250 research outputs found

    Problems in increasing innovative sustainability of regional development

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of innovative and technological development in Russia and other countries. The paper shows that the innovation sector of the Russian Federation lags behind most developed and developing countries: Russia has almost left the market of high technologies, the main expenditures on innovations are incurred in the sectors of low and medium technology industries; the self-sufficiency in the Russian economy in a number of key types of manufacturing equipment is significantly below the threshold marks determined by national security requirements. The authors describe the differentiation of innovative development in the Russian regions. The study of Russian innovation space has revealed that there are fairly intensive processes of science decay on the periphery, which causes serious problems for the spread of innovative impulses across the country. The article elaborates the methodology for comprehensive assessment of innovative security in the region and presents the relevant calculations for the regions of the Ural Federal District (UFD). It identifies the factors of innovative sustainability that are the most critical for these regions. The authors present the forecast and built long-term forecast trajectories for the level of innovative security in UFD by using the modernized Hurst method. They define the main barriers to the innovative development of Russian regions. The article presents the methodological approaches to substantiating the priority areas for building the innovative systems of regions by taking into account the characteristics of their science and manufacturing complexes. The authors propose a methodology to formally assess the priority of establishing in the region the centers of innovative activity aimed at supporting the competitiveness of industries with different levels of technology intensity. The paper presents the results of calculations with regard to priority of establishing the centers of innovative activity aimed at supporting the development of industries with different level of technology intensity using the example of UFD, one of the leading Russian regions in terms of innovation and production capacity.The article has been supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, Project 14-02-00331 “Innovative and technology development of the region: assessment, forecasting and ways of progressing”

    The role and future outlook for renewable energy in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation

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    The development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (the Russian Arctic) aims to enhance the social and economic growth of the region in line with the priorities set forth by the state policy and address a range of socio-economic issues. As the Russian Arctic offers an array of hydrocarbons and renewables available in the context of the region's unbalanced infrastructural and manufacturing development and extreme climatic environment, the conditions dictate the need for an integrated use of the Arctic's energy resources. Energy security of a region is a primary contributor to its social and economic sustainability. Key energy users in the Russian Arctic include both large and local load consumers that have to operate against the background of economic and logistic difficulties related to power supply. The Russian Arctic can offer a wide range of energy resources, but individual areas are facing power shortage. These challenges are particularly relevant for the Arctic regions in Siberia and the Far East, and to a lesser extent for the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions as the areas are covered by the capabilities of the Unified Energy System of Russia. Energy challenges and discrepant development plans for the power and manufacturing sectors create major barriers that slow down the social and economic development of the areas. Our analysis demonstrated that the role of unconventional and renewable energy in power generation and energy mix of the Russian Arctic will remain insignificant in the short term.peer-reviewe

    Social and psychological features of inter-cultural adaptation of Russian students in different universities

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    Modern globalisation processes, the rapid entry of Russia into the world community, have given more opportunities to interact with various ethnic groups ranging from short-term tourist and business contacts to complex processes of migration and emigration. Migrants and visitors have different goals for staying in a new country, meanwhile the researchers note a lot in common within the adaptation processes of both groups. In particular, tension, stresses and experience of cultural shock during adaptation are observed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct psychological studies not only of migrants who come for a long time to a new country, but also of visitors, i.e., interns, students who come to study in foreign universitie

    Preservation of student health at university class exercise: implementation technology

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    The article describes health preservation technology among students at the university class exercise, which includes five technological stages (motivational-stimulating, substantive-procedural, control-adjusting and reflexive). It is proved that the effectiveness of technology use is ensured by the observance of the pedagogical conditions: the saturation of educational process by health saving elements (techniques, means); taking into account the teacher's mental, physical performance and individual characteristics of students; methodological support of the educational process organization; teacher preparedness for health-saving activitie

    The formation of strategies for effective management of business environment of the region

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    This study is aimed to explore the opportunities of creating conditions which is necessary for successful development of small and medium enterprises of Russia and the Belgorod region in particular in the chemical industry of leather and footwear sector. The system of criteria for the assessment of the entrepreneurial activity of small and medium enterprises is proposed. The directions of development of small and medium enterprises in the chemical industry of leather and footwear sector are designedyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Structural features of Ni-Cr-Si-B materials obtained by different technologies

