111 research outputs found

    Body modification and the Dark Triad

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    U posljednja dva desetljeća doÅ”lo je do velikog porasta popularnosti modifikacija tijela, pogotovo pirsinga i tetovaža. Zbog toga se povećao i broj istraživanja koji se bavi motivacijom i psihosocijalnim karakteristikama osoba koje prakticiraju modifikaciju tijela. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u dimenzijama mračne trijade između sudionika s obzirom na vrstu modifikacije tijela i stupanj vidljivost modifikacije, te ispitati prediktivni značaj razloga za modifikaciju tijelu u izraženosti makijavelizma, narcizma i psihopatije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 833 sudionika, od kojih je 490 bilo bez modifikacija tijela, 117 je imalo pirsing, 125 tetovaže, a 101 sudionik je imao obje modifikacije tijela. Primijenjen je online upitnik koji je sadržavao pitanja o demografskim karakteristikama sudionika, modifikacijama tijela, Upitnik o motivaciji za pirsanje i tetoviranje te Kratku skalu mračne trijade. Pokazalo se da sudionici s tetovažama, u odnosu na sudionike s pirsingom i bez modifikacije tijela, postižu viÅ”e rezultate na skali psihopatije. Također, sudionici s obje modifikacije tijela postižu viÅ”e rezultate na skali psihopatije od sudionika koji imaju pirsing. Sudionici čije se tetovaže nalaze na vidljivijem mjestu na tijelu, postižu viÅ”e rezultate na skali psihopatije nego sudionici s tetovažama na manje vidljivim dijelovima tijela. Određeni skupovi razloga za pirsing mogu predvidjeti izraženost svake od dimenzija mračne trijade, dok određeni skupovi razloga za tetoviranje mogu predvidjeti izraženost narcističke i psihopatske crte ličnosti. Dobiveni rezultati daju smjernice za daljnja istraživanja te imaju spoznajne i praktične implikacije.In the last two decades there has been a large increase in the popularity of body modification, especially piercings and tattoos. That was followed by the increase in research of motivational and psychosocial characteristics of people with body modifications. The aim of this study was to determine differences in the dark triad traits among participants considering the body modification type and visibilty of the body modification. Also, we wanted to determine if motivations for obtaining a body modification can predict scores in measures of machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. The study included 833 participants, of whom 490 did not have body modifications, 117 had piercings, 125 had tattoos and 101 participants had both piercings and tattoos. Online questionnaire, which was used in this study, included questions about demographic characteristics of participants, questions about body modification, the Motivation for piercing and tattooing questionnaire and the Short Dark Triad scale. Results showed that tattooed participants scored higher on psychopathy scale, compared to pierced participants and participants without body modifications. Also, psychopathy as a personality trait was more expressed in the group of tattooed participants, compared to the group of pierced participants. Participants with tattoos on visible parts of the body scored higher on psychopathy scale, compared to participant with tattoos on less visible parts of the body. Specific set of motivations for obtaining a piercing can, in some extent, predict scores of each of the Dark Triad personality traits. Also, a specific set of motivations for obtaining a tattoo can, in some extent, predict scores in measures of narcissism and psychopathy.The results of this study have theoretical and practical implications, and guidelines for future research

    Effects of age and time of day of sampling on proximate and fatty acid composition of whole eggs from two strains of laying hens

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of breed (Naked Neck - NN - and Lohmann Brown - LB), age (46 to 49 weeks) and the time of day of sampling (morning eggs - M - and afternoon eggs A) on the proximate and fatty acid composition of whole eggs. Eggs of commercial hens (LB) had significantly (P (lt) 0.001) less fat, ash and protein and lower dry-matter content (more water content) compared to the autochthonous breed (NN). The NN eggs contained significantly (P (lt) 0.001) more SFA (saturated fatty acid) and less PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) than LB ones, while the share of the eggs' total n-3 fatty acids did not differ significantly between breeds. The share of total MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acid) significantly (P = 0.011) decreased, while the share of total PUFA, n-6 and n-6 / n-3 ratio significantly increased (P (lt) 0.001; P (lt) 0.001; P = 0.032, respectively) with age of hens. Additionally, compared with morning eggs, afternoon eggs had a significantly (P = 0.046) higher share of total n-6 fatty acids. PCA (principal component analysis) offered a good separation of the samples according to breed and age when two first principal component were extracted. PC1 was positively related to parameters of proximate composition and SFA content, while PC2 was positively determined by PUFA, n-6 and n-3 content. Eggs of autochthonous hens (NN) were located in the positive area of PC1, whereas those from the commercial hens (LB) were in the negative quarter, which indicates opposite characteristics

    Prevalence of Work-related Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Dental Students at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Dental School in Skopje

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    AIM: The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal problems in 3rd, 4th, and final year of study in Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Dental School. METHODS: All 3rd, 4th, and final year regular dental students were invited to take part in the study, which involved completing the extended Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. This questionnaire facilitates an assessment of troubles (ache, pain, or discomfort) with neck, shoulders, upper back, elbows, wrists/hands, low back, hips/thighs, knees, and ankles/feet. RESULTS: Out of a maximum possible number of 146 students, 116 agreed to participate and completed the questionnaire (33 males and 83 females). The response rate was 79.5%. The mean age of students was 22.6 years (SD = 1.52), ranging from 20 to 26 years. During the past 12 months, students have problems mostly with neck 48 (41.4%), upper back 43 (37.1%), and low back 43 (37.1%). Working hours/week was 12 h for 3rd year, 20 h for 4th, and 30 h for 5th-year students. There is a significant difference between the students from third study year with these from 4th and 6th study year regarding the neck (Ļ‡2 (2)= 6.46, p < 0.05), upper back (Ļ‡2 (2) = 7.38, p < 0.05), and low back (Ļ‡2 (2)= 13.79, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study reported high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among the dental students. Preventive measures and more ergonomic recommendations are indicated

    Importance of Hamular Distance for Calculation of the Width of Maxillary Anterior Teeth

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    Nije jednostavno izabrati prikladne umjetne zube za protezu ako ne postoje predekstrakcijski modeli ili fotografije. Ovim istraživanjem željele su se utvrditi prosječne Å”irine prednjih gornjih zuba i nepca. Svrha je također bila ustanoviti može li se temeljem mjerenja određenih dimenzija tvrdoga nepca rekonstruirati ispravne dimenzije gornjih prednjih zuba. U svrhu istraživanja izmjerene su dimenzije zuba i nepca na modelima gornje čeljusti 80 mlađih ispitanika (26 pacijenta i 54 pacijentica) s intaktnom denticijom i Angle klase I. Rezultati ovoga rada pokazali su da je najÅ”iri srediÅ”nji gornji sjekutić, neÅ”to je uži očnjak, a najuži je lateralni gornji sjekutić. Vrijednosti su dobivene za opseg zubnoga luka (52,05 mm), zatim za hamularnu udaljenost (47,1 mm), za stražnju gornju Å”irinu (46,1 mm), za zbroj Å”irina gornje fronte (46,04 mm), za prednju gornju Å”irinu (35,8 mm) i za udaljenost između vrÅ”kova očnjaka (34,19 mm). Pri izboru Å”irine gornje fronte može nam poslužiti hamularna udaljenost (udaljenost između hamularnih udubina na nepcu) i stražnja gornja Å”irina (udaljenost srediÅ”ta fisura gornjih prvih kutnjaka) jer se statistički znatno ne razlikuju (p > 0,05). Nakon vađenja svih zuba nestaje stražnja gornja Å”irina i nije ju moguće rekonstruirati zbog individualne resorpcije alveolarnoga grebena. No hamularna udaljenost se ne mijenja tijekom života i ne ovisi o zubima tako da je prikladna anatomska veličina za određivanje ukupne Å”irine gornje fronte.Without pre-extraction photographs or casts it is not easy to select suitable artificial teeth. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the width of frontal maxillary teeth and the width of the hard palate. The aim was also to determine the possibility of reconstructing maxillary frontal teeth dimensions, based on hard palate dimensions. Teeth and hard palate dimensions were measured on maxillary casts of 80 fully dentate individuals (26 men and 56 women) of Angle class I occlusal relationship. The maxillary central incisor is the widest among the frontal maxillary teeth and canines are wider than second incisors. The width of the maxillary frontal teeth arch, measured with a flexible ruler is 52.05 mm, hamular distance 47.1 mm, distal maxillary width 46.1 mm, sum of the widths of all maxillary frontal teeth 46.04 mm, frontal maxillary width 35.8 mm, and finally the width between canine cusp tips is 34.19 mm. Based on the results of this study, the sum of all maxillary frontal teeth widths is equivalent to hamular distance dimension, as well as distal maxillary width, as there were no statistically significant differences between them. After extraction of all teeth, distal maxillary width is lost, which is not possible to reconstruct because of the individual rate of alveolar bone resorption. On the other hand, hamular distance remains the same dimension during the lifetime, because it is not determined by teeth position but by anatomical structures. Therefore, the hamular distance dimension is a suitable reference for determination of the dimension of the sum of all maxillary frontal teeth widths

    Quality assessment of frankfurters produced from fresh vs. frozen/thawed ground beef

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    In order to evaluate the effect of raw meat's freezing/thawing process on meat products produced from them, frankfurter's quality was monitored. Fresh beef meat was grounded and separated into two lots ā€“ the first lot was immediately used in the preparation of frankfurters (G1F), and the other lot was frozen and stored at -18Ā°C for 4 weeks, when it was used in the preparation of the second group of frankfurters (G2F). Physicochemical and technological properties were investigated on fresh (CG-FM) and thawed meat (G-F/TM) samples and the frankfurters made from these samples. Frozen storage significantly affected (p<0.05) moisture, TBA value, instrumental color parameters (L*a*b*), WHC, total pigment, and total heme pigment in the raw meat samples; some frankfurters characteristics, such as moisture, L*(lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) were affected (p<0.05). However, the differences in the final products' process loss/cooking loss/frying loss and FRP were not significant. The sensory evaluation did not show any significance between the two groups of frankfurters It can be concluded that the frozen storage of minced beef meat for 4 weeks at -18Ā°C and the consequential thawing process (at 4Ā°C for 24h) does not significantly affect the overall acceptability of frankfurters prepared from them. However, effects on the marked changes in instrumental color are apparent

    Innovative application of inulin-gel suspension in poultry sausages: Technological impact and nutritional enhancement

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    Consumer demand for healthier foods has led the industry to look for alternatives to reduce high-fat levels. Dietary fibers such as inulin have emerged as promising substitutes for fat, increasing nutritional value and reducing fat absorption. The aim of this research was to formulate chicken cooked sausages in which the fat was replaced by inulin suspension at different levels. Four groups of sausages participated in the experiment: group K without fat replacement and groups 50%IN, 75%IN, and 100%IN with 50%, 75%, and 100% fat replacement, respectively. The results show a significantly higher process and cooking loss in the experimental groups compared to group K (p<0.05). Groups K and 50%IN had significantly better emulsion stability (p<0.05). Increasing inulin content significantly affected color characteristics, including L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) (p<0.05). The experimental groups of sausages had a lighter color. By reducing fat, the caloric value of sausages decreased significantly and differed between groups (p<0.01). Inulin can be used to produce cooked sausages with reduced fat content and optimal physical and chemical properties. In addition to the reduced energy value, this meat product also has good nutritional characteristics

    Factors Related to Oral Health Related Quality of Life in TMD Patients

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    The aims of the study were to determine the impact of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) on self-percieved oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) and to compare OHRQoL of patients with TMD with a control group. A total of 81 TMD patients participated in a study group and 400 adults served as the control group. The mean OHIP summary scores were computed for all patients with the same diagnosis and the same subgroup of axis I according to the RDC/TMD exam form. The mean OHIP subscores for all seven domains of the OHIP questionnaire were compared between the study and the control group. The hierarchical linear regression model was used to assess the most important variables according to the RDC/TMD protocol that contribute to OHRQoL in TMD patients with the OHIP summary score as dependent variable. According to this study,TMD had a high association with reduced OHRQoL (p<0.001). More diagnoses of axis I according to the RDC/TMD protocol (p<0.001), higher age of TMD patients (p<0.001) and diagnoses associated with limited jaw movements contributed to more impaired OHRQoL (p=0.008 and p=0.030, respectively). Female TMD patients had no significantly different OHRQoL compared to male patients (p=0.436). According to regression analysis, higher age (p<0.001), more physical diagnoses (p=0.018) and diagnosis Ib (p=0.169) explained 39.1% of the variability (p<0.001) of the OHIP summary score in TMD patients

    Uporedno ispitivanje klaničnih osobina i kvaliteta mesa muŔke i ženske junadi Simentalske rase

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    The paper presents the results of comparative testing of slaughter traits and meat quality of male (A) and female (B) young cattle of domestic Simmental breed. The sample included a total of 30 heads, 15 in each group. Cattle were slaughtered at the same age with an average mass of about 660 kg in the group (A), and about 500 kg in the group (B). The study results show that cattle of group (A) achieved statistically (p (lt) 0.001) significantly higher share of pre slaughter mass and mass of warm carcass sides while female cattle achieved statistically (p (lt) 0.01) significantly higher share of kidney fat. The share of tissues in the three rib cut showed statistical differences between the groups, in the share of the M. longissimus dorsi that was statistically (p (lt) 0.05) significantly higher in male cattle and the share of fat was statistically (p (lt) 0.01) significantly higher in group (B). The chemical composition of M. longissimus dorsi statistically (p (lt) 0.05) differed significantly in the share of water which was higher in male cattle while the cattle of group (B) had statistically (p (lt) 0.01) significantly higher share of lipids. As for the technological quality, cooking loss of M. longissimus dorsi was statistically (p (lt) 0.01) significantly higher in young cattle of group (A), while the tenderness/softness of M. longissimus dorsi (p (lt) 0.01) was significantly better in young cattle of group (B). Sensory characteristics of M. longissimus dorsi differed statistically (p (lt) 0.001) significantly in the tenderness of the meat that was better in young cattle of group (B). Male Simmental cattle had better slaughter performance and meat quality characteristics, except tenderness of meat which was better in female cattle.U radu su prikazani rezultati uporednog ispitivanja klaničnih osobina i kvaliteta mesa muÅ”ke (A) i ženske (B) junadi domaće simentalske rase. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 30 grla, po 15 u svakoj grupi. Junad su zaklana u istom uzrastu sa prosečnom težinom u grupi (A) oko 660 kg i grupi (B) oko 500 kg. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su junad grupe (A) ostvarila statistički (p (lt) 0.001) značajno veći udeo mase pred klanje i mase toplih polutki dok su junadi grupe (B) ostvarila statistički (p (lt) 0.001) značajno veći udeo bubrežnog loja. Udeo tkiva u trorebarnom isečku se statistički razlikovao među grupama i to u udelu M. longissimus dorsi koji je bio statistički (p (lt) 0.05) značajno veći kod junadi grupe (A) i udelu masnog tkiva koji je bio statistički (p (lt) 0.01) značajno veći u grupi (B). Hemijski sastav M. longissimus dorsi se statistički (p (lt) 0.05) značajno razlikovao u udelu vode koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe (A) dok su junad grupe (B) imala statistički (p (lt) 0.01) značajno veći udeo masti. Å to se tiče tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, kalo kuvanja M. longissimus dorsi je statistički (p (lt) 0.01) značajno bio veći kod junadi grupe (A) dok je mekoća M. longissimus dorsi (p (lt) 0.01) značajno bila bolja kod junadi grupe (B). Senzorne karakteristike M. longissimus dorsi su se statistički (p (lt) 0.001) značajno razlikovale u mekoći mesa koja je bila bolja kod junadi grupe (B). MuÅ”ka junad domaće simentalske rase imala su bolje klanične osibine i karakteristike kvaliteta mesa sem mekoće mesa koja je bolja kod ženske junadi

    Innovative application of inulin-gel suspension in poultry sausages: Technological impact and nutritional enhancement

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    Consumer demand for healthier foods has led the industry to look for alternatives to reduce high-fat levels. Dietary fibers such as inulin have emerged as promising substitutes for fat, increasing nutritional value and reducing fat absorption. The aim of this research was to formulate chicken cooked sausages in which the fat was replaced by inulin suspension at different levels. Four groups of sausages participated in the experiment: group K without fat replacement and groups 50%IN, 75%IN, and 100%IN with 50%, 75%, and 100% fat replacement, respectively. The results show a significantly higher process and cooking loss in the experimental groups compared to group K (p<0.05). Groups K and 50%IN had significantly better emulsion stability (p<0.05). Increasing inulin content significantly affected color characteristics, including L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) (p<0.05). The experimental groups of sausages had a lighter color. By reducing fat, the caloric value of sausages decreased significantly and differed between groups (p<0.01). Inulin can be used to produce cooked sausages with reduced fat content and optimal physical and chemical properties. In addition to the reduced energy value, this meat product also has good nutritional characteristics

    Assessment of technological characteristics in chicken sausages utilizing inulin for fat reduction

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    Due to the high demand for low-fat, healthier meat products, alternative strategies are pursued to reduce fat content while maintaining the fundamental properties of traditional products. The research strives to obtain products with reduced fat content and caloric value with the addition of inulin. Four groups of cooked chicken sausages were tested: the control group without fat replacement, the second with 50%, the third with 75%, and the fourth with 100% fat replacement with inulin suspension. Sausages with a higher inulin content had a significantly (p<0.05) higher process loss and cooking loss than the sausages from the control group. The first and second groups had significantly (p<0.05) better emulsion stability. Reducing the fat content in sausages significantly affected (p<0.05) some sausages characteristics, such as moisture, L*(lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness). As a result, the caloric value of sausages with inulin was significantly (p<0.01) impacted throughout all groups. In summary, the study demonstrates that incorporating inulin as a prebiotic dietary fiber enables the production of cooked sausages with reduced fat content and optimal physico-chemical properties. This innovative meat product not only offers lowered energy value but also holds exceptional nutritional value, representing a significant source of calories derived from reduced fat content supplemented with prebiotic fibers (inulin)
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