21 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effects of co-transplantation of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells and thymic multipotent stromal cells on the immune system of mice depending on methods

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    Physical interaction of multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is a modern approach to effective and focused changes in the properties of HSCs. Resulting of those contact interaction is significant activation of cells with following immune system restoration. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of co-transplantation of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and thymic multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) separately and as a union of cells on regeneration of the murine immune system, damaged by cyclophosphamide. MSCs were obtained from thymuses of C57BL mice using explant technique. Bone marrow cells (BMCs) were obtained by flushing out the femur with a nutrient medium. BMCs were cocultivated for 2 hours on the monolayer of thymus-derived MSCs. The immune deficiency of mice was modelled by the treatment with cyclophosphamide (CP). After that, the cells were co-transplanted in two methods (separately into different the retroorbital sinus and as a union after co-cultivation) and the parameters of the immune system were evaluated. It was shown, that separate co-transplantation of BMCs and thymus-derived MSCs is associated with the restoration of the number of bone marrow cells, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes with an increase in the proliferation index of lymph node cells by 1.4 times compared to control. It normalized the previous reduced concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the blood. Co-transplantation had a suppressive effect on the blast transformation reaction, induced by phytohemagglutinin, by 4.3 times, but showed a stimulating effect on DTHR response by 1.6 times compared to control. Co-transplantation of the union of BMCs and MSCs is associated with the restoration of the number of bone marrow cells, spleen and lymph nodes. The level of spontaneous apoptosis of lymph node cells significantly increased by 3.3 times compared to control. It had not effect on hematological parameters, but is activated to impact the immune system. Thus, as a result of cells union administration showed normalization of the bactericidal activity of peritoneal macrophages, unlike the separate co-transplantation. This cells graft had a suppressive effect on the number of antibody-producing cells in the spleen by 4.2 times compared to control. Previous co-cultivation and contact interaction of cells change the properties of cell graft. The effect of co-transplantation of BMCs and thymic MSCs is not a simple additive effect of cells. It is acquiring the features typical to certain cell types, and the expression of new characteristics. We assume this phenomenon as a result development of complex cells cooperative processes in vivo and in vitr

    Aperfeiçoamento de Abordagens para o Recrutamento de Pessoal na Indústria Hoteleira

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    The purpose of the article is to develop a recommendation system for hospitality enterprises using non-traditional forms of recruitment. The dynamism of changes in the environment is found to necessitate the use of innovative approaches based on the real needs and opportunities of modern hospitality industry enterprises. It is confirmed that the effectiveness of personnel recruitment depends on the mastery of up-to-date methods. It is established that implementing the totality of the proposed modern human resource management technologies will contribute to increased personnel productivity and efficiency of hotel enterprises. The introduction and implementation of innovative technologies of personnel management are found to bring changes to other resource areas – in the nature of the hotel product, in the way relationships with the key customers are constructed, and in the economy of the hotel enterprise as a whole in a digitalized environment.El objetivo del artículo es desarrollar un sistema de recomendación para empresas de hostelería que utilicen formas de contratación no tradicionales. Se considera que el dinamismo de los cambios en el entorno requiere el uso de enfoques innovadores basados en las necesidades y oportunidades reales de las empresas modernas de la industria hotelera. Se confirma que la eficacia de la contratación de personal depende del dominio de los métodos actualizados. Se establece que la implementación de la totalidad de las tecnologías modernas de gestión de recursos humanos propuestas contribuirá a aumentar la productividad del personal y la eficiencia de las empresas hoteleras. Se encuentra que la introducción e implementación de tecnologías innovadoras de gestión de personal trae cambios a otras áreas de recursos: en la naturaleza del producto hotelero, en la forma en que se construyen las relaciones con los clientes clave y en la economía de la empresa hotelera en su conjunto. en un entorno digitalizado.O objetivo do artigo é desenvolver um sistema de recomendação para empresas de hospitalidade usando formas não tradicionais de recrutamento. O dinamismo das mudanças no ambiente exige o uso de abordagens inovadoras baseadas nas reais necessidades e oportunidades das empresas modernas da indústria hoteleira. Confirma-se que a eficácia do recrutamento de pessoal depende do domínio de métodos atualizados. Fica estabelecido que a implementação da totalidade das modernas tecnologias de gestão de recursos humanos propostas contribuirá para o aumento da produtividade do pessoal e da eficiência das empresas hoteleiras. A introdução e implementação de tecnologias inovadoras de gestão de pessoal trazem mudanças para outras áreas de recursos – na natureza do produto hoteleiro, na forma como os relacionamentos com os principais clientes são construídos e na economia da empresa hoteleira como um todo em um ambiente digitalizado

