19 research outputs found

    Letter characters as screening elements in security graphics and design

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    Use of typographic characters as screening elements is presented herewith. Each pixel of the picture is replaced with a letter character that corresponds with it as to coverage value. All letter characters that make up an alphabet are used. The overall picture can be screened with a single letter character or with many different elements. Quality screening is achieved with characters that have undergone measuring of the screening cell coverage, i.e. the quadrant where they are positioned. Continuous coverage increase within one and the same font is achieved in several iterations. There are no automatic possibilities, so corrections are carried out manually in programs for producing fonts. Characters that replace the screening elements depend on the graphic content that they reproduce. Generally known fonts are used for screening, as well as those found in the author\u27s own font collection, providing thus for the uniqueness and originality of the reproduced pictures. Design possibilities are uncountable, especially if pictograms are used as screening elements

    Optimizing Separation Parameters for Dedicated CMYKIR Reproduction Purposes With Hidden Double Information

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    Contemporary programming support for image correction and manipulation for graphic arts purposes implies partially regardless RGB/CMYK separation options, where particular parameters can be adjusted separately or by means of ICC profiles. As input image information can be reached from different dynamic range devices or can be generated, output reproduction devices can use various substrates and media, so additional adjustments and researches have to be carried out. CMYKIR reproduction has specific demands, while through the visual part of the spectrum (VS) colour management controls response and experience outside the visual, i.e. hidden information in the near infrared (NIR) domain, and claims to find dedicated adjustments for specificities of VS-CMYKIR reproduction

    Production of Forage Maize Yield under the Zinc Foliar Fertilization and Irrigation System

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    The objective of presented study was to evaluate the effects of zinc foliar fertilizer and drip irrigation system on some qualitative and quantitative parameters of forage maize. Soil water deficit, drought and unbalanced fertilization are the main reasons maize grain and forage yields decrease. In this trial, the basic NPK fertilization was applied on basis of soil analysis with additional foliar application of zinc at the fifth leaf stage. Trial was set up as complete randomized design in three replications. The zinc foliar treatment with or without irrigation system gave up to 18% higher yield compared to the control treatment. Other parameters such as hectoliter mass (1.12%), nitrogen yield content (6.25%), phosphorus (13.51%), potassium (5.38%) and zinc content (70%) had higher recorded values in treatment with included foliar zinc fertilization and irrigation system compared to the control. The foliar zinc applications had positive effect on measured parameters along with drip irrigations system. However, it is necessary to establish the economic justification for introducing an irrigation system in the production of forage maize

    Optimisation of automatic variable graphic layout and imposition

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    Prednosti automatizacije u grafičkoj pripremi primarno leže u povećanju efikasnosti u produkciji pripreme za tisak i montaže, posebice u poslovima koji se ponavljaju. Ostale prednosti su smanjivanje troÅ”kova poÅ”to se viÅ”e posla može odraditi s manje zaposlenika. Jedan od načina izrade automatizacije je i skriptiranje. Mogu se izvrÅ”avati kratke skripte koje odrađuju samo jedan zadatak, kompleksne skripte koje obavljaju viÅ”estruke zadatke, pa sve do onih koje automatiziraju cijeli izdavački proces. Kod skripti koje obavljaju kompleksne zadatke vrijeme izvrÅ”avanja može biti dugotrajno. U radu je opisana skripta koja ostvaruje automatizaciju izrade varijabilne grafičke pripreme, montaže i numeriranja za digitalni tisak. Kvantitativno su određene dobivena automatizacija i uÅ”teda u vremenu koriÅ”tenjem automatiziranog procesa. Osim učinkom automatizacije na stvarni proces grafičke pripreme ovaj rad bavi se i optimizacijom napisane skripte kako bi se skratilo vrijeme njezinog izvrÅ”avanja i utvrdili čimbenici koji utječu na skriptna vremena.The benefit of automation in graphic prepress lies primarily in an increase of efficiency in the production of layout and imposition of repetitive tasks by shortening lead time. Another benefit is cost reduction, since more work can be done with fewer staff members. One way of automating is by using scripts. Scripts can be written to execute just one task, complex scripts can perform multiple tasks and some scripts automate the entire publishing process. With scripts that execute complex tasks execution period can be time consuming. This paper describes the script that was made to automate variable data layout, imposition and to number digital printing. Quantitative research was carried out in this paper to determine achieved automation and time reduction by using automated processes. This paper also deals with written script optimization in order to shorten the time of its execution and to identify factors that affect the script execution time

    Technologies for Web Animations and their Positive and Negative Sides Regarding Web Page Metrics

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    The development of web technologies has led to the availability of various multimedia content on the web. In addition to text, images, and videos, transitions, animations and interactivity are increasingly used. Transitions and animations present the content on the page in more interesting, attractive ways and can attract and retain users longer, improving the measurable parameters of page visits as well as the user experience. Animations on the web can be created in many ways. And if the animations are not executed well, they can slow down the page. The goal of this article is to compare the measurable parameters of animations created with different technologies. HTML, CSS, SVG, P5js, WebGL technologies and animations created with a 3D modeling tool were used. The article uses two different examples of animations created with different technologies and then tested on several devices

    Infrared steganography with individual screening shapes applied to postage stamps with security features

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    Dizajn poÅ”tanske marke zahtijeva smjeÅ”tanje grafičkih i zaÅ”titnih elemenata u ograničen mali format pri čemu ni jedan od elemenata ne smije biti zapostavljen. Uvode se individualni rasterski oblici kao element zaÅ”tite u steganografiji dvostrukih slika u proÅ”irenom vizualnom i infracrvenom spektru od 700 do 1000 nm. ProÅ”iruje se CMYKIR teorija skrivanja infracrvene poruke u slici mijeÅ”anjem procesnih bojila uz kontrolu spot blizanaca tonova u stanju X0 te X40. U sigurnosnom otisku su integrirane dvije slike, viÅ”ebojna slika vidljiva golim okom, te druga skrivena slika vidljiva aparaturom za infracrveni spektar. CMYKIR metodi pridružuje se algoritam novog rasterskog elementa, koji služi za rasprÅ”ivanje rubova skrivene slike nazvane "Z slika". Ovaj način steganografije primijenjen je u dizajnu i tisku poÅ”tanskih maraka u svrhu njihove zaÅ”tite na nov način.Designing a postage stamp requires positioning of graphic security elements in a limited small format, so the design is made for two states: for the visible spectrum and the infrared spectrum. Individual screening elements are introduced as security elements in the steganography of invisible pictures in the 700 to 1000 nm spectrum. The CMYKIR theory of hiding the infrared message in the picture is extended by mixing process inks with the control of spot twins of the same colour tone in the X0 and X40 states. Two pictures are integrated in the security print; a multicolour picture visible to the naked eye, and another hidden picture visible when illuminated with an IR detecting instrument. The CMYKIR method is joined with the new elementā€™s algorithm used for dispersing of the hidden pictureā€™s ("Z pictureā€™s") fringes. This kind of steganography is applied in the design of postage stamps and it is a new way of securing them


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    U ovoj studiji dajemo usporedbu dvije vrste separacije boja iz RGB (V - vizualno) digitalnog zapisa u CMYK bojila s kojima će se izvoditi tisak. Separacije su zasnovane s različitim premisama u primjeni, a namjenjene su svaka sa svojim specifičnim zadatkom Å”to daje različite rezultate. Algoritmi koriste svojstva procesnih bojila CMY koje mijenjamo sa karbon crnim bojilom po metodi GCR. U CMYKIR separaciju ulazi dodatna nezavisna monokromatska slika nazvana ā€žZā€œ. Ta slika sadrži željene vrijednosti za kanal/komponentu K. Sa uspjeÅ”nom ugradnjom Z slike u K kanal, postignuti ćemo cilj da se ta Z slika manifestira, prepoznaje tek u NIR spektru. Z slika je skrivena od golog oka. U ovom članku objavljujemo model CMYKIR separacije preko regresijskih jednadžbi za primjenu u offsetnom tisku. Za nekoliko izabranih bojila sa testne fotografije, demonstriraju se vrijednosti danaÅ”nje prakse GCR separacije u pet stupnjeva. Za ista bojila prikazali smo numeričke vrijednosti po CMYKIR modelu za Karbon crno bojilo pokrivenosti od 40%. Usporedili smo postojeće stupnjevite GCR modele s kontinuiranim izborom K vrijednosti u CMYKIR separaciji. Izabrane boje demonstriraju ograničenja i domenu moguće upotrebe CMYKIR separacije.In this study, we compare the two types of color separations from RGB (V - visually) digital record to the CMYK dyes which will be printed. Separations are based on different premise in the application, and each one is dedicated to its specific task, which gives different results. The algorithms use the properties of process CMY dyes that we change with carbon black dye by the GCR method. In the CMYKIR separation enters an additional independent monochromatic image named as "Z". This image contains the desired values for channel/component K. By successfully installing the Z image into the K channel, we will achieve the goal of manifesting and recognizing this Z image only in the NIR spectrum. The picture is hidden from the naked eye. In this article, we publish the CMYKIR separation model using regression equations for offset printing. For several selected dyes from the test photo, we present values of today\u27s practice of GCR separation in five degrees. For the same colors, we have shown numerical values for the CMYKIR model for the carbon black 40% coverage. We compared existing gradual GCR models with a continuous selection of K values in CMYKIR separation. Selected colors demonstrate constraints and the possible use of CMYKIR separatio

    Allelopathic potential of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on seed germination and seedling growth of vegetables

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi alelopatski potencijal lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) na klijavost sjemena i rast klijanaca rotkvice (Raphanus sativus L.), radiča (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum) i rajčice (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Vodeni ekstrakti pripremljeni od suhe nadzemne mase lucerne u tri koncentracije (1 %, 2,5 % i 5 %) testirani su u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Alelopatski potencijal lucerne ovisio je o test vrsti, koncentraciji vodenog ekstrakta te mjerenom parametru. Najslabije djelovanje zabilježeno je na klijavost te rast klijanaca rajčice. Povećanjem koncentracije vodenog ekstrakta povećavao se i negativni alelopatski potencijal. Najmanji utjecaj vodenih ekstrakata zabilježen je na suhu masu klijanaca test vrsta.The aim of the study was to determine the allelopathic potential of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on seed germination and seedling growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L.), radicchio (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Water extracts prepared from dry alfalfa biomass in three concentrations (1%, 2.5% and 5%) were tested under laboratory conditions. The allelopathic potential of alfalfa depended on the test species, the water extract concentration, and the measured parameter. The weakest effect was recorded on germination and growth of tomato seedlings. As the concentration of the water extract increased, the negative allelopathic potential also increased. Dry weight of seedlings of test species was the least affected