26 research outputs found

    Physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites filled with rattan nanoparticles

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    Natural fillers are recognized as the materials that feature a poor fiber/matrix interaction. As a result, their composites behaviors are directly compromised. Existing evidence has exhibited that nanoparticle fillers can be employed as an alternative size to overcome this problem. We thus examined in this study the effects of rattan filler of nanoparticle size on the physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the composite. Neat polypropylene (PP), PP with 5% rattan nanoparticle (PP/R5), and PP with 5% glass fiber (PP/FG5) were considered. For performance assessment, particle size analysis, morphology, X-ray diffraction, thermal inspection, and mechanical tests were carried out. The highest degree of crystallinity was discovered in PP/R5. Tensile properties of both PP/FG5 and PP/R5 were comparable although the former demonstrated higher moduli of elasticity and rupture. Well-distributed constituents were displayed in PP/R5 by means of morphological study, which offered insight into its highest average hardness, maximum strain, and therefore its advantageous ductile behavior compared to the other considered materials

    Struktur Kristal dan Konduktivitas Ionik pada Komposit Superionik Agi-ag Hasil Sputtering

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    STRUKTUR KRISTAL DAN KONDUKTIVITAS IONIK PADA KOMPOSIT SUPERIONIK AgI-Ag HASIL SPUTTERING. Telah dilakukan pendeposisian Ag terhadap kristalin AgI agar diperoleh bahan superionik yang memiliki konduktifitas tinggi pada suhu ruang. Untuk tujuan ini, kristalin AgI telah dimodifikasi dengan cara pendeposisianAgmelalui teknik Sputtering selama 45 menit dan 60 menit. Komposit superionik baru yang dihasilkan adalah AgI-Ag. Hasil pola difraksi sinar-x pada temperatur ruangmenunjukkan terjadinya transformasi struktur sebagian dari γ-AgI (Face Center Cubic / FCC) menjadi β-AgI (Hexagonal). Hasil pendeposisian menunjukkan peningkatan konduktivitas ionik dari ~ 10-7 S/cm pada kristalin AgI menjadi ~ 10-3 S/cm pada komposit superionik AgI-Ag. Sementara itu dari hasil pengujian kekerasan dan densitas menunjukan adanya penurunan dengan lama waktu pendeposisian

    Analysis of Structure Cellulose Rattan Biomassas Bionanocomposite Filler by Using X-ray Diffraction

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    Rattan biomass is one of the agricultural waste that can be used as a source of fiber for bionanocomposites. To produce bionanocomposite reinforcement for nanocellulose rattan biomass that is low density, good mechanical properties, natural resources and renewable resources needs a new method of development nanotechnology. The purpose of this study is the characterization of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Particle Size analyzer (PSA) cellulose nanorattan biomass were used for reinforcement of polypropylene matrix using injection molding. Cellulose is made of rattan biomass with mechanical systems (pen disk milling and shakers) in size 75 μm was heated at 100 °C and stirred at 300 rpm for 2 hours, then ultrasonicated at f = 20 kHz, with time variation of 1, 2 and 3 hours. PSA test results particle size of 146.3 nm (number distribution 32%) at t = 3 hours. Meanwhile, the Apparent Crystal Size (ACS) and micro strain (η) using XRD showed cellulose nanoparticles rattan biomass has crystal structure with ACS = 151.95 and η = 0.0001. Nanoparticle cellulose were used as reinforcement of polypropylene (PP) matrix which show better mechanical properties (impact and hardness) than its counterpart i.e. fiber glass reinforced composite


