13 research outputs found

    Efekt Bisfenolu S a Bisfenolu A na morfometrické parametry štítné žlázy, změny hormonů a koncentrace jodu v moči potkanů Wistar

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    Bisphenol S (BPS) is the major substitute of the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA). Due to the presence of strong double bonds, BPS is more resistant to biodegradation and therefore more BPS remains in the environment. Numerous studies show that BPS disrupts the reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems and could have an impact on thyroid hormones. The study aimed to analyze the effects of a 10-week exposition of BPS and BPA on lipid markers, morphometric parameters of the rat thyroid gland, the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and the influence of BPS on urine iodine concentration. Male Wistar rats received BPS in sunflower oil daily by gavage. The control group (GI) received only the vehicle. The BPS experimental group two (GII) received 4 ug/kg/day, group three (GIII) received 50 ug/kg/day, and group four (GIV) received 100 mg BPS/kg/day. Group five (GV) received 100 mg BPA/kg/day. Groups four and five were made to compare the influence of high concentration between BPS and BPA. Results show the influence of BPS and BPA on body weight, triacylglycerols, cholesterol and total protein concentration. Morphometric changes in the size of thyroid gland follicles show a bigger influence of BPS than BPA. Results show also increasing in TSH concentrations in all groups with bisphenols up to physiology standards of Wistar rats (GI 3.14 ± 1.28 ng/ml, GII 5.12 ± 1.16 ng/ml, GIII 5.55 ± 2.39 ng/ml, GIV 5.56 ± 1.98 ng/ml, GV 4.47 ± 1.09 ng/ml) and influence of BPA and BPS on higher iodine concentrations in urine.Bisfenol S (BPS) je hlavní náhradou endokrinního disruptoru bisfenolu A (BPA). Díky přítomnosti silných dvojných vazeb je BPS odolnější vůči biologickému rozkladu, a proto zůstává více v prostředí. Četné studie ukazují, že BPS narušuje reprodukční, nervový a kardiovaskulární systém a může mít vliv na hormony štítné žlázy. Cílem studie bylo analyzovat účinky 10 týdenní expozice BPS a BPA na lipidové markery, morfometrické parametry štítné žlázy potkana, hladiny tyreoidálního stimulačního hormonu (TSH) a vliv BPS na koncentraci jódu v moči. Samci potkanů Wistar dostávali BPS ve slunečnicovém oleji denně jícnovou sondou. Kontrolní skupina (GI) obdržela pouze nosič. Experimentální skupina dvě (GII) dostávala 4 ug BPS/kg/den, skupina tři (GIII) dostávala 50 ug BPS/kg/den, skupina čtyři (GIV) dostávala 100 mg BPS/kg/den. Skupina pět (GV) dostávala 100 mg BPA/kg/den. Čtvrtá a pátá skupina byly vytvořeny pro porovnání vlivu vysoké koncentrace BPS a BPA. Výsledky ukazují vliv BPS a BPA na tělesnou hmotnost, triacylglyceroly, cholesterol a celkovou koncentraci bílkoviny. Morfometrické změny velikosti folikulů štítné žlázy vykazují větší vliv BPS než BPA. Výsledky také ukazují zvýšení koncentrací TSH ve všech skupinách s bisfenoly nad fyziologické standardy potkanů Wistar (GI 3,14 ± 1,28 ng/ml, GII 5,12 ± 1,16 ng/ml, GIII 5,55 ± 2 ,39 ng/ml, GIV 5,56 ± 1,98 ng/ml, GV 4,47 ± 1,09 ng/ml) a vliv BPA a BPS na zvýšené koncentrace jódu v moči

    Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis in birds

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    Cryptosporidium is a genus of single-cell protist parasites that infect gastrointestinal, respiratory and/or urogenital tract of most vertebrates, including humans, and it causes the disease cryptosporidiosis. According to the World Health Organisation, cryptosporidiosis is a global diarrhoeal disease affecting millions of individuals; it is the second most common cause of infantile death in developing countries and is has been identified as an emerging cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease is also severe in livestock, causing profuse diarrhoea and considerable economic losses in farmed young animals. Although Cryptosporidium has been under intensive investigation for more than 35 years, research has been heavily biased towards Cryptosporidium in humans, livestock, and other mammals, with comparatively little attention paid to Cryptosporidium in birds. Currently, there are 49 described valid Cryptosporidium species infecting a wide spectrum of animals. In addition to the validly described species, dozens of genotypes have been described that lack sufficient data to justify a species designation. Out of these, six species, three were described within this thesis, and 20 genotypes has been reported to be bird specific. The thesis greatly expands the overview of bird-derived Cryptosporidium, focusing on its prevalence and diversity across 25 orders and 176 families within the class Aves, morphology of developmental stages, host- and organ specificity, pathogenicity and transmission

    Intraspecies variability of Cryptosporidium parvum infecting calves

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    Faecal samples for parasitologic examination were obtained from ten farms. A total of 161 faecal specimens were fixed on a slide by methanol and stained with aniline-carbol-methyl violet. Of the 161 specimens, 47 (29,2 %) were positive for Cryptosporidium oocysts presence, namely Cryptosporidium parvum. The prevalence of C. parvum infection was highest in calves around 2 weeks of age, the erder ones were also recorded to be positive but in a weeker intensity. As the most risky management system was evaluated to be technology group housing and housing in ``Staimanové boudy{\crqq}, which were in close proximity and contact between neighboring calves was not prevented. In each breeding, only one type of subtype was detected

    Development of multimedia education child perception

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    107 s., 4 s. příl. :obr., tab., grafy +CD ROMV této diplomové práci se zabývám rozvojem vnímání u dětí mladšího školního věku pomocí multimediální výuky. Zaměřím se především na média, která jsou velmi oblíbena a jsme jimi obklopováni téměř každý den. Diplomová práce také obsahuje přehled médií, jejich historii, metody a formy práce s nimi, teorii učení a paměti. Z psychologického hlediska jsem se dále zaměřila na vývoj dítěte v oblasti vnímání, představ a fantazie. V praktické části jsem provedla šetření, které má prokázat, zda má multimediální výuka vliv na vnímání jedince či nikoliv. Dále které médium bylo ve výuce nejvíce prospěšné a zda zde hraje velkou roli i věk či pohlaví dítěte. K diplomové práci přikládám návrh projektového dne, který může být nápomocen dalším pedagogům při jejich práci

    Methods of Measuring Rainfall Characteristics

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    Atmospheric precipitation is the most important meteorological phenomenon on the Earth. Therefore, more and more studies about its structure and properties have been created. Many researches describing characteristics and measurements of the precipitation have been created for more than one century. The first manual techniques, such as the method using a filter paper, which were used by the end of the 19. century, were very inaccurate. Demands on more modern techniques of measurement were rising during the 20th century. Many fully automatic devices for measuring of the precipitations characteristics were developed. Advances in technology have also had a lot of shortcomings. Some of them have been resolved, but some still exist. The first part of this research work is focused on the precipitation and its importance, origin and extremes. The second part of the work deals with the precipitation characteristics, offering a comprehensive overview about the sizes of drops, their shape or the speed of the fall. The methods of measurement and their advantages and disadvantages are described in the third part

    Endoparasites of cattle under various breeding management

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    Samples of excrements for parasitic investigation was taken away in 16 breeding, when it was about 3 breeding - when animals were been regularly milking, 11 breeding of fatcattle, one breeding of wisents and one breeding of aurochs. It was been observing the influence of technology of breeding, when it was about ecology breeding. Utility type of fatcattle was been permanently grazing, milk animal was 6 months grazing and 6 months stabled. Hobby breeding of wisents and aurochs was been breeded whole year on the pasture. According the lokality, where the breeding is, was noticed the altitude. Statistic analysis proved that the decrease of prevalence kryptosporids infection was in the straight relationship with the increase of altitude. The most infected was herds breeded to the 500 metres altitude. Ossurrence of endoparasites was observed on the dependence of seasonal occurrence. The most low prevalence of parasites infections was found out at miking animals, so that means stabled animals and grazing. Statistic analysis proved animals breeded in system of whole year grazing are statistical to much more infected by parasites than animals breed like technology combined grazing and stabling. Pursuance of occurence and risk of infection of individual species of parasites were consensus statistical comparison found out that animal whole year grazing are 7,25× frequently infected by fluke of Paramphistomum genus (?2=16,4; d.f.=1; P<0,001). In the comparison was no found out diference beetwen occurrence of cocsids genus Eimeria, infusorian of Buxtonella genus, nematode Trichostrongylidea family and fluke Fasciola hepatica species in the dependence of cattle breeding technology. In the breeding was used anti-parasites medicamets IVOMEC SUPER and HELMIGAL. Pursuance of detailed analysis I grew up the end that application of anti-parasites medicamets had no influence on occurrence and prevalence of Fasciola hepatica fluke s pecies and pulmonary nemathods Dictyocaulus genus. On the contrary animals - which weren´t cured anti-parasites medicamets ? were 4,85× frequently inficated by gastrointestinal nemathods (GIN)

    Microsporidia (Encephalitozoon cuniculi) in Patients with Degenerative Hip and Knee Disease, Czech Republic

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    Total joint arthroplasty is a commonly used surgical procedure in orthopedics. Revision surgeries are required in >10% of patients mainly because of prosthetic joint infection caused by bacteria or aseptic implant loosening caused by chronic inflammation. Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a microsporidium, an obligate intracellular parasite, capable of exploiting migrating proinflammatory immune cells for dissemination within the host. We used molecular detection methods to evaluate the incidence of E. cuniculi among patients who had total hip or knee arthroplasty revision. Out of 49 patients, E. cuniculi genotypes I, II, or III were confirmed in joint samples from 3 men and 2 women who had implant loosening. Understanding the risks associated with the presence of microsporidia in periprosthetic joint infections is essential for proper management of arthroplasty. Furthermore, E. cuniculi should be considered a potential contributing cause of joint inflammation and arthrosis

    Prevence infekcí ve vztahu k ošetřovatelské péči

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    Studijní text je zaměřený na rozsáhlou problematiku Infekcí spojených se zdravotní péčí. Sledování výskytu těchto infekcí je významným indikátorem kvality péče ve zdravotnických zařízeních, proto je text zaměřen na nejčastěji se vyskytující infekce, preventivní opatření a kontrolní prvky. Studijní text je určen pro studenty bakalářských a magisterských nelékařských oborů lékařských, zdravotnických a zdravotně sociálních fakul

    Cryptosporidium myocastoris n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae), the Species Adapted to the Nutria (Myocastor coypus)

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    Cryptosporidium spp., common parasites of vertebrates, remain poorly studied in wildlife. This study describes the novel Cryptosporidium species adapted to nutrias (Myocastor coypus). A total of 150 faecal samples of feral nutria were collected from locations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and examined for Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts and specific DNA at the SSU, actin, HSP70, and gp60 loci. Molecular analyses revealed the presence of C. parvum (n = 1), C. ubiquitum subtype family XIId (n = 5) and Cryptosporidium myocastoris n. sp. XXIIa (n = 2), and XXIIb (n = 3). Only nutrias positive for C. myocastoris shed microscopically detectable oocysts, which measured 4.8–5.2 × 4.7–5.0 µm, and oocysts were infectious for experimentally infected nutrias with a prepatent period of 5–6 days, although not for mice, gerbils, or chickens. The infection was localised in jejunum and ileum without observable macroscopic changes. The microvilli adjacent to attached stages responded by elongating. Clinical signs were not observed in naturally or experimentally infected nutrias. Phylogenetic analyses at SSU, actin, and HSP70 loci demonstrated that C. myocastoris n. sp. is distinct from other valid Cryptosporidium species