310 research outputs found

    Search for excess showers from Crab Nebula

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    The arrival directions of muon poor showers registrated in the Tien Shan experiment during an effective running time about I,8.IO(4)h were analyzed. It is shown that there is a significant excess of these showers coming the direction of Crab Nebula

    X-ray film chamber with carbon target of Tien-Shan complex array

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    X-ray films were exposed inside the ionization calorimeter under 74g/sq cm of carbon and 5 cm of lead. The X-ray film chamber area is 35 sq. m. Moving X-ray films were used, 50% of the events, which succeeded to determine incidence time, were identified with corresponding extensive air showers (EAS). For such events the size spectrum of associated EAS was derived. Two methods of energy measurement using X-ray films and ionization calorimeter were compared. The energy transfer from selected hadron to electromagnetic component is illustrated. It is found that in cascades with high energy release into electromagnetic components the hadron component is practically absent

    The Physics of a Sextet Quark Sector

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    Electroweak symmetry breaking may be a consequence of color sextet quark chiral symmetry breaking. A special solution of QCD is involved, with a high-energy S-Matrix that can be constructed ``semi-perturbatively'' via the chiral anomaly and reggeon diagrams. An infra-red fixed point and color superconductivity are crucial components of the construction. Infinite momentum physical states contain both quarks and a universal ``anomalous wee gluon'' component, and the spectrum is more limited than is required by confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. The pomeron is approximately a regge pole and the Critical Pomeron describes asymptotic cross-sections. The strong coupling of the pomeron to the electroweak sector could produce large xx and Q2Q^2 events at HERA, and vector boson pairs at Fermilab. Further evidence for the sextet sector at Fermilab would be a large ETE_T jet excess, due in part to the non-evolution of αs{\alpha}_s, and other phenomena related to the possibility that top quark production is due to the η6\eta_6. The sextet proton and neutron are the only new baryonic states. Sextet states dominate high energy hadronic cross-sections and stable sextet neutrons could produce both dark matter and ultra high energy cosmic rays. The cosmic ray spectrum knee suggests the effective sextet threshold is between Fermilab and LHC energies, with large cross-section effects expected at the LHC. Jet and vector boson cross-sections will be very much larger than expected, and sextet baryons should also be produced. Double pomeron produced states could provide definitive evidence for the existence of the sextet sector in the initial low luminosity running.Comment: Version to be publishe

    Russia and "hybrid warfare"

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    In the aftermath of the Crimea annexation in March 2014, the idea of ‘hybrid warfare’ quickly gained prominence as a concept that could help to explain the success of Russian military operations in this conflict. Although the concept continues to enjoy widespread popularity in both scholarly and policy circles, its utility as an analytical tool is also heavily contested. This article adds to the literature critical of the ‘hybrid warfare’ concept. It argues that in addition to the fact that what is now described as a ‘hybrid’ approach to war is in fact nothing new, the problems pertaining to its utility for the study of contemporary Russia go deeper than this. ‘Hybrid warfare’ inadequately reflects the direction of Russian military modernisation and as such has led to a skewed understanding of Russian military capabilities. Moreover, the tendency to use ‘hybrid warfare’ not only to conceptualise developments in the Russian military, but in the country’s foreign policy in general, can lead to serious unintended consequences

    Cosmic Rays and Large Extra Dimensions

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    We have proposed that the cosmic ray spectrum "knee", the steepening of the cosmic ray spectrum at energy E \gsim 10^{15.5} eV, is due to "new physics", namely new interactions at TeV cm energies which produce particles undetected by the experimental apparatus. In this letter we examine specifically the possibility that this interaction is low scale gravity. We consider that the graviton propagates, besides the usual four dimensions, into an additional δ\delta, compactified, large dimensions and we estimate the graviton production in ppp p collisions in the high energy approximation where graviton emission is factorized. We find that the cross section for graviton production rises as fast as (s/Mf)2+δ(\sqrt{s}/M_f)^{2+\delta}, where MfM_f is the fundamental scale of gravity in 4+δ4+\delta dimensions, and that the distribution of radiating a fraction yy of the initial particle's energy into gravitational energy (which goes undetected) behaves as δyδ1\delta y^{\delta -1}. The missing energy leads to an underestimate of the true energy and generates a break in the {\sl inferred} cosmic ray spectrum (the "kne"). By fitting the cosmic ray spectrum data we deduce that the favorite values for the parameters of the theory are Mf8M_f \sim 8 TeV and δ=4\delta =4.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Atmospheric muon flux at PeV energies