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    PENGARUH SUHU REAKSI TERHADAP DERAJAT KRISTALINITAS DAN KOMPOSISI HIDROKSIAPATIT DIBUAT DENGAN MEDIAAIR DAN CAIRAN TUBUH BUATAN (SYNTHETIC BODY FLUID). Hidroksiapatit sangat dekat dengan komponen tulang dan mineral gigi. Kalsium berikatan dengan gugus fosfat, hidroksida dan karbonat. Hidroksiapatit yang digunakan sebagai implant pada tulang harus memiliki sifat biokompatibel dan bioaktif. Biokompatibel adalah kemampuan material untuk menyesuaikan dengan kecocokan tubuh penerima, sedangkan bioaktif adalah kemampuan material bereaksi dengan jaringan dan menghasilkan ikatan kimia yang sangat baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pelarut air dan pelarut cairan tubuh sintetik (Synthetic Body Fluid). Saat pembuatan HAp dilakukan pengeringan dengan freeze drying dan dihasilkan gas CO2 dari ion karbonat yang tertahan atau tidak banyak hilang atau menguap sehingga dihasilkan butir kristal yang lebih halus. Variasi suhu 40oC, 70oC dan 90oC saat pemanasan pembuatan HAp menghasilkan perbedaan derajat kristalinitas pada setiap suhu. Hasil analisis data XRD memperlihatkan bahwa semakin bertambahnya suhu reaksi pada saat pembuatan hidroksiapatit maka derajat kristalinitasnya semakin meningkat. Pola pita serapan FTIR untuk HAp dengan pelarut SBF memperlihatkan gugus CO32- dengan pita serapan lebih tajam dibandingkan HAp pelarut air. SEM memperlihatkan bahwa morfologi HAp pelarut air berbentuk gumpalan bulat, sedangkan HAp pelarut SBF membentuk serpihan memanjang. AAS dan UV-Vis menunjukan semakin tinggi konsentrasi ion Mg2+ yang terkandung maka nilai perbandingan Ca/P semakin turun akibat substitusi ion Mg2+ dengan ion Ca2+


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    STRUKTUR KRISTAL DAN KONDUKTIVITAS IONIK PADA KOMPOSIT SUPERIONIK AgI-Ag HASIL SPUTTERING. Telah dilakukan pendeposisian Ag terhadap kristalin AgI agar diperoleh bahan superionik yang memiliki konduktifitas tinggi pada suhu ruang. Untuk tujuan ini, kristalin AgI telah dimodifikasi dengan cara pendeposisianAgmelalui teknik Sputtering selama 45 menit dan 60 menit. Komposit superionik baru yang dihasilkan adalah AgI-Ag. Hasil pola difraksi sinar-x pada temperatur ruangmenunjukkan terjadinya transformasi struktur sebagian dari γ-AgI (Face Center Cubic / FCC) menjadi β-AgI (Hexagonal). Hasil pendeposisian menunjukkan peningkatan konduktivitas ionik dari ~ 10-7 S/cm pada kristalin AgI menjadi ~ 10-3 S/cm pada komposit superionik AgI-Ag. Sementara itu dari hasil pengujian kekerasan dan densitas menunjukan adanya penurunan dengan lama waktu pendeposisian

    Evaluation of the Performance of Helmet Prototypes Fabricated from Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Composites Filled with Natural Resource

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    The performance of helmet prototypes fabricated from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composites filled with oil palm empty fruit bunch fibers was evaluated. The fibers were produced using a milling procedure, while the composites were fabricated using a single-screw extrusion. The physical characteristics of the produced fibers, which are water content, size, and density, were investigated. In addition, the mechanical properties of the produced helmets, including shock absorption, yield stress, frequency, and head injury criterion (HIC), were examined. The impact strength of the produced helmets increases with the rise of filler content. In addition, the helmets were also able to withstand a considerable pressure such that the transmitted pressure was far under the maximum value acceptable by the human skull. The present work also found that HICs exhibited by the investigated helmet prototypes fulfill all the practical guidelines as permitted by the Indonesian government. In terms of novelty, such innovation can be considered the first invention in Indonesia since the endorsement of the use of motorcycle helmets

    Evaluation of the performance of helmet prototypes fabricated from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composites filled with natural resource

