703 research outputs found

    Modality-specific Affective Responses and their Implications for Affective BCI

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    Reliable applications of multimodal affective brain-computer interfaces (aBCI) require a detailed understanding of the processes involved in emotions. To explore the modality-specific nature of affective responses, we studied neurophysiological responses of 24 subjects during visual, auditory, and audiovisual affect stimulation and obtained their subjective ratings. Coherent with literature, we found modality-specific responses in the EEG: parietal alpha power decreases during visual stimulation and increases during auditory stimulation, whereas more anterior alpha power decreases during auditory stimulation and increases during visual stimulation. We discuss the implications of these results for multimodal aBCI

    Determinants of caregiving experiences and mental health of partners of cancer patients

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    BACKGROUND. Research regarding informal caregiving showed considerable individual variation in responses to cancer caregiving. The current longitudinal study examined determinants of caregiver outcomes in terms of caregiver experiences at 3 months and caregiver's mental health at 6 months after hospital discharge. It included both negative and positive dimensions of caregiving outcomes.METHODS. One hundred forty-eight patients with newly diagnosed colorectal carcinoma and their partners were included. Caregiver experiences were assessed by the Caregiver Reaction Assessment Scale, which contains four negative subscales (disrupted schedule, financial problems, lack of family support, and loss of physical strength) and one positive subscale (self-esteem). The mental health of the caregiver was assessed in terms of depression and quality of life. Possible determinants of the caregiver's experiences and mental health were categorized according to characteristics of the caregiver, the patient, and the care situation. Caregiving experiences were studied as a fourth additional category of possible determinants of the caregiver's mental health.RESULTS. Each domain of the caregiving experience was explained by different factors, with total explained variances ranging between 11-46%. Negative caregiver experiences were associated with a low income, living with only the patient, a distressed relationship, a high level of patient dependency, and a high involvement in caregiving tasks. Caregivers with a low level of education and caregivers of patients with a stoma were able to derive more self-esteem from caregiving. Although caregiving may lead to depression, especially in those experiencing loss of physical strength, caregivers may sustain their quality of life by deriving self-esteem from caregiving.CONCLUSIONS. It is important that professionals involved in the ongoing care of cancer patients and their families be aware of the increasing demands made on caregivers and the specific problems and uplifts they perceive in caregiving. Professional caregivers are urged to involve informal caregivers with care explicitly and continuously. However, specific attention to those caregivers who live only with the patient, those with a low income, those with a distressed relationship, and those with a high level of patient dependency and care involvement is warranted. Cancer 1999;86:577-88. (C) 1999 American Cancer Society.</p

    Дуга нестабильности в украинской геополитике

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    Статья посвящена проблеме формирования геополитического вектора современной Украины. В статье показаны негативные, фактически кризисные явления и процессы в государственном строительстве Украины. Украина - рубежная страна между современным Западом и Востоком. Усиливающееся противостояние Запада и России может привести к расколу украинского общества и государства в целом. Устремленность политиков страны в сторону Запада несет восточнославянским народам огромный вред. Происходит подмена решения жизненноважных экономических проблем политическими акциями, направленными на раскол восточнославянских народов. Украина по воле ее руководителей становится организатором антироссийской политики в современных условиях. Попытки продвинуть идеи "оранжевой революции" при поддержке США на Восток не увенчались успехом, но наносят огромный экономический и иной вред государству и всему украинскому народу.Стаття присвячена проблемі формування геополітичного вектора Сучасної України. В статті показані негативні, фактично кризові явища і процеси в державному будівництві України. Україна - країна рубежу між сучасним Заходом і Сходом. Протистояння Заходу і Росії, що посилюється, може привести до розколу українського суспільства і держави в цілому. Спрямованість політиків країни у бік Заходу несе східно-слов'янським народам величезну шкоду. Відбувається підміна рішення життєважливих економічних проблем політичними акціями, направленими на розкол східнослов'янських народів. України по волі її керівників стає організатором антиросійської політики в сучасних умовах. Спроби просунути ідеї "оранжевої революції" при підтримці США на схід не увінчалися успіхом, але наносять величезний економічний і інша шкода державі та всьому українському народу.The article is devoted to the problem of forming of geopolitical vector of Modern Ukraine. The negative, actually crisis phenomena and processes in state building of Ukraine are shown in the article. Ukraine is a border country between modern the West and the East. Increasing opposition of the West and Russia can result in the dissidence of Ukrainian society and state on the whole. The tendency of politicians of country toward the West carries enormous harm to the east Slavonic people. There is substitution of decision economic problems by the political actions directed on the dissidence of eastslavonic people. Ukraine on will of its leaders becomes the organizer of anti-russian policy in modern terms. Attempts to move forward the ideas of "orange revolution" at support of the USA east were not crowned by success, but inflict enormous economic and other harm to the state to all Ukrainian people

    Vocational perspectives after spinal cord injury

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    Objective: To give insight into the vocational situation several years after a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) and describe the personal experiences and unmet needs; to give an overview of health and functional status per type of SCI and their relationship with employment status. Design: Descriptive analysis of data from a questionnaire. Setting: Dutch rehabilitation centre with special department for patients with spinal cord injuries. Subjects: Fifty-seven patients with a traumatic SCI, aged 18-60 years, admitted to the rehabilitation centre from 1990 to 1998. Main measures: Questionnaire with items related to vocational outcome, job experiences, health and functional status. Results: Of 49 patients who were working at the moment of SCI 60% currently had a paid job. Vocational outcome was related to a higher educational level. A significant relation between the SCI-specific health and functional status and employment was not found. The respondents who changed to a new employer needed more time to resume work, but seemed more satisfied with the job and lost fewer working hours than those who resumed work with the same employer. In spite of reasonable to good satisfaction with the current work situation, several negative experiences and unmet needs were reported. Conclusions: Despite a high participation in paid work following SCI, the effort of the disabled worker to have and keep a job should not be underestimated

    Історичне краєзнавство як складова національної освіти: теоретичний аспект

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    Аналізується процес утвердження історичного краєзнавства в системі національної освіти. Розглядаються теоретичні питання про предмет, об’єкт і завдання історичного краєзнавства. Акцентується увага на виховній і консолідуючій функції історичного краєзнавства в процесі відродження української нації.Анализируется процесс становления исторического краеведения в системе национального образования. Рассматриваются теоретические вопросы о предмете, объекте и задачах исторического краеведения. Внимание акцентируется на воспитательной и консолидирующей функциях исторического краеведения в процессе возрождения украинской нации.The processes of the formation of the local history studies in the system of the national education had been analyzed. The theoretical aspects of the objects and tasks of the local history studies had been shown. The educational and consolidation functions of the local history studies in the Ukrainian national resurrection process had been pointed