275 research outputs found

    Detection and masking of Trojan Circuits in sequential logic

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    A technique of finding a set of sequential circui

    Estimating the First-year Corrosion Losses of Structural Metals for Continental Regions of the World

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    The knowledge of the first-year corrosion losses of metals (K1) in various regions of the world is of great importance in engineering applications. The K1 values are used to determine the categories of atmospheric corrosivity, and K1 is also the main parameter in models for the prediction of long-term corrosion losses of metals. In the absence of experimental values of K1, their values can be predicted on the basis of meteorological and aerochemical parameters of the atmosphere using the dose-response functions (DRF). Currently, the DRFs presented in ISO 9223:2012(E) /1/ standard are used for predicting K1 in any region of the world, along with the unified DRFs /2/ and the new DRFs /3/. The predicted values of corrosion losses (K1pr) of carbon steel, zinc, copper and aluminum obtained by various DRFs for various continental regions of the world are presented. In this work we used the atmosphere corrosivity parameters and experimental data on the corrosion losses of metals for the first year of exposure (K1exp) for the locations of the tests performed under the international UN/ECE program, the MICAT project, and the Russian program. For the first time, a comparative assessment of the reliability of various DRFs is given by comparing the values of K1pr and K1ex using graphical and statistical methods. The statistical indicators of reliability of predicting the corrosion losses of metals are calculated for various categories of atmosphere corrosivity. It is shown that the new dose-response functions offer the highest reliability for all categories of atmosphere corrosivity

    Influence of introduction of system of economical production on processes of creation and development of an innovative product: company example «Nestlé Russia»

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    In paper efficiency of introduction of system of economical production in processes of creation and development of innovative products on “Nestle”- Russia is considered. Features of introduction of system of economical production are defined by features of work of the company in FMCG sphere. Research is focused on identification of the least effective processes of development of innovative products. Research is conducted in two stages: on the first questioning in which more than 200 experts in the field of development and start of innovative products of the companies which working in sector of FMCG and have got to selection took part is carried out: «Нестле Россия», Mars, Danone, Unilever, Ferrero, RB, P&G, Froneri, L’oreal, Colgate, Pepsico, Coca-Cola, Multon. Questioning is carried out among specialists of the above-named companies from all functional divisions which are taking part in development and start of novelties: marketing, finance, planning, purchases of raw materials and materials, applied groups of factories, marketing communications, project managers; at the second stage deep interviews to experts in the field in the “Nestle Russia” company that allowed to understand better than the reason of low efficiency of separate stages of process of development and start of innovations are conducted. As a result of research a number of the factors having the strongest impact on efficiency of processes of development of new products and planning of sales is revealed: absence of standards, incorrect timing, confusion and poor quality of comments after tastings, absence of understanding of target cost of a compounding. On the basis of the conducted research the standard, allowing to systematize earlier unformalized process is offered, to define key development stages of a compounding of new products and their sequence. The practical value of the developed standard consists in: the accounting of classification of projects on three categories depending on type of raw materials, the equipment and investments; to development of timing of the project according to the chosen category taking into account the terms coordinated in the standard and features for each category of projects; introduction of internal tests of consumer preferences at factory for minimization of expenses and decrease in risks of loss in the large-scale consumer tests which are carried out by third-party agencies, a preliminary estimate of cost of a compounding applied group of factory when developing samples

    Внедрение системы бережливого производства в процессы создания и разработки новых продуктов: пример компании «Нестле Россия»

