16 research outputs found

    Comparison of magnetic resonance with computed tomography angiography for preoperative localization of the Adamkiewicz artery in thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm patients

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    ObjectivePreoperative localization of the Adamkiewicz artery and its segmental supplier in advance of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) repair is proposed to be useful to prevent postoperative paraplegia. The diagnostic potential of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and computed tomography angiography (CTA) was evaluated for the preoperative localization of the Adamkiewicz artery in white TAAA patients.MethodsThirty-nine consecutive patients with a TAA(A) scheduled for elective open surgical aortic repair preoperatively underwent MRA and CTA. Objective image quality was assessed by measuring the signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio of the Adamkiewicz artery and was related to patient thickness. Two independent observers scored the location of the Adamkiewicz artery and the subjective image quality of vessel-background contrast of the Adamkiewicz artery, image noise, spinal cord tissue enhancement, epidural venous enhancement, and overall image quality.ResultsAverage detection rate for Adamkiewicz artery localization was 71% (67% to 74%) for CTA and 97% (94% to 100%) for MRA. Interobserver agreement was 82% for CTA and 94% for MRA. Signal-to-noise ratio was significantly higher (P < .001) and contrast-to-noise ratio was significantly (P < .001) lower for CTA than for MRA. Contrast of the Adamkiewicz artery (P < .001) and overall image quality (P < .004) were judged to be significantly better for MRA. Spinal cord tissue enhancement was judged stronger at CTA (P < .03), with significantly less epidural venous enhancement (P < .001). No significant difference was found in image noise. Signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise decreased significantly (P < .001) with increasing patient thickness for CTA but not for MRA.ConclusionsLocalization of the Adamkiewicz artery in white TAAA patients is possible with both CTA and MRA. Compared with CTA, MRA is more favorable because of the higher Adamkiewicz artery detection rate, the higher contrast-to-noise ratio, and its independence of patient thickness

    Электродуговая атмосферная переработка пищевых полимеров в наноразмерный углеродный порошок

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    ObjectiveParaplegia after thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) repair mainly occurs in patients with Crawford extent I and II. We assessed the impact of monitoring spinal cord integrity and the subsequent adjusted surgical maneuvers on neurologic outcome in repairs of type I and II TAAAs.MethodsSurgical repair of TAAAs was performed in 112 consecutive patients with extent type I (n = 42) and type II (n = 70) aneurysms. The surgical protocol included cerebrospinal fluid drainage, moderate hypothermia, and left heart bypass with selective organ perfusion. Spinal cord function was assessed by means of monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs). Significant decreased MEPs always generated adjustments, including raising distal aortic and mean arterial pressure, reattachment of visible intercostal arteries, or endarterectomy of the excluded aortic segment with revascularization of back bleeding intercostal arteries.ResultsMotor evoked potential monitoring could be achieved in all patients. By maintaining a mean distal aortic pressure of 60 mm Hg, MEPs were adequate in 82% of patients. Increasing distal aortic pressure restored MEPs in all patients. In 19 patients (17%), MEPs decreased significantly during aortic cross-clamping because of critical spinal cord ischemia. MEPs returned in all patients after spinal cord blood flow was re-established except in three patients with type II TAAA in whom MEPs could not be restored, and absent MEPs at the end of the procedure corresponded with neurologic deficit. Delayed paraplegia developed in two patients owing to hemodynamic instability with insufficient mean arterial blood pressure to maintain adequate spinal cord perfusion.ConclusionMonitoring MEPs is a highly reliable technique to assess spinal cord ischemia during TAAA repair. A surgical protocol including cerebrospinal fluid drainage, left heart bypass, and monitoring of MEPs can reduce the paraplegia rate significantly. Adjusted hemodynamic and surgical strategies induced by changes in MEPs could restore spinal cord ischemia in most patients, preventing early and late paraplegia in all type I patients. In type II patients, early paraplegia occurred in 4.2% and delayed neurologic deficit in 2.9%. Despite all available measures, complete prevention of paraplegia in type II aneurysms seems to be unrealistic

    Пристрій "СПРУТ" для концентрування розчиненого Cs¹³⁷ з використанням целюлозно-неорганічних сорбентів типу "БІФЕЖ"

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    В основу розробки пристрою покладено модифікацію методу лабораторної підготовки на сорбенті типу «ФЕЖЕЛ» («АНФЕЖ», «БІФЕЖ») зразка для радіонуклідного аналізу на γ-спектрометрі проб водного середовища на вміст іонів Cs¹³⁷. Методичними особливостями даної модифікації є те, що сорбент упаковують у патрон-колонку з нержавіючої сталі, робочий об’єм якої 0,08 дм³, і процес сорбції відбувається за допомогою примусового (вакуумного всмоктування) прокачування фільтрату проби через патрон із сорбентом.В основу принципа работы устройства положена модификация методов получения аналитического образца на сорбенте типа «ФЕЖЕЛ» для радиоизотопного анализа на γ-спектрометре проб водной среды на содержание ионов Cs¹³⁷. Методическими особенностями данного устройства является то, что сорбент помещается в патрон-колонку из пищевой нержавеющей стали (полезный объем 0,08 дм³), процесс сорбции происходит при прохождении раствора пробы через патрон с сорбентом посредством вакуумного всасывания