    Formação de Pessoal na Indústria de Hospitalidade

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    The authors aim to substantiate approaches to staff training in the hospitality industry. It is assumed that the management of the processes of prospecting, recruiting and hiring personnel, is the key to a company's success in the market of such a promising area such as the hotel industry. We identified that the personnel system of the hotel business in the Russian Federation is still in formation and requires significant efforts to coordinate the quantitative and qualitative levels of training of new specialists with the needs of hotel companies. It is evidenced in this study that the detailed analysis of the characteristics of the operation and personnel of the hotel industry, which will allow to determine the paths of development of the industry and make the transition to a higher level of development. It is found, therefore, that the most important task in solving the existing problems, in Human Resource Management in the tourism sector currently in Russia, is the search for new approaches to recruitment based on a modern concept of recruitment from contemporary management in modern enterprises.Los autores tratan de fundamentar los enfoques de la formación del personal en el sector de la hostelería. Se supone que la gestión de los procesos de prospección, reclutamiento y contratación de personal, es la clave del éxito de una empresa en el mercado de un área tan prometedora como la industria hotelera. Identificamos que el sistema de personal de la hostelería en la Federación Rusa está todavía en formación y requiere esfuerzos importantes para coordinar los niveles cuantitativos y cualitativos de la formación de nuevos especialistas con las necesidades de las empresas hoteleras. Se pone de manifiesto en este estudio que el análisis detallado de las características del funcionamiento y del personal de la industria hotelera, que permitirá determinar las vías de desarrollo de la industria y hacer la transición a un mayor nivel de desarrollo. Por lo tanto, se constata que la tarea más importante en la solución de los problemas existentes, en la Gestión de Recursos Humanos en el segor turístico actualmente en Rusia, es la búsqueda de nuevos enfoques de contratación basados en un concepto justificado de gestión de la contratación en las empresas modernas de la industria hotelera.Os autores procuram substanciar as abordagens à formação de pessoal na indústria hoteleira. Parte-se do princípio de que a gestão dos processos de prospecção, recrutamento e contratação de pessoal, é a chave para o sucesso de uma empresa no mercado de uma área tão promissora como a indústria hoteleira. Identificamos que o sistema de pessoal do negócio hoteleiro na Federação Russa ainda está em formação e requer esforços significativos para coordenar os níveis quantitativos e qualitativos de formação de novos especialistas com as necessidades das empresas hoteleiras. Evidencia-se neste estudo que a análise detalhada das características do funcionamento e do pessoal da indústria hoteleira, que permitirá determinar as vias de desenvolvimento da indústria e fazer a transição para um nível superior de desenvolvimento. Verifica-se, portanto, que a tarefa mais importante na resolução dos problemas existentes, na Gestão de Recursos Humanos no segor de turismo atualmente na Rússia, é a procura de novas abordagens de recrutamento baseadas num conceito moderno de gestão de recrutamento nas empresas contemporâneas

    Effects of long-term exposure of gelatinated and non-gelatinated cadmium telluride quantum dots on differentiated PC12 cells

