6 research outputs found

    Сomparative Analysis of the Muscle Strength of the Shoulder Girdle and the Mobility in the Shoulder Joints Among the Pupils of the 10–11 Forms

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    Стаття висвітлює питання розвитку сили м’язів плечового пояса й рухливості плечових суглобів в учнів 10–11-х класів на заняттях із фізичної культури. The article deals with the question of the development of the muscles strength of the shoulder girdle and the mobility in the shoulder joints among the pupils of the 10–11 forms at the lessons of physical education

    Advances in the Chemistry of Sulfimides and Related Compounds

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    Encoding microcarriers : present and future technologies

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    In answer to the ever-increasing need to carry out many assays simultaneously in drug screening and drug discovery, several microcarrier-based multiplex technologies have arisen in the past few years. The compounds to be screened are attached to the surface of microcarriers, which can be mixed together in a vessel that contains the target analyte. Each microcarrier has to be encoded to know which compound is attached to its surface. In this article, the methods that have been developed for the encoding of microcarriers are reviewed and discussed

    Determinants of relapse periodicity in Plasmodium vivax malaria

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