16 research outputs found

    The role of ship and mortgage registration in shipping finance: : the prospects for the Russian Federation

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    The objective of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the current issues and conditions affecting shipping finance in Russia based on the development of the systems of ship and mortgage registration. Particular economic reasons describing the situation on the shipping markets lie outside the scope of this thesis. However, a general overview of the situation of the shipping markets and results achieved by the leading banks will be provided in the first chapter. The reason is to demonstrate that in spite of a business recession in some areas, shipping companies continue to experience favourable market conditions such as the increased freight rates and the continuing demand for gross tonnage capacity. The latter has led to the companies expanding or upgrading existing vessels. Another reason for choosing the above subject was the experience obtained working in the shipping finance group of a City of London law firm during the last 9 months. The author was involved as an assistant in a number of loan facility transactions for financing newbuildings for the Russian-controlled borrowers. Analysing the structure of the transactions it was noted that mortgage over the vessels and vessel registration in one of the open ship registries were prerequisites of the lending banks. In this thesis the following issues are to be considered: (i) the role of mortgage over the vessel as one of the securities in a shipping finance transaction; (ii) the role of underlying vessel registration and advantages and/or disadvantages of the existing types of ship registries; (iii) the procedures for ship and mortgage registration under Russian law and (iv) an analysis of the relative advantages and disadvantages of the Russian mortgage. In order to integrate the above issues, the following structure and terminology will be used in this thesis: (a) overview of shipping finance based on the results of the shipping banks survey published (chapter 2); (b) analysis of shipping finance characteristics, sources and main types of securitisation in shipping finance (chapter 2); (c) current issues in relation to ship and mortgage registration (chapter 3); (d) research on provisions of the ship and mortgage registration under Russian law (chapter 3); and (e) comparison between requirements in connection with (i) ship registration in the Russian International Ship Registry and Norwegian International Ship Registry

    Risk management in construction sphere

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    In modern terms of housekeeping complicated by coronavirus infection and crisis phenomena in world and Russian economics, there is a high probability of different risks occurrence, connected with activity of modern enterprises in investment and construction sphere. Success, profit and efficiency of enterprise activity in current situation in many ways depends on ability to manage appearing risks to minimize them. It confirms relevance of the research which results are performed in this article. Purpose of the research is to reveal priority directions of management actions aimed to production, financial, logistics, investment and other processes functioning in regional investment and construction sphere, and also to develop mechanism of risk management, which allows to provide reducing of risk appearance probability and minimize their effects. Authors have assessed state Irkutsk region’s investment and construction complex, determined the most likely risks of construction activity. It has been determined the essence of “risk” concept, and systematization of risks in investment and construction processes has been implemented. Mechanism of construction enterprise’s risk management has been developed. The methodological base for research are general scientific methods of understanding the processes of construction products: observation, generalization, comparison, grouping, as well as methods of logical, economical and system analysis

    Organización en clúster de industrias extractivas en las regiones del norte: un método de evaluación integral

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    La organización espacial de las fuerzas productivas, el uso eficiente de las instalaciones disponibles y la evaluación del potencial productivo de los sectores económicos de una región determinada son temas de actualidad. La República de Sakha (Yakutia) es una gran región de Rusia dependiente de los recursos, notable por la dispersión geográfica de los depósitos en un vasto territorio y las complejas infraestructuras de transporte y suministro de energía. Este documento presenta una evaluación integral de la viabilidad de la organización de clusters en el sector de uso del subsuelo en la República de Sakha (Yakutia), Federación de Rusia, teniendo en cuenta la zonificación económica existente y prospectiva y el potencial existente. La república se dividió en zonas basadas en un marco de clúster de los usuarios del subsuelo. El estudio utilizó datos estadísticos de los distritos municipales e indicadores financieros de las empresas de la industria extractiva. En la evaluación se aplicó el método integrado y se calculó el índice de desempeño de los territorios del clúster identificados en una escala de diez puntos. Las zonas identificadas se clasificaron por recursos y potencial de producción. Se calculó el índice de rendimiento general de la zona de conglomerados. Pareció factible agrupar la industria extractiva en la región estudiada, ya que puede aumentar la competitividad de las empresas locales y contribuir al desarrollo socioeconómico de sus distritos municipales. El método propuesto se puede aplicar para una evaluación integral del sector de uso del subsuelo en los territorios del nort

    Development strategy of informative footpaths of the Crimea

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    In modern conditions of development of the Russian tourism market, the practice of introducing “informative paths” routes as one of the forms of interpretation of a healthy lifestyle and a desire to protect the environment is becoming popular. For high-quality functioning of walking routes in Russia in general and the Republic of the Crimea in particular, it is necessary to carry out systematization and expert assessment of old routes, to carry out routine planning of the new ones. For the development and deployment of the existing and new informative walking tours, working out and adaptation of the development strategy of such tourist routes are necessary. The authors claim that a necessary element in developing a strategy for organizing informative walking tours is the diagnosis of the current strategy for managing informative walking tourism. During the research, its own development strategy of modern informative footpaths was developed, which is based on four main forms of strategic development: strategy of growth, development strategy, strategy of business, and strategy of competitiveness. Proceeding from the proposed mechanisms for the development strategy of informative footpaths, quality indicators can be achieved through a methodical approach to the development of a strategy for the development of “informative paths” to achieve compliance with the requirements of the tourist services market, existing goals, forms, methods, procedures, and projects

