30 research outputs found

    Forbidden transitions in neutral and charged current interactions between low-energy neutrinos and Argon

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    Background: The study of low-energy neutrinos and their interactions with atomic nuclei is crucial to several open problems in physics, including the neutrino mass hierarchy, CP-violation, candidates of Beyond Standard Model physics and supernova dynamics. Examples of experiments include CAPTAIN at SNS as well as DUNE's planned detection program of supernova neutrinos. Purpose: We present cross section calculations for quasielastic charged current and neutral current neutrinos at low energies, with a focus on 40^{40}Ar. We also take a close look at pion decay-at-rest neutrino spectra, which are used in e.g. the SNS experiment at Oakridge. Method and results: We employ a Hartree Fock + Continuum Random Phase Approximations (HF+CRPA) framework, which allows us to model the responses and include the effects of long-range correlations. It is expected to provide a good framework to calculate forbidden transitions, whose contribution which we show to be non-negligible. Conclusions: Forbidden transitions can be expected to contribute sizeably to the reaction strength at typical low-energy kinematics, such as DAR neutrinos. Modeling and Monte Carlo simulations need to take all due care to account for the influence of their contributions.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures; minor corrections to v

    Nuclear effects in electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering within a relativistic quantum mechanical framework

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    We study the impact of the description of the knockout nucleon wave function on electron- and neutrino-induced quasielastic and single-pion production cross sections. We work in a fully relativistic and quantum mechanical framework, where the relativistic mean-field model is used to describe the target nucleus. The focus is on Pauli blocking and the distortion of the final nucleon, these two nuclear effects are separated and analyzed in detail. We find that a proper quantum mechanical treatment of these effects is crucial to provide the correct magnitude and shape of the inclusive cross section. Also, this seems to be key to predict the right ratio of muon- to electron-neutrino cross sections at very forward scattering angles.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Lepton kinematics in low-energy neutrino-argon interactions

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    Background: Neutrinos in the low-energy regime provide a gateway to a wealth of interesting physics. While plenty of literature exists on detailing the calculation and measurement of total reaction strengths, relatively little attention is paid to the measurement and modeling of the final lepton through differential cross sections at low energies, despite the experimental importance. Purpose: We calculate differential cross sections for low-energy neutrino-nucleus scattering. We examine the role played by forbidden transitions in these distributions and how this differs across different energies and nuclear target masses. Attention is also paid to predictions for typical experimental neutrino spectra. Method: The differential cross sections are calculated within a continuum random-phase approximation framework, which allows us to include collective excitations induced by long-range correlations. The Coulomb interaction of the final lepton in charged current events is treated in an effective way. Results: Kinematic distributions are calculated for O-16, Ar-40, and Pb-208. The Ar-40 model results are compared for charged current (CC) (nu(e), e(-)) reactions to events generated by the Modeling of Argon Reaction Low-energy Yields (MARLEY) event generator [S. Gardiner, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Davis (2018)], with noticeable discrepancies. Conclusion: Forbidden transitions have a marked effect on the kinematic distributions of the final lepton at low-energy kinematics, such as for decay-at-rest neutrinos or for a Fermi-Dirac spectrum at low temperature. This could introduce biases in experimental analyses. Backward scattering is noticeably more prominent than with MARLEY

    Lepton-Nucleus Interactions within Microscopic Approaches

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    This review paper emphasizes the significance of microscopic calculations with quantified theoretical error estimates in studying lepton-nucleus interactions and their implications for electron-scattering and accelerator neutrino-oscillation measurements. We investigate two approaches: Green's Function Monte Carlo and the extended factorization scheme, utilizing realistic nuclear target spectral functions. In our study, we include relativistic effects in Green's Function Monte Carlo and validate the inclusive electron-scattering cross section on carbon using available data. We compare the flux folded cross sections for neutrino-Carbon scattering with T2K and MINERν\nuA experiments, noting the substantial impact of relativistic effects in reducing the theoretical curve strength when compared to MINERν\nuA data. Additionally, we demonstrate that quantum Monte Carlo-based spectral functions accurately reproduce the quasi-elastic region in electron-scattering data and T2K flux folded cross sections. By comparing results from Green's Function Monte Carlo and the spectral function approach, which share a similar initial target state description, we quantify errors associated with approximations in the factorization scheme and the relativistic treatment of kinematics in Green's Function Monte Carlo.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Modeling quasielastic interactions of monoenergetic kaon decay-at-rest neutrinos

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    Monoenergetic muon neutrinos at 236 MeV are readily produced in intense medium-energy proton facilities (≳\gtrsim2-3~GeV) when a positive kaon decays at rest (KDAR; K+→μ+νμK^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ \nu_\mu). These neutrinos provide a unique opportunity to both study the neutrino interaction and probe the nucleus with a monoenergetic weak-interaction-only tool. We present cross section calculations for quasielastic scattering of these 236~MeV neutrinos off 12^{12}C and 40^{40}Ar, paying special attention to low-energy aspects of the scattering process. Our model takes the description of the nucleus in a mean-field (MF) approach as the starting point, where we solve Hartree-Fock (HF) equations using a Skyrme type nucleon-nucleon interaction. Thereby, we introduce long-range nuclear correlations by means of a continuum random phase approximation (CRPA) framework where we solve the CRPA equations using a Green's function method. The model successfully describes (e,e′e,e') data on 12^{12}C and 40^{40}Ca in the kinematic region that overlaps with the KDAR νμ\nu_\mu phase space. In addition to these results, we present future prospects for precision KDAR cross section measurements and applications of our calculations in current and future experiments that will utilize these neutrinos

