35 research outputs found

    Investigation of zinc stannate synthesis using photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    Mixtures of ZnO and SnO2 powders, with molar ratio of 2:1, were mechanically activated for 40, 80 and 160 minutes in a planetary ball mill. The resulting powders were compacted into pellets and non-isothermally sintered up to 1200°C with a heating rate of 5°C/min. X-ray diffraction analysis of obtained powders and sintered samples was performed in order to investigate changes of the phase composition. The microstructure of sintered samples was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The photoacoustic phase and amplitude spectra of sintered samples were measured as a function of the laser beam modulating frequency using a transmission detection configuration. Fitting of experimental data enabled determination of photoacoustic properties including thermal diffusivity. Based on the results obtained a correlation between thermal diffusivity and experimental conditions as well the samples microstructure characteristics was discussed.

    Sixty years of the theory of B. Ya. Pines

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    Analysis of early-stage sintering mechanisms of mechanically activated BaTiO3

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    Barium-titanate powder was mechanically activated in a planetary-ball mill for 60 and 120 minutes. Non-isothermal sintering of non-activated and activated powder samples was investigated using a dilatometer in the temperature interval from room to 1380oC with three different heating rates (10, 20 and 30oC/min). Early-stage sintering mechanisms for all three types of samples were analyzed, showing significant differences between the non-activated and mechanically activated samples.Prah barijum-titanata je mehanički aktiviran u planetarnom mlinu sa kuglicama 60 i 120 minuta. Neizotermsko sinterovanje neaktiviranog i aktiviranih uzoraka proučeno je u dilatometru u temperaturskom intervalu od sobne do 1380oS sa tri različite brzine zagrevanja (10, 20 i 30oS/min). Mehanizmi ranih stadijuma sinterovanja su analizirani za sva tri tipa uzoraka i uočene su značajne razlike između neaktiviranih i mehanički aktiviranih uzoraka

    Analysis of isothermal sintering of zinc-titanate doped with MgO

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    The aim of this work was analysis of isothermal sintering of zinc titanate ceramics doped with MgO obtained by mechanical activation. Mixtures of ZnO, TiO2 and MgO (0, 1.25 and 2.5%) were mechanically activated 15 minutes in a planetary ball mill. The powders obtained were pressed under different pressures and the results were fitted with a phenomenological compacting equation. Isothermal sintering was performed in air for 120 minutes at four different temperatures. Structural characterization of ZnO-TiO2-MgO system after milling was performed at room temperature using XRPD measurements. DTA measurements showed different activation energies for pure and doped ZnO-TiO2 systems. Thus addition of MgO stabilizes the crystal structure of zinc titanate

    ZnTiO3 Ceramic Nanopowder Microstructure Changes During Compaction

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    ZnTiO3 nanopowder as a constitutive component in compact production was primarily characterised. Scanning electron micrographs of as received powder were recorded. Mercury porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption were also performed on loose powder. Particle size distribution in a water powder suspension was determined with a laser particle size analyser. Compaction was performed on different pressures in a range from 100 to 400 MPa using the uniaxial double sided compaction technique without binder and lubricant. Micrographs of compacted specimens were obtained using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Pore size distribution was also determined by mercury porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption. Results revealed that with increasing pressure during compaction interagglomerate pores diminish in size until they reach some critical diameter related to the intra-agglomerate pore size

