22 research outputs found

    Algae in biotechnology

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    Alge kao heterogena skupina s oko 40 000 vrsta predstavljaju najraznolikiju skupinu živih bića na Zemlji, čime pružaju široku distribuciju iskorištavanja svojih produkata u tehnološke svrhe. Vrste koje se koriste u biotehnološkim preradama su cijanobakterije i eukariotske alge. Primijenjena biologija koja služi kao temelj u proizvodnji bioprodukata svoj doprinos u biotehnologiji ostvaruje suradnjom s tehnološkim znanostima izvan područja biologije. Velika količina proizvedene hrane, lijekova, kozmetike, goriva, različitih tvorničkih kemikalija, industrijskih potrepština i sličnih proizvoda svoje odlike duguju procesima biotehnološke proizvodnje. Alge predstavljaju obnovljiv izvor energije, a primarnom produkcijom godišnje proizvedu oko 52 milijarde tona organskog ugljika. Zbog mogućnosti uzgoja u vodi i na kopnu, često se koriste u proizvodnji goriva a široku upotrebu imaju u procesima bioremedijacije. Godišnje se 10 milijuna tona algi prerađuje u raznim biotehnološkim postrojenjima iz kojih se zatim iskorištavaju različiti derivati, ovisno o kojoj grani industrije je riječ. Danas se komercijalna algološka bioproizvodnja bazira većinom na ne-transgenetičnoj indrustriji ukoliko se priča o proizvodnji hrane za ljude i životinje, dodacima prehrani i iskorištavanju pigmenata u farmacetske i kozmetičke svrhe. Zbog akvakulture i uzgoja algi u kontroliranim vodenim sustavima, biotehnologija algi se naziva i plavom biotehnologijom.Algae as a heterogeneous group with about 40 000 species represent the most diverse group of organisms on Earth, which provide a wide exploitation of its products for the technological purposes. Species used in the biotechnological processing are cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae. Applied biology, that serves as a foundation in the manufacture of bioproducts, contribute to biotechnology in cooperation with technological sciences outside the sphere of biology. A large amount of manufactured food, medicine, cosmetics, fuel, various chemicals, industrial supplies and similar products owe their merits to biotechnological production processes. Algae are a renewable source of energy and their primary production annually produces about 52 billion tons of organic carbon. Because of the possibility of growing algae in water and on land, they are often used in fuel production and they have wide use in the process of bioremediation. Annually 10 million tons of algae are processed into a variety of biotech plants from which they can then take advantage of various derivates with respect to which the industry is concerned. Today, commercial algological bio-production is based mostly on non-transgenetic industry if we are talking about food production for humans and animals, food supplements and use of pigments in pharmaceutical and cosmetic purpose. Due to aquaculture and cultivation of algae under controlled water systems, algal biotechnology is often called blue biotechnology

    Algae in biotechnology

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    Alge kao heterogena skupina s oko 40 000 vrsta predstavljaju najraznolikiju skupinu živih bića na Zemlji, čime pružaju široku distribuciju iskorištavanja svojih produkata u tehnološke svrhe. Vrste koje se koriste u biotehnološkim preradama su cijanobakterije i eukariotske alge. Primijenjena biologija koja služi kao temelj u proizvodnji bioprodukata svoj doprinos u biotehnologiji ostvaruje suradnjom s tehnološkim znanostima izvan područja biologije. Velika količina proizvedene hrane, lijekova, kozmetike, goriva, različitih tvorničkih kemikalija, industrijskih potrepština i sličnih proizvoda svoje odlike duguju procesima biotehnološke proizvodnje. Alge predstavljaju obnovljiv izvor energije, a primarnom produkcijom godišnje proizvedu oko 52 milijarde tona organskog ugljika. Zbog mogućnosti uzgoja u vodi i na kopnu, često se koriste u proizvodnji goriva a široku upotrebu imaju u procesima bioremedijacije. Godišnje se 10 milijuna tona algi prerađuje u raznim biotehnološkim postrojenjima iz kojih se zatim iskorištavaju različiti derivati, ovisno o kojoj grani industrije je riječ. Danas se komercijalna algološka bioproizvodnja bazira većinom na ne-transgenetičnoj indrustriji ukoliko se priča o proizvodnji hrane za ljude i životinje, dodacima prehrani i iskorištavanju pigmenata u farmacetske i kozmetičke svrhe. Zbog akvakulture i uzgoja algi u kontroliranim vodenim sustavima, biotehnologija algi se naziva i plavom biotehnologijom.Algae as a heterogeneous group with about 40 000 species represent the most diverse group of organisms on Earth, which provide a wide exploitation of its products for the technological purposes. Species used in the biotechnological processing are cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae. Applied biology, that serves as a foundation in the manufacture of bioproducts, contribute to biotechnology in cooperation with technological sciences outside the sphere of biology. A large amount of manufactured food, medicine, cosmetics, fuel, various chemicals, industrial supplies and similar products owe their merits to biotechnological production processes. Algae are a renewable source of energy and their primary production annually produces about 52 billion tons of organic carbon. Because of the possibility of growing algae in water and on land, they are often used in fuel production and they have wide use in the process of bioremediation. Annually 10 million tons of algae are processed into a variety of biotech plants from which they can then take advantage of various derivates with respect to which the industry is concerned. Today, commercial algological bio-production is based mostly on non-transgenetic industry if we are talking about food production for humans and animals, food supplements and use of pigments in pharmaceutical and cosmetic purpose. Due to aquaculture and cultivation of algae under controlled water systems, algal biotechnology is often called blue biotechnology

