22 research outputs found

    Disparities in female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil between 1980 and 2009

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the temporal trends in female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil in its macro-regions and states between 1980 and 2009. METHODS: This was an ecological time-series study using data on breast cancer deaths registered in the Mortality Data System (SIM/WHO) and census data on the resident population collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE/WHO). Joinpoint regression analyses were used to identify the significant changes in trends and to estimate the annual percentage change (APC) in mortality rates. RESULTS: Female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil tended to stabilize from 1994 onward (APC = 0.4%). Considering the Brazilian macro-regions, the annual mortality rates decreased in the Southeast, stabilized in the South and increased in the Northeast, North, and Midwest. Only the states of Sao Paulo (APC = -1.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (APC = -0.8%) and Rio de Janeiro (APC = -0.6%) presented a significant decline in mortality rates. The greatest increases were found in Maranhao (APC=12%), Paraiba (APC=11.9%), and Piaui (APC=10.9%). CONCLUSION: Although there has been a trend toward stabilization in female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil, when the mortality rate of each macro-region and state is analyzed individually, considerable inequalities are found, with rate decline or stabilization in states with higher socioeconomic levels and a substantial increase in those with lower socioeconomic levels

    Disparities in female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil between 1980 and 2009

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the temporal trends in female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil in its macro-regions and states between 1980 and 2009. METHODS: This was an ecological time-series study using data on breast cancer deaths registered in the Mortality Data System (SIM/WHO) and census data on the resident population collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE/WHO). Joinpoint regression analyses were used to identify the significant changes in trends and to estimate the annual percentage change (APC) in mortality rates. RESULTS: Female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil tended to stabilize from 1994 onward (APC = 0.4%). Considering the Brazilian macro-regions, the annual mortality rates decreased in the Southeast, stabilized in the South and increased in the Northeast, North, and Midwest. Only the states of Sao Paulo (APC = -1.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (APC = -0.8%) and Rio de Janeiro (APC = -0.6%) presented a significant decline in mortality rates. The greatest increases were found in Maranhao (APC=12%), Paraiba (APC=11.9%), and Piaui (APC=10.9%). CONCLUSION: Although there has been a trend toward stabilization in female breast cancer mortality rates in Brazil, when the mortality rate of each macro-region and state is analyzed individually, considerable inequalities are found, with rate decline or stabilization in states with higher socioeconomic levels and a substantial increase in those with lower socioeconomic levels

    Estudo descritivo dos casos de câncer de mama em Goiânia, entre 1989 e 2003

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever os casos de câncer de mama nas mulheres residentes em Goiânia no período 1989-2003. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, que incluiu todos os casos de câncer de mama ocorridos nas moradoras de Goiânia, identificados pelo Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Goiânia (RCBPGO), no período de 1989 a 2003. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade, método de diagnóstico, localização topográfica, morfologia e extensão do câncer de mama. Foram utilizadas frequências e taxas percentuais, além da regressão de Poisson para determinação da mudança percentual anual (MPA). RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 3204 casos de câncer de mama. A localização topográfica mais frequente foi o quadrante superior lateral (53,7%). O carcinoma ductal infiltrante (CDI) foi o mais freqüente, com 2582 casos (80,6%), seguido pelo carcinoma lobular infiltrante (CLI), com 155 casos (4,8%). Houve aumento significante tanto do CDI quanto do CLI, sendo a MPA de 11,0 % e de 15,4%, respectivamente. A proporção entre CDI e CLI não foi influenciada pela idade (p=0,98). Quanto à extensão do tumor ao diagnóstico, 45,6% dos casos eram localizados na mama, sendo que a MPA foi de 16,1% (IC= 12,4 a 20,0; p<0,001). Houve tendência de redução da MPA dos casos metastáticos (-3,8; IC= -8,6 a 1,2; p=0,12). CONCLUSÃO: A localização topográfica e o tipo histológico do câncer de mama, na cidade de Goiânia, seguem o padrão de outros países. Os principais tipos morfológicos não foram influenciados pela idade. Houve grande aumento de casos iniciais

    Evolução temporal dos estádios do câncer de mama ao diagnóstico em um registro de base populacional no Brasil central Temporal evolution of breast cancer stages in a population-based cancer registry in the Brazilian central region

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a mudança temporal do estádio clínico do câncer de mama ao diagnóstico em mulheres residentes em Goiânia entre 1989 e 2003. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo, utilizando-se a base de dados do Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Goiânia. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade, diagnóstico histológico, localização do tumor, tipo histológico e estádio clínico da doença. O período estudado foi dividido em três quinquênios: de 1989 a 1993, de 1994 a 1998 e de 1999 a 2003. Utilizou-se o teste Z para comparação das frequências da extensão ao diagnóstico por quinquênio. RESULTADOS: foram identificados 3.204 casos de câncer de mama. A média de idade foi de 56 anos (dp±16 anos). Quanto ao estádio da doença, evidenciou-se que 45,6% dos casos eram localizados na mama, com aumento de 19,2% entre o primeiro e o terceiro quinquênio (p<0,001; IC95%=0,14-0,23) e 10,2% de casos eram metastáticos, Entretanto, foi observada uma redução de 17,7% para os casos metastáticos no mesmo período (p<0,001; IC95%=0,14-0,21). A taxa de casos in situ entre 1989 e 1993 foi de 0,2%, aumentando para 6,2% em 1999-2003 (p<0,001; IC95%=4,9-7,4). CONCLUSÃO: observou-se um aumento dos casos de carcinoma in situ e de carcinomas invasores localizados somente na mama em detrimento de uma redução dos casos com metástases linfonodais e à distância.<br>PURPOSE: To analyze the temporal changes of breast cancer staging at diagnosis among women living in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, between 1989 and 2003. METHODS: Retrospective and descriptive study in which the cases were identified from the Population-Based Cancer Registry of Goiânia for the period from 1989 to 2003. The variables studied were age, diagnostic method, topographic sublocation, morphology and breast cancer staging. Frequency analyses were carried out on the variables and means, and the medians for the age were determined. The SPSS® 15.0 software was used for statistical analyses. RESULTS: A total of 3,204 breast cancer cases were collected. The mean age was 56 years (sd±16 years). With regard to clinical staging, 45.6% of the cases were found to be localized in the breast, with an increased rate of 19.25% between the first and the third five-year period (p<0.001; CI 95%=0.14-0.23) and 10.2% of cases were with distant metastases. However, a reduction of 17.74% for metastatic cases in the same interval (p<0.001 e CI 95%=0.14-21) was observed. The in situ case rate was 0.2% in 1989-1993 and increased to 6.2% in 1999-2003 (p<0.001, IC95%=4.9-7.4). CONCLUSION: The diagnostic profile of breast cancer in the city of Goiânia is changing. Substantial increases in the number of early breast cancer cases are being found in relation to the number of advanced cases