49 research outputs found

    The effect of hydrogen on the magnetostriction of rare-earth compounds TbxDy₁₋xFe₂

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    The crystal structure and the magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of TbxDy₁₋xFe₂Hy (x = 0.27; 0.41; y ≤ 3) are investigated. The hydrides are obtained by the interaction of TbxDy₁₋xFe₂ samples with hydrogen gas at room temperature. It is established that the hydrides have the same cubic type of structure as the parent compounds but the lattice parameter in the hydrides is larger than in the hydrogen-free samples. Both the Curie temperature and the magnetic moment decrease drastically as the hydrogen concentration increases. Measurements of the longitudinal λ|| and transverse magnetostriction λ^ are carried out in magnetic fields up to 12 kOe in the temperature range 78√300 K using strain gauges.The thermal expansion coefficients as a function of temperature are obtained for hydrides with high hydrogen concentration. The magnetostriction of hydrides is strongly different from that of hydride-free samples. The small and negative value of the magnetostriction at low temperatures proves that hydrogen atoms make a strong contribution to the crystal field acting on the rare-earth ions


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    Background: Cardiomyopathies in children are serious, continuously progressing myocardium diseases which are characterized by a variety of the causes, symptoms, implications, and high lethality. More than 400 genes that can cause hereditary heart and vessels diseases are described in scientific literature. The application of a high-performance method of massive parallel sequencing allows to conduct the investigation of genome extended targeted areas revealing the variants and analyzing them (bioinformatics) for pathogenicity.Aims: Identification of a genetic etiology of hereditary cardiomyopathies development in children’s population of the Russian Federation.Materials and methods: The research included 103 patients with various phenotypes of cardiomyopathies aged from 3 months up to 17 years 9 months who at the moment of examination were observed in the cardiology department and the department of recovery treatment with cardiovascular diseases in the NMRCCH. All patients were performed massive parallel sequencing analyzing the targeted areas of 404 genes which mutations lead to the development of heart and vessels hereditary diseases.Results: The diagnostic algorithm based on the method of a massive parallel sequencing was developed. 176 258 minor options were identified in the explored target areas of genome of 103 patients. An average number of the revealed nucleotide replacements different from the reference sequence was 1711. We observed that about 40% of all variants founded by our means were found in MYH7, MYBPC3, TTN, MYH6, SCN5A, DSC2 and TPM1 genes. Bioinformatics analysis allowed revealing 68 novel genome variants associated with cardiomyopathy development. The reliable association of carriage of pathogenic option in MYBPC3 gene with development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the Russian children was found.Conclusions: The application of the offered algorithm allowed establishing laboratory diagnoses to 99 (96.1%) patients out from 103 investigated subjects including the syndromal and non-syndromal forms of heart and vessels hereditary diseases which showed a cardiomyopathy phenotype.Обоснование. Кардиомиопатии у детей относятся к тяжелым, непрерывно прогрессирующим заболеваниям миокарда, характеризующимся разнообразием причин, симптомов и проявлений, высокой летальностью. В мировой литературе описано более 400 генов, мутации которых приводят к развитию генетически обусловленных болезней сердца и сосудов. Применение высокопроизводительного метода массового параллельного секвенирования позволяет проводить исследование протяженных таргетных областей генома для обнаружения вариантов и их дальнейшего биоинформатического анализа на предмет патогенности.Цель исследования — выявление генетической этиологии развития наследственных кардиомиопатий среди детского населения России.Методы. В исследование были включены 103 пациента с различными фенотипами кардиомиопатий в возрасте от 3 мес до 17 лет 9 мес на момент обследования, наблюдавшиеся в кардиологическом отделении и отделении восстановительного лечения детей с болезнями сердечно-сосудистой системы ФГАУ «НМИЦ здоровья детей». Всем пациентам методом массового параллельного секвенирования проведен анализ таргетных областей 404 генов, мутации в которых приводят к развитию наследственных болезней сердца и сосудов.Результаты. Разработан диагностический алгоритм на основе метода массового параллельного секвенирования. Идентифицировано 176 258 минорных вариантов у 103 пациентов в исследуемых целевых регионах генома. В среднем у каждого пациента выявлено 1711 нуклеотидных замен, отличающихся от референсной последовательности. Установлено, что около 40% обнаруженных нами вариантов приходится на гены MYH7, MYBPC3, TTN, MYH6, SCN5A, DSC2 и TPM1. Биоинформатический анализ позволил выявить 68 новых вариантов генома, ассоциированных с развитием кардиомиопатий. Обнаружена достоверная ассоциация носительства патогенного варианта гена MYBPC3 с развитием гипертрофической кардиомиопатии у российских детей — OR 3,17 (1,36–11,72; p=0,009).Заключение. Применение предложенного алгоритма позволило установить лабораторные диагнозы 99 (96,1%) пациентам из 103 обследованных, в том числе с синдромальными и несиндромальными формами наследственных болезней сердца и сосудов, проявляющимися фенотипом кардиомиопатии

