76 research outputs found

    Problems of Subjective Imputability in Criminal Liability for Violating Rules Of Mining, Building Or Other Types Of Work

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    The article reveals the problem of implementing the principle of subjective imputability according to article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is stated that an objective basis prevails in enforcement of criminal liability for violation of rules when conducting mining, building and other types of work. Inevitability of such basis is explained by reasonability which in suchlike cases prevails over the idea of legality as an inevitable criterion of criminal law influence


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    In the present study the antioxidant and membrane stability activities of Lomatogonium. carinthiacum. (Wulf.) Reichenb. and. Hypecoum. erectum. L. extracts was determined using in vitro methods. It was found that the remedies shown expressed antioxidant and. membrane stability activities as a result of inactivation of the reactive oxygen forms and. inhibition of lipids peroxidation process

    Средства метрологического обеспечения газоаналитической техники

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    В статті описано особливості розробки засобів метрологічного забезпечення газоаналізаторів. Приведені їх технічні та метрологічні характеристикIn article are described the elaboration peculiarities of measurement standard support of gaz analyzers. Their technical and metrological performances are given.В статье описаны особенности разработки средств метрологического обеспечения газоанализаторов. Приведены их технические и метрологические характеристики

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Spinodal Decomposition in Three-Dimensional Binary Fluids

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    Using large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of a two-component Lennard-Jones model in three dimensions, we show that the late-time dynamics of spinodal decomposition in concentrated binary fluids reaches a viscous scaling regime with a growth exponent n=1n=1, in agreement with experiments and a theoretical analysis for viscous growth.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Gases

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    We carried out three-dimensional simulations, with about 1.4 million particles, of phase segregation in a low density binary fluid mixture, described mesoscopically by energy and momentum conserving Boltzmann-Vlasov equations. Using a combination of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo(DSMC) for the short range collisions and a version of Particle-In-Cell(PIC) evolution for the smooth long range interaction, we found dynamical scaling after the ratio of the interface thickness(whose shape is described approximately by a hyperbolic tangent profile) to the domain size is less than ~0.1. The scaling length R(t) grows at late times like t^alpha, with alpha=1 for critical quenches and alpha=1/3 for off-critical ones. We also measured the variation of temperature, total particle density and hydrodynamic velocity during the segregation process.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, 4 Postscript figures, submitted to PR

    Bayes Inference for a Tractable New Class of Non-symmetric Distributions for 3-Dimensional Rotations

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    Both existing models for non-symmetric distributions on 3-dimensional rotations and their associated one-sample inference methods have serious limitations in terms of both interpretability and ease of use. Based on the intuitively appealing Uniform Axis- Random Spin (UARS) construction of Bingham, Nordman, and Vardeman (2009) for symmetric families of distributions, we propose new highly interpretable and tractable classes of non-symmetric distributions that are derived from mixing UARS distributions. These have an appealing Preferred Axis-Random Spin (PARS) construction and (unlike existing models) directly interpretable parameters. Non-informative one-sample Bayes inference in these models is a direct generalization of UARS methods introduced in Bingham, Vardeman, and Nordman (2009), where credible levels were found to be essentially equivalent to frequentist coverage probabilities. We apply the new models and inference methods to a problem in biomechanics, where comparison of model parameters provides meaningful comparisons for the nature of movement about the calcaneocuboid joint of three different primate subjects.The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13253-012-0107-9</p

    Biology of moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria

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    The moderately halophilic heterotrophic aerobic bacteria form a diverse group of microorganisms. The property of halophilism is widespread within the bacterial domain. Bacterial halophiles are abundant in environments such as salt lakes, saline soils, and salted food products. Most species keep their intracellular ionic concentrations at low levels while synthesizing or accumulating organic solutes to provide osmotic equilibrium of the cytoplasm with the surrounding medium. Complex mechanisms of adjustment of the intracellular environments and the properties of the cytoplasmic membrane enable rapid adaptation to changes in the salt concentration of the environment. Approaches to the study of genetic processes have recently been developed for several moderate halophiles, opening the way toward an understanding of haloadaptation at the molecular level. The new information obtained is also expected to contribute to the development of novel biotechnological uses for these organisms

    Problems of Subjective Imputability in Criminal Liability for Violating Rules Of Mining, Building Or Other Types Of Work

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    The article reveals the problem of implementing the principle of subjective imputability according to article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is stated that an objective basis prevails in enforcement of criminal liability for violation of rules when conducting mining, building and other types of work. Inevitability of such basis is explained by reasonability which in suchlike cases prevails over the idea of legality as an inevitable criterion of criminal law influenc