    Uterine Artery Embolization in Patients with a Large Fibroid Burden: Long-Term Clinical and MR Follow-up

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    Uterine artery embolization (UAE) in patients with a large fibroid burden is controversial. Anecdotal reports describe serious complications and limited clinical results. We report the long-term clinical and magnetic resonance (MR) results in a large series of women with a dominant fibroid of >10 cm and/or an uterine volume of >700 cm3. Seventy-one consecutive patients (mean age, 42.5 years; median, 40 years; range, 25–52 years) with a large fibroid burden were treated by UAE between August 2000 and April 2005. Volume reduction and infarction rate of dominant fibroid and uterus were assessed by comparing the baseline and latest follow-up MRIs. Patients were clinically followed at various time intervals after UAE with standardized questionnaires. There were no serious complications of UAE. During a mean follow-up of 48 months (median, 59 months; range, 6–106 months), 10 of 71 patients (14%) had a hysterectomy. Mean volume reduction of the fibroid and uterus was 44 and 43%. Mean infarction rate of the fibroid and overall fibroid infarction rate was 86 and 87%. In the vast majority of patients there was a substantial improvement of symptoms. Clinical results were similar in patients with a dominant fibroid >10 cm and in patients with large uterine volumes by diffuse fibroid disease. In conclusion, our results indicate that the risk of serious complications after UAE in patients with a large fibroid burden is not increased. Moreover, clinical long-term results are as good as in other patients who are treated with UAE. Therefore, a large fibroid burden should not be considered a contraindication for UAE

    Non-invasive magnetic resonance-guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of a vascular malformation in the lower extremity : a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Therapy of choice for symptomatic vascular malformations consists of surgery, sclerotherapy, or embolization. However, these techniques are invasive with possible complications and require hospitalization. We present a novel non-invasive technique, i.e., magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MR-HIFU) ablation, for the treatment of a vascular malformation in a patient. This technique applies high-intensity sound waves transcutaneously to the body and is fully non-invasive. MRI guidance is the novel aspect of HIFU treatments and is used for exquisite delineation and localization of the lesion and accurate real-time temperature monitoring during tissue ablation. MR-HIFU is a well-established treatment option for uterine fibroids and is currently being investigated for, e.g., bone tumors, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and liver cancer. MR-HIFU of vascular malformations has not been a topic of research yet. CASE DESCRIPTION: Volumetric MR-HIFU ablation of a vascular malformation in the lower extremity of an 18-year-old male patient was performed. Temperatures of 62-80 °C were reached in the target lesion with sonications of 4 × 4 × 8 mm using powers of 200 W for 30 % of the tumor volume. After 13 months, pain score was reduced to <2 after extreme exertion for several hours and to 0 for daily activities. DISCUSSION AND EVALUATION: Radiofrequency ablation and cryoablation are minimally invasive techniques that have been tried on low-flow vascular malformations with inconsistent results. Furthermore, both techniques require probe insertion, which is associated with risks of wound infection and hospitalization. Since MR-HIFU is truly non-invasive, these risks are negligible. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we reported a successful non-invasive treatment of a vascular malformation with MR-HIFU in a clinical patient including long-term follow-up data for the first time. The patient reported qualitatively sustained pain reduction up to 13 months post treatment

    Volumetric MR-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound with Direct Skin Cooling for the Treatment of Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids : Proof-of-Concept Study

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    Objective. To prospectively assess the safety and technical feasibility of volumetric magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MR-HIFU) ablation with direct skin cooling (DISC) during treatment of uterine fibroids. Methods. In this proof-of-concept study, eight patients were consecutively selected for clinical MR-HIFU ablation of uterine fibroids with the use of an additional DISC device to maintain a constant temperature (T ≈ 20°C) at the interface between the HIFU table top and the skin. Technical feasibility was verified by successful completion of MR-HIFU ablation. Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI was used to measure the treatment effect (nonperfused volume (NPV) ratio). Safety was evaluated by recording of adverse events (AEs) within 30 days' follow-up. Results. All MR-HIFU treatments were successfully completed in an outpatient setting. The median NPV ratio was 0.56 (IQR [0.27-0.72]). Immediately after treatment, two patients experienced coldness related discomfort which resolved at the same day. No serious (device-related) AEs were reported. Specifically, no skin burns, cold injuries, or subcutaneous edema were observed. Conclusion. This study showed that it is safe and technically feasible to complete a volumetric MR-HIFU ablation with DISC. This technique may reduce the risk of thermal injury to the abdominal wall during MR-HIFU ablation of uterine fibroids. This trial is registered with NTR4189