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    This study considers the structural features of Ni-Cr-Si-B (Ni - base; 15.1 % Cr; 2 % Si; 2 % B; 0.4 % C) materials obtained by different methods. The self-fluxing coatings were deposited by plasma spraying on the tubes from low carbon steel. Bulk cylinder specimens of 20 mm diameter and 15 mm height were obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The structure and phase composition of these materials were investigated by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The major phases of coatings and sintered materials are [gamma]-Ni, Ni[3]B, CrB and Cr[7]C[3]. We demonstrate that the particle unmelted in the process of plasma spraying or SPS consist of [gamma]-Ni-NEB eutectic and also CrB and Cr[7]C[3] inclusions. The prolonged exposure of powder to high temperatures as well as slow cooling rates by SPS provide for the growth of the structural components as compared to those of plasma coatings materials. High cooling rates at the plasma spraying by melted particles contribute to the formation of supersaturated solid solution of Cr, Si and Fe in [gamma]-Ni. The structure of the melted particles in sintering material has gradient composition: the core constituted of Ni grains of 10 μm with [gamma]-Ni-Ni[3]B eutectic on the edges. The results of the experiment demonstrate that the sintering material has a smaller microhardness in comparison with plasma coatings (650 and 850 MPa, respectively), but at the same time the material has higher density (porosity less than 1 %) than plasma coatings (porosity about 2.. .3 %)

    Genetic factors in the development of pulmonary embolism

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    The article presents a literature review on the study of the relationship of FGA, FGB, F2, F5, PAI, ITGA2 gene polymorphisms with the development of pulmonary embolism (PE). We concluded that genetic factors in the development of PE are to a greater extent mutations in the F2, F5, PAI, ITGA2 genes. There is a positive correlation between the presence of combined genetic mutations and the development of PE. The study of allelic polymorphism of hemostasis genes makes it possible to predict coagulation system disorders, including PE

    Personnel Cooperation Between University and Industrial Partners in the Context of Youth Career Development

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    The article has a research, practice-oriented nature and analyzes the problems of professional development and building a career trajectory of graduates through the prism of the personnel partnership of university and the business community. The purpose of the article is to explore the personnel cooperation between university and industrial partners in the context of professional development tracks and, in the light of this, develop a cyclogram of youth career development.The article presents the results of the study of factors influencing the formation of a career trajectory from the position of students of Orenburg State University (2022). The practice of implementing the formats of personnel partnership of the university and employers of Orenburg State University, including various activities within the framework of building the trajectory of professional and career development of a future specialist, is analyzed.The authors propose recommendations for the development of a cyclogram of students’ career development, improvement of the efficiency of interaction between the university and personnel partners by creating a student association of professional development focused on enhancement of career guidance activities at university, identifying creative, scientific, and entrepreneurial potential of students, developing skills necessary to increase competitiveness in the labor market, assistance in career planning and building of university students and graduates

    Непосредственные и отдаленные результаты оригинальных способов продольной панкреатоеюностомии с расширением площади анастомозирования панкреатоеюнального соустья

