4 research outputs found

    Effect of fiber content and their hybridization on bending and torsional strength of hybrid epoxy composites reinforced with carbon and sugar palm fibers

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of fiber hybridization of sugar palm yarn fiber with carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites. In this work, sugar palm yarn composites were reinforced with epoxy at varying fiber loads of 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt % using the hand lay-up process. The hybrid composites were fabricated from two types of fabric: sugar palm yarn of 250 tex and carbon fiber as the reinforcements, and epoxy resin as the matrix. The ratios of 85: 15 and 80: 20 were selected for the ratio between the matrix and reinforcement in the hybrid composite. The ratios of 50: 50 and 60: 40 were selected for the ratio between sugar palm yarn and carbon fiber. The mechanical properties of the composites were characterized according to the flexural test (ASTM D790) and torsion test (ASTM D5279). It was found that the increasing flexural and torsion properties of the non-hybrid composite at fiber loading of 15 wt % were 7.40% and 75.61%, respectively, compared to other fiber loading composites. For hybrid composites, the experimental results reveal that the highest flexural and torsion properties were achieved at the ratio of 85/15 reinforcement and 60/40 for the fiber ratio of hybrid sugar palm yarn/carbon fiber-reinforced composites. The results from this study suggest that the hybrid composite has a better performance regarding both flexural and torsion properties. The different ratio between matrix and reinforcement has a significant effect on the performance of sugar palm composites. It can be concluded that this type of composite can be utilized for beam, construction applications, and automotive components that demand high flexural strength and high torsional forces

    I - AQRAN Module Construction for Arabic Vocabulary Consolidation: a Needs Analysis

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    This is a study of phased needs analysis that is aimed at identifying the needs for the construction of Modul i - AQRAN in consolidating the Arabic vocabulary mastery among students in one of the public universities in Kelantan. Learning Arabic vocabulary using interactivity, also known as peer-tutoring Arabic vocabulary learning method (Aqrān: Arabic), is through the use of interactive multimedia. This in-depth analysis uses survey design and data analysis through a quantitative approach. The sampling techniques used in this study were stratified random sampling because of the uneven population size and also simple random sampling. The total population of 3600 people yielded a sample size of 346 people. This study also used a set of a questionnaire as a research instrument. Before the actual questionnaire was administered to the students. Subsequently, a pilot questionnaire was conducted on 30 students to gain the “Cronbach Alpha” reliability. Once the pilot study's data was confirmed, the actual study was then carried out on the sample of the study. The data were analyzed using a descriptive statistic that involved mean analysis and standard deviation. The findings show that there is a positive response to interactive Arabic learning in the classroom whereby students feel comfortable learning with friends and work with other friends to complete the assignment. Moreover, this interactivity-based technique used in learning Arabic vocabulary in the classroom has shown a high positive response where students ask friends about new words. On the other hand, the skills that are needed in Arabic interactive learning show that students give high positive responses towards Youtube/ video application and learning web sites and software for interactive learning. In conclusion, the findings of this phased needs analysis can be reinforced as inclusive elements in the design phase and the construction of the i - AQRAN Module in consolidating Arabic vocabulary among the students

    Wpływ zawartości i hybrydyzacji włókien na wytrzymałość na zginanie oraz skręcanie hybrydowych kompozytów epoksydowych wzmocnionych włóknami węglowymi i włóknami palmy cukrowej

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of fiber hybridization of sugar palm yarn fiber with carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites. In this work, sugar palm yarn composites were reinforced with epoxy at varying fiber loads of 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt % using the hand lay-up process. The hybrid composites were fabricated from two types of fabric: sugar palm yarn of 250 tex and carbon fiber as the reinforcements, and epoxy resin as the matrix. The ratios of 85 : 15 and 80 : 20 were selected for the ratio between the matrix and reinforcement in the hybrid composite. The ratios of 50 : 50 and 60 : 40 were selected for the ratio between sugar palm yarn and carbon fiber. The mechanical properties of the composites were characterized according to the flexural test (ASTM D790) and torsion test (ASTM D5279). It was found that the increasing flexural and torsion properties of the non-hybrid composite at fiber loading of 15 wt % were 7.40% and 75.61%, respectively, compared to other fiber loading composites. For hybrid composites, the experimental results reveal that the highest flexural and torsion properties were achieved at the ratio of 85/15 reinforcement and 60/40 for the fiber ratio of hybrid sugar palm yarn/carbon fiber-reinforced composites. The results from this study suggest that the hybrid composite has a better performance regarding both flexural and torsion properties. The different ratio between matrix and reinforcement has a significant effect on the performance of sugar palm composites. It can be concluded that this type of composite can be utilized for beam, construction applications, and automotive components that demand high flexural strength and high torsional forces.Zbadano wpływ dodatku przędzy z włókien palmy cukrowej o grubości 250 tex na wytrzymałość kompozytów epoksydowych wzmocnionych włóknem węglowym. Sumaryczna zawartość włókien w osnowie żywicy epoksydowej była równa 5, 10, 15 i 20% mas., a stosunek udziału przędzy palmy cukrowej do włókna węglowego wynosił 50 : 50 i 60 : 40. Właściwości mechaniczne kompozytów hybrydowych o stosunku osnowy do wzmocnienia 85 : 15 i 80 : 20 scharakteryzowano na podstawie testów na zginanie i skręcanie. Stwierdzono, że wytrzymałość na zginanie i skręcanie kompozytu epoksydowego z udziałem 15% mas. przędzy palmy cukrowej była większa niż pozostałych kompozytów niehybrydowych i wynosiła, odpowiednio, 7,40% i 75,61%. W wypadku kompozytów hybrydowych stwierdzono, że najlepszą wytrzymałość na zginanie i skręcanie wykazywały kompozyty z udziałem 15% mas. wzmocnienia w stosunku 60 : 40 włókien palmy cukrowej do włókien węglowych. Różna zawartość włókien wzmacniających w osnowie epoksydowej miała istotny wpływ na właściwości wytwarzanych kompozytów. Kompozyty tego rodzaju można wykorzystać do budowy elementów konstrukcyjnych i motoryzacyjnych, o dużej wytrzymałości na zginanie i działanie sił skręcających