12 research outputs found

    Risikofylt lek og sikkerhet

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    Problemstilling: Hvilken oppfatning har foreldre/foresatte i barnehagen av risikofylt lek og hvordan mener de barnehagen forholder seg til det å ivareta barnas sikkerhet?bachelor-v201

    Rehabilitation models that support transitions from hospital to home for people with acquired brain injury (ABI): a scoping review

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    Background - Research shows a lack of continuity in service provision during the transition from hospital to home for people with acquired brain injuries (ABI). There is a need to gather and synthesize knowledge about services that can support strategies for more standardized referral and services supporting this critical transition phase for patients with ABI. We aimed to identify how rehabilitation models that support the transition phase from hospital to home for these patients are described in the research literature and to discuss the content of these models. Methods - We based our review on the “Arksey and O`Malley framework” for scoping reviews. The review considered all study designs, including qualitative and quantitative methodologies. We extracted data of service model descriptions and presented the results in a narrative summary. Results - A total of 3975 studies were reviewed, and 73 were included. Five categories were identified: (1) multidisciplinary home-based teams, (2) key coordinators, (3) trained family caregivers or lay health workers, (4) predischarge planning, and (5) self-management programs. In general, the studies lack in-depth professional and contextual descriptions. Conclusions - There is a wide variety of rehabilitation models that support the transition phase from hospital to home for people with ABI. The variety may indicate a lack of consensus of best practices. However, it may also reflect contextual adaptations. This study indicates that health care service research lacks robust and thorough descriptions of contextual features, which may limit the feasibility and transferability to diverse contexts

    Physiotherapy as part of collaborative and person-centered rehabilitation services: the social systems constraining an innovative practice

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    Background: A person-centered and collaborative practice is considered crucial in contemporary physiotherapy. These ideals are often embraced in theory but are difficult to put into practice. As problems and solutions are related, understanding and refining theory on practical problems can close the knowing-doing gap and link the problem to the development of possible solutions. Objective: To explore the challenges with providing physiotherapy as part of collaborative and person-centered rehabilitation services. Methods: This article reports on an all-day interactive workshop with eight focus group discussions where physiotherapists from six different professional settings participated. We draw on theories of institutional logics to interpret the results. Results: Challenges were linked to: 1) Professional level: Services being based on what the profession can offer – not on users’ needs; 2) Organizational level: Rewarding efficiency instead of user outcomes; and 3) System level: Not knowing the other service providers involved or what they are doing. Conclusion: An innovative practice was constrained by multilevel social systems: the professional logic shaping the perceived professional scope, the organizational logic shaping the understanding of what was expected in the organizational context, and a system logic within a biomedical paradigm. Transforming and transcending these social systems is needed to realize collaborative and person-centered practice

    Rehabilitation models for community integration of adults with acquired brain injury in rural areas: a scoping review

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    Introduction: Community integration (CI) is recognised as an overarching goal for the rehabilitation of individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). However, adults with less severe ABI often experience a lack of support when they return home after discharge from hospital or inpatient rehabilitation, despite having persistent impairments and ongoing needs. Individuals living in rural areas are even less likely to receive adequate support during this period, which is often marked by challenges and uncertainty. This review aims to map and explore the research literature to identify existing models for rehabilitation service provision aimed at promoting the CI of home-dwelling adults with ABI living in rural areas. Methods: A scoping review of the research literature was conducted. The study followed the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines for scoping reviews and the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews. The databases searched were MEDLINE, Embase, AMED, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, PsycInfo, and Google Scholar. No limitations were set for the study design, time of publication, or country of origin, but only literature in English, Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish was considered for inclusion. Results: Twenty-seven articles were included. All of them originated from four Western and predominantly English-speaking countries: Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US. A thematic analysis identified six model categories that reflect different strategies for providing rehabilitation that promote CI in adults with ABI in rural areas. Sorting the model categories into micro (individual, interpersonal), meso (organisational, community), and macro (policy, society) levels highlighted that most of the included literature concentrates on microlevel issues at the individual or interpersonal level. Microlevel model categories encompass self-management and education, the use of navigators, and the incorporation of everyday life activities into rehabilitation. Far fewer articles addressed mesolevel issues such as service development in rural areas or the development of inclusive rural communities, and only a single article addressed policy development at the macro level. Conclusion: The relatively low number of included articles and limited geographical distribution of studies indicate that more research is needed on rehabilitation models aimed at promoting CI in adults with ABI in rural areas. Although we identified several existing approaches to rehabilitation service provision in rural areas, there is still a need to develop models that fully consider the complexity and long-term nature of CI after ABI. The results also demonstrate that CI in rural areas not only is dependent on professional service delivery aimed at the individual with ABI but also can be promoted by supporting significant others, developing inclusive communities, and improving policies. More knowledge on such issues may facilitate a wider reorganisation of care systems to enhance the CI of adults with ABI in rural areas. However, this will require more research with a wider scope than microlevel service delivery

    Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices

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    The trajectories of patients in need of long-term rehabilitation services are extremely complex. Therefore, strengthening the rehabilitation field requires increasing organizational resilience to ensure robust processes and efficient collaboration and communication. In this study, we explored how digital systems can promote organizational resilience in rehabilitation practices. Methodologically, we applied an experience-based co-design approach in which we held three day-long creative workshops with approximately 40 participants each in 2021 and 2022. The goal was to design a digitally supported model for the care and rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injuries. This paper presents the themes related to digitalization that emerged from the discussions in the workshops. The paper develops the argument that designing digital systems for resilient rehabilitation practices is far more than merely a technical issue. It requires broad sociopolitical engagement to put rehabilitation on the political agenda, and designers need to take a stance on both organizational and ethical issues. Analytically, we draw on the theoretical concept of information infrastructure and the theoretical concept of articulation work

    Risikofylt lek og sikkerhet

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    Problemstilling: Hvilken oppfatning har foreldre/foresatte i barnehagen av risikofylt lek og hvordan mener de barnehagen forholder seg til det å ivareta barnas sikkerhet

    Konfliktforståelse og konflikters konsekvenser i norske kunnskapsbedrifter

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    Artikkelen bygger på en studie av konflikthåndtering og konfliktforståelse i et utvalg norske kunnskapsbedrifter. Det fremgår av studien at det er stor grad av begrepsuklarhet knyttet til konflikter, og at det er vanskelig for praktikere å skille mellom konfliktene i seg selv og konsekvensene av dem. Konflikter oppleves som dramatiske, noe de ønsker å unngå og utfallsrommet for partene er enten seier eller tap. Ubehaget gjør at nye konflikter tas tak i sent, noe som resulterer i nye følelsesladde konflikter, med påfølgende dyre og ubehagelige konsekvenser. Dermed dannes en selvforsterkende, negativ sirkel som hindrer en mer strategisk og tidlig håndtering av konfliktene.publishedVersio

    Verktøy for måling og vedlikehold av brannkunnskap

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    Denne oppgaven handler om brannberedskap ombord på ferger, både med tanke på generell brannkunnskap og farlig last. Problemstillingen var å utvikle et verktøy for å måle og vedlikeholde kompetansen innen brannberedskap. Oppgaven starter med regelverk og tar for seg krav til opplæring og kompetanse, og deretter intervju med mannskap ombord på fergene. Videre består oppgaven av teori bak valg av evalueringsmetodikk, en grundig innføring i flervalgsoppgaver, distribueringsmetode, intervall for bruk av verktøyet og implementering. Oppgaven inneholder også et utdrag fra den vedlagte spørsmålsbanken med svaralternativer som et forslag til hvordan en helhetlig spørsmålsbank kan oppbygges. Til innhenting av bakgrunnsstoff til regelverk og teori har gruppen brukt litteratur, oppslagsverk og nettsider. Intervjuene ble transkribert og brukt for å avdekke behovet for verktøyet, valg av evalueringsmetodikk, intervall og distribueringsmetode. Gruppen avdekket gjennom intervjuene en interesse og et behov for et verktøy av denne typen, i og med at det ikke praktiseres eller er krav om re-­‐trening på hverken sikkerhetskurs eller ADR-­‐kurs for matroser og offiserer på passasjerskip i innenriksfart

    Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices

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    The trajectories of patients in need of long-term rehabilitation services are extremely complex. Therefore, strengthening the rehabilitation field requires increasing organizational resilience to ensure robust processes and efficient collaboration and communication. In this study, we explored how digital systems can promote organizational resilience in rehabilitation practices. Methodologically, we applied an experience-based co-design approach in which we held three day-long creative workshops with approximately 40 participants each in 2021 and 2022. The goal was to design a digitally supported model for the care and rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injuries. This paper presents the themes related to digitalization that emerged from the discussions in the workshops. The paper develops the argument that designing digital systems for resilient rehabilitation practices is far more than merely a technical issue. It requires broad sociopolitical engagement to put rehabilitation on the political agenda, and designers need to take a stance on both organizational and ethical issues. Analytically, we draw on the theoretical concept of information infrastructure and the theoretical concept of articulation work