Age-related changes in the content of insulin: Like growth factor-l in rat brain


Although there has been extensive research on the effect of IGF-I on muscles and bone tissue, the effect on brain aging has received little attention. We investigated the IGF-I content in brains of differently aged rats. The IGF-I contents in cerebellar and cerebral cortex were found to be higher in immature rats (4-5 days old) compared to young adult (2.5 months old) and middle-aged (7.5-9 months old) rats. However, the decrease of mean IGF-I in middle-aged rats compared to immature animals was statistically significant only in the cerebellar codex. Our results indicate that IGF-I content decreases through the lifespan and maybe selectively in some brain regions.Vršena su istraživanja insulinu sličnog faktora rasta (IGF-I) na mišićno i koštano tkivo, ali je posvećena mala pažnja efektu na mozak u toku starenja. Mi smo ispitivali sadržaj IGF-I u moždanom tkivu pacova različite starosti. Nađeno je da su IGF-I koncentracije u kori malog mozga kao i velikog mozga mladih pacova (4-5 dana starih) više u poređenju sa sadržajima grupe tek-odraslih pacova starosti 2,5 meseca i grupe nešto starijih odraslih pacova (7,5-9 meseci starih). Međutim, smanjenje koncentracije IGF-I sadržaja samo u kori malog mozga nešto starijih pacova (7,5-9 meseci) bilo je značajno u odnosu na vrednosti u novorođenih (4-5 dana starih pacova). Naši rezultati ukazuju da IGF-I opada tokom života i moguće - selektivno u određenim moždanim regionima.nul

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