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    RELEVANCE. The dependency results of draining operations on the efficcacy of drainig of ductal system of the pancreas and adequate outflow of the pancreatic juce through anastomosis are undoubtful, therefore the development of new techniques of longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy (LPJ) extending area of anastomosis is an actual challenge.AIM OF STUDY. To compare the immediate and long-term results of longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy with the expansion of the area of anastomosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis.MATERIAL AND METHODS. We analysed immediate and long-term results of LPJ in 58 patients with chronic pancreatitis with impaired patency of the major pancreatic duct (MPD) without the head enlargement.RESULTS. All patients were divided into two groups: comparison group ( n=26, operated up to 2008 ) and main group (n=32, operated stumps during the MPD diastasis and posterior pancreatic surface (n=3) into anastomosis, with resection of the anterior pancreatic surface in the form of triangular fragments (n=11), with circulation of the small intestine loop during the recovery phase (n=19). The original LPJ in the study group of patients did not lengthened the surgery (160 [135, 185]) and intraoperative blood loss (265 [175, 340]). In the main group of patients there was no postoperative complications and fatal outcomes, but the average duration postoperative hospital treatment (18 [16; 20.5]) exceeded some data of foreign and domestic authors. Pain within 5 years after surgery in patients of the main group exceeded 26.6% and the appearance of diarrheal syndrome with dependance from reception of enzyme preparations was twice lower than in patients og the comparison group. According to questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30, 5 years after surgery statistically significant differences between groups in terms of scales CF, NV, DY (p=0.03, 0.02, 0.006 respectively), indicating the advantage of intervention performed in the mail group.CONCLUSIONS. 1. An indication for longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy in chronic pancreatitis is impaired patency of the main pancreatic duct in the absence of an increase and inflammatory mass in the pancreatic head.2. The width of the main pancreatic duct is less than 5 mm and the presence of diastasis between its proximal and distal stumps with the posterior surface of the pancreas preserved, is not a reason for refusing longitudinal pancreatic jujunostomy in favor of the resection method.3. The expansion of pancreatojejunal anastomosis when performing longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy can improve the immediate and longterm results of surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis.АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ. Зависимость результатов дренирующих операций от эффективности дренирования протоковой системы поджелудочной железы (ПЖ) и адекватности оттока панкреатического сока через анастомоз не вызывает сомнений, в связи с чем разработка новых способов продольной панкреатоеюностомии (ППЕС), расширяющих площадь панкреатоеюнального соустья, является актуальной задачей.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ. Сравнить непосредственные и отдаленные результаты ППЕС с расширением площади панкреатоеюнального соустья у больных хроническим панкреатитом (ХП).МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. Проведен анализ непосредственных и отдаленных результатов лечения 58 больных ХП с нарушением проходимости главного панкреатического протока (ГПП) на всем протяжении без увеличения головки поджелудочной железы (ГПЖ), оперированных в объеме ППЕС. Все больные были распределены на две группы: сравнения (n=26, оперированные до 2008 г.) и основную (n=32, оперированные после 2008 г. с использованием новых способов ППЕС: с включением в единое панкреатоеюнальное соустье дистальной и проксимальной культей при диастазе ГПП и задней поверхности ПЖ (n=3), с иссечением передней поверхности ПЖ в виде фрагментов треугольной формы (n=11), с циркуляцией петли тонкой кишки на восстановитель- ном этапе операции (n=19).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Применение оригинальных способов ППЕС в основной группе больных не удлинило среднюю продолжительность операции (160 [135; 185]) и интраоперационную кровопотерю (265 [175; 340]). В основной группе больных не было послеоперационных осложнений и летальности, но средняя продолжительность послеоперационного стационарного лечения (18 суток [16; 20,5]) превысила данные некоторых зарубежных и отечественных авторов. Купирование боли через 5 лет после операции у больных основной группы превысило на 26,6%, а развитие диарейного синдрома с зависимостью от приема ферментных препаратов оказалось вдвое ниже, чем у больных группы сравнения. По данным анкетирования EORTC QLQ-C30, через 5 лет после операции установлены статистически значимые межгрупповые различия по показателям шкал CF, NV, DY (р=0,03; р=0,02; р=0,006 соответственно), что указывает на преимущество вмешательства, примененного в основной группе.ВЫВОДЫ. 1. Показанием к продольной панкреатоеюностомии при хроническом панкреатите является нарушение проходимости главного панкреатического протока при отсутствии увеличения и воспалительной массы в головке поджелудочной железы.2. Ширина главного панкреатического протока менее 5 мм и наличие диастаза между его прок- симальной и дистальной культями при сохраненной задней поверхности поджелудочной железы не являются поводом для отказа от продольной панкреатоеюностомии в пользу резекционного метода.3. Расширение площади панкреатоеюнального соустья при выполнении продольной панкреатоеюностомии позволяет улучшить непосредственные и отдаленные результаты хирургического лечения хронического панкреатита