70 research outputs found

    Некоторые аспекты нормирования загрязняющих веществ в почве

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    There are considered Russian and foreign valuation experience of pollutants in soils. Actuality of the topic is that the soil plays an important role in the natural habitat of human. First of all, the soil is the main means of agricultural production, referring to the category of non-renewable natural resources.Рассмотрен российский и зарубежный опыт нормирования загрязняющих веществ в почвах. Актуальность данной темы заключается в том, что почве принадлежит важная роль в природной среде обитания человека прежде всего потому, что почва - основное средство сельскохозяйственного производства, относящееся к категории возобновимых природных ресурсов

    Research the phytoplankton dynamics regimes depending on nutrient transformation processes in coastal systems

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    The paper describes the construction of a three-dimensional mathematical model of biogeochemical processes, considering the salinity and temperature influence on the phytoplankton populations’ development. The paper proposes a new difference scheme for solving convection-diffusion-reaction problems at large values of the Peclet grid number (2<Pe≤20), which is a linear combination of the central and the upwind leapfrog difference schemes. The three-layer difference scheme is more accurate than the traditional upwind leapfrog difference scheme for problems where convection prevails over diffusion. The construction of discrete equations for solving the problem of biogeochemical cycles on the basis of the scheme considering the filling of cells is described. The stationary regimes of phytoplankton dynamics problem were researched considering the transformation of phosphorus, nitrogen and silicon forms. Results of software complex, which allows to simulate biogeochemical processes in the Azov Sea, were described. The software package allows to forecast the dynamics of the Azov Sea ecosystem development in the conditions of modern salinization.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-01-00421

    S-band electron linac with beam energy of 30…100 MeV

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    The S-band electron linac has been designed at NSC KIPT to cover an energy range from 30 to 100 MeV. The linac consists of the injector based on evanescent oscillations and the two four-meter long piecewise homogeneous accelerating sections. Each section is supplied with RF power from the KIU-12AM klystron. Variation of mean energy of the beam over a wide range is produced by placing bunches out of the wave crest in the second accelerating section. The report presents layout of the linac as well as simulation results of self-consistent particle dynamics in the linac and its present status.Лінійний прискорювач електронів 10 см - діапазону було розроблено в ННЦ ХФТІ з метою перекрити діапазон енергій 30…100 MeВ. Прискорювач складається з інжектора, основаного на коливаннях, що не розповсюджуються, і двох шматково-однорідних чотириметрових прискорювальних секцій. Кожна секція забезпечується НВЧ-потужністю від клістрона KІУ-12AM. Зміна середньої енергії пучка в широких межах забезпечується прискоренням згустків не на гребені хвилі в другій прискорювальній секції. Представлено структурну схему прискорювача, результати моделювання динаміки частинок в прискорювачі і його поточний стан.Линейный ускоритель электронов 10 см - диапазона был разработан в ННЦ ХФТИ с целью перекрытия диапазона энергий 30…100 MэВ. Ускоритель состоит из инжектора, основанного на не распространяющихся колебаниях и двух кусочно-однородных четырехметровых ускоряющих секций. Каждая секция питается СВЧ-мощностью от клистрона KИУ-12AM. Изменение средней энергии пучка в широких пределах обеспечивается ускорением сгустков не на гребне волны во второй ускоряющей секции. Представлены структурная схема ускорителя, результаты моделирования динамики частиц в ускорителе и его текущее состояние

    Electron linacs in NSC KIPT: R&D and application

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    A review is given about electron linacs of NSC KIPT and their some applications for research of radiation effects in reactor materials, channeling, plasma-beam interactions, geology (gamma-activation analysis of ore samples), as well as sterilization of single-use medical products, modification of polymers and semiconductors, isotope production for nuclear medicine etc


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    The article reveals with the external environment simulation technology of pre - school education center . The main stages of the communication process . The concept, the structure of the external area. The social partnership is considered as a resource for improving of education quality. &nbsp

    Effective potential of the three-dimensional Ising model: The pseudo-ϵ expansion study

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    The ratios R2k of renormalized coupling constants g2k that enter the effective potential and small-field equation of state acquire the universal values at criticality. They are calculated for the three-dimensional scalar λϕ4 field theory (3D Ising model) within the pseudo-ϵ expansion approach. Pseudo-ϵ expansions for the critical values of g6, g8, g10, R6=g6/g42, R8=g8/g43 and R10=g10/g44 originating from the five-loop renormalization group (RG) series are derived. Pseudo-ϵ expansions for the sextic coupling have rapidly diminishing coefficients, so addressing Padé approximants yields proper numerical results. Use of Padé–Borel–Leroy and conformal mapping resummation techniques further improves the accuracy leading to the values R6⁎=1.6488 and R6⁎=1.6490 which are in a brilliant agreement with the result of advanced lattice calculations. For the octic coupling the numerical structure of the pseudo-ϵ expansions is less favorable. Nevertheless, the conform-Borel resummation gives R8⁎=0.868, the number being close to the lattice estimate R8⁎=0.871 and compatible with the result of 3D RG analysis R8⁎=0.857. Pseudo-ϵ expansions for R10⁎ and g10⁎ are also found to have much smaller coefficients than those of the original RG series. They remain, however, fast growing and big enough to prevent obtaining fair numerical estimates

    Synthesis of 3-spiroannulated hexahydro-6,8a-epoxyisoquinolines

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    The title compounds were synthesised by the intramolecular [4+2]-cycloaddition of 1-N-furfurylamino-1-allylcyclanes in the presence of acetic anhydride

    Synthesis of 3-spiroannulated hexahydro-6,8a-epoxyisoquinolines

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    The title compounds were synthesised by the intramolecular [4+2]-cycloaddition of 1-N-furfurylamino-1-allylcyclanes in the presence of acetic anhydride

    Current trends in geoeconomic studies in Russia

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    Using modified MNDO and AM1 semiempirical self-consistent-field molecular orbital methods in the cluster approach, we investigated the environmental influence on the mechanical properties of solids. The computational approach of the chemical reaction coordinate was developed for the study of mechanical deformation. The modeling of different types of deformation was considered. To test the validity of the method, we investigated the mechanical properties of simple hydrocarbon chains and silica systems. Uniaxial deformation and bending were considered for the heptane molecule. Verification of the mechanochemical calculations for polypropylene was fulfilled by analyzing its vibrational spectra. It was found that the influence of active medium particles (water, hydroxonium ion, surfactant) may have caused a sharp decrease of the strength of silica and hydrocarbons. The atom-level mechanism and some qualitative characteristics of these processes were studied. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc