23 research outputs found

    European Union structural funds and economic development of the Baltic States

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    Bakalaura darba galvenais mērķis ir izpētīt struktūrfondu finansējuma ietekmi uz Baltijas valstu ekonomisko attīstību. Izvēlētā tēma ir aktuālā mūsdienās, jo ekonomiskā attīstība ir svarīgs valstu raksturojošs radītājs, kas atspoguļo valstu labklājības līmeni. Darba pirmajā daļā uzmanība tiek pievērsta ekonomiskās attīstības jēdzienam un ietekmējošiem faktoriem. Otrajā daļā darba autore analīze struktūrfondu darbību Baltijas valstīs, ietekmi uz ekonomisko attīstību. Pēdējā daļā tiek noteikta Baltijas valstu ekonomiskās attīstības risināšana un perspektīvas struktūrfondu ietvaros. Nobeigumā darba autore secina, ka struktūrfondu finansējums pozitīvi ietekme uz Baltijas valstu ekonomisku attīstību, kā arī piedāvā priekšnosacījumus turpmākai ekonomiskai attīstībai struktūrfondu ietvaros.The central aim of the bachelor’s work is to analyze the impact of the financial support of the Structural Funds on the economic development of the Baltic States. This theme is topical today, as economic development is a very important indicator for any country, which reflects the wealth of the nation. The first part of the work focuses on the economic development and factors having influence on it. In the second part the work the author analyzes the structural measures in the Baltic countries, as well as their impact on the economic development. In the last part are set the economic development prospects for the Structural Funds in the Baltic countries. In the end, the author concludes that structural funds have a positive impact on the economic development and offers the preconditions for future the economic development within the Structural Funds

    Synthesis of Hydroxamic Acids by Using the Acid Labile O-2-Methylprenyl Protecting Group

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    Coupling of carboxylic acids with O-2-methylprenyl hydroxylamine provided O-protected hydroxamic acids, which could be deprotected by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in dichloromethane giving volatile by-products. Protected hydroxamic acids could be N-arylated or alkylated followed by deprotection to give N-substituted hydroxamic acids

    Methylprenyl and Prenyl Protection for Sulfonamides

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    2-Methylprenyl (MePre) is an efficient protection for sulfonamides. The acidic cleavage of this group leads to volatile by-products and the product can be obtained in high purity without additional purification. MePre group is resistant to Pd/C-catalysed hydrogenolysis at 1 atm, Suzuki–Miyaura reaction, Ni(0) catalysis conditions and oxidising reagents such as NIS and DDQ. The prenyl (Pre) group can also be used to protect sulfonamides in certain cases; however, the substrate scope is limited due to the side product formation

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Aziridin-1-Yl Oxime-Based Vorinostat Analogs as Anticancer Agents

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    The suberoyl anilide hydroxamic acid (vorinostat) analogs with the aziridin-1-yl oxime moiety as a possible metal chelating functionality have been synthesized. Their biological activity and stability under physiological conditions have been evaluated. Although some of the synthesized compounds demonstrated high antiproliferative activity against human HT1080 fibrosarcoma (HT1080, IC<inf>50</inf> 0.3–7.7 μM) comparable to vorinostat (HT1080, IC<inf>50</inf> 2.4 μM), they showed only weak histone deacetylase inhibition activity in HeLa cell line extracts

    May 1,2-Dithiolane-4-carboxylic Acid and Its Derivatives Serve as a Specific Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Inhibitor?

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    Thioredoxin reductase is an essential enzyme that plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis by catalyzing the reduction of thioredoxin, which is involved in several vital cellular processes. The overexpression of TrxR is often associated with cancer development. A series of 1,2-dithiolane-4-carboxylic acid analogs were obtained to verify the selectivity of 1,2-dithiolane moiety toward TrxR. Asparagusic acid analogs and their bioisoters remain inactive toward TrxR, which proves the inability of the 1,2-dithiolane moiety to serve as a pharmacophore during the interaction with TrxR. It was found that the Michael acceptor functionality-containing analogs exhibit higher inhibitory effects against TrxR compared to other compounds of the series. The most potent representatives exhibited micromolar TrxR1 inhibition activity (IC50 varied from 5.3 to 186.0 μM) and were further examined with in vitro cell-based assays to assess the cytotoxic effects on various cancer cell lines and cell death mechanisms