    Algae in biotechnology

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    Alge kao heterogena skupina s oko 40 000 vrsta predstavljaju najraznolikiju skupinu živih bića na Zemlji, čime pružaju široku distribuciju iskorištavanja svojih produkata u tehnološke svrhe. Vrste koje se koriste u biotehnološkim preradama su cijanobakterije i eukariotske alge. Primijenjena biologija koja služi kao temelj u proizvodnji bioprodukata svoj doprinos u biotehnologiji ostvaruje suradnjom s tehnološkim znanostima izvan područja biologije. Velika količina proizvedene hrane, lijekova, kozmetike, goriva, različitih tvorničkih kemikalija, industrijskih potrepština i sličnih proizvoda svoje odlike duguju procesima biotehnološke proizvodnje. Alge predstavljaju obnovljiv izvor energije, a primarnom produkcijom godišnje proizvedu oko 52 milijarde tona organskog ugljika. Zbog mogućnosti uzgoja u vodi i na kopnu, često se koriste u proizvodnji goriva a široku upotrebu imaju u procesima bioremedijacije. Godišnje se 10 milijuna tona algi prerađuje u raznim biotehnološkim postrojenjima iz kojih se zatim iskorištavaju različiti derivati, ovisno o kojoj grani industrije je riječ. Danas se komercijalna algološka bioproizvodnja bazira većinom na ne-transgenetičnoj indrustriji ukoliko se priča o proizvodnji hrane za ljude i životinje, dodacima prehrani i iskorištavanju pigmenata u farmacetske i kozmetičke svrhe. Zbog akvakulture i uzgoja algi u kontroliranim vodenim sustavima, biotehnologija algi se naziva i plavom biotehnologijom.Algae as a heterogeneous group with about 40 000 species represent the most diverse group of organisms on Earth, which provide a wide exploitation of its products for the technological purposes. Species used in the biotechnological processing are cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae. Applied biology, that serves as a foundation in the manufacture of bioproducts, contribute to biotechnology in cooperation with technological sciences outside the sphere of biology. A large amount of manufactured food, medicine, cosmetics, fuel, various chemicals, industrial supplies and similar products owe their merits to biotechnological production processes. Algae are a renewable source of energy and their primary production annually produces about 52 billion tons of organic carbon. Because of the possibility of growing algae in water and on land, they are often used in fuel production and they have wide use in the process of bioremediation. Annually 10 million tons of algae are processed into a variety of biotech plants from which they can then take advantage of various derivates with respect to which the industry is concerned. Today, commercial algological bio-production is based mostly on non-transgenetic industry if we are talking about food production for humans and animals, food supplements and use of pigments in pharmaceutical and cosmetic purpose. Due to aquaculture and cultivation of algae under controlled water systems, algal biotechnology is often called blue biotechnology

    Novi nalaz razmnožavanja vrste Lindenia tetraphylla (Vander Linden, 1825) (Odonata, Gomphidae) na sjeverozapadnoj granici njene rasprostranjenosti

