords, strictly related to the exile theme, such as sīþ or wræcsīþ. The aim of this paper is to examine diverging readings and glosses of the above mentioned 'exilic/elegiac' keywords, and to show that an accurate translation should not neglect a thorough appraisal of the text in its complexity and the association with related literary patterns and imagery in other poetic and prose texts


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    School Renewal is a broadly defined process used as an alternative route to school improvement and regional accreditation. However there is no direct evidence to support its use. To date, there have been no systematic inquiries to document the regional accreditation process of improving an elementary and middle school through the School Renewal process. This study was an inquiry into the School Renewal accreditation process in an elementary and middle school. The study focused on the structure of the School Renewal process, the processes in which participants engaged, and the outcomes of the School Renewal process as related to planning, climate, communication, curriculum and instruction, and staff development. The design included a case study with a rich, descriptive, narrative format for reporting. The participants included the principal, assistant principal, all faculty and staff members, parents and community members of Honaker Elementary and Middle School who were members of one of the School Renewal committees. Data from documents, observations and interviews of participants, and the researcher's journal were analyzed to build a complete case narrative. The findings were organized into three major themes from the School Renewal process: the structure of school renewal; the processes of leadership including communication and involvement of participants in the School Renewal process; and the outcomes of school renewal. A number of major understandings emanated from the study that help to elaborate existing descriptions of the school renewal process. Planning and structuring the process created the framework and foundation from which to begin the School Renewal process. A democratic supportive principal and a strong teacher leader emerged as key participants at th..

    The Development Of A Meaningful Teacher Evaluation Process In A Catholic Elementary School

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    The process of teacher evaluation has often been less than satisfying for both teachers and administrators. Educational literature dealing with teacher evaluation shows that it is frequently a rote procedure with little or no benefit for the people involved. In this study, the researcher used the action research process to design, implement, and evaluate a new system of teacher evaluation and development in St. Anne's Catholic School. Twenty teachers of the twenty-two member faculty participated in the two-year study. Together, the teachers and administrator examined the original system of evaluation and then devised a new system. They put the new process into effect, critiqued it, and revised it. The administration and faculty learned that teacher evaluation can be more meaningful if teachers are involved in its planning, given a choice of evaluative methods, and evaluated consistently throughout the school year