    Structural characteristics of electrodeposited copper coatings

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    Uzorci bakra su podvrgnuti mehaničkom i elektrohemijskom glačanju u odgovarajućim elektrolitima za elektrohemijsko glačanje. Na tako prethodno pripremljene površine supstrata izvršeno je taloţenje prevlaka bakra iz dva kupatila i to iz osnovnog elektrolita (OR) sastava: 240 g/dm3 CuSO4 ∙ 5 H2O + 60 g/dm3 H2SO4 i kupatila sa dodacima za sjaj (OR +DS). Pomoću STM i AFM tehnika precizno su prikazane strukturne osobine koje odreĎuju da li je metalna površina ogledalski sjajna ili ne, odnosno da li dobijena topografija površine manje ili više hrapava. UtvrĎeno je znatno povećanje hrapavosti uzoraka na koje je taloţena prevlaka bakra iz osnovnog sulfatnog kupatila (OR) u odnosu na mehanički i mehanički i elektrohemijske pripremane uzorke. TakoĎe, pri taloţenju prevlaka iz kupatila sa dodacima za sjaj (OR +DS), došlo je do smanjenja hrapavosti površine.The samples of rolled copper were mechanically and electrochemically polished in suitable electrolytes for electrochemical polishing. These substrate surfaces that had been prepared in advance, served as the basis for depositing of copper layers from two baths, namely, from the basic electrolyte(OR) with the following composition: 240 g/dm3 CuSO4 ∙ 5 H2O + 60 g/dm3 H2SO4i as well as from the bath which contained brightening addition agents(OR +DS). STM and AFM techniques show in great detail the structural properties which determine whether the metal surfaceis are as bright as a mirrior or not, that is, whether the obtained topography of the surface is more or less rough. It was determined that a considerable increase of roughness occurred in the samples where copper layers were deposited from the basic sulfate bath (OR) when compared with mechanical, and mechanical-electrochemical samples. In addition, depositing of the samples from the bath with brightening addition agents (OR +DS) resulted in the decrease of surface roughness

    Sintering as a process of transport of activated volume

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    Starting with the fact that sintering is the consequence of the process of transport of activated volume, it has been shown how the kinetics of the sintering process can be defined. The activated volume was in principle defined as a parameter which describes a system’s deffectivity on an atomic level

    Synthesis of barium-zinc-titanate ceramics

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    Mixtures of BaCO3, ZnO and TiO2 powders, with molar ratio of 1:2:4, were mechanically activated for 20, 40 and minutes in a planetary ball mill. The resulting powders were compacted into pellets and isothermally sintered at 1250°C for 2h with a heating rate of 10°C/min. X-ray diffraction analysis of obtained powders and sintered samples was performed in order to investigate changes of the phase composition. The microstructure of sintered samples was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The photoacoustic phase and amplitude spectra of sintered samples were measured as a function of the laser beam modulating frequency using a transmission detection configuration. Fitting of experimental data enabled determination of photoacoustic properties including thermal diffusivity. Based on the results obtained correlation between thermal diffusivity and experimental conditions, as well the samples microstructure characteristics, was discussed

    Structural and electrical properties of Ti doped α-Fe2O3

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    In this work we have analyzed the effects of Ti doping on structural and electrical properties of α-Fe2O3. When the amount of added Ti (5 wt.%TiO2) was within the solubility degree and XRD, SEM and EDS analysis revealed a homogenous hematite structure, with lattice parameters a= 5.03719(3) Å, c=13.7484(1) Å slightly increased due to incorporation of Ti into the rhombohedral hematite lattice. Higher amounts of Ti (10 wt.%TiO2) resulted in the formation of pseudobrookite, besides hematite, confirmed by SEM and EDS analysis. Studies of electric properties in the temperature range 25-225oC at different frequencies (100 - 1Mz) showed that Ti doping improved electrical conductivity. Impedance analysis was performed using an equivalent circuit, showing one relaxation process and suggesting dominant grain boundary contribution. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45014 i br. III43008

    Characterisation of dispersive systems using a coherer

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    The possibility of characterization of aluminium powders using a horizontal coherer has been considered. Al powders of known dimension were treated with a high frequency electromagnetic field or with a DC electric field, which were increased until a dielectric breakdown occurred. Using a multifunctional card PC-428 Electronic Design and a suitable interface between the coherer and PC, the activation time of the coherer was measured as a function of powder dimension and the distance between the coherer electrodes. It was also shown that the average dimension of powders of unknown size could be determined using the coherer