15 research outputs found

    Cutaneous manifestations associated with COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2) that originated in China in December 2019, and it has been reported that it mainly causes respiratory symptoms but also exhibits various skin symptoms associated. The skin lesions are classified into six patterns represented by the acronym “GROUCH” : Generalized maculo- popular. Grover’s disease and other papulo-vesicular eruptions, livedo Reticularis, Other eruptions, Urticarial, and CHilblain-like. Patients with chilblain-like lesions were younger and had a lower incidence of systemic symptoms. Purpuric and livedoid lesions have been suggested to occur more frequently in elderly patients with severe COVID-19. COVID-19 often leaves sequelae that last weeks to months after initial recovery. It was estimated that 80% of the infected patients developed one or more long-term symptoms. The five most common symptoms were fatigue(58%), headache(44%), attention disorder(27%), hair loss(25%), and dyspnea(24%). A major cause of hair loss after COVID-19 is considered as telogen effluvium, defined by diffuse hair loss after the systemic stress or infections. Most patients with hair loss recovers within 6 months. Skin reactions have been reported after COVID-19 vaccination as well. The most reported cutaneous finding was a delayed large local reaction “COVID-arm” a median of 7 days after vaccine. The pathophysiological mechanism is still unknown, but it is overwhelmingly common in women, suggesting a cross-reaction between polyethylene glycol, a component of cosmetics, and injection components. In additions, there have been reports of skin rashes similar to those after COVID-19 infection and the aggravation of psoriasis or other skin conditions. The mechanism of the cutaneous manifestations is still unclear. We must remember to ask about a history of COVID-19 infection and vaccination status at the time of consultation

    Binarization of enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomographic images of an eye with Wyburn-Mason syndrome : a case report

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    Background: To report a thicker choroid and larger choroidal luminal area in an eye with Wyburn-Mason syndrome. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating an increase in the choroidal thickness and the luminal area in a case of Wyburn-Mason syndrome. In addition, we report the changing appearance of retinal arteriovenous malformations over a 16-year period. Case presentation: A 27-year-old woman, who was diagnosed with Wyburn-Mason syndrome at age 11 years, visited our clinic. Her best-corrected visual acuity was 20/12.5 in the right eye and light perception in the left eye. Severely dilated, tortuous vascular loops were distributed from the optic disc over all four quadrants of the left fundus. The vascular loops in some areas were more dilated and tortuous than 16 years earlier. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed retinal edema with cystic changes and enlarged choroidal vessel lumens in the left eye. The subfoveal choroidal thickness was manually measured by the caliper function in the enhanced depth imaging OCT (EDI-OCT) images. Binarization of the EDI-OCT images was performed with publicly accessible ImageJ software. The examined area of the subfoveal choroid was 1,500 μm wide, and the dark areas representing the luminal areas were traced by the Niblack method. After determining the distance of each pixel, the luminal area was automatically calculated. The subfoveal choroidal thickness was 250 μm in the right eye and 462 μm in the left eye. The luminal area of the 1,500-μm-wide subfoveal choroid was computed to be 307,165.6 μm2 in the right eye and 545,780.7 μm2 in the left eye. Conclusions: The EDI-OCT images showed a thicker choroid, and binarization of the EDI-OCT images showed that the luminal areas were significantly larger in the affected eye, suggesting a dilatation of the choroidal vessels. The results demonstrated that conversion of EDI-OCT images to binary images was a useful method to quantify the choroidal structure

    Changes in choroidal structure following intravitreal aflibercept therapy for retinal vein occlusion

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    Aims To examine the choroidal change accompanying retinal vein occlusion (RVO) in detail, we measured changes in choroidal structure after intravitreal aflibercept (IVA) injections for RVO using binarisation of enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomographic (EDI-OCT) images and assessed associations with clinical outcome. Methods Retrospective, observational case series. Forty treatment-naïve patients (10 central, 18 major branch and 12 macular branch RVO) were examined by EDI-OCT before and 1, 3 and 6 months after IVA injections. EDI-OCT images were binarised using ImageJ. Subfoveal cross-sectional areas of the luminal, stromal and total choroid over a 1500 µm span were measured and the stromal area to total choroidal area (S/C) ratio was calculated. Results Compared to normal contralateral eyes, afflicted eyes at baseline exhibited significantly greater stromal area (p<0.001), total choroidal area (p=0.001) and S/C ratio (p<0.001), but no difference in luminal area (p=0.083). The stromal area, S/C ratio and total choroidal area were significantly reduced in afflicted eyes at 1, 3 and 6 months after IVA (all p<0.006). Baseline S/C ratio was significantly correlated with baseline visual acuity (VA), baseline central retinal thickness (CRT) and VA and CRT improvement at 1, 3 and 6 months post-treatment even after adjusting for the axial length, age and sex (all p<0.012). Conclusion RVO induces substantial oedema of the choroidal stromal area that is detectable by binarisation of EDI-OCT images. This stromal oedema likely stems from high intraocular vascular endothelial growth factor levels. Changes in choroidal structure may be used to assess severity and prognosis of RVO

    Changes of choroidal structure after treatment for primary intraocular lymphoma : retrospective, observational case series

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    Background: We report changes of choroidal structure determined by binarization of enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomographic (EDI-OCT) images after treatment for primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL). Methods: Five eyes of four patients with PIOL were examined by EDI-OCT before and 6 months after intravitreal methotrexate injections. In addition, 15 eyes of 15 normal individuals controlled by age and refractive error were examined by EDI-OCT. Binarization of the EDI-OCT images was performed using publicly accessible software (ImageJ). The examined area of the subfoveal choroid was 1,500 μm wide, and the dark areas that represented the luminal areas were traced by the Niblack method. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to determine the significance of changes in the subfoveal choroidal thickness, interstitial area, and luminal area. Mann–Whitney U test was used to compare the parameters in the eyes with pretreatment PIOL and normal control eyes. Results: The subfoveal choroidal thickness was significantly decreased after treatment (P = 0.0431). In the binarized images, the interstitial area was significantly decreased after treatment (P = 0.0431), while the luminal area was not significantly changed (P = 0.8927). After delayed onset of PIOL, increased interstitial area, thickened choroid and unchanged luminal area were observed in one eye. The interstitial area and choroidal thickness were significantly increased in the eyes with pretreatment PIOL compared with the normal control eyes (P = 0.0207, P = 0.0495, respectively), while the luminal area was not significantly different (P = 0.2752). Conclusions: After treatment for PIOL, the EDI-OCT images showed a thinner choroid, and binarization of the EDI-OCT images showed significantly decreased interstitial areas compared with the luminal areas. The binarized EDI-OCT images can provide useful information on choroidal structure in eyes with PIOL, and combining these images with intraocular interleukin levels or fundus autofluorescence images should provide valuable information for determining the PIOL activity


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    Purpose: To investigate the choroidal structures in the enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomographic images in eyes with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and to determine correlations between the choroidal structures and visual functions. Methods: The enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomographic images of 100 eyes with typical RP and 60 age-, sex-, and axial length–matched normal eyes were binarized using ImageJ. The cross-sectional luminal and stromal areas of the inner and outer subfoveal choroid of 1,500-µm width were measured. The inner choroid included the choriocapillaris and medium vessel layer, and the outer choroid included the larger vessel layer. Results: In the inner choroid, the luminal area and the ratio of luminal/total choroidal area (L/C ratio) were significantly smaller in RP than in controls (P = 0.010, P < 0.001, respectively), whereas the stromal area was not significantly different (P = 0.114). The inner choroidal L/C ratio was significantly correlated with the best-corrected visual acuity, mean deviation, foveal sensitivity, width of the ellipsoid zone, and central foveal thickness in RP after adjusting for the axial length, age, and sex (all P < 0.005). Conclusion: The significant correlations between the inner choroidal structures and the visual functions and retinal structures indicate that the choroidal structures are altered in association with the progression of RP

    ミギテユビ ニ キュウソクニ エソセイ ビョウヘン オ ショウジタ コウリンシシツ コウタイ ショウコウグン ノ 1レイ

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    A 77‐year‐old female was referred to our clinic in July 4,2008 with a week history of rapidly progressive necrotic skin lesions on her right fingers. She had been under treatments of mixed connective tissue disease(MCTD)since 1991. Laboratory findings revealed prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time(aPTT)and the presence of lupus anticoagulant. We diagnosed this case as MCTD followed by antiphospholipid syndrome(APS). After the treatment of Prostaglangin E1and Sarpogrelate hydrochloride, low dose of oral aspirin was started. Necrotic lesions of her fingers improved gradually, and she was discharged in September21. APS should be considered when we see rapidly progressive necrotic skin lesions on patients with collagen deseases

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Infective Endocarditis from Furuncle with Meningitis Complication Caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) may be acquired in the community as community-acquired (CA) IE or in the healthcare setting. In Japan, cases of CA-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection as skin infection have been increasing. CA-MRSA strains, including the USA300 clone, have higher pathogenicity and are more destructive to tissue than healthcare-associated MRSA strains because of the toxins they produce, including arginine-catabolic mobile element (ACME) and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). However, only a few IE cases induced by USA300 have been reported. We herein report a 64-year-old man who developed CA-IE from a furuncle caused by USA300 MRSA producing PVL and ACME, which resulted in complications of meningitis