13 research outputs found

    Koncentracija insulina i IGF-I u krvnom serumu novorođene prasadi tretirane klinoptilolitom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the natural mineral adsorber clinoptilolite on the serum levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I in newborn piglets in the first 30 hours postnatally. A total number of 40 crossbred Landrace x Duroc newborn piglets from 4 litters was used. Five piglets from each litter were randomly assigned to the treated group and another five piglets to the control group. The treated animals received 10 ml of 15% clinoptilolite suspension three times: immediately after birth and subsequently at 12 and 24 hours after birth. Mean serum insulin level in the treated newborn piglets was almost 20% higher at both time intervals after treatment but the increases were not statistically significant, due to the high individual variation (44.40Ā±6.33:36.40Ā±5.14 and 17.54Ā±2.61:14.02Ā±1.14 mIU/L, treated vs. control at 10 and 30 hours postpartum). Serum levels of IGF-I were also increased in the treated newborn piglets, and the differences between means were statistically significant (18.20Ā±0.63: 13.70Ā±1.02 and 17.61Ā±0.173:12.48Ā±0.64 nmol/L, p lt 0.001, treated vs. control at 10 and 30 hours postpartum). Our results indicate that clinoptilolite treatment could effectively increase serum IGF-I and possibly also insulin levels in newborn piglets.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj peroralnog davanja praparata Min-a-Zel S, koji sadrži aktivnu komponentu klinoptilolit, na nivo insulina i insulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I) u krvnom serumu novorođene prasadi u prvih 30. časova postnatalnog života. U ogled je bilo uključeno 40 prasadi koji su poticali iz 4 legla. U svakom leglu polovina prasadi je dobijala po 10 ml 15% suspenzije Min-a-Zela S, i to odmah posle rođenja, 12. i 24. časa po rođenju. Druga polovina prasadi je služila kao kontrolna grupa. Krv za analizu nivoa ovih bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja je uzimana 10. i 30. časa neonatalnog perioda. Koncentracija insulina kod ogledne grupe prasadi u ispitivanim vremenskim periodima bila je za 20% veća u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, ali zbog velikih individualnih varijacija razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Na drugoj strani, koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom serumu ogledne grupe prasadi u oba ispitivana perioda je bila statistički vrlo značajno viÅ”a u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da peroralno davanje klinoptilolita u vreme napajanja prasadi sa kolostrumom može uticati na značajno poviÅ”enje koncentracije ovih bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja u krvnom serumu. U radu su razmatrani i mogući mehanizmi delovanja klinoptilolita na stepen resorpcije i/ili na povećanje endogene sinteze ovih jedinjenja u organizmu novorođene prasadi

    Peripheral circulating insulin-like growth factor-I and -II in cattle

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    Interrelationships between circulating concentrations of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) were investigated in 235 blood samples taken from 145 healthy beef or dairy calves, bulls and cows of different breeds and ages. Autoradiography of Western ligand blots indicated different IGF binding protein (IGFBP) profiles between sera from different categories of cattle. Each IGF radioimmunoassay was validated by determining the effects of IGFBPs, ligand and contraligand, as well as serial dilution and comparison with results obtained after molecular sieve chromatography in acid. In female cattle mean values for IGF-I varied from 5.1 nmol/l in postparturient Holstein cows to 18.5ā€“20.5 nmol/l in growing beef heifers, while mean IGF-II concentrations ranged from 30.0 nmol/l in the cows to 14.7ā€“15.7 nmol/l in the beef heifer calves. In male cattle mean serum IGF-I ranged widely from 8.2 nmol/l in 1-day-old Holstein calves to 67.4 nmol/l in 16-month-old Simmental-type bulls. Mean IGF-II concentrations decreased from 22.9 nmol/l in 1-day-old Holstein bull calves to 11.9 nmol/l in 12-month-old beef bulls. Thus, total molar IGF concentrations were fairly stable in female cattle (24.7ā€“35.1 nmol/l) but extended from 27.3 nmol/l to 81.8 nmol/l in the male cattle. The tendency for a reciprocal relationship between serum concentrations of these growth factors was most obvious in the periparturient cows