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    In paper efficiency of introduction of system of economical production in processes of creation and development of innovative products on “Nestle”- Russia is considered. Features of introduction of system of economical production are defined by features of work of the company in FMCG sphere. Research is focused on identification of the least effective processes of development of innovative products. Research is conducted in two stages: on the first questioning in which more than 200 experts in the field of development and start of innovative products of the companies which working in sector of FMCG and have got to selection took part is carried out: «Нестле Россия», Mars, Danone, Unilever, Ferrero, RB, P&G, Froneri, L’oreal, Colgate, Pepsico, Coca-Cola, Multon. Questioning is carried out among specialists of the above-named companies from all functional divisions which are taking part in development and start of novelties: marketing, finance, planning, purchases of raw materials and materials, applied groups of factories, marketing communications, project managers; at the second stage deep interviews to experts in the field in the “Nestle Russia” company that allowed to understand better than the reason of low efficiency of separate stages of process of development and start of innovations are conducted. As a result of research a number of the factors having the strongest impact on efficiency of processes of development of new products and planning of sales is revealed: absence of standards, incorrect timing, confusion and poor quality of comments after tastings, absence of understanding of target cost of a compounding. On the basis of the conducted research the standard, allowing to systematize earlier unformalized process is offered, to define key development stages of a compounding of new products and their sequence. The practical value of the developed standard consists in: the accounting of classification of projects on three categories depending on type of raw materials, the equipment and investments; to development of timing of the project according to the chosen category taking into account the terms coordinated in the standard and features for each category of projects; introduction of internal tests of consumer preferences at factory for minimization of expenses and decrease in risks of loss in the large-scale consumer tests which are carried out by third-party agencies, a preliminary estimate of cost of a compounding applied group of factory when developing samples.Рассмотрена эффективность внедрения системы бережливого производства в процессы создания и разработки инновационных продуктов на базе компании «Нестле Россия», работающей в сегменте FMCG. Поставлена цель выявить наименее эффективные процессы разработки инновационных продуктов. На первом этапе исследования проведено анкетирование с участием более 200 специалистов в области разработки и запуска инновационных продуктов, работающих в компаниях Nestle, Mars, Danone, Unilever, Ferrero, RB, P&G, Froneri, L’oreal, Colgate, Pepsico, Coca-Cola, «Мултон». Привлечены специалисты из всех функциональных подразделений, принимающих участие в разработке и запуске новинок: маркетинг, финансы, планирование, закупки сырья и материалов, отдел исследований и разработки. На втором этапе проведены глубинные интервью с экспертами в данной области в компании «Нестле Россия», что позволило лучше понять причины низкой эффективности отдельных этапов процесса разработки и запуска инноваций.Выявлены факторы, оказывающие наиболее сильное влияние на эффективность разработки новых продуктов и планирование продаж: отсутствие стандартов, некорректный график, путаница и низкое качество комментариев после дегустаций, отсутствие данных о целевой стоимости рецептуры.На основе исследования предложен стандарт, позволяющий упорядочить процесс, определить ключевые этапы разработки рецептуры новых продуктов и их последовательность. Практическая ценность стандарта заключается в том, что учтена классификация проектов по трем категориям в зависимости от типа сырья, оборудования и инвестиций; разработан график работ в соответствии с выбранной категорией указанных в стандарте сроков и особенностей каждой категории проектов; внедрены внутренние тесты потребительских предпочтений (преференс-тесты) на фабрике для минимизации расходов и снижения рисков проигрыша в масштабных потребительских тестах, проводимых сторонними агентствами, введена предварительная оценка стоимости рецептуры прикладной группой при разработке образцов

    Acute respiratory infections of concomitant etiology in children

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    Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) still represent a considerable challenge in the infectious pathology patterns. ARIs are included in the list of diseases with the greatest economic importance in the Russian Federation. According to the State Report on Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of Population in the Russian Federation in 2020, ARIs hold a dominant position in the infectious and parasitic disease patterns. The issue of concomitant infection is extremely topical today. Three scenarios of interaction between respiratory causative pathogens may develop in co-infections: synergism (more severe progress of a disease as compared to mono-infections), antagonism (milder progress of an infectious disease) or indifference (absence of interaction between two infectious pathogens, as a result of which a disease develops as two separate infections). A clinical symptom presentation of a disease may be distorted, as new symptoms that are not typical of the traditional progression of each of the infections may appear. In clinical practice, antibacterial therapy is often prescribed in cases where etiological infectious agents are not identified, and a reference point is the clinical characteristics of a disease and the severity of patient's condition that is most frequently caused by intoxication symptoms and intensity of feverish reaction and is exhibiting similar symptoms in viral and bacterial ARIs. That is why the rapid identification of the causative agents can help avoid irrational therapy and polypragmasia. The article provides a clinical case of the treatment of ARI of concomitant etiology which required a differentiated approach and prescription of an antiviral drug