14 research outputs found

    Identifying inhibitory compounds in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates using an exometabolomics approach

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    BACKGROUND: Inhibitors are formed that reduce the fermentation performance of fermenting yeast during the pretreatment process of lignocellulosic biomass. An exometabolomics approach was applied to systematically identify inhibitors in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates. RESULTS: We studied the composition and fermentability of 24 different biomass hydrolysates. To create diversity, the 24 hydrolysates were prepared from six different biomass types, namely sugar cane bagasse, corn stover, wheat straw, barley straw, willow wood chips and oak sawdust, and with four different pretreatment methods, i.e. dilute acid, mild alkaline, alkaline/peracetic acid and concentrated acid. Their composition and that of fermentation samples generated with these hydrolysates were analyzed with two GC-MS methods. Either ethyl acetate extraction or ethyl chloroformate derivatization was used before conducting GC-MS to prevent sugars are overloaded in the chromatograms, which obscure the detection of less abundant compounds. Using multivariate PLS-2CV and nPLS-2CV data analysis models, potential inhibitors were identified through establishing relationship between fermentability and composition of the hydrolysates. These identified compounds were tested for their effects on the growth of the model yeast, Saccharomyces. cerevisiae CEN.PK 113-7D, confirming that the majority of the identified compounds were indeed inhibitors. CONCLUSION: Inhibitory compounds in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates were successfully identified using a non-targeted systematic approach: metabolomics. The identified inhibitors include both known ones, such as furfural, HMF and vanillin, and novel inhibitors, namely sorbic acid and phenylacetaldehyde

    Negative and positive selection pressure during sexual transmission of transmitted founder HIV-1

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    Sexual transmission of HIV-1 consists of processes that exert either positive or negative selection pressure on the virus. The sum of these selection pressures lead to the transmission of only one specific HIV-1 strain, termed the transmitted founder virus. Different dendritic cell subsets are abundantly present at mucosal sites and, interestingly, these DC subsets exert opposite pressure on viral selection during sexual transmission. In this review we describe receptors and cellular compartments in DCs that are involved in HIV-1 communication leading to either viral restriction by the host or further dissemination to establish a long-lived reservoir. We discuss the current understanding of host antiretroviral restriction factors against HIV-1 and specifically against the HIV-1 transmitted founder virus. We will also discuss potential clinical implications for exploiting these intrinsic restriction factors in developing novel therapeutic targets. A better understanding of these processes might help in developing strategies against HIV-1 infections by targeting dendritic cells

    Mucosal Dendritic Cell Subsets Control HIV-1's Viral Fitness

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    Dendritic cell (DC) subsets are abundantly present in genital and intestinal mucosal tissue and are among the first innate immune cells that encounter human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) after sexual contact. Although DCs have specific characteristics that greatly enhance HIV-1 transmission, it is becoming evident that most DC subsets also have virus restriction mechanisms that exert selective pressure on the viruses during sexual transmission. In this review we discuss the current concepts of the immediate events following viral exposure at genital mucosal sites that lead to selection of specific HIV-1 variants called transmitted founder (TF) viruses. We highlight the importance of the TF HIV-1 phenotype and the role of different DC subsets in establishing infection. Understanding the biology of HIV-1 transmission will contribute to the design of novel treatment strategies preventing HIV-1 dissemination

    The Nef Protein of the Macrophage Tropic HIV-1 Strain AD8 Counteracts Human BST-2/Tetherin

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    Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 2 (BST-2)/tetherin inhibits the release of numerous enveloped viruses by physically tethering nascent particles to infected cells during the process of viral budding from the cell surface. Tetherin also restricts human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and pandemic main (M) group HIV type 1s (HIV-1s) are thought to rely exclusively on their Vpu proteins to overcome tetherin-mediated restriction of virus release. However, at least one M group HIV-1 strain, the macrophage-tropic primary AD8 isolate, is unable to express Vpu due to a mutation in its translation initiation codon. Here, using primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs), we show that AD8 Nef protein can compensate for the absence of Vpu and restore virus release to wild type levels. We demonstrate that HIV-1 AD8 Nef reduces endogenous cell surface tetherin levels, physically separating it from the site of viral budding, thus preventing HIV retention. Mechanistically, AD8 Nef enhances internalisation of the long isoform of human tetherin, leading to perinuclear accumulation of the restriction factor. Finally, we show that Nef proteins from other HIV strains also display varying degrees of tetherin antagonism. Overall, we show that M group HIV-1s can use an accessory protein other than Vpu to antagonise human tetherin

    Sexually transmitted hepatitis C virus infections: current trends, and recent advances in understanding the spread in men who have sex with men

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    Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health threat. Although the recent availability of highly effective directly acting antivirals created optimism towards HCV elimination, there is ongoing transmission of HCV in men who have sex with men (MSM). We here report current epidemiological trends and synthesise evidence on behavioural, network, cellular and molecular host factors associated with sexual transmission of HCV, in particular the role of HIV-1 co-infection. We discuss prevention opportunities focusing on the potential of HCV treatment. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, fact sheets from health professional bodies and conference abstracts using appropriate keywords to identify and select relevant reports. Results and discussion: Recent studies strongly suggest that HCV is transmitted via sexual contact in HIV-positive MSM and more recently in HIV-negative MSM eligible for or on pre-exposure prophylaxis. The reinfection risk following clearance is about 10 times the risk of primary infection. International connectedness of MSM transmission networks might contribute to ongoing reinfection. Some of these networks might overlap with networks of people who inject drugs. Although, the precise mechanisms facilitating sexual transmission remain unclear, damage to the mucosal barrier in the rectum could increase susceptibility. Mucosal dendritic cell subsets could increase HCV susceptibility by retaining HCV and transmitting the virus to other cells, allowing egress into blood and liver. Early identification of new HCV infections is important to prevent onward transmission, but early diagnosis of acute HCV infection and prompt treatment is hampered by the slow rate of HCV antibody seroconversion, which in rare cases may take more than a year. Novel tests such as testing for HCV core antigen might facilitate early diagnosis. Conclusions: High-risk sexual behaviour, network characteristics, co-infection with sexually transmitted infections like HIV-1 and other concomitant bacterial and viral sexually transmitted infections are important factors that lead to HCV spread. Targeted and combined prevention efforts including effective behavioural interventions and scale-up of HCV testing and treatment are required to halt HCV transmission in MSM

    HIV-1 subverts the complement system in semen to enhance viral transmission

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    Semen is important in determining HIV-1 susceptibility but it is unclear how it affects virus transmission during sexual contact. Mucosal Langerhans cells (LCs) are the first immune cells to encounter HIV-1 during sexual contact and have a barrier function as LCs are restrictive to HIV-1. As semen from people living with HIV-1 contains complement-opsonized HIV-1, we investigated the effect of complement on HIV-1 dissemination by human LCs in vitro and ex vivo. Notably, pre-treatment of HIV-1 with semen enhanced LC infection compared to untreated HIV-1 in the ex vivo explant model. Infection of LCs and transmission to target cells by opsonized HIV-1 was efficiently inhibited by blocking complement receptors CR3 and CR4. Complement opsonization of HIV-1 enhanced uptake, fusion, and integration by LCs leading to an increased transmission of HIV-1 to target cells. However, in the absence of both CR3 and CR4, C-type lectin receptor langerin was able to restrict infection of complement-opsonized HIV-1. These data suggest that complement enhances HIV-1 infection of LCs by binding CR3 and CR4, thereby bypassing langerin and changing the restrictive nature of LCs into virus-disseminating cells. Targeting complement factors might be effective in preventing HIV-1 transmission

    Syndecan 4 Upregulation on Activated Langerhans Cells Counteracts Langerin Restriction to Facilitate Hepatitis C Virus Transmission

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    Sexually transmitted Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections and high reinfections are a major concern amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV-1 and HIV-negative MSM. Immune activation and/or HIV-1 coinfection enhance HCV susceptibility via sexual contact, suggesting that changes in immune cells or external factors are involved in increased susceptibility. Activation of anal mucosal Langerhans cells (LCs) has been implicated in increased HCV susceptibility as activated but not immature LCs efficiently retain and transmit HCV to other cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of transmission remains unclear. Here we identified the Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Syndecan 4 as the molecular switch, controlling HCV transmission by LCs. Syndecan 4 was highly upregulated upon activation of LCs and interference with Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans or silencing of Syndecan 4 abrogated HCV transmission. These data strongly suggest that Syndecan 4 mediates HCV transmission by activated LCs. Notably, our data also identified the C-type lectin receptor langerin as a restriction factor for HCV infection and transmission. Langerin expression abrogated HCV infection in HCV permissive cells, whereas langerin expression on the Syndecan 4 expressing cell line strongly decreased HCV transmission to a target hepatoma cell line. These data suggest that the balanced interplay between langerin restriction and Syndecan 4 transmission determines HCV dissemination. Silencing of langerin enhanced HCV transmission whereas silencing Syndecan 4 on activated LCs decreased transmission. Blocking Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans abrogated HCV transmission by LCs ex vivo identifying Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans and Syndecan 4 as potential targets to prevent sexual transmission of HCV. Thus, our data strongly suggest that the interplay between receptors promotes or restricts transmission and further indicate that Syndecan 4 is the molecular switch controlling HCV susceptibility after sexual contact.status: publishe

    Syndecan 4 Upregulation on Activated Langerhans Cells Counteracts Langerin Restriction to Facilitate Hepatitis C Virus Transmission

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    Sexually transmitted Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections and high reinfections are a major concern amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV-1 and HIV-negative MSM. Immune activation and/or HIV-1 coinfection enhance HCV susceptibility via sexual contact, suggesting that changes in immune cells or external factors are involved in increased susceptibility. Activation of anal mucosal Langerhans cells (LCs) has been implicated in increased HCV susceptibility as activated but not immature LCs efficiently retain and transmit HCV to other cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanism of transmission remains unclear. Here we identified the Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Syndecan 4 as the molecular switch, controlling HCV transmission by LCs. Syndecan 4 was highly upregulated upon activation of LCs and interference with Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans or silencing of Syndecan 4 abrogated HCV transmission. These data strongly suggest that Syndecan 4 mediates HCV transmission by activated LCs. Notably, our data also identified the C-type lectin receptor langerin as a restriction factor for HCV infection and transmission. Langerin expression abrogated HCV infection in HCV permissive cells, whereas langerin expression on the Syndecan 4 expressing cell line strongly decreased HCV transmission to a target hepatoma cell line. These data suggest that the balanced interplay between langerin restriction and Syndecan 4 transmission determines HCV dissemination. Silencing of langerin enhanced HCV transmission whereas silencing Syndecan 4 on activated LCs decreased transmission. Blocking Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans abrogated HCV transmission by LCs ex vivo identifying Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans and Syndecan 4 as potential targets to prevent sexual transmission of HCV. Thus, our data strongly suggest that the interplay between receptors promotes or restricts transmission and further indicate that Syndecan 4 is the molecular switch controlling HCV susceptibility after sexual contact

    C-Type Lectin Receptors in Antiviral Immunity and Viral Escape

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    C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are important pattern recognition receptors involved in recognition and induction of adaptive immunity to pathogens. Certain CLRs play an important role in viral infections as they efficiently interact with viruses. However, it has become clear that deadly viruses subvert the function of CLRs to escape antiviral immunity and promote infection. In particular, viruses target CLRs to suppress or modulate type I interferons that play a central role in the innate and adaptive defense against viruses. In this review, we discuss the function of CLRs in binding to enveloped viruses like HIV-1 and Dengue virus, and how uptake and signaling cascades have decisive effects on the outcome of infection

    Measles skin rash: Infection of lymphoid and myeloid cells in the dermis precedes viral dissemination to the epidermis.

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    Measles is characterized by fever and a maculopapular skin rash, which is accompanied by immune clearance of measles virus (MV)-infected cells. Histopathological analyses of skin biopsies from humans and non-human primates (NHPs) with measles rash have identified MV-infected keratinocytes and mononuclear cells in the epidermis, around hair follicles and near sebaceous glands. Here, we address the pathogenesis of measles skin rash by combining data from experimentally infected NHPs, ex vivo infection of human skin sheets and in vitro infection of primary human keratinocytes. Analysis of NHP skin samples collected at different time points following MV inoculation demonstrated that infection in the skin precedes onset of rash by several days. MV infection was detected in lymphoid and myeloid cells in the dermis before dissemination to the epidermal leukocytes and keratinocytes. These data were in good concordance with ex vivo MV infections of human skin sheets, in which dermal cells were more targeted than the epidermal cells. To address viral dissemination to the epidermis and to determine whether the dissemination is receptor-dependent, we performed experimental infections of primary keratinocytes collected from healthy donors. These experiments demonstrated that MV infection of keratinocytes is mainly nectin-4-dependent, and differentiated keratinocytes, which express higher levels of nectin-4, are more susceptible to MV infection than proliferating keratinocytes. Based on these data, we propose a model to explain measles skin rash: migrating MV-infected lymphocytes initiate the infection of dermal skin-resident CD150+ immune cells. The infection is subsequently disseminated from the dermal papillae to nectin-4+ keratinocytes in the basal epidermis. Lateral spread of MV infection is observed in the superficial epidermis, most likely due to the higher level of nectin-4 expression on differentiated keratinocytes. Finally, MV-infected cells are cleared by infiltrating immune cells, causing hyperemia and edema, which give the appearance of morbilliform skin rash