    Age-related changes in the content of insulin: Like growth factor-l in rat brain

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    Although there has been extensive research on the effect of IGF-I on muscles and bone tissue, the effect on brain aging has received little attention. We investigated the IGF-I content in brains of differently aged rats. The IGF-I contents in cerebellar and cerebral cortex were found to be higher in immature rats (4-5 days old) compared to young adult (2.5 months old) and middle-aged (7.5-9 months old) rats. However, the decrease of mean IGF-I in middle-aged rats compared to immature animals was statistically significant only in the cerebellar codex. Our results indicate that IGF-I content decreases through the lifespan and maybe selectively in some brain regions.VrÅ”ena su istraživanja insulinu sličnog faktora rasta (IGF-I) na miÅ”ićno i koÅ”tano tkivo, ali je posvećena mala pažnja efektu na mozak u toku starenja. Mi smo ispitivali sadržaj IGF-I u moždanom tkivu pacova različite starosti. Nađeno je da su IGF-I koncentracije u kori malog mozga kao i velikog mozga mladih pacova (4-5 dana starih) viÅ”e u poređenju sa sadržajima grupe tek-odraslih pacova starosti 2,5 meseca i grupe neÅ”to starijih odraslih pacova (7,5-9 meseci starih). Međutim, smanjenje koncentracije IGF-I sadržaja samo u kori malog mozga neÅ”to starijih pacova (7,5-9 meseci) bilo je značajno u odnosu na vrednosti u novorođenih (4-5 dana starih pacova). NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da IGF-I opada tokom života i moguće - selektivno u određenim moždanim regionima.nul

    Age-related changes in the content of insulin: Like growth factor-l in rat brain

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    Although there has been extensive research on the effect of IGF-I on muscles and bone tissue, the effect on brain aging has received little attention. We investigated the IGF-I content in brains of differently aged rats. The IGF-I contents in cerebellar and cerebral cortex were found to be higher in immature rats (4-5 days old) compared to young adult (2.5 months old) and middle-aged (7.5-9 months old) rats. However, the decrease of mean IGF-I in middle-aged rats compared to immature animals was statistically significant only in the cerebellar codex. Our results indicate that IGF-I content decreases through the lifespan and maybe selectively in some brain regions.VrÅ”ena su istraživanja insulinu sličnog faktora rasta (IGF-I) na miÅ”ićno i koÅ”tano tkivo, ali je posvećena mala pažnja efektu na mozak u toku starenja. Mi smo ispitivali sadržaj IGF-I u moždanom tkivu pacova različite starosti. Nađeno je da su IGF-I koncentracije u kori malog mozga kao i velikog mozga mladih pacova (4-5 dana starih) viÅ”e u poređenju sa sadržajima grupe tek-odraslih pacova starosti 2,5 meseca i grupe neÅ”to starijih odraslih pacova (7,5-9 meseci starih). Međutim, smanjenje koncentracije IGF-I sadržaja samo u kori malog mozga neÅ”to starijih pacova (7,5-9 meseci) bilo je značajno u odnosu na vrednosti u novorođenih (4-5 dana starih pacova). NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da IGF-I opada tokom života i moguće - selektivno u određenim moždanim regionima.nul

    Koncentracija IGF-I i ukupnih proteina u krvnom serumu novorođene teladi napajane različitom količinom kolostruma

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the concentrations of insulin like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and total protein in blood serum from calves consuming different amounts of colostrum during the first 32 h of postnatal life, as well as at 7 days old. The experiment involved two groups of calves. The first group was offered the standard amount of colostrum while the second group received half the recommended amount. At birth serum concentration of IGF-I was in the range from 5 to 13 nmol/L. Compared to the initial level there was a marked decrease of mean IGF-I concentration in both groups of calves at 2 h after the first intake of colostrum. Thereafter, the level gradually increased until 20 h of age, more markedly in the group which received the full ration of colostrum. The highest mean IGF-I concentrations were recorded at 20 h in both groups (11.81 nmol/L for group one and 8.96 nmol/L for group two), and were significantly higher than values recorded 2h after the first intake of colostrum. Two hours after the third intake of colostrum, serum concentration of IGF-I dropped in both groups, compared with the value recorded at 20 h. During the time period from 4hto32h after birth, the calves that received the standard amount of colostrum had a significantly higher mean concentration of serum IGF-I than the calves which received an insufficient amount. Calves were born with serum concentrations of total proteins, which were lower than those found for adult animals. Serum protein concentrations in the calves that consumed normal amounts of colostrum increased more rapidly than in the calves that received insufficient amounts of colostrum. Presumably, total protein concentrations increased as a consequence of colostral immunoglobulin absorption. Thus our results indicate that the amounts of colostrum received during the first 32 h of postnatal life had strong effects on the serum concentrations of IGF-I and total proteins. The differences in IGF-I concentrations between the two groups of calves may have been a consequence of greater colostral IGF-I absorption and/or the result of greater absorption of other colostral components, which stimulate endogenous synthesis of this bioactive substance in the tissues of neonatal calves.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-l (IGF-I) i ukupnih proteina u krvnom serumu teladi koja su napajana različitom količinom kolostruma tokom prvih 32 sata postnatalnog života kao i 7. dana života. Ogled je izveden na dve grupe od po osam teladi: prva grupa teladi je napajana sa normalnom količinom kolostruma, dok je druga grupa bila napajana sa duplo manjom količinom kolostruma. Koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom serumu teladi pri rođenju bila je u rasponu od 5 do 13 nmol/L. Nakon napajanja prvim kolostrumom kod obe grupe je doÅ”lo do značajnog pada koncentracije IGF-I u odnosu na koncentraciju određenu nultog sata života. Posle toga koncentracija je kod obe grupe postepeno rasla do 20. sata života pri čemu je porast bio izraženiji kod grupe koja je napajana normalnom količinom kolostruma. 20. sata je kod obe grupe utvrđena najviÅ”a koncentracija IGF-I (11.81 nmol/L u krvnom serumu prve grupe i 8.96 nmol/L u krvnom serumu druge grupe teladi) i ona je bila značajno visa od vrednosti utvrđene 4. sata života, a dva sata posle prvog kolostralnog napoja. Dva sata nakon napajanja trećim kolostrumom doÅ”lo je do pada koncentracije IGF-I u krvnom serumu obe grupe teladi, pri čemu je pad bio statistički značajan u odnosu na 20. sat života samo kod druge grupe. U vremenskom periodu od 4. do 32. sata života telad prve grupe koja su napajana normalnom količinom kolostruma imala su statistički značajno viÅ”u koncentraciju IGF-I u krvnom serumu u odnosu na telad koja su napajana manjom količinom kolostruma. Telad obe ogledne grupe su rođena sa koncentracijom proteina koja je značajno niža nego kod odraslih jedinki. Porast koncentracije proteina u krvnom serumu teladi napajane sa duplo manjom količinom kolostruma u ispitivanom periodu je bio znatno sporiji u poređenju sa rastom proteinemije teladi prve ogledne grupe. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da nivo popijenog kolostruma u prva 32h neonatalnog života ima veliki uticaj na koncentraciju insulinu sličnog faktora rasta I (IGF-I) i ukupnih proteina. Za porast proteinemije možemo sa sigurnoŔću tvrditi da je rezultat resorpcije kolostralnih imunoglobulina. Različiti nivoi IGF-I utvrđeni u naÅ”em ogledu na dve grupe teladi mogu biti posledica veće resorpcije IGF-I prisutnog u kolostrumu i/ili veće resorpcije nekih od joÅ” neidentifikovanih sastojaka kolostruma koji indukuju endogenu sintezu ovog bioloÅ”ki aktivnog jedinjenja u mnogim tkivima novorođene jedinke

    The insulin-like growth factor system in the circulation of patients with viral infections

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    The insulinlike growth factor (IGF) system was examined in the circulation of patients with viral infections (herpes simplex virus, HSV; cytomegalovirus, CMV; rotavirus, RV and adenovirus, AV). The serum concentrations of IGFI, IGFII and cortisol were measured by radioimmunoassay, while IGFbinding proteins (IGFBPs) were characterised by ligandaffinity blotting. Although both IGFI and IGFII concentrations were significantly lower in patients with viral infections (p lt 0.05) than in healthy persons, the IGFII/IGFI ratio was increased (p lt 0.05). No correlation between the concentration of IGFI and IGFII and the intensity of the antibody response to infection was observed. Ligandaffinity blotting demonstrated decreased amounts of IGFBP-3 (patients with HSV, CMV, AV and some patients with RV), increased IGFBP-2 (some patients with HSV and RV) and IGFBP 1 (patients with RV). Serum cortisol was significantly elevated (p lt 0.05) in patients infected with HSV, CMV and RV. The alterations observed can be interpreted as induction of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis and suppression of the growth hormone (GH)/IGF axis under the influence of viral infection

    Koncentracija trijodtironina, tiroksina i kortizola u krvnoj plazmi novorođene teladi

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    The aim 'of this investigation was to determine the concentrations of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and cortisol in blood plasma from calves during the first 32 h of postnatal life, as well as at 7 days old. The experiment involved two groups of calves. The first group was offered the standard amount of colostrum while the second group received half the recommended amount. The results obtained showed that the calves were born with high plasma concentrations of 73, 74 and cortisol up to four times greater than values found at 7 days old. In the calves given the full ration of colostrum there was a gradual increase of mean 73 concentration to levels which plateaued from 8 to 28 h after birth, while the level of T4 increased slightly but significantly up to 18 h. Sharp highly significant increases in 73 and 74 concentrations were observed during the first 4 h of postnatal life in the group of calves given half the usual amount of colostrum to levels which persisted up to 20 h. Except at 4 and 20 h there were no significant differences between the groups. At 7 days old the levels of plasma 73 and 74 in both groups of calves were within the limits found for adult animals. The plasma concentrations of cortisol decreased during the first 18 h afterbirth in both groups of calves and then increased somewhat. At 32 h the mean concentration was higher in group two than in group one. At 7 days old cortisol concentrations were up to four times lower than the level immediately after birth. It was concluded that a decrease in the amount of colostrum consumed had only minor effects on the plasma concentrations of the examined hormones in neonatal calves.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije trijodtironina (T3) tiroksina (T4) i kortizola u krvnoj plazmi teladi tokom prvih 32 sata postnatalnog života kao i 7. danaživota. Ogled jeizveden nadvegrupe teladi prvagrupa teladi jenapajana sa normainom količinom kolostruma, dok je druga grupa dobila duplo manju količinu kolostruma. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se telad rađaju sa visokim vrednostima koncentracije T3, T4 i kortizola u krvnoj plazmi, koje su do četiri puta veće u odnosu na vrednosti ustanovljene 7. dana života. Kod teladi koja su dobijala normalnu količinu kolostruma koncentracija T3 postepeno raste i dostiže plato između 8-28 sata posle partusa, dok nivo T4 u plazmi statistički značajno raste do 18 sata posle partusa. Nagli i statistički visoko značajan porast koncentracije T3 i T4 u krvnoj plazmi tokom prvih 4 sata posle partusa su uočeni kod teladi koja su primila polovinu normalne količine kolostruma, i visoka koncentracija ovih hormona u plazmi se održava sve do 20. sata posle partusa. Nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike u koncentraciji T3 i T4 izmedu prve i druge ogledne grupe, osim 4. i 20. sata posle partusa. U starosti teladi od 7. dana koncentracija tireoidnih hormona u plazmi kod obe grupe teladi se nalazi u okvirima vrednosti nađenih kod odraslih jedinki. Koncentracija kortizola u krvnoj plazmi ppada kod obe ogledne grupe teladi u prvih 18. sati posle partusa, da bi kasnije doÅ”lo do blagog porasta koncentracije. U vremenu od 32. sata posle partusa nivo kortizola u plazmi je viÅ”i kod druge ogledne grupe u odnosu na prvu. U starosti teladi od 7. dana koncentracija kortizola je četiri puta niža u odnosu na vrednosti ustanovljene neposredno posle partusa. MiÅ”ljenja smo da smanjenje unoÅ”enja kolostruma za 50% u odnosu na normalnu količinu ima minimalan uticaj na koncentraciju ispitivanih hormona u krvnoj plazmi novorođene teladi

    Effects of peroral insulin and glucose on circulating insulin-like growth factor-I, its binding proteins and thyroid hormones in neonatal calves

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    There is disagreement in the literature about the ability of neonatal calves to absorb perorally administered insulin. This study evaluated the absorption of a bolus of insulin administered alone or with an energy souce and its effects on the circulating insulin-like growth factor system and thyroid hormones in newborn Holstein-Friesian calves. Within 1 h of dosing, mean serum insulin and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations had increased considerably, whether the insulin was applied alone (n = 4) or together with glucose (n = 4), accompanied by marked hypoglycemia. No significant changes were observed in control calves (n = 4) given the vehicle solution. Increased serum glucose and T3 concentrations with no change in insulinemia occurred in a 4th group of calves given glucose alone. At 32 h of age and after 3 meals of colostrum there were no differences in glycemia, insulinemia, or proteinemia among the 4 groups of calves examined. Mean serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) tended to decrease over this period in the control group. The decrease was more pronounced in the insulin-treated group but absent in both groups that received glucose. These differences were associated with equivalent differences in abundance of the 40ā€“45K IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3); however, lower molecular mass IGFBPs were not affected. The results show that a pharmacological peroral dose of insulin can lead to rapid systemic alterations in the IGF/IGFBP system in neonatal calves that can be modified by simultaneous administration of a small energy supply in the form of glucose

    Effects of peroral insulin and glucose on circulating insulin-like growth factor-I, its binding proteins and thyroid hormones in neonatal calves

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    There is disagreement in the literature about the ability of neonatal calves to absorb perorally administered insulin. This study evaluated the absorption of a bolus of insulin administered alone or with an energy souce and its effects on the circulating insulin-like growth factor system and thyroid hormones in newborn Holstein-Friesian calves. Within 1 h of dosing, mean serum insulin and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations had increased considerably, whether the insulin was applied alone (n = 4) or together with glucose (n = 4), accompanied by marked hypoglycemia. No significant changes were observed in control calves (n = 4) given the vehicle solution. Increased serum glucose and T3 concentrations with no change in insulinemia occurred in a 4th group of calves given glucose alone. At 32 h of age and after 3 meals of colostrum there were no differences in glycemia, insulinemia, or proteinemia among the 4 groups of calves examined. Mean serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) tended to decrease over this period in the control group. The decrease was more pronounced in the insulin-treated group but absent in both groups that received glucose. These differences were associated with equivalent differences in abundance of the 40-45K IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3); however, lower molecular mass IGFBPs were not affected. The results show that a pharmacological peroral dose of insulin can lead to rapid systemic alterations in the IGF/IGFBP system in neonatal calves that can be modified by simultaneous administration of a small energy supply in the form of glucose