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    The performance of helmet prototypes fabricated from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composites filled with oil palm empty fruit bunch fibers was evaluated. The fibers were produced using a milling procedure, while the composites were fabricated using a single-screw extrusion. The physical characteristics of the produced fibers, which are water content, size, and density, were investigated. In addition, the mechanical properties of the produced helmets, including shock absorption, yield stress, frequency, and head injury criterion (HIC), were examined. The impact strength of the produced helmets increases with the rise of filler content. In addition, the helmets were also able to withstand a considerable pressure such that the transmitted pressure was far under the maximum value acceptable by the human skull. The present work also found that HICs exhibited by the investigated helmet prototypes fulfill all the practical guidelines as permitted by the Indonesian government. In terms of novelty, such innovation can be considered the first invention in Indonesia since the endorsement of the use of motorcycle helmets


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    DEVELOPMENT OF NEW NANO COMPOSITE ELECTROLYTE Ag/AgI/Ag BY PVD TECHNIQUE. A new composite electrolyte Ag/AgI/Ag has been developed by Physical capour deposition (PVD) technique. Ag have been deposited on both sides of the coin type- superionic conductor AgI with deposition times 30, 45 and 60 minutes. Several characterizations on deposited Ag/AgI/Ag such as the crystal structure, micro structure, hardness, density, and ionic conductivity have been performed by useing respectively, an X-Ray Diffractrometer, Scanning Electron Microscope/EDAX, Micro Hardness Tester, Pycnometer and Impedance Spectroscopy. The x-ray pattern at room temperaturer for deposited Ag/AgI/Ag does not show any phase transformation and the structure is dominated by γ-AgI, with the particle size is about 27.3 nm. There is a significant increase in ionic conductiviyu from 10-6 S/cm to 10-3 S/cm. The increase of the ionic conductivity is possibly due to the increasing number of Ag from 48.62% to 64.04% in the new composite Ag60'/AgI/Ag60' as comfirmed by the result from EDAX. The microstructure measured by SEM shows an expansion of the matrix AI after deposited by Ag. With increasing deposition time, the hardness increases, while the density descreases

    Pengaruh Suhu Reaksi terhadap Derajat Kristalinitas dan Komposisi Hidroksiapatit Dibuat dengan Mediaair dan Cairan Tubuh Buatan (Synthetic Body Fluid)

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    PENGARUH SUHU REAKSI TERHADAP DERAJAT KRISTALINITAS DAN KOMPOSISI HIDROKSIAPATIT DIBUAT DENGAN MEDIAAIR DAN CAIRAN TUBUH BUATAN (SYNTHETIC BODY FLUID). Hidroksiapatit sangat dekat dengan komponen tulang dan mineral gigi. Kalsium berikatan dengan gugus fosfat, hidroksida dan karbonat. Hidroksiapatit yang digunakan sebagai implant pada tulang harus memiliki sifat biokompatibel dan bioaktif. Biokompatibel adalah kemampuan material untuk menyesuaikan dengan kecocokan tubuh penerima, sedangkan bioaktif adalah kemampuan material bereaksi dengan jaringan dan menghasilkan ikatan kimia yang sangat baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pelarut air dan pelarut cairan tubuh sintetik (Synthetic Body Fluid). Saat pembuatan HAp dilakukan pengeringan dengan freeze drying dan dihasilkan gas CO2 dari ion karbonat yang tertahan atau tidak banyak hilang atau menguap sehingga dihasilkan butir kristal yang lebih halus. Variasi suhu 40oC, 70oC dan 90oC saat pemanasan pembuatan HAp menghasilkan perbedaan derajat kristalinitas pada setiap suhu. Hasil analisis data XRD memperlihatkan bahwa semakin bertambahnya suhu reaksi pada saat pembuatan hidroksiapatit maka derajat kristalinitasnya semakin meningkat. Pola pita serapan FTIR untuk HAp dengan pelarut SBF memperlihatkan gugus CO32- dengan pita serapan lebih tajam dibandingkan HAp pelarut air. SEM memperlihatkan bahwa morfologi HAp pelarut air berbentuk gumpalan bulat, sedangkan HAp pelarut SBF membentuk serpihan memanjang. AAS dan UV-Vis menunjukan semakin tinggi konsentrasi ion Mg2+ yang terkandung maka nilai perbandingan Ca/P semakin turun akibat substitusi ion Mg2+ dengan ion Ca2+