5,082 research outputs found

    Exchange Field Induced Magnetoresistance in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites

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    The effect of an exchange field on electrical transport in thin films of metallic ferromagnetic manganites has been investigated. The exchange field was induced both by direct exchange coupling in a ferromagnet/antiferromagnet multilayer and by indirect exchange interaction in a ferromagnet/paramagnet superlattice. The electrical resistance of the manganite layers was found to be determined by the absolute value of the vector sum of the effective exchange field and the external magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quenching of Leading Jets and Particles: the p_t Dependent Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect from Nonlinear k_t Factorization

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    We report the first derivation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect for leading jets at fixed values of the transverse momentum p_t in the beam fragmentation region of hadron-nucleus collisions from RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) to LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The major novelty of this work is a derivation of the missing virtual radiative pQCD correction to these processes - the real-emission radiative corrections are already available in the literature. We manifestly implement the unitarity relation, which in the simplest form requires that upon summing over the virtual and real-emission corrections the total number of scattered quarks must exactly equal unity. For the free-nucleon target, the leading jet spectrum is shown to satisfy the familiar linear Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov leading log(1/x) (LL-1/x) evolution. For nuclear targets, the nonlinear k_t-factorization for the LL-1/x evolution of the leading jet sepctrum is shown to exactly match the equally nonlinear LL-1/x evolution of the collective nuclear glue - there emerges a unique linear k_t-factorization relation between the two nonlinear evolving nuclear observables. We argue that within the standard dilute uncorrelated nucleonic gas treatment of heavy nuclei, in the finite energy range from RHIC to LHC, the leading jet spectrum can be evolved in the LL-1/x Balitsky-Kovchegov approximation. We comment on the extension of these results to, and their possible reggeon field theory interpretation for, mid-rapidity jets at LHC.Comment: 36 pages, 8 eps figs, revised, discussion on reggeon interpretation and refs. adde

    Breaking of k_\perp-factorization for Single Jet Production off Nuclei

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    The linear k_\perp-factorization is part and parcel of the pQCD description of high energy hard processes off free nucleons. In the case of heavy nuclear targets the very concept of nuclear parton density becomes ill-defined as exemplified by the recent derivation [2] of nonlinear nuclear k_\perp-factorization for forward dijet production in DIS off nuclei. Here we report a derivation of the related breaking of k_\perp-factorization for single-jet processes. We present a general formalism and apply it to several cases of practical interest: open charm and quark and gluon jet production in the central to beam fragmentation region of \gamma^*p,\gamma^*A, pp and pA collisions. We show how the pattern of k_\perp-factorization breaking and the nature and number of exchanged nuclear pomerons do change within the phase space of produced quark and gluon jets. As an application of the nonlinear k_\perp-factorization we discuss the Cronin effect. Our results are also applicable to the p_\perp-dependence of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect for, and nuclear quenching of, jets produced in the proton hemisphere of pA collisions.Comment: 55 pages, 9 eps figures, presentation shortened, a number of typos removed, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Kinetic Scalar Curvature Extended f(R)f(R) Gravity

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    In this work we study a modified version of vacuum f(R)f(R) gravity with a kinetic term which consists of the first derivatives of the Ricci scalar. We develop the general formalism of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity and we emphasize on cosmological applications for a spatially flat cosmological background. By using the formalism of this theory, we investigate how it is possible to realize various cosmological scenarios. Also we demonstrate that this theoretical framework can be treated as a reconstruction method, in the context of which it is possible to realize various exotic cosmologies for ordinary Einstein-Hilbert action. Finally, we derive the scalar-tensor counterpart theory of this kinetic Ricci modified f(R)f(R) gravity, and we show the mathematical equivalence of the two theories.Comment: NPB Accepte

