1,261 research outputs found

    Final State Interactions in Decays of the Exotic π1\pi_{1} Meson

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    We analyze the role of final state interactions in decay of the lighest exotic meson, pi1pi_1 with JPC=1−+.WeusetherelativisticLippmann−SchwingerequationfortwocoupledJ^{PC}=1^{-+}. We use the relativistic Lippmann-Schwinger equation for two coupled \pi b_{1}and and \pi\rhochannels.Thefirstoneisthepredicteddominantdecaymodeofthe channels. The first one is the predicted dominant decay mode of the \pi_{1},whereasintheotheranarrow, whereas in the other a narrow \pi_1(1600)exoticsignalhasbeenreportedbytheE852collaboration.TheFSIpotentialisconstructed,basedonthe exotic signal has been reported by the E852 collaboration. The FSI potential is constructed, based on the \omegamesonexchangebetweenthetwochannels.Wefindthatthisprocessintroducescorrectionstothe meson exchange between the two channels. We find that this process introduces corrections to the \pi_{1}widthsoftheorderofonlyafewMeV.Therefore,weconcludethatasubstantial widths of the order of only a few MeV. Therefore, we conclude that a substantial \pi\rho$ mode cannot be generated through level mixing.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Variational formulation of Eisenhart's unified theory

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    Eisenhart's classical unified field theory is based on a non-Riemannian affine connection related to the covariant derivative of the electromagnetic field tensor. The sourceless field equations of this theory arise from vanishing of the torsion trace and the symmetrized Ricci tensor. We formulate Eisenhart's theory from the metric-affine variational principle. In this formulation, a Lagrange multiplier constraining the torsion becomes the source for the Maxwell equations.Comment: 7 pages; published versio

    Towards a Relativistic Description of Exotic Meson Decays

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    This work analyses hadronic decays of exotic mesons, with a focus on the lightest one, the JPC=1−+J^{PC}=1^{-+} π1\pi_{1}, in a fully relativistic formalism, and makes comparisons with non-relativistic results. We also discuss Coulomb gauge decays of normal mesons that proceed through their hybrid components. The relativistic spin wave functions of mesons and hybrids are constructed based on unitary representations of the Lorentz group. The radial wave functions are obtained from phenomenological considerations of the mass operator. Fully relativistic results (with Wigner rotations) differ significantly from non-relativistic ones. We also find that the decay channels π1→πb1,πf1,KK1\pi_{1}\to\pi b_{1}, \pi f_{1}, KK_{1} are favored, in agreement with results obtained using other models.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    The present universe in the Einstein frame, metric-affine R+1/R gravity

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    We study the present, flat isotropic universe in 1/R-modified gravity. We use the Palatini (metric-affine) variational principle and the Einstein (metric-compatible connected) conformal frame. We show that the energy density scaling deviates from the usual scaling for nonrelativistic matter, and the largest deviation occurs in the present epoch. We find that the current deceleration parameter derived from the apparent matter density parameter is consistent with observations. There is also a small overlap between the predicted and observed values for the redshift derivative of the deceleration parameter. The predicted redshift of the deceleration-to-acceleration transition agrees with that in the \Lambda-CDM model but it is larger than the value estimated from SNIa observations.Comment: 11 pages; published versio

    Asymptotic stability of the Cauchy and Jensen functional equations

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    The aim of this note is to investigate the asymptotic stability behaviour of the Cauchy and Jensen functional equations. Our main results show that if these equations hold for large arguments with small error, then they are also valid everywhere with a new error term which is a constant multiple of the original error term. As consequences, we also obtain results of hyperstability character for these two functional equations

    Acceleration of the universe in the Einstein frame of a metric-affine f(R) gravity

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    We show that inflation and current cosmic acceleration can be generated by a metric-affine f(R) gravity formulated in the Einstein conformal frame, if the gravitational Lagrangian L(R) contains both positive and negative powers of the curvature scalar R. In this frame, we give the equations for the expansion of the homogeneous and isotropic matter-dominated universe in the case L(R)=R+{R^3}/{\beta^2}-{\alpha^2}/{3R}, where \alpha and \beta are constants. We also show that gravitational effects of matter in such a universe at very late stages of its expansion are weakened by a factor that tends to 3/4, and the energy density of matter \epsilon scales the same way as in the \Lambda-CDM model only when \kappa*\epsilon<<\alpha.Comment: 12 pages; published versio

    The cosmic snap parameter in f(R) gravity

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    We derive the expression for the snap parameter in f(R) gravity. We use the Palatini variational principle to obtain the field equations and regard the Einstein conformal frame as physical. We predict the present-day value of the snap parameter for the particular case f(R)=R-const/R, which is the simplest f(R) model explaining the current acceleration of the universe.Comment: 9 pages; published versio

    Four-fermion interaction from torsion as dark energy

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    The observed small, positive cosmological constant may originate from a four-fermion interaction generated by the spin-torsion coupling in the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble gravity if the fermions are condensing. In particular, such a condensation occurs for quark fields during the quark-gluon/hadron phase transition in the early Universe. We study how the torsion-induced four-fermion interaction is affected by adding two terms to the Dirac Lagrangian density: the parity-violating pseudoscalar density dual to the curvature tensor and a spinor-bilinear scalar density which measures the nonminimal coupling of fermions to torsion.Comment: 6 pages; published versio

    Gravitational Field Equations and Theory of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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    The main objective of this article is to derive a new set of gravitational field equations and to establish a new unified theory for dark energy and dark matter. The new gravitational field equations with scalar potential φ\varphi are derived using the Einstein-Hilbert functional, and the scalar potential φ\varphi is a natural outcome of the divergence-free constraint of the variational elements. Gravitation is now described by the Riemannian metric gijg_{ij}, the scalar potential φ\varphi and their interactions, unified by the new gravitational field equations. Associated with the scalar potential φ\varphi is the scalar potential energy density c48πGΊ=c48πGgijDiDjφ\frac{c^4}{8\pi G} \Phi=\frac{c^4}{8\pi G} g^{ij}D_iD_j \varphi, which represents a new type of energy caused by the non-uniform distribution of matter in the universe. The negative part of this potential energy density produces attraction, and the positive part produces repelling force. This potential energy density is conserved with mean zero: ∫MΊdM=0\int_M \Phi dM=0. The sum of this new potential energy density c48πGΊ\frac{c^4}{8\pi G} \Phi and the coupling energy between the energy-momentum tensor TijT_{ij} and the scalar potential field φ\varphi gives rise to a new unified theory for dark matter and dark energy: The negative part of this sum represents the dark matter, which produces attraction, and the positive part represents the dark energy, which drives the acceleration of expanding galaxies. In addition, the scalar curvature of space-time obeys R=8πGc4T+ΊR=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4} T + \Phi. Furthermore, the new field equations resolve a few difficulties encountered by the classical Einstein field equations.Comment: Some statements are made more precise and a conclusion section is adde