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    In the near future the energy region above few hundreds of TeV may really be accessible for measurements of the atmospheric muon spectrum by the IceCube array. Therefore one expects that muon flux uncertainties above 50 TeV, related to a poor knowledge of charm production cross sections and insufficiently examined primary spectra and composition, will be diminished. We give predictions for the very high-energy muon spectrum at sea level, obtained with the three hadronic interaction models, taking into account also the muon contribution due to decays of the charmed hadrons.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. The version published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    On inconsistency of experimental data on primary nuclei spectra with sea level muon intensity measurements

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    For the first time a complete set of the most recent direct data on primary cosmic ray spectra is used as input into calculations of muon flux at sea level in wide energy range Eμ=13105E_\mu=1-3\cdot10^5 GeV. Computations have been performed with the CORSIKA/QGSJET and CORSIKA/VENUS codes. The comparison of the obtained muon intensity with the data of muon experiments shows, that measurements of primary nuclei spectra conform to sea level muon data only up to several tens of GeV and result in essential deficit of muons at higher energies. As it follows from our examination, uncertainties in muon flux measurements and in the description of nuclear cascades development are not suitable to explain this contradiction, and the only remaining factor, leading to this situation, is underestimation of primary light nuclei fluxes. We have considered systematic effects, that may distort the results of the primary cosmic ray measurements with the application of the emulsion chambers. We suggest, that re-examination of these measurements is required with the employment of different hadronic interaction models. Also, in our point of view, it is necessary to perform estimates of possible influence of the fact, that sizable fraction of events, identified as protons, actually are antiprotons. Study of these cosmic ray component begins to attract much attention, but today nothing definite is known for the energies >40>40 GeV. In any case, to realize whether the mentioned, or some other reasons are the sources of disagreement of the data on primaries with the data on muons, the indicated effects should be thoroughly analyzed

    Different sensitivities of rat skeletal muscles and brain to novel anti-cholinesterase agents, alkylammonium derivatives of 6-methyluracil (ADEMS)

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The rat respiratory muscle diaphragm has markedly lower sensitivity than the locomotor muscle extensor digitorum longus (EDL) to the new acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors, alkylammonium derivatives of 6-methyluracil (ADEMS). This study evaluated several possible reasons for differing sensitivity between the diaphragm and limb muscles and between the muscles and the brain. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Increased amplitude and prolonged decay time of miniature endplate currents were used to assess anti-cholinesterase activity in muscles. In hippocampal slices, induction of synchronous network activity was used to follow cholinesterase inhibition. The inhibitor sensitivities of purified AChE from the EDL and brain were also estimated. KEY RESULTS The intermuscular difference in sensitivity to ADEMS is partly explained caused by a higher level of mRNA and activity of 1,3-bis[5(diethyl-o-nitrobenzylammonium)pentyl]-6-methyluracildibromide (C-547)-resistant BuChE in the diaphragm. Moreover, diaphragm AChE was more than 20 times less sensitive to C-547 than that from the EDL. Sensitivity of the EDL to C-547 dramatically decreased after treadmill exercises that increased the amount of PRiMA AChE(G4), but not ColQ AChE(A12) molecular forms. The A12 form present in muscles appeared more sensitive to C-547. The main form of AChE in brain, PRiMA AChE(G4), was apparently less sensitive because brain cholinesterase activity was almost three orders of magnitude more resistant to C-547 than that of the EDL. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Our findings suggest that ADEMS compounds could be used for the selective inhibition of AChEs and as potential therapeutic tools. © 2011 The British Pharmacological Society

    Trophic Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Black Sea

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    During recent decades, the Black Sea has been affected by many negative factors that strongly changed the condition of its ecosystem. Especially trophic relationships in the Black Sea pelagic system became very vulnerable influencing the food supply, productivity and abundance of many species and populations of this marine basin. Food is one of most important link between biota and its environment. In this monograph, the role and variability of trophodynamic processes that effect the well-being (health) of main heterotrophic components of ecosystem were analysed in detail for a few key species as indicators for estimation of ecosystem condition in whole. These are most significant mass species of the Black Sea pelagic ecosystem. Among copepods this is Calanus euxinus that dominates the mesozooplankton which makes up the fodder base of planktivorous fishes. Among gelatinous these are medusa Aurelia aurita and the alien ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata which affected strongly mesozooplankton composition. Lastly among fishes the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus ponticus and sprat Sprattus sprattus phalericus that dominate small pelagic fishery. We considered in this monograph: • Diel feeding behaviour, in situ feeding rate of Calanus euxinus and impact of mesozooplankton on primary production and phytoplankton biomass. • The effect of vertical migrations on energy budget and its components in C. euxinus; metabolic substrates used in catabolic processes under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions, the role of reserve lipids and effect of abiotic factors on individual growth and population structure of this species. • The intensity and efficiency of ingestion and energy transformation in three gelatinous species ( jellyfish Aurelia aurita, ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata) and their predatory impact on zooplankton community. • Nutritional condition and food supply of anchovy and sprat in the close interaction with natural biotic and abiotic and anthropogenic factors. • Tendencies in this interaction during long time space: since 1960 s till present years. • Estimation of population condition of these species and its long-term change. This monograph is the collective work of Ukrainian and Turkish scientists studying complex hydrobiological problems of the Black Sea. Its aim is to reveal the significance of nutritional factors on the ecology of Black Sea biota, including changes which have already occurred, as well as offering some insight into changes that may happen in the future. Our joint investigations started in the first half of the 1990s, when conditions for the close cooperation of researchers from the two countries were suitable after the collapse of the Soviet era. This spirit continues to the present day. Professor Ümit Unluata, Director of Erdemli Institute of Marine Sciences (Middle East Technical University, Ankara) was of paramount importance in organising and fostering the work undertaken. We would like to devote this monograph to the memory of him, who died so prematurely. We are also grateful to Academician Professor V. N. Eremeev, Director of the Sevastopol Institute of Biology of the Southern Sea (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), and to the directors of Erdemli Institute of Marine Sciences (Professor Ilkay Salihoglu, Professor Sukru Besiktepe and Professor Ferit Bingel) who also made significant contributions to the Ukrainian–Turkish collaboration. We are grateful to Dr Bill Parr from the Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project for his valuable efforts in improving earlier drafts. All these investigations were carried out within the framework of the following five NATO linkage-grants: • Pelagic animal food supply in the unstable Black Sea environment, • Will the new alien ctenophore Beroe ovata control the plankton community in the Black Sea? • Grazing, growth and production of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea, • Bioindicators for assessment of Black Sea ecosystem recovery, • Adaptability and vulnerability of marine species in changing environments. And four TUBITAK - NASU joint projects: • Quantification of the recent ctenophore invader Beroe ovata impact in the Black Sea • Monitoring of the Black Sea anchovy and sprat, • Salinity tolerance as a key factor of invasion success of the copepods of Calanus genus into the Sea of Marmara, • Salinity tolerance as a key factor of invasion success of the mesozooplankton species into the Sea of Marmara. We hope that this publication will make a substantial contribution to future studies of the Black Sea ecosystem and offers further understanding of those features regulating biological processes in this unique marine basin