    Assessing the theory-data tension in neutrino-induced charged pion production: the effect of final-state nucleon distortion

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    Pion production on nuclei constitutes a significant part of the total cross section in experiments involving few-GeV neutrinos. Combined analyses of data on deuterium and heavier nuclei points to tensions between the bubble chamber data and the data of the MINERν\nuA experiment, which are often ascribed to unspecified nuclear effects. To understand the origin of these tensions, a microscopic quantum mechanical framework is needed to compute nuclear matrix elements. We use the local approximation to the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation (RDWIA) to assess the role of final-state nucleon distortion. To perform this comparison under conditions relevant to neutrino experiments, we compute cross sections for the MINERν\nuA and T2K charged pion production datasets. The inclusion of nucleon distortion leads to a reduction of the cross section up to 10\%, but to no significant change in shape of the flux-averaged cross sections. Results with and without distortion compare favorably to experimental data, with the exception of the low-Q2Q^2 MINERν\nuA π+\pi^+ data. We point out that hydrogen target data from BEBC is also overpredicted at low-Q2Q^2, and that the discrepancy is similar in shape and magnitude to what is found in comparison to MINERν\nuA data. Including nucleon distortion alone cannot explain the overprediction of low-Q2Q^2 cross sections measured by MINERν\nuA. The similar overprediction of BEBC data on hydrogen means that it is impossible to ascribe this discrepancy solely to a nuclear effect. Axial couplings and their Q2Q^2 dependence should ideally be derived from more precise data on hydrogen and deuterium

    Electron versus muon neutrino induced cross sections in charged current quasi-elastic processes

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    Differences between νe\nu_e and νμ\nu_{\mu} quasielastic cross sections are essential in neutrino oscillation analyses and CP violation searches for experiments such as DUNE and T2HK. The ratio of these is however poorly known experimentally and for certain kinematic regions theoretical models give contradictory answers. We use two independent mean-field based models to investigate this ratio using 40^{40}Ar and 12^{12}C targets. We demonstrate that a proper treatment of the final nucleon's wave function confirms the dominance of νμ\nu_{\mu} over νe\nu_e induced cross sections at forward lepton scattering.Comment: Updated Fig. 2, minor changes to text, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Modeling neutrino-induced charged pion production on water at T2K kinematics

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    Pion production is a significant component of the signal in accelerator-based neutrino experiments. Over the last years, the MiniBooNE, T2K and MINERvA collaborations have reported a substantial amount of data on (anti)neutrino-induced pion production on the nucleus. However, a comprehensive and consistent description of the whole data set is still missing. We aim at improving the current understanding of neutrino-induced pion production on the nucleus. To this end, the comparison of experimental data with theoretical predictions, preferably based on microscopic models, is essential to disentangle the different reaction mechanisms involved in the process. To describe single-pion production (SPP) we use a hybrid model that combines a low- and a high-energy approach. The low-energy model (LEM) contains resonances and background terms. At high invariant masses, a high-energy model based on a Regge approach is employed. The model is implemented in the nucleus using the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation (RPWIA). We present a comparison of the hybrid-RPWIA and LEM with the recent neutrino-induced charged current 1Ď€+1\pi^+ production cross section on water reported by T2K. In order to judge the impact of final-state interactions (FSI) we confront our results with those of the NuWro Monte Carlo generator. The hybrid-RPWIA model and NuWro compare favorably to the data, albeit that FSI are not included in the former. These results complement our previous work [Phys. Rev. D 97, 013004 (2018)] where we compared the models to the MINERvA and MiniBooNE 1Ď€+1\pi^+ data. The hybrid-RPWIA model tends to overpredict both the T2K and MINERvA data in kinematic regions where the largest suppression due to FSI is expected, and agrees remarkably well with the data in other kinematic regions. On the contrary, the MiniBooNE data is underpredicted over the whole kinematic range.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Angular distributions in Monte Carlo event generation of weak single-pion production

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    One of the substantial sources of systematic errors in neutrino oscillation experiments that utilize neutrinos from accelerator sources stems from a lack of precision in modeling single-pion production (SPP). Oscillation analyses rely on Monte Carlo event generators (MC), providing theoretical predictions of neutrino interactions on nuclear targets. Pions produced in these processes provide a significant fraction of oscillation signal and background on both elementary scattering and detector simulation levels. Thus, it is of critical importance to develop techniques that will allow us to accommodate state-of-the-art theoretical models describing SPP into MCs. In this work, we investigate various algorithms to implement single-pion production models in Monte Carlo event generators. Based on comparison studies, we propose a novel implementation strategy that combines satisfactory efficiency with high precision in reproducing details of theoretical models predictions, including pion angular distributions. The proposed implementation is model-independent, thereby providing a framework that can include any model for SPP. We have tested the new algorithm with the Ghent low energy model for single-pion production implemented in the NuWro Monte Carlo event generator

    Model predictive quadrotor control: attitude, altitude and position experimental studies

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