    State of gold mining industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the period of sanctions and restrictions

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    The gold mining industry is one of the strategic sectors of the Russian Federation's economy. It plays an important role in the socio-economic development of Russia and its constituent entities. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is one of the leading gold mining regions of Russia. Recent changes caused by political and economic events that occur in the global and domestic gold markets are of great interest to researchers. This article examines the consequences of the US and EU sanctions on Russian gold in 2022, reveals the level of impact of sanctions on the development of the gold mining industry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the country as a whole. For this purpose, the analysis of the world gold market, the current state of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Russian Federation compared to other countries, the resource potential of gold mining companies in the region, and the prospects for its replenishment are evaluated. It is revealed that the US and EU sanctions on Russian gold for gold mining companies can cause mainly temporary difficulties. Russia can reorient its sales market to friendly countries and countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In this direction, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) will have a favourable position in terms of geographical location and promising projects

    Analysis of drinking water quality from the standpoint of health risks

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    The paper presents a hygienic quality assessment of water from sources in the Irkutsk Region (Russia) used for public drinking water supply. The aim of the study is to assess health risks to the population of Bratsk and the Bratsk District, which is associated with the exposure to chemicals coming with drinking water from the public water supply system. Risk of occurrence and development of non-carcinogenic effects is assessed for separate age groups using a special method. Based on the risk assessment methodology, non-carcinogenic risks for children and adults are described in quantitative terms. The total health risk of the test groups associated with the oral intake of chemicals with drinking water is estimated as negligible and, therefore, does not need to be reduced through additional measures. Lead and fluoride contents in drinking water are the major contributors to the risk level (59.5–68.4%). There is a risk of developing blood disorders and cardiovascular diseases in children of Bratsk (HI = 1.19), as well as bone tissue and teeth disorders in children of Bikey village, Bratsk District (HI = 1.10)

    Analysis of drinking water quality from the standpoint of health risks

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    The paper presents a hygienic quality assessment of water from sources in the Irkutsk Region (Russia) used for public drinking water supply. The aim of the study is to assess health risks to the population of Bratsk and the Bratsk District, which is associated with the exposure to chemicals coming with drinking water from the public water supply system. Risk of occurrence and development of non-carcinogenic effects is assessed for separate age groups using a special method. Based on the risk assessment methodology, non-carcinogenic risks for children and adults are described in quantitative terms. The total health risk of the test groups associated with the oral intake of chemicals with drinking water is estimated as negligible and, therefore, does not need to be reduced through additional measures. Lead and fluoride contents in drinking water are the major contributors to the risk level (59.5–68.4%). There is a risk of developing blood disorders and cardiovascular diseases in children of Bratsk (HI = 1.19), as well as bone tissue and teeth disorders in children of Bikey village, Bratsk District (HI = 1.10)

    Environmental and health assessment of soil pollution impact on public health

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    The paper considers environmental and health assessment of the soil cover quality in Bratsk, the Irkutsk Region. The purpose of the research: environmental and health assessment of soil pollution impact on the public health when exposed to chemicals formed during aluminium production. The method of analyzing the total fluoride content (in mg/kg of soil) on the horizons of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm is used; a volume of the oral, inhaled, and cutaneous intake of this substance from the soil is assessed. Based on the risk assessment of multi-mediated exposure to chemicals, a quantitative characteristic of the total intake of fluoride compounds is given. It’s been found that of all the sampling points in Bratsk, the most contaminated with fluoride compounds is the village of Chekanovsky (the maximum content is 1,722 mg/kg); the soils of the village of Padun are less polluted (the maximum content is 48 mg/kg). The total average daily intake of fluoride compounds for the adult is determined, the values of them don’t exceed the human’s need for fluoride when calculated per kg/body weight. The most sensitive group to environmental pollution, including soil, by fluoride compounds, is children

    Risk management in construction sphere

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    In modern terms of housekeeping complicated by coronavirus infection and crisis phenomena in world and Russian economics, there is a high probability of different risks occurrence, connected with activity of modern enterprises in investment and construction sphere. Success, profit and efficiency of enterprise activity in current situation in many ways depends on ability to manage appearing risks to minimize them. It confirms relevance of the research which results are performed in this article. Purpose of the research is to reveal priority directions of management actions aimed to production, financial, logistics, investment and other processes functioning in regional investment and construction sphere, and also to develop mechanism of risk management, which allows to provide reducing of risk appearance probability and minimize their effects. Authors have assessed state Irkutsk region’s investment and construction complex, determined the most likely risks of construction activity. It has been determined the essence of “risk” concept, and systematization of risks in investment and construction processes has been implemented. Mechanism of construction enterprise’s risk management has been developed. The methodological base for research are general scientific methods of understanding the processes of construction products: observation, generalization, comparison, grouping, as well as methods of logical, economical and system analysis