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    A total of 12 dragonfly species were recorded at Vlačine Reservoir in the Dinaric Western Balkan region (ER 5) in Croatia. Habitat conditions, i.e. vegetation structure and physico-chemical water properties of the reservoir, are presented and discussed. Habitat conditions were suitable for life cycle completion of Mediterranean species such as Lindenia tetraphylla and Selysiothemis nigra. Exuviae of L. tetraphylla represent new evidence of the species’ reproduction in the north-western border of its distribution.Na akumulaciji Vlačine, smještenoj u dinaridskoj ekoregiji (ER 5, Dinaridski zapadni Balkan) u Hrvatskoj, zabilježeno je ukupno 12 vrsta vretenaca. U radu su prikazani i raspravljeni okolišni uvjeti na istraživanom staništu, prvenstveno struktura vegetacije i fizikalno-kemijski čimbenici vode. Stanišni uvjeti akumulacije bili su pogodni za uspješno završavanje životnog ciklusa mediteranskih vretenaca poput vrsta Lindenia tetraphylla i Selysiothemis nigra. Zabilježeni svlakovi vrste L. tetraphylla predstavljaju novi nalaz razmnožavanja ove vrste na sjeverozapadnoj granici njene rasprostranjenosti

    Genetic identification of new alien pest species Illinoia liriodendri and its parasitoid Areopraon silvestre in Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: During June 2015 in Zagreb city area (Croatia) samples of tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) leaves were collected with symptoms of attack by some unknown aphid. Material and methods: Aphids were collected form leaves of tulip trees on different locations in Zagreb during July 2015. Total genomic DNA was extracted from ethanol-preserved specimens. PCR analysis was carried out and PCR products were purified from 1% agarose gel for sequencing purposes. The obtained sequences were deposited in GenBank. Results: The collected aphids were genetically determined as Illinoia liriodendri (Hemiptera, Aphididae), the North American invasive pest species. Although present in several neighboring countries on tulip trees in urban environment, this research presents the first record of Illinoia liriodendri for Croatia, confirmed on the genetic level. Interestingly enough, during genetic determination of tulip tree aphid pest, another DNA, one of parasitoid Areopraon silvestre (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) was also found in the collected samples. A. silvestere is a native European specialized solitary endoparasitoid of aphids. Conclusions: The presence of alien pest species Illinoia liriodendri was successfully determined via genetic identification. Also, genetic identification of parasitoid species on Illinoia liriodendri, Areopraon silvestre, shows the quick establishment of natural regulation of new pest species in Croatia

    New records of alien plants – Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) P. H. Raven, Reynoutria sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Nakai and Nicotiana glauca Graham in Croatia

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    Invasive alien species Ludwigia peploides, Reynoutria sachalinensis and Nicotiana glauca, currently registered in Croatia with small number of records, were found during fieldwork undertaken mostly through the national monitoring of waters from 2018 to 2020. Ludwigia peploides was previously recorded only once in the River Ilova, the existing data for R. sachalinensis indicate only three confirmed findings, in Čabar, Karlovac and Donja Stubica, while the previous data for N. glauca include several localities in Central and Southern Dalmatia. The new records are as follows: two findings of L. peploides refer to the River Česma (Obedišće and Sišćani); three records of R. sachalinensis refer to Gorski Kotar (Gerovo and Čabar), while N. glauca is newly recorded in the Neretva River Valley (Krvavac) and the island of Krk. Despite their potential invasiveness, all three are still locally naturalized and currently their spread is very slow and limited in Croatia

    Bryophyte flora of the Significant Landscape “Lower Kamenjak and Medulin Archipelago”(Istria, Croatia) with new and noteworthy national records

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    Bryophyte flora of the Significant Landscape Lower ”Kamenjak and Medulin Archipelago” in Istria (western Croatia) was studied from 2019 to 2021. The study resulted in a list of 14 liverwort and 60 moss taxa. Tortula pallida, Bryum gemmilucens, Microbryum davallianum var. conicum and Microbryum muticum are new national records. The prevalence of Mediterranean-Atlantic, temperate and southern-temperate chorotypes corresponds well with the biogeographical characteristics of the studied area. The turf life-form and colonist life strategy, predominantly represented by small Pottiaceae species, prevailed within the study. They mostly inhabited periodically moist soil of open habitats in olive groves, maquis and garrigues. This study aimed to address the significant lack of current data on bryophytes in coastal parts of Croatia

    Novi nalazi rijetke hladnovodne zlatnožute alge Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan (Chrysophyceae) u Hrvatskoj

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    Two new sites with benthic freshwater alga Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan have been discovered in Dinaric Ecoregion of Croatia. The sites are located in two karst watercourses: Kupa River and Slušnica River. Both sites are non-shadowed aquatic habitats, with developed vegetation characteristic for clear, running waters. The alga was found during summer months at its disintegration stage, and during autumn at the beginning of its growing stage. In the Kupa River, incrusted calcium carbonate was found within the thalli of H. foetidus. After the first known record in Bijela Rijeka River from 2015, our findings represent the second and the third known localities of this species in Croatia. Even though the vegetation composition indicates high ecological status of the sites, future anthropogenic impacts and climatic changes could become a threat to this underexplored species in Croatia.Dva nova nalaza bentičke slatkovodne alge Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan zabilježena su u dinarskoj ekoregiji u Hrvatskoj. Nalazi su locirani u dva krška vodotoka: rijeka Kupa i Slušnica. Na oba istražena nalazišta alga raste na nezasjenjenim staništima s vodenom vegetacijom makrofita karakterističnom za čiste tekuće vode. Alga je uočena tijekom ljeta u fazi raspadanja talusa te tijekom jeseni u početnoj fazi rasta. Na talusu jedinki iz rijeke Kupe primijećen je inkrustat kalcijevog karbonata. Nakon nalaza u Bijeloj rijeci 2015. godine, ovi nalazi predstavljaju drugi i treći nalaz ove rijetke vrste u Hrvatskoj. Iako sastav vegetacije ukazuje na vrlo dobro ekološko stanje na oba nalazišta, mogući antropogeni pritisci i klimatske promjene u budućnosti mogli bi ugroziti ovu nedovoljno istraženu vrstu u Hrvatskoj

    Širenje kritično ugrožene vrste Anthemis tomentosa L. (Asteraceae) u južnoj Istri

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    Croatian records of the critically endangered Anthemis tomentosa are very scarce. One population was known, from southernmost Istria, within the Significant Landscape Lower Kamenjak and Medulin Archipelago. First records from the 19th century were regarded as dubious, but the species was finally confirmed on Rt Franina (surroundings of Premantura) in the end of 90’ties. During our visits to southern Istria, we found four new localities of this species. The largest population was found in the area of Marlera (surroundings of Ližnjan), where A. tomentosa occurs along a four km long coastline. The species commonly occurs at the fringe between the coastal rock vegetation and calcareous grasslands, where the influence of salt spray is high. Observations have shown that A. tomentosa is threatened by anthropogenic influences and the population is spreading on Rt Franina since these influences have been reduced.Hrvatski nalazi kritično ugrožene vrste Anthemis tomentosa su vrlo rijetki. Samo jedna populacija bila je poznata u južnoj Istri, unutar zakonom zaštićenog značajnog krajobraza Donji Kamenjak i Medulinski arhipelag. Prvi nalazi iz 19. stoljeća navode se kao dvojbeni, no vrsta je konačno potvrđena na rtu Franina (okolica Premanture) krajem 90-tih godina. Tijekom naših posjeta južnoj Istri zabilježili smo ukupno četiri nova nalazišta. Najveće nalazište zabilježeno je na području Marlere (okolica Ližnjana), gdje je A. tomentosa rasla na području koje se proteže duž četiri km obalne linije. Vrsta uobičajeno dolazi na prijelazu između vegetacije obalnih stijena i travnjačke vegetacije, gdje je visok utjecaj posolice. Opažanja pokazuju da je vrsta ugrožena ljudskim aktivnostima i da se populacija na rtu Franina počela oporavljati kada je ovaj utjecaj smanjen

    Zanimljivi dodaci flori doline rijeke Neretve ( južna Hrvatska) s naglaskom na vodene biljke

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    While working on several projects dealing with the flora of Neretva River delta in south Croatia, interesting floristic discoveries were made. During fieldtrips, freshwater habitats (rivers, channels and lakes) were in the focus of the survey, and were studied in detail both from the boat and from the mainland. Altogether 69 plant taxa were recorded and are presented in the results, out of which 25 taxa associated with aquatic habitats (hydrophytes, helophytes and species of riparian habitats) were discussed in more detail. These taxa are rare, threatened, invasive, newly found or otherwise seen as important for the studied area and their distribution maps are also presented.Tijekom rada na nekoliko različitih projekata koji uključuju istraživanje flore u dolini rijeke Neretve na jugu Hrvatske, zabilježeni su neki zanimljivi floristički nalazi. Tijekom terenskih izlazaka, u fokusu su bila slatkovodna staništa (rijeke, kanali i jezera) koja su bila detaljno istražena čamcima i s kopna. Zabilježeno je ukupno 69 biljnih svojti koje su prikazane u rezultatima, dok je 25 svojti prikazano i diskutirano detaljnije, a radi se o svojtama koje su u određenoj mjeri vezane za vodena staništa (hidrofiti, helofiti i vrste vlažnih staništa). Odabrane svojte su rijetke, ugrožene, invazivne, novo zabilježene ili su njihovi nalazi na drugi način zanimljivi za ovo područje, a prikazane su i njihove karte rasprostranjenost