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Comparison of the spectra of a blackbody and thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons in the infrared range

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    The emission spectra of thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons (thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons) and a blackbody have been analyzed and compared, and the temperature dependence of these spectra has been studied. It has been found that the total energy of the entire ensemble of surface plasmons is proportional to the cube of temperature and their spectrum is red-shifted from the blackbody spectrum. It has been shown that the spectrum of thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons obeys the Wien’s displacement law, yet with another constant. The fraction of the photon energy of the conducting layer transferred to the surface plasmons has been estimated. It has been demonstrated numerically by the example of a gold layer that this fraction can exceed 10% for a layer thickness of less than 1 mm. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Comparison of the spectra of a blackbody and thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons in the infrared range

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    The emission spectra of thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons (thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons) and a blackbody have been analyzed and compared, and the temperature dependence of these spectra has been studied. It has been found that the total energy of the entire ensemble of surface plasmons is proportional to the cube of temperature and their spectrum is red-shifted from the blackbody spectrum. It has been shown that the spectrum of thermally stimulated surface plasmon polaritons obeys the Wien’s displacement law, yet with another constant. The fraction of the photon energy of the conducting layer transferred to the surface plasmons has been estimated. It has been demonstrated numerically by the example of a gold layer that this fraction can exceed 10% for a layer thickness of less than 1 mm. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    This article analyzes the work of modern 3D printers, their capabilities in medicine and future prospects. The relevance of the use of artificial heart valves created using 3D printers is considered.В данной статье проанализирована работа современных 3D принтеров, их возможности в медицине и дальнейшие перспективы. Рассмотрена актуальность применения искусственных клапанов сердца созданных с помощью 3D принтеров

    Static Two-Beam Surface Plasmon Interferometer of the Terahertz Range

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    A new scheme of static surface plasmon polaritons(SPPs) interferometer of the terahertz (THz) range is described. The interference pattern is formed due to interaction of two converging SPP beams that have run different distances. The original SPP beam is splitted and reflected by a flat beam splitter and a mirror disposed of the waveguiding surface and normally to it. By varying the distance spacing the splitter and the coupling element one can change the pattern period. Execution of the pattern enables one to determine both the real and imaginary part of the SPPs refractive index, which is uniquely related to the dielectric constant of the surface and the optical characteristics of its transition layer. The operating time of the interferometer is determined by the photodetector time constant, which is extremely important for studying fast processes on a conducting surface. The interferometer can work with broadband THz radiation sources (such as synchrotrons or pulsed lasers) as well

    Modern aspects of treatment of purulent wounds with combined drugs

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    The relevance of patients’ management with long-term healing wounds and ulcers is beyond doubt. Poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, a de-teriorating environment, an increasing life expectancy of the population cause the development of a large number of somatic diseases (onco-logical and neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.), resulting that infectious skin diseases becomes chronic and often non-responsive to ongoing therapy. An ulcer is a defect in the skin or mucous membrane, which is characterized by a chronic course without a tendency to spontaneous healing, or periodic recurrence of the disease. An integrated approach to managing patients with chronic wounds and ulcers has been successfully applied in clinical practice. The wound process is a complex of local and general biological reac-tions of tissues and body systems, aimed at delimiting and rejecting necrotic masses, fighting infection, restoring and replacing damaged struc-tures. The infectious process is the process of the introduction and development of microorganisms in habitats unusual for them (tissues, in-ternal cavities and organs) with the subsequent development of complex interactions between macro-and microorganisms. © 2020, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved