56 research outputs found

    Similarities and Differences in Imperial Administration. Great Britain in Egypt and Austria-Hungary in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1878–1903

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    This article discusses the similarities and differences of the position of Great Britain in Egypt and Austria-Hungary in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the age of New Imperialism. Comparative approach will allow us to put both situations in their historical context. Austria-Hungary’s absorption of Bosnia-Herzegovina was part of colonial involvement throughout the world. Egypt and Bosnia-Herzegovina were formally parts of the Ottoman Empire, although occupied and administrated by European Powers. Two administrators, Evelyn Baring as consul-general in Egypt and Benjamin von Kállay as civil administrator of Bosnia-Herzegovina, believed that it was their duty to bring “civilization”, prosperity and western culture to these lands - a classic argumentation found in the New Imperialism discourse. One of the most important tasks for both administrators was fighting the national movements, which led to the suppression of political freedoms and the introduction of a large administrative apparatus to govern the newly-occupied lands. Complete control over political life and the educational system was also one of the major features of both administrations. Both Great Britain in Egypt and Austria-Hungary in Bosnia-Herzegovina never tackled the agrarian question for their own political reasons. British rule in Egypt and Austro-Hungarian in Bosnia-Herzegovina bore striking resemblances

    Austria-Hungary's Bosnia and Herzegovina and Great Britain's Egypt: administration, politics, culture: (1908-1918)

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    Ова дисертација има за циљ да покаже да је аустроугарска управа у Босни и Херцеговини колонијална. Да би смо установили да ли је успостављени режим заиста био колонијалан одлучили смо да применимо компаративни приступ. Компаративна историја заузима важно место у проучавању кључних феномена какви су империјализам и колонијализам. Кроз такав приступ можемо да уочимо сличности и разлике у режимима, али и да их ставимо у исправан историјски контекст. Историографија не спори да је британска управа у Египту била колонијална. Први део ове дисертације је посвећен Египту, као типичној колонији епохе „новог империјализма“. Приказани су најзначајнији аспекти управе. Кроз четири поглавља показано је британско покоравање Египта, фаза личног режима, период „либерализације“ у управи, као и успостава војне власти. У самом раду су установљене и истакнуте главне карактеристике управе. Хронолошке подударности две окупације почињу много пре 1908. године. Година анексије Босне и Херцеговине и доласка новог управитеља изабрана је јер је о ранијем периоду много више писано. Други део рада посвећен је Босни и Херцеговини. Подељен у четири целине он показује исте фазе управе кроз које је прошла и управа унутар Египта. Потом смо истакли најважније карактеристике империјалне управе – гушење националног покрета и стварање унутрашњег раздора кроз сарадњу са једном конфесионалном групом на штету осталих. Уједно су објашњене и остале важне одлике – контрола политичког и културног живота, као и образовног система, и оклевање у решавању аграрног питања. Све то је довело до тога да проучимо однос домаћих елита и империјалне управе да бисмо до краја разумели идеју „цивилизаторске мисије“ која је била кључна у епохи. Сматрамо да смо користећи овакав приступ показали колонијални карактер аустроугарске управе у Босни и Херцеговини.The aim of this dissertation is to show that Bosnia and Herzegovina were a colony of Austria-Hungary. A comparative approach will enable us to understand better the true nature of the Dual Monarchy’s rule in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Comparative history is essential for understanding problems that are as complex as colonialism and imperialism. We aim to highlight similarities and differences between the Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the British rule in Egypt. While British rule in Egypt is invariably described in historiography as colonial, that of Austria-Hungary in Bosnia-Herzegovina is still described as a special case or something between colonialism and modernization. In this dissertation we were focused on the most important aspects of colonial rule. Throughout the first four chapters we have described key phases of the British occupation of Egypt (personal regime, period of “liberalization”, military governance). The second part, consisting of four chapters, describes rule of Austria-Hungary in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our aim was to show similarities and differences between the two rules. We have also pointed out the most important characteristics of the Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using described approach, we are certain to have shown that Bosnia and Herzegovina were the colony of Austria-Hungary


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    Рад тежи да прикаже сличности и разлике у просветним и културним приликама у Египту и Босни и Херцеговини. Некадашње османске провинције нашле су се под страном влашћу у епохи новог империјализма. Приказујући заједничке феномене у две области као што су култура и просвета у једној неупитној колонији као што је Египат и на територији Босне и Херцеговине указујемо на суштину аустроугарског присуства на Балкану. Кроз сличности и разлике у културно-просветној политици указано је на колонијални карактер окупације Босне и Херцеговине

    Austro-Hungarian Cultural Imperialism in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Case of Kosta Hörmann and Provincial Museum

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    The aim of this paper is to show, using a micro-example, the nature of the Austro-Hungarian regime in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The subject, Kosta Hörmann and the Provincial Museum, is a small case study that illustrates the nature of Austro-Hungarian rule in the occupied province of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today, the features and character of Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina are a subject of a rather lively discussion


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    Рад тежи да прикаже сличности и разлике у просветним и културним приликама у Египту и Босни и Херцеговини. Некадашње османске провинције нашле су се под страном влашћу у епохи новог империјализма. Приказујући заједничке феномене у две области као што су култура и просвета у једној неупитној колонији као што је Египат и на територији Босне и Херцеговине указујемо на суштину аустроугарског присуства на Балкану. Кроз сличности и разлике у културно-просветној политици указано је на колонијални карактер окупације Босне и Херцеговине

    Influence of the phase composition of refractory materials on creep

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    In this paper, the relationship between the creeping effect and mineralogical characteristics of the applied binding phase for various refractory materials (high-alumina materials, with high or low impurity content, tar bonded either magnesite or dolomite materials and silicate bonded chrom-magnesite materials) is presented. The mechanism of creeping is analyzed and the activation energy for creep for each investigated material is obtained and discussed. All investigated materials are creep sensitive under investigated conditions and have similar activation energies for creep except high-alumina refractories with a low impurity content


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    U radu je riječ o dokumentacijskom potencijalu Benešićeva književnojezičnog rječnika, koji posebno dolazi do izražaja uvođenjem paralelnih korpusnih glosa. Ovaj nov metodološki postupak upostavljanja korpusnih glosa koje pripadaju različitim izdanjima istoga djela, uveden je od 14. sveska radi dokumentiranja jezičnih (i nejezičnih) praksi stogodišnjega formativnog razdoblja (od preporoda do I. G. Kovačića) u povijesti hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti.Dictionaries based upon chronologically arranged excerpts of writings by ‘the best authors’ play an important role in the history of any national lexicography. An outstanding one, developed at the midpoint of the twentieth century and still under progress, is Rječnik hrvatskoga književnoga jezika od preporoda do Ivana Gorana Kovačića [Dictionary of the Croatian Literary Language from the Revival to I. G. Kovačić]. Conceived as an anthology of literary quotes, it documents the historical progression of the Croatian language, ranging from the mid-1800s, when the Croatian standard language was established and systematized, to the end of the Second World War and the beginnings of the Communist era. Due to the fact that Benešić’s dictionary merely registers language, employing a descriptive, documentary policy rather than a prescriptive and normative one, it includes various, at times co-existing linguistic practices, encompassing spelling and grammar and lexicon, as well as diff erent, rather opposing political and ideological world views of the time in question. Accordingly, it records genuine Croatian literary tradition, dating back to the second half of the 19th century, its lexicon as well as its prevailing spelling system and salient case and plural endings. In addition to this, it also registers linguistic habits belonging to the shared history of the Croatian and the Serbian language, marked by convergent and unitarian language policy, the beginnings of which date back to the late nineteenth century. However, it also documents the language policy of the fascist Independent State of Croatia (1941–1945), when genuine Croatian linguistic features were restored to life. In order to truly document the language of the cited period, we juxtapose (starting with volume 14), i.e. put within the same entry, corpus glosses/quotations that belong to two or even three different editions of the same work. As such, Benešić’s dictionary is a valuable social and historical monument and a constituent part of the Croatian cultural and linguistic identity

    A View into the Past and Future of (Croatian Historical) Lexicography

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    Polazeći od ključnih riječi — rječnik, leksikografija, leksikograf — rad donosi sintetski prikaz povijesti (hrvatske povijesne) leksikografije. Uz analizu paradigmatskih razlika između nekadašnjih rječnika utemeljenih na idionormi svojih sastavljača i rječnika suvremenih, koji se sastavljaju u skladu s općeprihvaćenim leksikografskim uzusima, govori se i o računalnim korpusima i njihovoj ulozi u prevrednovanju i usavršavanju leksikografskoga rada. Fokus se potom sužava na prikaz Benešićeva Rječnika hrvatskoga književnoga jezika od preporoda do I. G. Kovačića kao dokumenta nedavnoga vremena u povijesti hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti koji, međutim, iz perspektive suvremenih jezičnih odnosa pripada povijesnoj leksikografiji.Starting with its key words — dictionary, lexicography, lexicographer — this article offers a synthetic overview of the history of (Croatian historical) lexicography. In addition to analyzing of paradigmatic differences between dictionaries based upon the idionorm of their compilers and contemporary dictionaries, which are compiled according to generally accepted lexicographic practices subject to the needs of a constantly growing and very heterogeneous population of users, it discusses both computer corpora and their role in the evaluation and perfection of lexicographic work. The article then narrows its focus to a description of Julije Benešić\u27s Dictionary of the Croatian Literary Language from the Revival to I. G. Kovačić, a document from a recent period in the history of the Croatian language and literature that, from the perspective of contemporary linguistic relations, nonetheless belongs to historical lexicography