    Non-linear BFKL dynamics: color screening vs. gluon fusion

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    A feasible mechanism of unitarization of amplitudes of deep inelastic scattering at small values of Bjorken xx is the gluon fusion. However, its efficiency depends crucially on the vacuum color screening effect which accompanies the multiplication and the diffusion of BFKL gluons from small to large distances. From the fits to lattice data on field strength correlators the propagation length of perturbative gluons is Rc0.20.3R_c\simeq 0.2-0.3 fermi. The probability to find a perturbative gluon with short propagation length at large distances is suppressed exponentially. It changes the pattern of (dif)fusion dramatically. The magnitude of the fusion effect appears to be controlled by the new dimensionless parameter Rc2/8B\sim R_c^2/8B, with the diffraction cone slope BB standing for the characteristic size of the interaction region. It should slowly 1/lnQ2\propto 1/\ln Q^2 decrease at large Q2Q^2. Smallness of the ratio Rc2/8BR_c^2/8B makes the non-linear effects rather weak even at lowest Bjorken xx available at HERA. We report the results of our studies of the non-linear BFKL equation which has been generalized to incorporate the running coupling and the screening radius RcR_c as the infrared regulator.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication, references adde

    From EMC- and Cronin-effects to signals of quark-gluon plasma

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    The EMC- and Cronin-effects are explained by a unitarized evolution equation, where the shadowing and antishadowing corrections are dynamically produced by gluon fusions. For this sake, an alternative form of the GLR-MQ-ZRS equation is derived. The resulting integrated and unintegrated gluon distributions in proton and nuclei are used to analyze the contributions of the initial parton distributions to the nuclear suppression factor in heavy ion collisions. A simulation of the fractional energy loss is extracted from the RHIC and LHC data, where the contributions of the nuclear shadowing and antishadowing effects are considered. We find a rapid crossover from week energy loss to strong energy loss at a universal critical energy of gluon jet Ec10GeVE_c\sim 10 GeV.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Anatomy of the differential gluon structure function of the proton from the experimental data on F_2p

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    The use of the differential gluon structure function of the proton F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) introduced by Fadin, Kuraev and Lipatov in 1975 is called upon in many applications of small-x QCD. We report here the first determination of F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) from the experimental data on the small-x proton structure function F2p(x,Q2)F_{2p}(x,Q^{2}). We give convenient parameterizations for F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) based partly on the available DGLAP evolution fits (GRV, CTEQ & MRS) to parton distribution functions and on realistic extrapolations into soft region. We discuss an impact of soft gluons on various observables. The x-dependence of the so-determined F(x,Q2){\cal F}(x,Q^{2}) varies strongly with Q^2 and does not exhibit simple Regge properties. None the less the hard-to-soft diffusion is found to give rise to a viable approximation of the proton structure function F_{2p}(x,Q^2) by the soft and hard Regge components with intercepts \Delta_{soft}=0 and \Delta_{hard}\sim 0.4.Comment: 37 pages, 25 figure

    Nonlinear k_\perp-factorization for Gluon-Gluon Dijets Produced off Nuclear Targets

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    The origin of the breaking of conventional linear k_\perp-factorization for hard processes in a nuclear environment is by now well established. The realization of the nonlinear nuclear k_\perp-factorization which emerges instead was found to change from one jet observable to another. Here we report on an important technical progress, the evaluation of the four-gluon color dipole cross section operator. It describes the coupled seven-channel non-Abelian intranuclear evolution of the four-gluon color-singlet states. An exact diagonalization of this seven-channel problem is possible for large number of colors N_c and allows a formulation of nonlinear k_\perp-factorization for production of gluon-gluon dijets. The momentum spectra for dijets in all possible color representations are reported in the form of explicit quadratures in terms of the collective nuclear unintegrated glue. Our results fully corroborate the concept of universality classes.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, a few typos fixe

    Perturbative Gluon Shadowing in Heavy Nuclei

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    We study how much gluon shadowing can be perturbatively generated through the modified QCD evolution in heavy nuclei. The evolution of small-xx gluons is investigated within the semiclassical approximation. The method of characteristics is used to evaluate the shadowed distributions in low-QQ and small-xx region. In solving the modified evolution equation, we model in simultaneously fusions from independent constituents and from the same constituent, both in a proton and in a large loosely bound nucleus of A200A\sim 200. In addition to the actual distributions at small xx, we study the ratios of the distributions at an initial scale Q0=2Q_0 = 2 GeV, and show that a strong nuclear shadowing can follow from the modified QCD evolution.Comment: 9 pages in LATEX with 2 postscript figures in a separate uuencoded file, LBL-3415