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    Journal article (open access)Background: The inherent toxicity of unmodified Quantum Dots (QDs) is a major hindrance to their use in biological applications. To make them more potent as neuroprosthetic and neurotherapeutic agents, thioglycolic acid (TGA) capped CdTe QDs, were coated with a gelatine layer and investigated in this study with differentiated pheochromocytoma 12 (PC12) cells. The QD - cell interactions were investigated after incubation periods of up to 17 days by MTT and APOTOX-Glo Triplex assays along with using confocal microscopy.Results: Long term exposure (up to 17 days) to gelatinated TGA-capped CdTe QDs of PC12 cells in the course of differentiation and after neurites were grown resulted in dramatically reduced cytotoxicity compared to non-gelatinated TGA-capped CdTe QDs.Conclusion: The toxicity mechanism of QDs was identified as caspase-mediated apoptosis as a result of cadmium leaking from the core of QDs. It was therefore concluded that the gelatine capping on the surface of QDs acts as a barrier towards the leaking of toxic ions from the core QDs in the long term (up to 17 days).Science Foundation Irelandpeer-reviewe

    Superoxide Dismutase 1 Nanozyme for Treatment of Eye Inflammation

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    Use of antioxidants to mitigate oxidative stress during ocular inflammatory diseases has shown therapeutic potential. This work examines a nanoscale therapeutic modality for the eye on the base of antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), termed “nanozyme.” The nanozyme is produced by electrostatic coupling of the SOD1 with a cationic block copolymer, poly(L-lysine)-poly(ethyleneglycol), followed by covalent cross-linking of the complexes with 3,3′-dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidylpropionate) sodium salt. The ability of SOD1 nanozyme as well as the native SOD1 to reduce inflammatory processes in the eye was examined in vivo in rabbits with immunogenic uveitis. Results suggested that topical instillations of both enzyme forms demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity; however, the nanozyme was much more effective compared to the free enzyme in decreasing uveitis manifestations. In particular, we noted statistically significant differences in such inflammatory signs in the eye as the intensities of corneal and iris edema, hyperemia of conjunctiva, lens opacity, fibrin clots, and the protein content in aqueous humor. Clinical findings were confirmed by histological data. Thus, SOD1-containing nanozyme is potentially useful therapeutic agent for the treatment of ocular inflammatory disorders

    Increasing the output of grape seedlings using biostimulants of natural origin

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    In recent years, the viticulture industry, and the problems of producers of grape products have attracted more attention from the state and the public in terms of its contribution to GDP growth. Productivity and longevity of grape plantations directly depend on the quality of the planting material. Therefore, the relevance of research to obtain the highest yield of standard seedlings of valuable table grapes (Yubilei of Novocherkassk, Dubovsky pink, Bogatyanovsky, Vera) is undeniable. Two variants of biostimulators of growth have been studied: amino peptide agrochemical and a complex mean of chitosan and succinic acid in comparison with background fertigation. The highest yield of seedlings of the first grade level 71-76 % of the open ground nursery on light chestnut soils obtained by its cultivation with a three-time application of foliar fertilizing of amino peptide mean of biological origin Isabion at a dose of 2 l/ha with the addition seedlings output relative to the control 10-13% and the level of production profitability from 135 to 151 %

    The search of the anisotropy of the primary cosmic radiation by the difference method

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    On the basis of experimental data obtained in the knee energy region with the GAMMA array an anomaly has been found in the mass composition of primary cosmic rays coming from the region of the VELA cluster. We used an original difference method which has high sensitivity, stability against accidental experimental errors and the possibility to separate anomalies connected with the laboratory coordinate system from anomalies observed in the celestial coordinates. The multiple scattering of the charged particles in the galactic magnetic fields makes it possible to study regions of the sky outside the direct visibility of the array

    The search of the anisotropy of the primary cosmic radiation by the difference method

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    On the basis of experimental data obtained in the knee energy region with the GAMMA array an anomaly has been found in the mass composition of primary cosmic rays coming from the region of the VELA cluster. We used an original difference method which has high sensitivity, stability against accidental experimental errors and the possibility to separate anomalies connected with the laboratory coordinate system from anomalies observed in the celestial coordinates. The multiple scattering of the charged particles in the galactic magnetic fields makes it possible to study regions of the sky outside the direct visibility of the array